Epidemiological Overview Of Depression, Existing Interventions And Proposal For New Intervention
Etymologically speaking, a public health issue is an instance whereby the people at large and across the globe face serious problems regarding their health. When there is prevalence of an epidemic or absence of protection of health or where there is lack of immunity to the people at large, which consequently makes them sick can be termed as a public health issue (Strang et al., 2012).
The public health issue discussed in this essay is Depression. Depression or Melancholy is a mental condition among the human beings which brings in prolonged sadness, the sense of feeling low, lack of enthusiasm and interest towards all and the daily activities of life. It can affect the lives of human beings grossly because it weakens the system of happiness in the balance of human life. It incorporates in itself the absence of joy, enjoyment, fun. Every moment of life becomes dark and gloomy for a person who suffers from depression (Thompson et al., 2011).
There can be many causes of depression. It can arise from psychological, biological, hereditary, environmental and other factors. The consequences of depression can be many too. It can have both light and serious effects upon the human beings which in turn affect the society at large. The serious effects include becoming frustrated to the highest levels and want to end their own lives. In the contemporary era, the factors which increase depression are increasing (Segal, Williams & Teasdale, 2018). Consequently more and more people are getting diagnosed with it by the doctors. The melancholic attitude plants a root in the minds of the people. They find mental agony everywhere and all around.
Thus, while defining depression, it can be termed as a chronic disease with dreadful consequences. It needs to be treated at the earliest to make the people diagnosed with it, understand that life is a gift and it is worth enjoying.
While comparing the rates of depression from the past to the present age, it has been on the rise. Information received from the International Survey on Drug Use and Health (ISDUH) that in every hour there are about ten people hit by this chronic disease globally. Upon the detailed analysis it has been further observed that women are affected more than the men around the world. During the survey of 2005 to 2015, there has been a substantial rise in the depression rates. The historical trends show that depression is one of the leading causes which instigate suicide among the people, drug addiction and becoming a victim of bullying. In the international sphere, United States, Australia and India have seen maximum people suffer from depression (Pratt & Broody, 2014). Around 60% of the patients across the globe are from the above mentioned countries. Around 46% percent of the global population now suffer from depression. This has increased by about 20% in the last decade. The main reason for this increase is the world getting more technologically advanced. Due to this advancement, the people become more and more engrossed with the technology and the conversations with people and socialization decreases. This was the international structure.
Key Historical trends, Statistics and Policy (Globally)
The historical trends, statistics and policies locally are almost similar to that of the international sphere. The local sphere has also seen a significant rise in the depression rates over the last two decades. According to the Public Health Issue Survey on Depression and Melancholy, the prime result of depression is self homicide. The suicide rates due to depression has been increasing at a rapid rate and it has increased by 25%. The distribution of depression among men and women in the local purview is different from the international outlook. Over the last decade, the ratio between men and women are almost similar. With the rise in the depression among the local population it becomes very much necessary to take appropriate measures and make policies to curb the depression among the people. The depression has also arisen among the adolescent group in the last 5 years by 10%. Fear of rejection, being bullied are the major causes of this phenomena. Depression has also been on a rise among the people of the low income group and old aged people (Miller & Riason, 2016). Adding both these classes of persons together, contribute about 25% to the depression rate. It becomes urgent to take immediate measures to curb the depression locally.
Depression has become a major disease and increasingly frequent among the people of the world. It is a mental disorder which snatches away all the happiness, joy and laughter from the lives of people. The distribution of depression across the globe has been rising and including more and more people in the purview significantly. The report of the National Comorbidity Survey (NCS) investigates the prevalence and the factors of the risk relating to it (Lewis, 2015).
Upon measuring the psychiatric comorbidity, a specimen of 8097 people, around 14 to 53 years of age from around 47 nations across the globe were interviewed. This interview was on the basis of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI).
The outcome of such a survey was that depression among the adolescents, women and the old aged were distributed more. The people who possessed higher education but did not have a job were included in this category (Hidaka, 2012). The approximate measurement for the chronic depression was 18.2% with a non discriminating demographic distribution. The previous Epidemiologic Catchment Area study also emitted similar outcomes.
From the different surveys conducted, the pressure of the depression distribution is mainly upon the people who dwell in the sophisticated community with high education. The distribution of the chronic disease is less among the people who belong to the age group of below 14 years. The investigations also reveal that the age groups beyond the completion of adolescents is not the depressed class. But again, the distribution of depression is prevalent among the age group of 40 to 50 years. This includes the period of mid life crisis and depression often crops in the minds of such people. Then again, the distribution of depression is extended to the higher age group till they die. However, this distribution is scanty among this age group as only 10% suffer from it (Kung et al., 2013).
Key Historical trends, Statistics and Policy (locally)
The first intervention to get rid of the chronic disorder from the lives of ordinary people is setting a routine life. Depression occurs mainly when the people have immense time to spend but lack the different activities to spend their time. The regular activities kill the normal time but the added time is not passed away. ‘An empty min is a devil’s workshop’ , people are very much aware of this proverb and this proverb is highly applicable in the real lives of the ordinary people (Lebeau et al., 2011).
Having a routine life is not enough however. But having a routine life with productive space and leisure time is essential. Taking an example of the ordinary routine of the ordinary people calls for a schedule. It includes waking up at an appropriate time and then consuming breakfast. It usually furthers the going to work or office for the people. While in office, the people are generally engaged in the day to day work and the completion of the required assignments. After the office work, people usually return home and spend the time at home with their loved ones.
In case of a patient suffering from depression after having a routine life, it is feasible that such patient should consult a doctor or a psychologist. Consulting the right doctor would help the patient in getting the correct routine so that they do not get bored or possess anytime to get depressed. Consulting the right physician, could understand the real problems and the real mentality of one’s life. In this way, he can set up the right routine for any person so that they do not suffer the dreadful consequences of depression. The required doctor would give the prescribed routine as per their daily activities. Following the prescribed activities as per the instructions given by the doctor could be highly effective in curbing the factors which has brought about depression amongst the lives of the people. Following the prescription would guide the patients to follow a particular path which could lead them to follow a busy schedule. Following the busy schedule could lead him/her to have a fruitful life without hindrances towards a lazy life (Dimidjian et al., 2011). This life of a severe routine could enable a person to have a productive and a busy schedule. Having a busy schedule would force the person to have a non leisure time. Thus there would absence of thoughts of depressing attitudes among the common people.
The next intervention to curb the ill effects of depression is the addition of added responsibilities to the patients. While the people lead an ordinary life, there can be instances or loop holes whereby the people can find ways to lead another life different from the ordinary. That ordinary life could be different from ordinary but not exciting to attract joy and excitement. That life could only attract the sad realities of one’s life.
Thus having added responsibilities would create the ordinary life of a man a really busy one. Having a busy life would encourage his activities to be finished first and then divert to another activity. The completion of every responsibility is solo moto every person’s life. After having completed the same he can feel satisfied (Duman, 2014). This satisfaction is a contradictory factor towards having any kind of depression. Thus, the creation of added responsibilities can help a person to get away with depression.
Disease Distribution
Getting engaged to the added responsibilities can have a positive effect towards diverting the minds of the individuals towards other factors. The diversification can enable a person to be involve into something serious, thereby enabling him to divert his thoughts and actions to another direction. He is kept busy in the other activities. As a result of which he cannot engage into depressing thoughts and ideas.
When a person is not engaged into serious thoughts or serious activities his mind flows into an action of a depressing state of mind. This depressing state of mind does not possess any positivity. It only possesses negative thoughts to depress a man. It only lowers the morale of a person to bring into negative thoughts in his minds. These thoughts have a negative impact in his mind and in his life. It affects his work and normal standard of living. Having the added responsibilities can be highly effective in reducing such thoughts and expressions (Elder, 2018).
A person can get more and more involved into the additional responsibilities and be more happier. His ideal mind can be more and more involved in the other works and functions given to him. This measure could be highly effective in curbing the disease of depression among the common people (De Choudhury, Counts & Horvitz, 2013). They can be prevented from getting depressed from the ordinary chores of life.
Thus, added responsibilities can show its true colors in the prevention of causing the chronic disorder of depression among the common people.
The third intervention which would be highly effective in the prevention of the chronic mental disorder among the people is the driving away of the Negative thoughts in the minds of the people. Depression occurs in the minds of the people when there is a sense of dissatisfaction or pain. Such thoughts and ideas are increased by the depressing thoughts and ideas among the people (Ferentinos et al., 2011). Thus, the thoughts and ideas which bring about depression in the minds of the people are the negative thoughts. Getting rid of these negative thoughts can prove to be highly effective in curbing away the chronic mental disorder of depression.
These negative thoughts can be driven away easily by adding a positive outlook towards the lives of the ordinary people who suffer or tend to suffer from depression. The adding of the positive thoughts includes the adding of many positive attitudes and activities in the ordinary lives of the common people. The addition of the positivity to avoid depression in the lives of the common people include the addition of the positive thoughts and actions in the day to day lives of the common routine. Exercising, consultation with the doctor and discussion about the appropriate methods, having a positive outlook towards life and the situations and the circumstances which take place in one’s life are all related to the curbing of depression from a person’s life. Apart from these, getting into a life of a routine, with the eating of healthy stuff, having the right amount of sleep and undertaking the responsibilities can be an added measure towards the decreasing of the negative thoughts of the creation of depression.
Intervention 1 and Analysis
Thus, the fading away of the negative thoughts amongst the minds of the people who are possessing depressing thoughts can be highly effective in getting rid of the negative thoughts and ideas. The negative ideas, once thrown away from the minds of the people can be highly effective in bringing about the peace of mind in the people. They can lead a simple life devoid of agony and disorder (Gerst-Emerson & Jayawardhana, 2015). The swiping away of the negative thoughts can bring a way of bringing about the positive elements of life. The positive elements, automatically makes the life a person happier. In this way, the depression could be reduced completely and the chronic disorder would come to an end. Thus, the above interventions could be highly effective in bringing about a change amongst the people suffering from depression.
After a close perusal of the above three interventions and their analysis mentioned above in the essay about curbing depression, it can be stated that the primary theme of the above themes were to decrease the chronic disease of depression. In the contemporary era, depression has been increasingly rising among the different age group of the people living in the society. Depression is such a state of mind, whereby the people lose all the joys, laughter and enjoyment of their lives. It aggravates such a situation to such a deal that the people who suffer from depression lose the will to live. They lose the desire to have a good and enjoyable life. They either want their lives to come to an end or they desire that their lives be altered in drastic ways (Giese-Davis et al., 2011).
Such drastic ways of alteration can only be achieved once the people who are suffering from depression themselves, opt to do something effective for themselves. For such a reason there has been various interventions around the globe to cease depression and help the people get away with it. The current essay deals with three major kinds of interventions which would be highly effective in curbing the depressing outlooks in the people of the contemporary era. Following the above interventions would help the people in accepting a world full of positivities different from the world filled with negativities due to depression.
The key theme of the interventions mentioned in this essay is to prevent and prohibit the ill effects of depression to enter into the lives of the common people. The key theme includes the welfare of the people so that they lead a healthy life and do not fall prey to the ill effects of the chronic mental disorder of depression. The term, ‘depression’ may sound simple, but once it affects an individual, that individual would suffer that ill effects of experiencing all kinds of happiness in one’s life (Carek, Laibstain & Carek, 2011). The key theme of these interventions remains very simple. The primary aims of these themes is to prohibit depression among the common people. As per the surveys conducted, it seen that the women, adolescents and the middle aged group are mostly affected by this phenomena. The key theme of these interventions clearly aims at the protection of these class of people from getting affected by the depression disease. Every people possesses the right to enjoy their lives to the fullest very happily. Depression creates a hindrance upon such activities and free and the smooth functioning of a happy human life (Gitlin, 2012).
Intervention 2 and Analysis
Hence, the key theme of the above interventions would always be targeting at the protection and the security of the people, especially the classes of people who are highly prone to such disorder. Maintenance of such themes would be highly effective and bringing about peace and happiness among the human nature. This is because, depression would be completely out of the minds of the people (Chancerel et al., 2013). They would only understand happiness, health, fun and joy relating one’s life.
Following the above interventions blatantly could bring about success in the lives of the people are suffering from depression. But there are certain limitations which create a bar in the causing of a stoppage to the depression mechanism among the human beings (Baumeister et al., 2014).
Firstly, following a routine life cannot always successfully bring a remedy to curb depression. The routine life does not give any space for an extra source of happiness or joy among the human beings. Consequently, they do not experience any extra action or fun apart from the daily activities. This can be a great limitation in curbing depression among the people.
Secondly, by the addition of the added responsibilities, there can be an extra burden upon the people who have undertaken the measures to curb depression. In case, the added responsibilities do not become fulfilled there can be frustration in the minds of the common people who undertook such responsibility. Frustration is a great cause of causing depression. Thus, the addition of responsibilities can be a burden upon the people not curb depression, but to increase depression in the real lives (Brown & Harris, 2012).
Thirdly, it sometimes becomes difficult to assess as to what is a positive and what is a negative impact upon the lives of the common people. The positivity and the negativity is a matter of perception. What can be positive to one, can be negative to another and the vice versa. Hence it is not always that reducing the negativities and adding the positive outcomes can be highly helpful in the reduction of depression. The people rejecting the negative outlooks out of their lives cannot always bring in the positive attitude, joy and happiness. There can be various limitations with regard to the above grounds (Cooney et al., 2013). Thus, the above were the limitations with regard to the interventions of depression.
One of the best ways of fighting depression is involving into physical activities such as exercising and co-curricular activities such as art therapies (drawing, painting, etc.) (Peterson, 2014). The levels of the noradrenalin, neurotransmitters serotonin, endorphins and dopamine are increased with the help of physical exercises. Due to depression neurotransmitters can be decreased. Having a good workout gives an instant boost of mood to people which increase the level neurotransmitter. According to the American journal of Public Health, issues such as depression can be decreased as well as cured completely with the help of Creative engagement. Art therapy helps people in coping up with their issues and also provides them with the healthy outlet for expression. Art therapy might consist aspects such as drawing painting joining dance classes or music classes, or learning an instrument. Depression can often be very disorienting painful and an isolating experience. A person cab can be robbed of his capacity for happiness. Depression makes a person silent because the ability of giving voice to their suffering and communicating their pain is lost (Kemp, et.al., 2014). Destruction is all about destruction in several ways. The destruction can be of a person’s sense, his functionality and the breadth of his emotions.
Intervention 3 and Analysis
For the people who are suffering with depression, art therapy helps in representing to them and opportunity of pushing against such a distraction by enabling them to immerse them in the process of creation. Art making can have a deep effect on a person’s psychological as well as physical well-being. Art helps an individual to completely explore his emotions and thoughts an address is mental health disorder in a positive and safe way. In addition to this, art therapy also enables an individual in the achievement of a sense of self-sufficiency and independence. The other achievements also include development of healthy coping mechanisms, breaking through these functional patterns of thought, improvising on problem-solving skills and achieving a greater level of empathy. In spite of the invaluable benefits of art therapy, it is not a standalone intervention to depression. A wide range of therapeutic interventions should be incorporated with the art therapy for the creation of a comprehensive treatment experience for all those people who are struggling with depression (Slayton, D’Archer and Kaplan, 2010.). The integration of art therapy in an environment of residential mental health treatment, a suffering person can benefit from an arrangement of therapeutic sensations that intersect with each other (Skaife and Huet, 2014).
Resources and reports reveal that people who are participating in organized recreational activities, exercises and sports clubs are more alert and also enjoy a better mental health as compared to the people who do not indulge in two physical activities. These people are also more resilient against the modern living stresses. Participation in such socially supported physical activities and recreational groups help in reducing anxiety stress and depression. Scientific researchers have shown that, indulging into exercises helps in reducing issues like depression by 34 per cent and 47 per cent if done once to thrice and four times a week respectively. According to extensive evidences, social support and social participation help in increasing participation and engagement of an individual in exercises and physical activity. Evaluations show that social support like buddy systems help in increasing the feeling of well-being of individuals and their intention of beginning or continuation in participation in physical activities. According to recent researches, it is also indicated that there is a close relationship between depression and obesity. Depressed people often stay inactive due to which they gain weight. As such, physical activities and exercises are considered to be potential mediating variables for curing depression.
Depression is considered as the flu or common cold of various mental disorders which affects their lives directly or indirectly. Often people seem to be confused between the feeling of being depressed and simply feeling low. The symptoms might be overpowering for few and few might even underestimate the feelings (Craske, et. al., 2011). Either of the case needs appropriate attention and treatment for it. There are several factors that can help people of any age group to prevent depression. Self-control, looking at the positive side of the future, maintaining healthy relationship with self and family and, ability to cope with stressful situations can help to overcome obsessive thoughts. In order to combat depression, exercise is considered as an effective treatment but the challenge lies in taking the initiation to improve their own condition (Carek, Laibstain and Carek, 2011). Exercise can be great and fun intervention which will allow people suffering from depression to take up various activities, pursue their hobbies and start respecting the value of their lives (Cooney, et. al., 2013)But people can be helped by taking initiatives such running Green Gym projects which will allow them to exercise outdoor. The promotional activities will include creating websites, writing blogs, following the hashtag culture and making them understand the numerous benefits of exercising on different social media sites as it is a powerful platform to attract people. Conducting mental health awareness programs in schools, colleges, fitness centers and, corporate offices can be a feasible option to make people aware and start knowing the importance of physical activities to live a healthy life (Jorm, 2012). The intervention can include reaching out to influential celebrities and write blogs on encounters of depression. Campaigns with hashtags on Instagram can encourage existing members to spread the word and help others to share their experiences. It is also important to break the stigma against mental health which these campaigns should target upon (Henderson, Evans-Lacko and Thornicroft, 2013). Understanding the attitude and behaviors of men in particular can be a center of focus as they are more likely to avoid sharing their condition. The messages can be powerful regarding the awareness of benefits of exercising and how to motivate yourself to take up activities you love. These initiatives are certainly going to help people who are in constant need to hear them out. Collaborating with mental hospitals and gaining their trust on educating the patients suffering from this condition can also be beneficial in saving their lives. A healthy mind is always the key to positive living.
Proposal for New Intervention
The suggested interventions are merely plans that can be implemented on people suffering from mental health disorders. Studies show that people of age group 16-25 suffer the most hit due to depression (Luppa, et. al., 2012). But often they do not understand their own condition which leads to having obsessive thoughts. In order to effective running of these interventions, it is important to put them into action and monitor its performances. The online programs such as the blogs and the website should be monitored by set of volunteers. Regular blogs should be maintained on the websites and shared on various Facebook pages and on Instagram (Moorhead, et. al., 2013). The blogs should mostly promote the benefits of exercising, yoga and taking up interesting activities such as joining a gym, doing aerobics, taking up dance classes that can actually make people to think about healthy living. As exercising is a long-term treatment and not a onetime fix, inspirational videos can be posted on Instagram pages with motivational hashtags so that people come to know about these. It can be monitored by checking the views on the videos and comments. The people who are commenting can be approached to spread the word. The campaign can approach to gyms where interviews of people can be taken regarding their approach on fitness and the importance of exercising in their lives. Real life experiences always prove to attract the attention of people (Radovic, Gmelin, Stein and Miller, 2017). The monitoring can be done by conducting creative activities like art therapies which prove to reduce depression. Collaboration with mental hospitals is a good option but monitoring the activities after campaigning their patients is always better. Self-evaluation score cards can be distributed after conducting campaigns in corporate offices to understand the mental condition of employees. This helps them to know if they really need support and pursue a better way of living. Advices can be given to corporate offices to install gyms and within their office premises to help employees ease out their stress. People can be encouraged to participate in various fitness activities as no exercise can result in obesity and cardiovascular diseases.
Despite the benefits of art therapy, there are several barriers to the success of such therapies. The primary issue which becomes a barrier in the success of the art therapy is, the therapy as a profession is a challenge which is because there is a very minimum level of understanding with exists for the art therapists and their work. One of the primary problems is that, despite the extensive struggle of several therapists in informing people regarding the concept of art therapy, its benefits and theories, the usual belief of people still remains that art therapy cannot be considered as psychotherapy since it consists of visual arts (Toniki, 2014). Art therapy is a profession which is received with suspicion and hesitation because it is expected from the art therapist for describing the principles by whose means art claims of being beneficial (Albert, R., 2010). Hence, art therapists can we often found at the bottom of hierarchies in service social in medical settings. They are only considered to be experts in the field of art and are not paid any kind of recognition on respect for other mental health professions. Several patients are repelled from the exploration of art therapy benefits. Art therapy, even among its target groups, is not a well-defined practice. One of the most common misbelieve are that the primary emphasis of the art therapists is on the created form of art. However, the real focus of the art therapists is on encouragement of the creativity of the participants and the complete artistic process. They make sure that art is a tool of relaxation and platform where a person can express himself in the way which is not painful and rather makes him happy.
Participation in exercising also has several barriers. These barriers are divided into three parts, physical, psychological and socio-ecological. Physical barriers to exercise might include issues such as tiredness, fatigue physical illness, etc. The psychological barriers can include issues such as motivational barriers, distress, barriers of safety, self-confidence, etc. Finally, the socio-ecological barriers consist of problems such as barrier of cost, time, support, problem of insufficient information and access to facilities. A person who is suffering from depression might always feel fatigue and tiredness, which gives an impression of the person being physically ill. Such person is always low on levels of self-confidence and motivation, and also has issues regarding safety. Since different people often live with an absent mind, they have insufficient information regarding exercises.
Limitations of Proposed Intervention
Depression is the leading cause of global burden that is affecting people across all age groups, genders and groups. There are several ways of treating depression yet they seem to be inadequate. In this growing economy and developments, people are forgetting the way of leading a healthy and peaceful life. Stress and lack of physical activity is contributing hugely to the condition which seems to be worsening with each passing day. In general therapeutic interventions have addressed highly increased rates in obesity levels and cardiovascular diseases. There have been evidences that suggests exercising and indulging into any kind of physical activity can reduce a person’s risk of being depressed about anything. Moreover, exercise can help in improving symptoms of depression in people who are unsure about their condition. Nonetheless, exercising has been an ages old concept and accepted by people suffering from depression who have shown lesser dropouts from the interventions. This requires professionals to monitor the activities and keep them motivated by adopting strategies. In particular, exercising and indulging in art activities always offer a viable option that can help in promoting ways to lead a depression free life. The key of adopting these interventions is understanding the need of what you like and what you keep doing.
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