A Plan For Hybrid Cloud Implementation For MetaSoft Ltd

Benefits of AWS architecture

Cloud computing is among the main technology of this time and has a great role in improving the working of the IT sectors. In order to cope up with the demand of market, every organization needs to transfer their system to cloud system for enhancement of work. The report aims at discuss a plan that will help the Meta Soft limited in managing the risk associated with their organization. The report will describe the best architecture for the organization so that they can adopt hybrid cloud computing in their system. The benefits and the issues that will arise with the implementation of these technology is also going to be discussed in this report. The report will assess all the risks that are associated with the hybrid loud and Microservices. The systems involved within the information security will also be described in these report.

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 MetaSoft Ltd needs to adopt an architecture that will help in meeting the board’s strategy of transferring the system to hybrid cloud. The best architecture that will suitable for the organization is to develop Amazon web service within the organization. AWS will turn to be very much beneficial for the organization. The main concern that arises with the implementation of the hybrid cloud is the importance and the need of hardware and software (Luna ET AL., 2017). These becomes very much necessary to choose an appropriate cloud provider who will help the organization in utilizing the service to its fullest. The benefits offered by the AWS architecture are:

Security: The security provided by the AWS is much more than the other architectures. The data stored within this architecture is very much secured. The data gets encrypted and thus provides better security. It also prevents unauthorized persons from accessing the documents.

Complete control: the AWS architecture provides full control towards the organization. The organization is allowed to directly root the access and can made interaction with the whole system.

Access: the data stored within the AWS can be accessed at any time. These means that data is accessible to all the authorized members at any time of they want. This is the major advantage of adopting AWS architecture within the organization (Niu et al., 2015). In addition to this the data retrieval is also easier with his architecture.

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There are several types of risk associated with the concept of hybrid cloud and implementation of micro services (Laudon & Laudon, 2016). This section of the report will discuss the risk that are associated with the implementation of this technology in the form of tabular columns.

Microservicee strategy

Hybrid cloud


Provides Cloud Security

Data is kept in a synchronized way.

Loss of overall control of the data




Data is managed in a proper way.

Provides proper Monitoring

Latency and bandwidth

Data mustiness

Failure and disaster recovery is possible

Logging and debugging

Architecture design of the IT

Risks associated with hybrid cloud and Microservices

The different types of risk factors that are associated with the implemenat5ion of hybrid cloud computing are as follows:

Privacy: The privacy for the data stored within the hybrid cloud is one of the major concern for every organization every organization will prefer a system that is reliable and provides better facility with the privacy concept. But there are several loopholes from where the data can be leaked within the organization (Moro,  Cortez & Rita, 2015). The hackers takes the advantage of these loopholes and retrieves all the data from the system.

Unauthorized access: Whenever an unauthorized person tries to access the data stored within the system becomes a matter of serious concern. As accessing data without the permission of the individual is not illegal. The hacker may alter and modify the data according to his need that will eventually end up harming the organization.

Different types of risks that are associated with the use of micro service are as follows:

Data synchronization: the concept of data synchronization is referred to as the concern with the sector of technology implementation. The sector is needed to maintain a good synchronization so the data can be maintained properly.

Debugging: there are several risks that are associated with the hybrid cloud concept. The risks sometimes arises with the internal working of the organization.  This factor states that there are several risks types that are needed to be mitigated.

While storing the data within the system, there are several types of risks that are needed to be considered. There are some risks that arises with the information stored in the system. The main concern arises is from the fact that , each organization stores their important and vital information in the cloud and in case these data gets into wrong hands or to unauthorized persons , it can lead to serious damages. But with implementation of AWS several types of features and security concepts are being introduced for the system, this improves the security for the information (Oliveira, Thomas & Espadanal, 2014).  Thus security control measure becomes one of the important concept and needs to be directly implemented within the premises. The main concerned areas which are needed to be covered includes network security, management of configuration, access control and the data security provided. There is a need to understand the facts and the features that are needed while dealing with the security aspects. Some of the crucial points are as follows:

Security control measures

Network security: The security for the network is very much in order to maintain safety towards the information stored in the system. Implementing firewall within the system will lead to create a private network within the AWS. Another way of enhancing the security is by implementing encryption within the system. Implementing the technique of DDoS can be considered to be a major part that will help in auto scaling process.

Data encryption: the data concept encryption method is used to encrypt the data and is essential for every system. This allows only authenticated person to access the information. There are several data encryption techniques which are used with the AWS, this are SQL, EBS, oracle RDS, Glacier. In addition to this, the AWS also provides some API that helps in protecting the data and also the integrated encryption.

AWS provides a wide range of tools that are used for providing reliable and fast access related to the concept of configuration and access control. This will be beneficial for the organization implementing this. AWS provides all kind of resources that will help in shifting and maintain the configuration while working with the hybrid cloud structure. This sector contains template design and management tools that will help in creation of standards that are already being predefined and is being hardened with the virtual machine for understanding the concept of E2C instances.

The monitoring process is related with the controlling mechanism of the data and information. There are different implementation areas and several risks are associated with this are needed to be mitigated so that it does not affect the organization. In order to avoid the problem, the risk evaluation matrix can be used and implemented in this sector (Hilbrich, Petrlic & Becker, 2015). Risk mitigation plan is needed to implement so that the operations can be performed smoothly. This also involves monitoring on the data stored. With implementing the concept of alert notification one can determine the activity and even in case any hacker tries to hack will get easily tracked.

The system that will be implemented within the organization needs to be maintained properly and the working of the system should be understood by the employees of the organization. System maintenance is one of the important factor that is needed to be taken care. The systems should be maintained ad needs to be updated with time, so that the latest version of the system can be used by the organization. Another aspect that needs high concern is managing the security. It is being highly recommended that the organization needs to maintain high security towards the data stored within the system. As security issues may lead to huge problem and will affect the internal and external working of the organization (Gangwar, Date & Ramaswamy, 2015). The company should always restrict the data access for individuals. That is, only the needed people should be given the authority to access the data, this will prevent the data from getting breached. Another recommendation that will help the organization is to maintain a backup for all the data stored within the organization. This will help to restore the data in case of any data loss occurs or in case of disasters. These recommendation will help to improve the working of organization and will gain more growth.

System maintenance and recommendations

Business community plan is one of the important concept that is needed to be considered as the main technique while working for an organization. The changes that will directly impact the working of the BCP are as follows:

Changes with the software and hardware: the hardware and software’s related with the cloud computing needs to be developed and changed so that the ultimate use of these system can be obtained (Mason et al., 2015). The main aim behind implementing this changes are that it will help to utilize the resources to its maximum.

Change with the backup procedure: there is a need to change the backup procedure as there are several risks that area associated with the backup concept. These will help to maintain and understand the data backup (Fang & Zhang, 2016). The new way will help in storing the data in a better way. The functionality will change with the concept of storing the data and the operation within the hybrid cloud structure.

Personal changes: there is a need to plan the changes that are going to take place within the organization. These will directly impact the operation section of the organization. Training will help to develop changes within the personal behaviour of the employees.  

The SLA management can be recommended to the organization so that they can improve and manage the applications. This will be very much useful and beneficial for the SL monitoring which is basically concerned with performance and the monitoring of critical mission application. The implementation will be beneficial form the IT infrastructure point of view that is relate to the IT sector (Chang, Kuo & Ramachandran, 2016). The concept will be beneficial from different perspective example the monitoring of application, mail sever, database and several other services that are related to the IT sector. There are some advantages of SLA management, this are as follows:

  1. These aims at giving direct support to the idea of best practice done within the industry.
  2. These gives an approach that is standardized and is related to managing the IT resources.
  3. Low TCO and high ROI.
  4. The concept helps in less monitoring, thus it can help in reducing the cost.

The organization has decided to migrate and develop the SWL sever within the organization. This will help in managing the database within the organization (Goyal, 2014). There are some steps that will increase the efficiency of the share point migration, this are as follows:

Migration test: migration test will help to check the factors and the overall transition that are going to take place within the system. These will also determine the benefits that are gained after the migration.

Site inventory: this concept is related to preserving the old system. This can be turned as one of the most beneficial thing as there are different types of need that are related to the customer and may help to gain more support.  These will deal with the need of the clients and will control the working of the system.

Business community plan

There are several steps that are related to the concept of migration, but the critical point is referred to the last step of the migration. This deals with checking the facts and all the demands and also monitors whether the need of the MetaSoft organization is being fulfilled by the migration steps or not. These will also monitor the benefits that will be obtained by implementing this mitigation process.  The database content of the sharepoint is detached from the SQL server in the given part for the sharepoint. These becomes very much necessary for retrieving the data in this sector and also the access sis necessary for this section. The data stored should be kept carefully so that the concept can be easily understood and this will also help in retrieving the data easily without any waste of time (Cleary & Quinn, 016). The issue that is faced is with maintain the data integrity and related p the data security. These is necessary to maintain the security so that the data does not gets revealed to outsider. These becomes very much necessary to maintain the integrity, as it is expected that every organization contains crucial data within the database. Thus this is the main concern of every organization. The flexibility of the data is also another issue that is needed to be understood and overcome. After implementing the concept of the cloud computing it will become very much difficult to get back to the older system. Thus the organization needs to understand the concept clearly before implementing.


  From the above report it can be concluded that implementing hybrid cloud computing system will be beneficial for MetaSoft ltd… The report has discussed several advantages that are offered by the architecture AWS. The risks that are associated with the hybrid cloud and the micro service strategy are being discussed in the report. Thus it can be concluded there are risks associated with every technology and needed to be overcome so that the maximum utilization of the technology can be obtained. With mitigating plans for this risks will help in adopting a better way of AWS.


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