How Organizations Apply IS/IT For Achieving Innovation: Critical Discussion

Information Technology and Innovations

Innovations are base of many businesses. An innovative idea is converted into a business model and entrepreneur in establish that idea into practical. It is also base of an organization, as every business has their consumers and they are required new things always. Customer’s relationship is completely based on their needs from the organization. Information System (IS) is providing helps to a business model for innovating new products, and Information Technology (IT) is backbone of IS. There are so many things are necessary for research and development in an organization, such as computer systems, digital technologies, previous data, and processing tools. It is necessary for development and production of products as well as for innovations.  It is also necessary for innovations that they have previous research data on that field.

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Research and development team is a part of an organization in now a day. Every organization now setup their own IT infrastructure for innovations and management of their own information system.  It is cost effective but it has advantages in long term. In last two decades, it is a common thing for all the organization that they manage their own infrastructure for managing all research and development work (Drucker, 2014).

Human resources are also having a key role for innovations, as they hire excellent persons, which are already good inventor. They thought like an inventor. It is based on employees, that they give their best for an organization. Few things cannot possible to implement for an organization, such as data warehouses, cloud structure, and platforms (Wu, et al., 2013). In this report, IS/IT role for innovations will discuss with the help of few examples. It will also discuss about the business process parts.  

Innovations are beneficial for business development. Customer’s relationship is a first process for business development.  For maintaining that relationship, always consider surveys, and feedbacks of customer regarding products and services of a company. Business is a process in which efforts are helpful for getting success. These efforts are hard work, Punctuality, teamwork, honesty, and self-awareness. Many organizations are establishing research and development cells, rather than take products and patents form the other organizations. Few things are not possible to implement at their end, such as cloud infrastructure. Netflix hire Amazon Web Services for managing and development of IT infrastructure for storing data, because it has too many cost for implantation of services and data warehouses for lots of data. However, in the case of research and development field, all organizations are establishing their own labs for research and development (INC, 2018). Few organization are as an excellent examples, who are used IS/IT for innovations. IS/IT is providing a base for research and development. Digital technologies are highly used for innovation and development of many filed for an organization (Johnston & Marshall, 2013).

Economy of an organization based on the different process of development. Productivity of an organization will increase using the help of new technologies, and different process with innovations.   Information technology is emerging different ideas and used them for research and development for economic growth of an organization. Knowledge sharing a best concept in the field of innovations, such as NASA used different logics from the help of different organization.

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Sony is a good example, who takes helps of information technology for the innovations. It provides so many products for customers and it makes a great relationship with customers. Sony has success and failure from their products.

Few innovations are so useful but few of them are facing failure, because of many things, such as customer’s satisfaction. There are so many things, which make economic growth of Sony, such as Analog Consumer electronics industry. Sony gets a big success from transistor radio and TV in 1950. That was not based on pure technology but they mix new technologies in the previous one and make their products affordable with new technology.

Sony covers that gap successfully with the help of innovations. Information technology was playing a great role for merging old technologies with new one. Sony creates a bridge for getting success in their filled. They used customer’s needs as a first requirement for products development (Marchewka, 2014). They make an international market based on innovations. Sony was following some core competences for economic growth. They start knowledge sharing culture and getting so many benefits from that thing. They started knowledge management system for managing new technologies uses, which is directly increasing their productivity and development. It is called waterfall strategy in which follow a process for getting success in their business.  

That strategy creates more value of Sony in the market. It maximizes their resource efficiency.  Sony became a well-known organization in the world based on innovations. It creates a different image in the mind of customers that Sony is the best company in the field of TV and Radio. Based on information technologies, Sony create a value in the market, and resource utilization is the best process for cost reduction.

In 1990, Sony started his research and development cells for getting success. Sony changes in organization structure as per the requirements. Internet and Personal computer are common in that time, so PC software is compulsory for connecting all devices with the PC. Software development is very helpful for Sony for competitive advantage in the electronics industry.

Sony loses many things after different organizations are coming in that field. Few factors of Sony, which provides success in the market, are:

  • Value creation
  • Effective Leadership
  • Core technologies
  • Best employees
  • Knowledge –sharing
  • Satisfied Suppliers

   Sony is maintaining status with their unique innovation in the field of digital electronics. These key factors are helping Sony.  For take up challenges and fulfill all the needs of customers (Salesforce, 2018).

Internal and external factors impacts

Sony is developing different products based on innovations from their research and development labs. It is an impact on the current business of the Sony as well as they makes their images in front of the world. It is also increasing their business all over the world.   

Hewlett-Packard (HP) has a major impact on the technological innovations. It is first and unique in the field of innovations.

HP introduced the first reliable and go-anywhere computer HP2116A in 1966. HP is having their own lab for research development, which is known as HP labs. HP is inventor of light-emitting diode (LED), which is used for the traffic lights and indicator lights. HP invented atomic clocks, which is used for communication of airplane collision and space shuttles operating (Scott, 2012).


HP increases their business in 1968, with their new product, which is a programmable scientific desktop calculator. It was 10 time faster as compare to other machines.  HP introduced Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) architecture, which provides faster execution of programs. HP has a big role in the field of printers. Digital Data Storage (DDS) is the first drive for backup formats. The HP also invents color desktop printer in 1991 (Sen, 2014).   

HP is not a new in this field, but it is necessary for making their business at new heights from their innovations. HP uses their employees and research development departments for innovations in different fields.  

Panasonic is an icon in the field of digital technologies. This company is completing 100 years in the field of innovation in 2018. Latest products are Visual Sort Assist and Automated Guided Vehicle smart robots. These are based on the RFID technology and helpful in transportation facility (Pullan, 2018).

In 2017, Panasonic Business has created many innovations at Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC). All inventions are helpful for business process, such as transportation, logistics, supply chain business, and utilities.

These are some innovations from the MTC:

Intelligent Security System: it provides age and gender video analytics with wireless video distribution system.

Intelligent warehouse solution: it is beneficial for securing logistics business with the help of barcode scanning and security system for tracking packages.

Vital Sensing Technology: it is useful for transportation purpose. It detects the person and provides details about their help to the server, so control center take action for that particular person.

Fleet Management system: it is so beneficial for traffic management and counting number of parcel in logistics business (reealwire, 2017).

In the field of electronics industry, Panasonic is having great role for providing innovation to reducing the work, and work is done smartly with full security. Designers are continuously working on the advancement in electronics and communication field. According to needs of industry, they invent new softwares and technologies for reducing human efforts (Busetto, 2018).

Panasonic is a brand in the field of electronics industry based on their innovations, which are created with the help of information technology in their R&D cells. It is a best way to achieve their goals with the help of innovations. They used customer’s feedbacks for innovations.  

Hitachi is having own research and development department. They are used information technology for their social research programmes. They are collaborating with more than 14 universities in japan and more than 50 universities in whole world for research and development in the field of science and technologies (Stair & Reynolds, 2013).

Hitachi is working in the field of transportation systems, data centers, power systems, construction equipment, and much more. Hitachi is working in the field of research and development with the theme of social innovation. They are used cloud computing and data centers for research and development. Information Systems are helping them for social researches, such as smart-grid technology (HITACHI, 2018).   

Hitachi is also introduces many testing tools in the field of medical sciences. There are so many issues in social life, which are required innovations for solving them. Innovation are solving problem as well as it reduces cost and time in all those problem facing by a person (Swar, et al., 2012).

Background Information

Innovations are usable as an effort for getting success in business. There are many ways to manage business, but using right approach business get successful. Innovations are helpful for reducing problems in many things, such as products, service, and operations. It is also provide a good decision making for business using design-thinking approach (Xie, et al., 2018). All these companies are having different aim for innovations based on the products and services. Information technology is base of all the researches as so many data is required for research than data centers are used for that information. There are so many hurdles in the field of research and development, still innovations are continues in the market.     

Creating a value in market based on the innovations and new concepts of the organization. In case of IT industries, so many innovations are created with the help of Information systems, such as ERP, SAP, and many more. In transportation field, the help of Information Technology invents so many innovations.  

Hitachi is broadly working for the social innovations, which are directly helps people in their daily life processes. It is a different way for making their business from these types of innovation. It is a way to keep them in a list of innovators. They are used proper information technologies for the innovations in their research.  

In present era, information technology spread everywhere and all the things are connected with each other. Innovations are required thing for growth of a business. First thing is required for the organization is best employees for innovations. Most of the companies are having a great status because of their innovations. There are so many things required to fulfill the needs of customers. Many innovations are based on theme of social innovations, such as medical science, education, appliances, and transportation. Human resources department is manage all polices for the employees and hire best employees for the organization. Innovative people are always having great thinking and understanding. Problem-solving approach is best way to create new ideas for solving a problem, which may be related to common problem.     

It is recommended for the all-innovative organizations that, they work on the social innovations for avoiding future problems, such as global warming.  There are some innovations, which are used for advancement in the technologies. They are invented for more efficiency of previous product. Therefore, innovations are must useful for social or commercial purposes for humanity.    

Innovation and business are interlinked for development. Employees are providing their best for organization and organization is doing same thing for employees. So human resource department is always tried to make their employee satisfied with their payment and incentives. There are few key concepts of management of employees, which makes a huge growth of an organization. Political scenarios are also helpful for the innovations in any company. There are so many issues in the field of information technology field for innovations. Governments are supporting these types of organizations for innovations. It is based on the supporting system of countries for innovations. There are so many regions in whole world, which are always supported by political parties for innovations. They also provide funds for innovations for social innovations.         


It is concluded form the previous parts of this report that, IS/IT is having a key role for innovations. It is basic need of innovations in now a day.  It is a process for upgrading a system of an organization. Innovations are providing a face of an organization. There are few things required for organization growth, and one of them is innovation. Innovations are backbone of a business process. Business model is having a huge role of research and development department for innovations, although it takes too much cost for maintaining. However, it is necessary for fulfill the customer’s needs. Many organizations are having their virtue, because of their innovations. Information technology is providing an environment for innovations. Because of resources, anyone can innovate any new idea for innovation.  Sony, Panasonic, HP, and Hitachi are the most innovative companies in the field of digital electronics companies. They work for social, commercial, and career oriented theme based innovations.

Finally, it is concluded that Information systems are helpful for innovation, because tools and data are required for innovation. It is also necessary because data about the problem is very necessary for innovation.   


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