Impact Of Technology On Terrorism: A Study
Definition of Terrorism
From the emergence since the occurance of the second world war, the context of the technology has a geat impact on the development of the threats and the activities related to the terrorism. Access towards the new and the innovative tools of terrorism, the broadening of the market of the terrorist and the advancement of the sophisticated and available technologies related to the computer and the electronic gadgets are some of the various significant factors in the evolving threat of terrorism. With the passing of the time and the acceleration of the technologies, numerous of the innovations related to the gadgets of the technology lie the portability, miniaturization and the increased precision of the weapos together with the technological spin has contributed to the more destructive and the threatening version (Coccia, 2018). In the early periods, the public awareness regarding the development was heightened by the open source materials that was initially used for the design. The advances in the technological innovations have geatly broadened the possibilities of the operation regarding the terrorist group of the current day and have undertake some of the possible significances in the increase of the scale. It is basicall the technology which is basically applied by the terrorist for developing explosive devices destroting the target, the automatic weapon that initiates in intimidating and the dreadful biological weapons that results in the infliction of the mass casulaities and increases the chances of the current days high impact terrorist and furthermore makes the threat towards future violence credible to the mass audience. It is basically a trite but relevant that the impact of technology has effected almost every part of the exstance of the modern human behavior. The research paper highlights the possibility of the impact of the rising innovation in the technology towards the influence of the terrorism and the terrorist attacks.
The research paper outlines the argument regarding the impact or the effect of the risin technology and the technological innovation on the activities related to the terrorism. Starting from the abstract and the introduction of the research paper, the assignment highlights the purpose and the rationale of the research paper, forming the statement of the problems, the questions of the research and the hypothesis of the research. The paper furthermore explains the literature review towards the definition of the variables, discussion of the appropriate methodology to be applied and the expected results of the research paper. In the current times, the role of the technology has imposed and influenced a tremendous impact on the invention of the dreadful and powerful weapons that is mostly used by the terrorist risking and challenging the social structure a a whole (Asongu & Nwachukwu, 2017). Over the course of the last few years and the war related to the attacts related to the terrorist, researchers have dentified some of the major factors like the scio economic conditions and the political conditions as the basic of the root causes for the terrorism. The technological enablers that initiate or influence the terrorism via the widespread acess of the internet , the end to end encrypton and the usage of the virtual private network have made the terroris to initiate some of the new categories of the operations.
Role of Technology in Terrorism
The purpose of this research is to identify problem dealing with the investigation on the statement of tthe impact or the effect of the technology on the increase in the terrorist activities or the use of the technology on the predition and the solution of the terrosrist attacks. In the context of the difficult period, the terrorism os an act of threatening towards the society and the culture towards the global scale (Casey et al., 2018). The global alert regarding the incarese in th terrorist attacks has led the nations of the globe in dreadful fear. The law enforcement agencies and the intelligence agencies through out the world are warning about the possible attacks of the terrorists in the major cities of the developing countries. The purpose of the research paper is to identify the impact or the effect of the risin technology and the technological innovation on the activities related to the terrorism.
The objectives of the research is to understand the impact of the technology on the influence of the terrorism towards the destruction of the world. The research objectives for this study are thus as follows:
- To understand the impact of the technology on the influence of the terrorism
- To find the effect on the terrorism due to the advancement of the technological innovations
- To suggest the use of the technology to identify the measures of the terrorst attacks and prohibit them
- To identify the role or the use of the technological innovation towards eradicating the terrorist actions
- What is the impact of the technology on the influence of the terrorism
- What can be the effect on the terrorism due to the advancement of the technological innovations
- What are the suggestive ways that the technology can be used to identify the measures of the terrorst attacks and prohibit them
- How to identify the role or the use of the technological innovation towards eradicating the terrorist actions
The proficiency of the technology of the organization involved in the terrorist organization is on a swift rise. The global alert regarding the incarese in th terrorist attacks has led the nations of the globe in dreadful fear (Rassler, 2016). The rationale of this research is to ie problem dealing with the investigation on the statement of tthe impact or the effect of the technology on the increase in the terrorist activities or the use of the technology on the predition and the solution of the terrosrist attacks. The paper aims to understand the impact of the technology on the influence of the terrorism, to find the effect on the terrorism due to the advancement of the technological innovations and to suggest the use of the technology to identify the measures of the terrorst attacks and prohibit them.
H0: Involvement or the role of the technological advances for the welfare of the society will not result in influence of the terrorism activities.
H1: Involvement or the role of the technological advances for the welfare of the society will result in influence of the terrorism activities.
According to Ragazzi (2016), terrorism can be readily traced back towards the origins of the mankind. It is basically the systematic use of the terror which is especially as a means of coercion. In the present scenario, the Internationl community has been readily unable towards the formulation of universally agreed and lehglly binding definition of the terrorism. Some of the major illustration sof the terrorism refers to the violent actions that intend towards the creation or the development of the terror or fear (Weimann, 2015). There lies differ tyepes of terrorism. One is the singular issue terrorism where the anti abortion groups or the rights of the human inflicts the fear and engage in the violent activities. Another variety of the terrorism is due to the violence realted to the politic where one of the ethnic groups fight against one another. Some of the group of the terroris a eth random groups that have a central structure while the others have organizers and decentralized structures.
Objectives of Research
As argued by Khan, Ju and Hassan (2018), the definition of the technology includes the collection of the skills, the techniques and the methodology used for the production of the services and the goods in the target of the accomplishments of the objectives related to the scientific investigations. Technology tends to be the knowledge of the techniques that can be embedded in the machines for allowing for the operations that furthermore is related to the acts of the terrorism as per the context of the current research study (Cantoni & Danowski, 2015). The simplest form of the technology is the formation or the development and the use of the basic tools towards the advancement in the economis by the formation of the advanced machines and components which can be both beneficial and threatening to the society as a whole.
As per the researches by Mahmood and Jetter (2018), there lies some of the major and common drivers of the factors of the terrorism. In the developing countries, there lies a major correlation among the state sponsored political violence that is mostly combined with the existing unresolved conflicts and the terrorism. Further studies by Rashid et al. (2018) highlighted the ways the terrorist organization made the use of the technology and the newly invented technological tool for developing of the dreadful machines for the destruction of the world and the creation of the threats and the terror of the terrorism. As per the esaerches and the study by the Rapoport (2014) combating of the threats posed by the terrorism towards the ecological security and the peace will generally tend to need co-ordinated, concrete and efforts related to roactiveness from each of the countries as well as the communities on the international platform. Further technological innovation that the terrorism uses to sharpen their tool are the only factors that can be used and applied as a reverse strategy to combate and identify the terrorist attacks (Drakos & Kallandranis, 2015).
The philosophy of the research is basically considered towards the analysis and the development of any of the study in detail. For this prticualr study, the philosophy of the positivism research will be used for initiating help towards the investigation of the issues in a very critical and logical manner. In the context of the research deisgn, the study will include the exploratory design for the understanding and the evaluation of the research issue in a descriptive manner. The explanatory method of the desgn is basically used for the understanding of the concept of the impact of the technology on the terrorism a a very initial stage of the research and furthermore for the development and the identification of the relation among the two variables under the considerations. The study will be dependent on the collection of both primary and the secondary data (Douai, 2015). The primary data will be collected by the various sources like the online surveys and the secondary research will include all the varieties of the data that all readily available in the printed nd in the online platform. Both probability and the non probability sampling techniques will be used for the conduction of theis research study. The collcetd data from the governmental publications and the survey reports will be transformed in the numerics and percentages for the development of the comparison data nd the comprehensive percentages regarding the data collection.
Research Methodology
Strict ethical guidelines will be followed during the time of the entire research study and no participants will be fored to participate in the online survey. For the case of the secondary research, referencing the sources of the data will be done to avod the terms of the plagiarism.
The expected result of the survey is that the involvement or the role of the technological advances for the welfare of the society will result in influence of the terrorism activities.
Fig: Gantt Chart
(Source: Created by the author)
The anticipation of the impact of the cyber terrorism are inadequate in nature. As the conventions of the chemical weapons went to the effect, the threat towards the destruction has already began. Innovative technological tools has served as the major motivational factors fr the advancement of the activities reayed to terrorism. The benefits of the technology ar genrally being realized by the current beed of the terrorism and the cyber terrorist who tends to use the lawlessness towards the achievement of the aims through the effective exploitation of the computer system developed by the current generations. The study concludes that the technology has a major role in influencing the terrorist attacks and the wars of the current decade.
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