Reflection On Leadership Journey And Current Role

My Current Leadership Roles as Project Manager

My skills and ability to lead are deep rooted to my back ground, being a first born in the family of four gave me the first platform of leadership by fate. I had to exercise the responsibility of giving warnings to my little siblings on immoral behavior in absence of an adult and parents both at home and playground like use of abusive language and mistreating others or engaging in risky games that could lead to injuries. As my parents were busy working in the farm, I was busy feeding and nursing my little ones, I was their head, I was their tale teller and the sergeant at arm in case of indiscipline at that tender age (White, 2016).

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By default every person belongs to a given religion, and the service at the sacred place is always conducted in a well defined format. Although I was not lucky to lead this field, my religion teacher and mentor taught me skills of life that are necessary to every human in order for him to relate well with his creator and people, she always told us that we should prove wisdom like king Solomon and be humble like Joseph the son of Jacob in the bible since I am a Christian. These inspired me to practice good leadership not only when I grow up but even at that very teenage.

After joining my first education center the knowledge I acquired expanded my brain in terms of reasoning and doing things, I realized that united people is better than one and initiated a program on group discussion to help others grow one another’s  academic performance. It’s after appearing at the top of the class score list that the principal decided to evaluate my discipline aspect which was obviously good for I exercised my church and teaching in all fields (Sotarauta, 2016). I was appointed as the student head with the responsibility of being the teacher’s eye on their absence, reporting any indiscipline case and matters arising from the students.

At my tertiary level of education, I was not involved in school leadership since I was tied up to a dedication demanding social welfare club known as ‘Blessed Hand ’ with the main agenda of giving back to the community and providing goods necessary for life to those who could not afford them, this included food housing and clothing. However this organization was non-governmental and relied entirely on donations from well-wishers. In one of the period the institution was almost coming to an end due to lack of funding but I took a step a approaching the county governor who decided to fully fund the organization for revival. This earned me almost all the votes casted for the project manager when it came to election time.

People Who Influenced Me to Leadership

As the project manager of Blessed Hand I am responsible of initiating, planning the project and resources required in conjunction with strategy for team formation in order to finish the project in the given timeline.

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Am also responsible for estimating the period of time the project should take to complete, at which cost and motivating workers through well defined transparent and just target (Bolden, 2011).

The role of activity planning and sequencing also falls in my hand. I give the directives on what should be done next.

I identify the risks that may occur during the project activities.

When activities on the project commence I monitor their progress and produce a report to the organization.

I check on quality at every step of the project to ensure quality.

When the project is done, I do the documentation of the project and produce it to the organization.

My parents come first as they allocated me duties to handle while still young giving me a platform to exercise responsibility of decision making. They also gave me the mentorship and guidelines to ensure that I don’t end up making poor decision (Tepper, Dimotakis, Lambert, Koopman, Matta, Park, Goo, 2018). My religion mentor also made a great contribution in helping me realize myself and behave in expectation of the people without going against the law of God.

At home where I began my leadership it was not easy to handle the young siblings since I did not have enough exposure and experience. I entirely relied on the instructions from the parents of which at time I had to forget.

At school being the teacher’s eye was even worse as some of the students viewed me as a spy and even branded me a traitor.

At the current leadership level , working with a team is not easy as every person have their own personalities, this leads to disagreement among the people who are expected to work in a team manner, I therefore have the challenge of bringing them together whenever this happen.

At most cases the time factor is challenging to cope with, at some cases the weather and other unstoppable natural happenings do not favor the project and it has to delay its time of completion.

At several cases I have initiated a project but the man power with proper skills is not available or when available the charges are too high (Erkutlu, 2012).

Resources are the main challenge at Blessed Hand as we entirely rely on donations from well wishers and we are not certain to get them.

Challenges I Have Encountered in My Leadership

My honesty to my parents and teachers and the Christian teachings uniquely identified me as a good leader. I have also excised integrity of high order all through. When Blessed Hand was almost at the end point I took a confident step of approaching the governor for assistance (Wang, Ahmed, (2007).

I encourage and empower every member of the team to create confidence in what I believe they can because success is easily achieved when one have confidence in what he is doing through appreciation. Am also timely in response to issues affecting team mate and resolve them wisely to make sure that everything is right to the best.

Every step in leadership counts and success of a leader is accounted on all he does. From Gallup strength finder, it came to my realization that I posses special and unique skill not possessed by many leaders. My ability of fluent communication when addressing my team mates is one of them, I noticed that am a fluent speaker and therefore communication is easy in my leadership career. It also came to my notice that I don’t practice discrimination of any kind based on any factor like personal skills and capabilities age, gender or skin color (Ensley, Hmieleski, Pearce, 2006).I also realized that I promote team work through inclusivity and open participation of team work where they air their ideas to make the feel they count in that team. This boosts their morale of work to achieve the goals of the organization they contributed to set.  

I was surprised on noting I am an influential and wise decision maker and the revival of the Blessed Hand through seeking of the government support was given as an example. When it comes to assigning duties and compensation, it was reported that I have a strait exercise of equity. It was also let to know that I don’t compromise myself when subjected to two equal opposite forces and I instead take my time and give the ever best decision that is applicable (Dierendonck, 2011).

I practice a motivational leadership style in every aspect with an objective of mutual benefit of the team, organization and myself also. I am dedicated to deliver and influence team mates through motivation to follow the same (Fausing, Jeppe Jeppesen, Jønsson, Lewandowski, Bligh, 2013). I focus mainly on leading the team to deliver the best. I value the workers than my leadership position because I understand I can’t achieve the goals of the organization alone. This strengthens my relationship with those I lead and create confidence in what they deliver, it has also helped maintain desirable morals and respect to the authority instead of fearing it.

How I Formed My Leadership Image


This is my key component of leadership, I always strive to inspire workers to develop desire to achieve. This has helped me to timely accomplishment of organization goals.

I am a leader of fast adaptation to change in all aspect. When one way doesn’t seem to work out well I am fast to embrace the change for better on aspects pertaining the technology, weather and workers relation with the administration and other workers (Smith, Cockburn, 2014)..

I am not obsessed by the position of leadership I hold, I own the outcome and therefore struggles to make it the best.

I am the kind of a leader who rollup sleeves and participate to work to show the workers I am not only a decision maker but can also do it. I tend not to set unachievable goals pushing workers to the wall and I also accept my mistake and take proper measures to collect myself. I am not power selfish, help others to glow leadership.

I tend to have much concern with the workers say and listen to them well, this helps me get into touch with the demanding situation and learn the challenges workers could be going through and define a clear conclusion on whether they are angry, happy, frustrated or they have even given up on achieving their goals (Eisenhardt, Martin, 2000). Also I observe the behaviors of the workers and the trend in way of doing things, this helps me to obtain first hand information on what need to be done next in order to maintain the scope of the project and accomplish it on time.  I am a manager of negotiation with the worker to arrive at a favorable decision for all of us because I understand that giving directives every time can create a sense of dictatorship which workers do not work well on. When responding to issues don’t let my emotions to get control of me. I hate as situation of responding to workers with excitement because this can lead to making promises beyond the scope of fulfillment. When it comes to anger it can cause a response that will lead to all time regret and due to this reason I don’t let my emotions to control me.

I recognize and acknowledge the every employee in my leadership to create favorable workers, work and management environment to enhance easy goals achieving. I also value motivation of individuals and group to boost their morale and maintain a positive image towards work. I have always maintained my dignity, honesty and accountability in my leadership style and appreciate workers who brought the success to the project (Foti, Epitropaki, 2017). In addition I have tried at all levels to avoid discrimination at work both by the management and team mates to create confidence and contentment of workers at work.

Gallup Strength Finder Leadership

Great man theory.

I was born with the leadership quality. This theory assumes that some people are born with leadership in them and they acquired this characteristic through inheritance.

This theory focuses to particular aspects of environment that determines the type of leadership to employ (Bolden, 2011). It claims good leaders should be able to assess the needs of the followers and adjust their leadership accordingly.

This theory states that the decision of the leader on what actions to take depends on the situation at hand and the leader uses his experience to make decision or seek for help from experts.

This theory argues that the best leadership style is the one that allows all the participants to contribute in decision making (Foti, Hansbrough, Epitropaki, Coyle,2017).


This reflexive study has been an eye opener on leadership and what it takes a leader to be termed the best. I have also learnt several things that will I need to change in my leadership style and identified my strength in this field. I have realized that leadership is not all about being in position of power and making decisions alone, there is need to include others workers in decision making process.


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Eisenhardt, K. M., & Martin, J. A. (2000). Dynamic capabilities: what are they?. Strategic management journal, 21(10?11), 1105-1121.

Erkutlu, H. (2012). The impact of organizational culture on the relationship between shared leadership and team proactivity. Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 18(1/2), 102-119.

Fausing, M. S., Jeppe Jeppesen, H., Jønsson, T. S., Lewandowski, J., & Bligh, M. C. (2013). Moderators of shared leadership: work function and team autonomy. Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 19(5/6), 244-262.

Foti, R. J., Hansbrough, T. K., Epitropaki, O., & Coyle, P. T. (2017). Dynamic viewpoints on implicit leadership and followership theories: approaches, findings, and future directions. The Leadership Quarterly.

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Sotarauta, M. (2016). Shared leadership and dynamic capabilities in regional development. In Regionalism Contested (pp. 63-82). Routledge.

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Wang, C. L., & Ahmed, P. K. (2007). Dynamic capabilities: A review and research agenda. International journal of management reviews, 9(1), 31-51.

White, M. D. (2016). Examining Dynamic Leadership: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Organizational Effectiveness (Doctoral dissertation, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University).

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