Impact Of Wildfires On Wildlife And Marijuana Legalization: A Research Conversation
ACCT 369 Quantitative Methods in Business
ACCT 369 Quantitative Methods in Business
Impact of Wildfires on Wildlife
The past few years have witnessed a massive outpour in marijuana consumption, especially in states that recently legalized the use of the drug. The essay takes two articles that extensively explores the youth’s inclination towards marijuana and how legalization of the substance have contributed to the dependency of the young-adults on intoxicants. The topic is highly debatable and crucial in the context of today’s world, since the decade has recorded the highest dealings in intoxicants and a noticeable degree of cognitive decline in the young adults of America. Both the articles make use of qualitative data for providing a statistical detail of marijuana use and the category of people who consume them and in what frequency.
The authors of Article 1 aims to identify the relationship between substance use and mental health disorders. Article 2 examines the effect of the legalization of medical marijuana on the use abuse and dependence of the substance. Both the studies have different approaches to arrive at remotely related conclusions. The findings in the studies suggest that legalization of the drug may have benefitted patients who use it for medical purposes but have been detrimental for the young adults of the country.
Rhetorical précis
In the article Cohn et al., the erudite authors of the first article, have made notable contributions to spreading awareness in the rapid growth of substance abuse among youths in the US, with the valuable findings in the work, entitled “ Support for Marijuana Legalization and Predictors of Intentions to use Marijuana More Often in Response to Legalization Among U.S Young adults.’’ The authors argue that the increased rate of marijuana consumption directly relates to the State’s decision of legalizing it. The authors have conducted a data-based research for determining the increase in the rate of users and estimating their intentions behind using them, in context to the scenario post legalization (Cohn et al. p. 22).
The findings of the tests is an indication of the risks that the legalization of marijuana have entailed on the society. About 40% of the sampled audience have agreed to use marijuana more frequently after legalization. The authors assert through their research findings that consumer would be discouraged from using marijuana were it not legalized, and the majority of the consumer comprise of young adults. The policy changes have made accessibility easier and consumers use it more frequently than before. One of the triggering factors of using marijuana more often is the perception that marijuana is less harmful than tobacco.
Effects of Marijuana Legalization
Further, marijuana legalization and social smoking is intricately co-related. The predictors of more frequent use of marijuana include depression, acute anxiety (Cohn et al. p. 24). Marijuana usage has also spurred tobacco sales while other potential outcomes include the uptake in the use of tobacco-related products like electronic devices and hookah. The authors acknowledge the fact that the study suffers from certain limitations since some of the casualties cannot be interpreted and the data is cross-sectional, and it is also difficult to know if the risk factors determine the outcomes. The article concludes with the assertion for the need of awareness campaigns to control the abuse of the substance.
Rhetorical précis
The study by the scholarly authors Cerda et al., published as “Medical marijuana laws in 50 states: investigating the relationship between state legalization of medical marijuana and marijuana use, abuse and dependence” indicate with relevant data how legalization of marijuana in the Stated have increased the usage and the subsequent dependency on the drug. The study use four mechanisms for examining the relationship between the legalization of marijuana is the States with the increased dependency on the same. Firstly, the communal support have considerably contributed to the urgent legalization of marijuana and also initiated the increased usage of it.
The legalization of medical marijuana was a lot triggered by the community norms of the voters. The scholars argue in the second mechanism that the recent enactment on the marijuana laws will remove the taboos and stereotypes associated with the drug and influence more people to try it out (Cerdá et al. p. 203 ). These behaviors are regulated and modified by group norms since they are potential influencers of habits. Individualmight be compelled to engage in the habit owing to a willingness to conform to social norms.
The third identified mechanism is the medical endorsements that marijuana is enforcing on the market. Some people might be influenced to substitute their pharmaceutical dosage with marijuana since it is cheaper and has a euphoric effect on the nerves. Availability is another aspect of the continuous growth in the use of marijuana. Ever since the drug was legalized it became more promoted commercially and many stores selling cannabis-based products market them for their recreational purposes (Cerdá et al. p. 205). All these factors, according to the authors, go into increase in the use and subsequent dependency, abuse of the substance. The outcomes are listed in the result section of the studies.
Article 1: Support for Marijuana Legalization and Predictors of Intentions to use Marijuana More Often in Response to Legalization Among U.S Young adults
The second article citing the other
Article 2 is linked with Article 1 in the way they aim to reveal the perils that underlie the legalization of marijuana. Both the articles back up their argument with authentic quantitative data, drawing similar conclusions on the effect of marijuana legalization on the consumers. As the authors suggest, legalization has played a major role in the instillation and veneration of the practice. While the medical benefits cannot be denied, the dependency and abuse of an addictive substance like marijuana (Cerdá et al. p. 207). Legalization initiates the increase in the number of users as much as it perpetuates the addiction and dependency of existing users.
Substantiating the thesis question
The arguments provided in the articles are valuable in terms of the academic style and the relevant sources it has used for backing up the points. Someone embarking on the journey of research can refer to content that has made smart use of quantitative data for analyzing the topic and bringing home the point of the argument. The negative side effects of marijuana was a commonly explored topic among researchers, but very few have pointed at the legalization aspect of perpetuating the use. The readings offered and the data provided by the authors open up a new paradigm for thinking about the problems associated with marijuana use (Cerdá et al. p. 211). Further, the articles address not only the threats of substance abuse but also the root causes for the rapid spread of the practice.
This paper was highly insightful in context to my future research project. As I wish to explore the negative consequences of legalizing marijuana, the results and discussion in the articles will form a foundation for building up my argument on the topic. Academic writing require citing reliable sources since thesis statements must be backed up by relevant theories and verifiable research findings in the past for credibility. This assignment has taught me how to engage in academic communication with exact precision, sources, data and logical reasoning (Cerdá et al. p. 212). I have gathered the information that apart from being theoretically strong and logically sensible, it is important that an academic writer is consistent and simple, for targeting the readers from all areas.
Cerdá, Magdalena, et al. “Medical marijuana laws in 50 states: investigating the relationship between state legalization of medical marijuana and marijuana use, abuse and dependence.” Drug and alcohol dependence 120.1 (2012): 22-27.
Cohn, Amy M., et al. “Support for marijuana legalization and predictors of intentions to use marijuana more often in response to legalization among US young adults.” Substance use & misuse 52.2 (2017): 203-213.