Strategic Use Of Information Systems In Achieving IS/IT-Enabled Innovation In Hotels In Australia
Success factors
In the last few years, there has been ongoing demand for innovation in both the domains of information system and technology (Berezina et al. 2016). The following report will highlight the use of information system in four different hotels which are based in Australia. The four hotels come up with a different number of branches and operation in different branches of the world. The information system has been designed in such a way that it can make the business process much more efficient (FitzPatrick et al. 2013). Four hotels have been selected for this particular report that are Grace Hotel Sydney, Four Season, Swissotel, park Hayat.
In the coming pages of the report, an idea has been provided with respect to application of innovation in information system and information technology. Various aspect like success factor, lesson learned and lastly recommendation for four hotels has been discussed in details. The last section of the report emphasizes internal and external analysis for innovation. Various factors like internal, individual and management factors have been discussed in details. The external factors highlight the four important aspects like market, industry, technological and lastly political factors.
Application of innovation in Information technology
Example -1 Grace Hotel Sydney
The security provided by Grace Hotel Sydney to all of its guests is known to be unparalleled in nature (Galliers and Leidner, 2014). If an individual, tries to get into the hotel forcefully then the security system of the building will be activated which is inclusive of alarm system. If fire is detected anyhow within the building, then the whole airflow system will be easily automatically deactivated for stopping the fire any kind of transmission. The system will be activated due to the presence of sensors which is installed on all the floors of the building. There are some other kinds of system like audio system which is inclusive of screen projector which is needed in conference rooms. It is inclusive of various art technologies which have been put in this particular place (Gretzel et al.., 2015). Two-way radio is the perfect example of any kind of innovation in this hotel premises. It mainly stresses on various regions like security and maintenance.
Innovation can be encountered in this hotel as it has installed Otis Elevators which has been installed in every zona of the hotel. Proper kind of information has been provided on the screen along with benefits for the guests (Guo, Kwon and Kareem 2015). It mainly focuses on low voltage consumption which focuses on consumption of less power. There are many forms and proper innovation of technology which is exhibited by Grace Hotel Sydney which has many smart systems (Pearlson, Saunders and Galletta, 2016). The smart system will help in managing certain number of things like lighting, security devices, and lightings in various home theaters. Proper handling of customers on daily basis can be considered to be difficult task.
Grace Hotel Sydney
Success factors
- At the time of construction of this hotel, certain innovation has been applied so that it can ensure provision for upcoming implementation (Laudon and Laudon 2016). It mainly ensures overall growth and improvement of this hotel.
- The building comes up with an innovative shape which has been designed by the help of various innovative technologies (Leung et al. 2013). It has ultimately helped in gaining architecture which has helped the engineers in construction of the building.
- The security system of this building comes up with information system which has helped the organization in gaining proper trust among all the consumers of Australia.
Recommendation for Grace Hotel Sydney
- Information technology which is advanced in nature needs to be properly installed on the top of this building so that hotel security is much aware of airplanes. Apart from this, the airport staff needs to be informed about building much better security around the building.
- Efficient and advanced human resource management software needs to be incorporated into the building. This is mainly done so that it can provide better security to the guest of this hotel.
Four Season
The main target of this hotel is all about increasing the overall sales. To achieve this, the hotel has come up with innovative relationship software. The hotel is planning to upgrade its central reservation system, revenue and property management system (Verma, 2014). By the help of this feature, almost every customer can easily make choice of their room and make booking through online mode.
The organization has implemented a proper innovative system for department of home base catering services. The service has been named as Chieftec recipe management system. It comes up with dual features like calculating the cost of food and inventory system which turns to run windows system (Berezina et al. 2016). The organization is planning to implement accounting information system which is needed for generating automatic expenditure reports. It is done with the help of a system known as Xcellenet system which is allowed in various levels like executive for having information.
Success Factors
- This particular hotel makes use of advanced CRM (Customer Relationship Management) which is needed for creating database of guest.
- The second success factor for this organization is all about making use of resource management solution (FitzPatrick et al. 2013). The hotel should make use of available resources which is needed for innovation in the domain of information system. It generally highlights competitive advantage which is obtained by use of internal information. It helps in gaining overall success of the organization.
Recommendation for Four Season
The organization should start focusing on quality of service which is provided to guest. It mainly aims to provide satisfaction to the customer. It has reduced the overall quality of the service. It has ultimately the overall sales along with customer feedback from various region of the world. The organization should adopt a better information system for optimization of available information. It is mainly done so that job satisfaction can be enhanced by the help of human resource management based solution.
Swissotel is considered to be as one of the finest group in the whole hospital sector in the globe. It has come up with number kind of innovation in the domain of information system (Guo, Kwon and Kareem 2015). There are mainly two important sectors where this particular organization can easily make use of application of information based system are proper customer relationship management and Human resource information system. In the domain of CRM, the software sheet has received so much of preference for understanding the requirement of the guest. They have planned to provide much better-staying experience. It provides a platform where a guest can both as per requirement at the time of arrival in this particular hotel.
The central customer management system also aims to provide complimentary pick up at the airports (Laudon and Laudon 2016). Fidelio is used by Swissotel group which comes up with software for customer relationship management. It helps in keeping a track of details of the guests who have stayed in Swissotel. Apart from this, the organization focus on gathering feedbacks from guests who have stayed in this hotel. Swissotel comes up with a high value of maintaining cost on everyday basis for hotels all around the globe (Park and Allen 2013). It is mainly due to improper budget in the current system.
Four Season
Success Factor
- Swissotel comes up with organization structure which is needed for keeping the employees and managers properly motivated (Leung et al. 2013). It comes up with excellent human resource software which can be used for improving the performance of employees. Apart from this, it focuses on recognizing achievements and keep the employee motivated for increasing the productivity.
- The organizational should focus on the efficient use of information system which is needed for tapping various geographical location in smaller location.
- It should stress on adopting better management software which is needed for tackling the competition in the market.
- Park Hayat
Part Hayat Sydney has come up with innovation in the domain of information system in last few years (Park and Allen 2013). And this the main reason for which the organization has provided uninterrupted service to its guests. Hayat comes up with efficient system for storing the data in secure and encrypted way. Proper backup cycles are needed for understanding without any kind of interference. The organization comes up with proper backup system which is needed for recovering all the data at the time of disaster (Verma, 2014).
The hotel aims to provide attractive offers and discounted price to its users. Apart from this, seasonal vouchers are also provided for online reservation. This particular hotel aims to provide centralized reservation system which can be used by customers at the time of online booking. It will the company to easily gain the trust of customers. The present organizational structure of Hyatt needs to be revised (Berezina et al. 2016). It is mainly needed as it can cause job dissatisfaction and other problems.
Success factor
- The organization comes up with strong performance management system which is needed for improving the performance in the market.
- Some of the complementary organization have been fully integrated into Hyatt with the help of information system. It has ultimately helped in improving the brand equity for this particular company. The whole given process can be considered as a success factor.
- Online portals need to be introduced so it can attract new customers and online sales for this particular organization.
- The organization can easily make use of big data analytics which is needed for technical improvements in the hotel operation.
Internal analysis for innovation
Internal factors
Hotel management system is different for different hotels which ensures that it can provide job satisfaction to the employees. Apart from this, it can provide customer satisfaction to the guests. This particular system aims to provide room platform where customer can check the interior of the room through videos. It ultimately them to make better decision for room in which they want to stay.
Individual factors
Various employees of the hotel need to motivate themselves so that they serve the guest in much better way. It is mainly needed for addressing their concern at the time of their stay in the hotel. It is mainly related to various kind of online function like booking sides and looking for packages. It is considered to be helpful to guest and employees in the hotel industries.
Management factors
Management of the hotels needs to be cooperative with employees and guests in various aspects. It will improve job satisfaction at the end of the day which improve business from the same guest.
External analysis for innovation
Various improvements and innovation in hotels industry need to study in careful way (FitzPatrick et al. 2013). It mainly focuses on analyzing the team members and all the experts of the hotel. It is mainly done so that the management of the organization can easily come up with improved and better plan at the point.
The overall market economy and its competition in various hotels along with fluctuating price is offered. It tends to offer competition to other hotels in the market which needs to be taken into account.
Industry factors
With the passage of time, hospital sector is developing at a much a faster rate (Galliers and Leidner, 2014). With each passing year, new hotels are coming up and there has been innovative for providing better experience to guests. Different hotel come up with various budget and it tends to provide proper plan for innovation. It has ultimately focused on ever changing its demand on the market which is specific to need in the hospital sector.
Factors affecting economy and society
Both the economic and social factors need to be taken into consideration. Hotel industry tends to provide employment to large number of people all around the globe. Analyzing the need of customers can be considered to be complex task. In most of cases, building administrative may fail to satisfy the need of guest.
Technological factors
Technological innovation like mobile-based application aims to various kind of features like online centralized system and hotel booking. Information system can be easily implemented in the hotel booking sector. It is mainly done so that it can improve their business in the coming future
Policy/ Political Factors
Political factor like guidelines for environment can easily provide rules which have been set by government (Gretzel et al.., 2015). Environment guidelines need to be properly compiled at the time of building hotels.
From the above pages, it can be easily stated that this report is all about hospitality sector. This particular sector is considered to be as one of the fastest growing sectors in the whole world. In the above pages of the report, four hotels which are based in Australia has been discussed in details. In the above pages of the report, four hotels have been discussed in details like Swissotel, park Hayat, Four Season and Grace Hotel Sydney.
All the success factors for four hotels in the hospitality sector has been discussed in details. After various kind lesson which has learned from these hotels has been provided. The effect of internal factors like organization, individual and management factors has been discussed in brief. The effect of external factors like market, industry, technology and political factor on the success of the project has been provided in details. The last section of the report mainly deals with some recommendation and guidelines for providing help to organization.
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