Reducing Workplace Injuries In The Housekeeping Department Of Intercontinental Sydney

Objectives of the Study

The business organization considered in this assignment is a hotel company named as Intercontinental Hotel Group (IHG) which is one of the big names in the hotel industry. It has 5518 hotels and 825746 rooms globally. One of its hotels Intercontinental Sydney was opened in the year1985; there are 509 contemporary guest rooms out of which 90 are guest room attendant. This particular hotel is facing the problem of workplace injuries (DaRos, 2018). Workplace injuries lower the morale of the employees, reduce the productivity and efficiency in the working as well as cost dear to employers in the form of compensation.

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Workplace injuries must be minimized to keep the organization in a sound working position. Housekeeping services are related to workplace hazards; during maintenance work related to housekeeping, employees get injured. Thus, in order to reduce the injury at the workplace, sound technical methods and approaches must be used. This paper aims to research the injuries sustained during housekeeping in IHG. There are many research proposals available on search engines regarding the topic but till now, the injuries related to housekeeping in a hotel is not deliberated upon. This paper fills the gap created by previous studies. It would b helpful for IHG to consider this research while making decisions regarding the housekeeping services in its widespread hotel business (Gawde & Kurlikar, 2018).

The IHG hotel is considered as one of the best hotel companies in the world. The operations of the company are wide-reaching but one of its branches namely Intercontinental Sydney is facing the problem of an increased number of injuries in the housekeeping department. Other big corporate giants have decided to reduce the chances of injuries in the workplace so Intercontinental Sydney cannot remain behind. In order to reduce the operational cost, workplace injuries are necessary to be reduced. To date, Intercontinental Sydney has not been able to be as productive in the housekeeping department. workplace injuries and other health issue have led to reduced productivity, absenteeism, less concentration on work and increased direct cost due to a compensation claim (Landers & Maguire, 2004). This paper will enable InterContinental Sydney to know exactly where they are lacking behind on leveraging employee engagement on workplace safety and its importance of reinforcing the concept of hotel’s health and safety culture and the value of engaging the housekeeping staff. Intercontinental Sydney can use this paper for the information to make a decision on different ways and tools to implement comprehensive health and safety programs which successfully manage the department’s growing health and safety issue (Buchanan, et al., 2010).

Techniques to Engage Employees for Minimizing Health-Related Issues

As mentioned above, there are wide gaps in the studies related to injuries in the housekeeping department of the hotel industry. There is no dearth of a research proposal on the hotel industry but the data regarding the injuries in the housekeeping department of the hotel has been lacking in many ways. The housekeeping department has not been paid much attention due to its nature of work but this department deserves equal attention as there can be fatal injuries to the employees working in the housekeeping department as well. This paper gives valuable insight into the issue. The paper fills the gap created by other studies leading Tobias attitude and false results (Trotto, 2015).

There are many objectives of conducting this study. It throws valuable light on the nature of housekeeping department as an injury-prone department. the various objectives are as follows:

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  1. a)    To investigate different techniques which can be helpful in reducing the number of injuries at the workplace?
  2. b)    To fill the gap related to injury in the hotel industry in general and housekeeping department in particular so that in future this case study can be helpful for the researchers(Melnyk, 2017). This study will provide invaluable insight on the topic which can be considered by the International Sydney to arrive at a decision related to the housekeeping department of its hotel.
  3. c)    To understand appropriate information and tools for the safer system of work. A safe system is necessary to keep the daily operations smoothly going on in the business organization(Walter, 2011).
  4. d)    To implement appropriate measures for controlling injuries by inspection and monitoring in the particular hotel.
  5. e)    To identify the role of technology in reducing the number of injuries in the housekeeping department.
  6. f)    To overview the safety practices opted by the competitors leading to a competitive advantage for them in relation to fiscal terms

This paper aims to answer many questions related to the topic of injuries in the housekeeping department of a hotel. The questions addressed are as follows:

  1. a)    How and to what extent the business organizations can employ employees in reducing workplace injuries.
  2. b)    What are the main reasons for the increased number of injuries in housekeeping department as a room attendant
  3. c)    What are the types of safety measures available to deal with the situation and minimize the health-related injuries
  4. d)    What are the new technologies which can reduce the fatal injuries in the housekeeping department of a hotel?
  5. e)    What is the importance of safety inspection, incident investigation, and reporting of incident and injuries of the workplace?
  1. a)    Employees engagement to reduce the workplace safety and health hazards

Involvement of employees or an inclusive approach will lead to the surety of the intended result. There must be engaged at the employee level in an organization to assure the inclusivity approach which will satisfy the employees and all another relevant stakeholder (Deros, Ismail, & Yusof, 2012). This paper aims to identify the techniques through which employees can be engaged to minimize the health-related issues

  1. b)    Imitating other hotels

Health issues are surfaced in the housekeeping department of each hotel but all do not have so many fatal injuries as many International Sydney has. This paper investigates the issue in depth and identifies the safety practices and protocols followed by other hotels. It may make the organization competitive in the market due to less operational cost as the issues related to the cost of compensation will be sorted out (Benhason, 2018). Many hotels have embraced the digital transformation that gives a competitive edge to the organization using it. All the functions will be networked and monitored in a better way. Because of effective monitoring, there will be fewer opportunities for reckless behavior. Digital transformation will take the organization to an altogether new level or better to say the 4th industrial revolution (Torpie, 2014).

  1. c)    Investigating the matter

There must be some reasons behind the fatal injuries in the hotel. This paper identifies those reasons and presents a complete picture. Once the cause is removed, the number of injuries will be reduced automatically. This will lead to a reduction in maintenance cost and efficiency and productivity in the working of the organization (Mangiardi, 2018). The employees will be satisfied and they will be contributing to the growth of the hotel. The satisfied employees will work with more sincerity leading to efficiency in the working of the hotel. This will lead to strategic operational management which will ultimately lead to more profit. Thus, it is indirectly related to capital resources (Jilcha & Kitaw, 2016).

  1. d)    Gathering the information

Safety Practices Used by Other Hotels

For any study, there is a need to have sufficient information. This paper will collect the necessary information and presents in a suitable form so that effective decision regarding the issue can be made. This information will be helpful for future researchers as well as International Sydney hotel. I will provide a glimpse of related causes and issues. Information gathered will serve as an effective tool to be used in various other studies at different points of time. There will be better channelization of information along with knowledge management (Rahman & Jaffar, 2017). Information gathered is valuable from the perspective of future studies.

  1. e)    Availability of new technologies and tools

There are many new technologies available in the market which can reduce the number as well as the impact of injuries. The new technology can be helpful in replacing or doing the work of human beings. Use of new technology will keep the manpower morale high so it will aid the organization in its profit-making efforts. This paper identifies these new tools and technologies, industry-wide training and material on guidance related to workplace health safeguards. The new technologies and tools will bring efficiency to the organization. The digital transformation is the recent new technology which can adequately be used for improving the operational management conditions in the organization (Gawde, 2018). The new technologies can be very helpfl in reducing the vulnerability if manpower to health hazard.

  1. f)    Investigating and reporting the issue

The investigation of health hazard happened and its reporting is very much necessary to take the matter into consideration (Hrymak & Pérezgonzález, 2007). This paper tells about the importance of safety inspection, incident investigation, and reporting of incidents and injuries.  The issue can be sorted out only when it is taken into consideration so reporting the incidence is very much important. Importance of investigation cannot be denied. Investigation removes the cause of injury and prevents other employees from a workplace hazard (Levy, Wegman, Baron, & Sokas, 2017).

Research question



Gaps in knowledge

What options the competitors has explored to reduce the issues of injury in housekeeping department

2/3 based on the three quality dimensions

The information met the quality dimensions. For engaging the hotel’s staff and creating a safety culture, management team of Ontario’s Marriott Residence Inn London has come up with the unusual concept for training which is called Scavenger Hunt. In addition to this, Shangri-La Hotels and Resort have taken initiative to a safety and security program by achieving certification under the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (kostuch, 2018). The American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) along with other hotel corporation has committed to improving employee workplace safety in the industry with the new technology and enhanced training and resources.

Overall, the information is suitable to be used. A conclusive research can be done over the topic and the information gathered in the study can be used for the purpose of conclusive researches in future

The issue of heath or injury is how much important in case of house-keeping department of International Sydney (IS) Hotel

2/3 based on the three quality dimensions

The information met the quality dimensions but there are some ambiguities regarding the health issue in housekeeping department. Health issue is not only the compulsion but part of the corporate governance that will lead to better workplace and culture. This will increase the productivity and bring efficiency in the working of the organization. Workplace safety is not only a national issue, but it is also an international debate. Many international organizations like ILO (International Labour Organization) rakes up the issue of workplace safety in the world community. There are effective methods to deal with the issues of injury which must be paid attention so that health hazards are minimized. A famous quote is that health is wealth; if the health of employees is not good, the organization cannot generate wealth. The health is to be considered on a priority basis (Ndejjo, et al., 2015).  

The research is exploratory in nature so there can be different interpretations by different individuals; this creates the ambiguity

How the workplace safety is related to operational cost of the particular business organization

1/3 on the basis of three quality dimensions

The information met the question and there is sound explanation of importance of workplace safety measures in relation to operational cost. The good health will reduce the maintenance cost as there will be less absenteeism and more productivity. The work culture will be improved with more efficiency in the working organization. Morale of the employees will be boosted up leading to effective work-balance. It is a common notion that if the employees are able to maintain work-balance, they tend to be more satisfied, further leading to efficiency and productivity. Every organization must adhere to safety norms as it is part of good governance; along with that safe workplace is the legal obligation under several international rules and regulations which need not to be described here. There are many organizations which have their own workplace safety measures, the  Intercontinental Sydney (IS) hotel can imitate their approach (Senthil, et al., 2015).

The study effectively determines the importance of workplace safety measures. The study fills the gap created by previous studies. There have been numerous searches related to workplace safety measures but the specific issue of Housekeeping department in a 5 start hotel is not generally considered. This study considers this issue and fills the gap created by previous researches

Section 3.1 research approach and technique

The research methodology to be adopted in this study is explorative. This method is chosen as there is a need to find out the causes of injuries happening in the hotel. The descriptive study will not be able to give a suitable answer to the question as the descriptive study only answer the question of how not why. But, here there is a need to find out why the injuries are occurring in the housekeeping department of the hotel. To find out the answer to this question is mentioned in the objective also. Moreover, the descriptive method is a quantitative method which takes time and cost. In addition to this, the descriptive method needs experts which are not viable under the scope of this study. In an exploratory study, the nature of variables is in the hand of researchers which is not possible in a descriptive study (Sacadura-Leite, et al., 2018).

Impact of Workplace Safety on Operational Costs

An exploratory study is flexible and adaptable to change. So if in the future need arises the study can be easily modified according to unique needs. Time and resources are saved in this study

 Moreover, descriptive study is a cross-sectional study which does not fit in the current scenario of the issue. The nature of information gathered in the study will be answers to Multiple Choice Questions prepared for the intended population (Morrison, 2016). The intended population includes employees of Intercontinental Sydney; the employees which are in the housekeeping department will be considered without any bias. The employees of other departments may be presented with information regarding the study and their views can be taken to further explore the issue. There are many tangible methods but MCQ method is chosen because of easy understanding and less time with employees. So the study will not take much time and the employees will be able to present their view through MCQ or questionnaire method. Also, it is easy to form questions related to hotel industry as compared to conducting observation analysis in the descriptive study. This is another advantage of an exploratory study.

With advantages, the exploratory study has some disadvantages as well. Exploratory study generates qualitative information, there can be ambiguity and bias in the interpretation of this information. Moreover, the sample to be considered is small because of the exploratory nature of study so many important views are not taken into consideration (Lee, Moon, Lee, & Kim, 2014).

Section 3.2 population analysis

The population to be examined for the purpose of study belongs to the age of 20 to 50 years. the estimated size of the population is 200. All the employees working in the hotel will be considered; but out of them, only 200 will be selected through a random sample survey technique so the employees will be from a different background. There will be no discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, and ethnicity (Habraken, Schaff, I.P.Leistikow, & Resinders, 2009). All the ethical codes of conduct will be employed to be used in the study causing least harm to the population. as far as primary research is concerned, the manager can be approached as he or she knows the complete information regarding the working style of the hotel.

The sample considered here is of 200 people. There will be segmentation of the sample for easy data analysis. The collective, as well as the individual view, will be taken. Data regarding the health injuries occurred in recent past will be examined. The nature of health injuries will be ascertained. There will be an effective question-answer session and ample time will be provided to employees to explain their view. Along with employees, the manager will be approached and his view will also be considered (Mohammed & Rashid, 2012). The questionnaire method will provide an opportunity for everyone to give views regarding the issue. This will lead to finding out the real cause behind increasing number of health-related hazards in the work premises of the housekeeping department of the particular hotel. The sample taken, though small, is adequate for the purpose of ascertaining the causes of the problem. The organization can conduct the conclusive study using the data from this research proposal as it will complete the groundwork needed. But this cannot be used for decision making at the highest level; the decision making at the highest level requires intensive surveying with a wide sample of the population. But this study will definitely able to provide a glimpse of the problem (Benhason, 2018)

New Technologies for Reducing Vulnerability to Health Hazards

The project will be planned and scheduled. The initial step is the population analysis which will take 7 days to complete. After that target population will be identified that will take 3 days. The population sample will be chosen through random sample surveying technique, as mentioned above.  After the identification of the target population, the questionnaire paper will be prepared. The question paper will have four answers related to the issue; the identified employee will have to choose the most plausible answer (Deros, Ismail, & Yusof, 2012).

There will be questions related to a number of injuries happened in the recent past, nature, and cause of injuries, severity, and consequences of the injury. There will be questions on the amount of compensation given by the hotel company individually to every person who got injured, as well as, the collective sum of a full year (Habraken, Schaff, I.P.Leistikow, & Resinders, 2009). The questions will be asked on the role of technology in reducing the fatal injuries along with a desire to implement change in the organization. After that, the data gathered will be analyzed; suitable findings will be made. Data will be interpreted and the exact cause behind the issue will be identified. This study and resulting data might be used by the hotel to minimize the injuries by adopting suitable tools, methodology, and technology.

The study addresses many research questions which are as follows:

  1. a)    How and to what extent the business organizations can employ employees in reducing workplace injuries.
  2. b)    What are the main reasons for the increased number of injuries in housekeeping department as a room attendant
  3. c)    What are the types of safety measures available with employees to deal with the situation and minimize the health-related injuries
  4. d)    What are the new technologies which can reduce the fatal injuries in the housekeeping department of a hotel?
  5. e)    What is the importance of safety inspection, incident investigation, and reporting of incident and injuries of the workplace?
  6. f) What strategy the competitors are employing to deal with safety hazards at work place?
  7. h) What is the attitude of international community and organizations on the issue?
  8. i) What are the best methods to prevent the health injuries in housekeeping department of 5 star hotels?
  9. j) how does the workplace injuries affect the morale of employees?

Research question

Reasoning or objective met

Question a) and b)  

Meet the objective of finding the reason behind the increased number of injuries and provide a glimpse on role of employees in minimizing the same

Question c) and d)

Effectively address the question of safety measures available with employees and technological solutions present in the market.

Question e) and f)

Effectively deals with the competition advantage of adversaries and find the importance of reporting of incidents

Question g)

Effectively address the issue of increased number of injuries in Housekeeping department of a 5 star hotel

Question h)

Give the international scenario related to the topic

Question i)

The question identifies the method of reducing the fatal injuries

Question j)

The effect of workplace injuries on morale of employee is discussed






Population analysis and target population identification  

5 days

3/12/ 2018



Random Sample Surveying

5 days




Questionnaire preparation

5 days




Actual plan implementation

5 days




Data analysis

5 days





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