Benefits Of Public Transport
Reducing Congestion
1. Among the available topics for the unit, the assignment is going to work on the benefits of public transport as the topic of choice.
2. Under the topic of benefits public transport, the issue will report and elaborate on the following:
- Economic benefits of public transport.
- Health advantages of using public transport.
- Social benefits that the community get when they make use of public transport.
3. After having the three topics in mind, the solution will give general points which would include the health benefits, economic and the social benefits that the society get when they make use of the public transport means.
4. Hazledine, T., Donovan, S., & Mak, C. (2017). Urban agglomeration benefits from public transit improvements: Extending and implementing the Venables model. Research in Transportation Economics, 66, 36-45.
Ibrahim, M. F., & McGoldrick, P. J. (2017). Shopping choices with public transport options: an agenda for the 21st century. Routledge.
Litman, T. (2017). Evaluating public transit benefits and costs: Best practices guidebook.
Stubbs, P. C., Tyson, W. J., & Dalvi, M. Q. (2017). Transport economics. Routledge
5. Anderson, M. K., Nielsen, O. A., & Prato, C. G. (2017). Multimodal route choice models of public transport passengers in the Greater Copenhagen Area. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 6(3), 221-245.
Black, J. (2018). Urban transport planning: Theory and practice. Routledge.
Glaister, S. (2018). The allocation of urban public transport subsidy. In Privatisation and the Welfare State (pp. 177-200). Routledge.
Kamaruddin, R., Osman, I., & Pei, C. A. C. (2017). Customer expectations and its relationship towards public transport in Klang Valley. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 2(4), 29-39.
Hazledine, Donovan, & Mak, (2017) says that, public transport is a system that enables many people especially members of a given community to travel together on a designated route. The means of moving in the public sector may take various forms including light rail, subways, and buses.
Consequently, there are numerous benefits of public transport. The goal of this assignment is to elaborate on the main benefits of public transportation. The benefits may include the economic once health wise and the advantage to the community at large. Members of the population make use of public transport when they go to work, school or traveling for leisure.
After doing thorough research on the library books and articles, the following are the main benefits of public transport:
When using public transportation, one vehicle or train accommodate up to two hundred passengers. The result of the high capacity buses is that the number of vehicles using the public roads would reduce in number hence the struggle for space on the streets would reduce according to Ibrahim & McGoldrick, (2017). Apart from that, when the number of cars reduces same to congestion, the time the vehicles used to move from one place to another is reduced tremendously, the passengers can now reach their destination faster than when they use private means of transport.
When people are traveling together when going to work, Litman, (2017) argues that they can share their stories — the integration that members of the community provide them a platform to give a solution to the challenges they are facing as members of the society. Besides that, in the case of children going to school, when they travel together, it dismisses the sense of isolation that other people may feel. For example, some people think that those who use public transport are people who earn a low income. However, public transportation does not discriminate people according to their class; their charges are the same provided that the passengers are heading to the same venue.
Encouraging Unity
According to Glaister, (2018), vehicles and trains are one of the significant contributors of air pollution through the smoke that comes from their engines when many people in the community use their cars to go to work and ferry their children to school, the amount of smoke that the vehicles release to the atmosphere is of a higher amount. However, public transport reduces the number of cars making use of the roads to transport people. Few vehicles translate to the little amount of smoke released to the atmosphere hence reduced the rate of pollution.
When everyone in the community has his or her vehicle, they must pay for the maintenance, buy fuel and incur the cost of parking when they use their cars to travel to the workplace according to Stubbs, Tyson & Dalvi, (2017). Consequently, public transport does away with all these because the conductor in public van will only request the passenger to pay for the traveling fee and nothing again. Apart from the above cost, there are also cost of buying a personal vehicle, subscribing and renewing of the insurance fee which one must do when they have their vehicles. Public transport assists in saving all these expenses.
Before a public transport driver assumes the work of a driver, Anderson, Nielsen, & Prato, (2017) says that he or she must undergo serious training. Apart from that, these drivers receive constant updates for the new rules that the government requires them to follow. On the other side, personal car owners are not as experienced as the public transport vehicle drivers. In sometimes, the level of accidents that own cars causes is higher than those of the public transport. The outcome of these instances means that using public transportation is safer than the private means of transport.
For one to access the public means of transport, he or she must travel from home to the bus station. Walking from house to a standard bus station is a way of doing exercise. Adapting the walking style every day promotes a healthier life habit to the members of the community. When it comes to personal cars, one gets inside his or her vehicle in the compound and only moves out when they reach the job place. When one goes on with such actions for an extended period, he or she may start developing diseases related to health which is a disadvantage to the person.
When it comes to the issue of stress, it mainly deals with comfortability. Black, (2018) argues that, having a personal car influence an individual to buy cool music system in his or her car and other beauty that may not be helpful to the person. However, in public means of transport one does not need more comfortable things, provided the vehicle has fulfilled the traffic rules such as having seat belts and being in a reasonable driving condition, the person is good to go. It is also evident that people who are owning personal cars always struggle to look for a comfortable place to park their vehicles into when they reach their working places. However, the public vehicles have a commonplace of parking which do not have so much comfortability.
People who own cars always consider the security of their vehicles before they decide where to go. For example, when one has parked his or her vehicle in a particular place in town, he cannot go far because he values the car. Anything can happen at the car park, for example, fire outbreak, theft or any other form of accident according to Kamaruddin, Osman, & Pei, (2017). The benefit of public transport is that it gives one freedom to go where he or she likes without worrying about the security of the vehicle he had boarded.
Public transport provides various benefits to society today. As illustrated in this solution, the benefits include economy, social and health advantages. Individuals get employed when people embrace public transport as their favorite means of moving from one place to another place. The government is also able to collect more taxes from these vehicles which improve the economy of the country. Besides that, when people are making use of public transport, no one feels isolated. Everyone thinks that he or she is in the same class as others. People share ideas concerning the challenges that are facing them, and in other people’s opinion, they can improve on whatever they are doing. Consequently, the problem that might face public sector is breaking of traffic rules, therefore, the government should ensure that the drivers have experienced before going out to ferry people.