Learning The Crucial Aspects Of Banking Education: A Classroom Experience

Importance of teacher and student-teacher relationship

In the class of banking concept, there were some innovative things that I had learned throughout the session. The session consists of narration, lectures and the alternative communication between students and teachers. At first in my perspective, the mindset of the teacher is very much important and the relationship between teacher and student is also essential as the high standard of understanding is needed in that case. I have learned that class understanding is very much crucial as the teacher told us some concepts or provide some relevant examples to clarify the lesson but in most cases, the true significance is can be achieved by the affirmation of understanding and experience. I am in that class and I understand the potential aspect that teacher trying to deliver in the class. All the students are paying their attention and as the teacher relate the concept of banking with our daily life. The need of banking knowledge is enormous and this is the reason students are paying their whole attention. There are some in-depth discussions those are not solved at the first attempt then questions raised by the students. The discussion has different dimensions and all those dimensions are addressing towards the receptacles for the students. In each case, the containers of students filled by the teachers’ knowledge as the teachers are the depositor of the knowledge. Through the banking class, I have learned that the main aspect baking is transaction and deposition. Realizing the narration and interpret the narration in their own way is always a productive learning in my concern. Their thought process will improve and their significance of particular knowledge also projected in front of the class through oral or written examination.

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Education and transformation of knowledge is the concern factor that bestowed over the student by the teachers. I believe that ideology of oppression will be there and teacher-student contradiction is the most common factor that enhances the level of education. The level of understanding is banking sector is high and in that case, learning procedure needs to be imperative as well to match up the level. I understand after the completion of the class, the purpose of the essay is to analyze the factual information and marginal understanding that derived from the classroom, are significant and change the mentality of students (Freire). In case of banking approach, most of the contradictions are the reason behind reality. That means the approach of existing relationships with the experience of the bank in earlier sequence people perceives their relationship as a state of the stagnant situation. I think the class was very charming about the new learning process; the teacher also has invested her time to elaborate the fact of baking concept. All the students are acknowledging the fact that new thinking and learning is essential for their future understanding. In that case, most of the students are trying to make a good relationship with teachers and in that case, the same scenario happened. In case of question answer and fill in the blanks sections, effective communication with students had done and that was the reason students learn something from that class. I was also attending the class and I also learn something new and these concepts are relevant in my future life. Transaction and deposition of money will be essential for everyone and that is the reason I am very happy to attend this class. Stimulation of the contradiction and different attitudes and practices are noticed in that case. The teacher teaches lesson and students taught this and gains some experience from that.

Class understanding and affirmation of experience

The continuous learning curve has been noticed by me for a long as there are some other problems regarding the lesson and there I found the importance of teachers. The reason behind that, teachers know everything and students are extracting their knowledge as well as gaining the significance of life through them. I think that, the concept of teacher and students is applicable in baking sectors also as there are depositors and contributors as well (Fahim et al. 17-20). I have learned that Sometimes discipline, attitude and enforcement of students are there and that provide a choice of students learning. I have learned from the banking concept class that banks are liable to their clients and bankers have to take enormous pressure to handle those situations. The incentive tends a better place for investors and they like to invest more in such banks, likewise the learning curve has the same potential also as some teachers are very good in lectures and narration and they have a good understanding skill as well, students are like to involve with that teacher and gain knowledge from them. In our class, there are some skilled students and that is the reason concepts are memorized by them but there are lots of students like me, who need the logical establishment to understand the fact. My teacher also provides the logical understanding in that case, where I am not clarifying the whole scenario. After the logical explanation, I got the entire fact and professional understanding is still subdued at that moment. Still, I am a bit confident about the situation I am in and the understanding I have with my teacher regarding the lesson is the key aspect for me. In our classroom scenario, the teacher had provided for some fill in the blanks to understand our learning (Freire). The class is an evaluation one that considers the learning curve of students’ and their understanding of the subject. I have also learned through the class that communication is one of the fundamental rules over this as the thinking process generates by this procedure (Freire). The process enhances the authentic thinking and generating actions for the understanding of concern situations. The form biophily is the dual understanding or the false understanding that proceeds into inappropriate results. I think proper and effective communication with the teacher is the concerned process to mitigate this misunderstanding.

In my class special emphasis has provide over the liberating education, which is a form of cognition, as these are not transferable information. In most of the cases, the consciousness and overcome situation are consisting on the perspective of teachers and students (Beckett, Kelvin 51-52). In any case, the incorrigible behavior is followed throughout the section, and then it will be tough for the management to consider the case in a parallel form and continue the learning process. Functions, which were not understood by the students, may come up as a big challenge to students. I have faced some big challenge and even the whole class is facing the entire scenario, this is the case of problem posting situation. I had posted my problem over the concept; some other had posted for the theories. Problems are different and these are always welcomed by my teacher. The problem arising situation determines the students are putting their effort and tried to understand the concept or the theories, of the transactional aspects when they were not addressing the fact, then they come up to the teacher. In that case, classroom situation is an imbalance as the problem posting and clarification cases are coming on that moment. In that case, the better initiative was taken by the teachers and the authority, to understand the process of identifies and the concern areas of concept and analysis are the major concern of that. I have found through the class that cognizable arguments are the major factors that enhance the problem posting issue that clarifies the self –taught process for students (Yadav, Rajesh and Nishant 185-186). In most of the cases authority takes decisions and emerges new terms of understanding but the cognitive preparing of engaging is the critical condition for students. I have found that students are not docile listeners at all and education in banking and related problems regarding the theoretical questions are the main alignment of reality. In case of turning the explicit outcome, the paper also reflects the apprehend process of banking understanding as well.

Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that learning process of banking education is the functional preciseness that reflects the understanding of teacher and students. The whole class knows the banking transaction and transformation design and the liberating and anticipation thoughts are aligned with intellectualism relationship with students and teachers. Problem posting situation is also an education and through the process, the transforming action systematically is done and different underpinning objects are emphasized.

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Beckett, Kelvin Stewart. “Paulo Freire and the concept of education.” Educational Philosophy and Theory 45.1 (2013): 49-62.

Fahim, Mansoor, and Nima Shakouri Masouleh. “Critical thinking in higher education: A pedagogical look.” Theory and practice in language studies 2.7 (2012): 1370.

Freire, P., 1993. Pedagogy of the city. Burns & Oates.

Yadav, Rajesh K., and Nishant Dabhade. “Work Life Balance and Job Satisfaction among the Working Women of Banking and Education Sector-A Comparative Study.” International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 21 (2014): 181-201.

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