Famous Australian Sportsperson And Effective Information Sharing Strategies

Q1: Pick a famous Australian sporting figure

Shane Warne is definitely among the top 10 all-time greatest leg spinner in the world when we rummage through the history of the cricketing world. He became the first ever bowler in the history of cricket who took six hundred wickets in test cricket. In the 70s Australia was proud to have some of the scariest fast bowlers in the cricketing history like Denis Lillie and Jeff Thompson. It was believed that the pitches of Australia are friendly for fast bowlers. Shane Warne became a leading figure when he emerged as more successful then contemporary fast bowlers of Australia (Warne, 2018).

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He represented his country in two major world cup victories. His contribution as an all-rounder of cricket is evident with his final score sheet prior to the retirement. He took 708 wickets in the test cricket and scored more than 3000 runs. This figure also makes him the greatest wrist spin bowler of the cricketing history. Before entering into the arena of cricket, Shane Warne was an amateur poker player. It is believed that his skills in the poker helped him a lot in the field when he bowled against the teams of Indian sub-continent. The players in the Indian sub-continent are known as the best spin players in the world (Tendulker, 2014).

In spite of all the controversies off the field, Shane Warne always remained a popular player for the viewers. In the year 1994 cricketing authority of Wisden gave him the award of the “Cricketer of the year.” During his career, he endorsed many products and advertisers loved him as a player who introduced new aggression and expressiveness in the field the game of cricket which is also known as “The Gentlemen’s Game.”  Shane Warne owns the status of being a legend in the world of cricket. His larger than life personality testifies his success in One-day international Cricket where he took more than 300 wickets and became a member of International Cricket Council’s dream eleven teams of all the times.  Presently Shane Warne is busy as a cricket coach and working as a full-time cricket commentator. His style of leg spin bowling has become a genre in itself and this brings him in a different league of cricket players (Peterson, 2016).

Communication Models for three different categories of the products  

  • The case of the New Paper Products

In this case, we can go for a “persuasive communication” as a part of the marketing mix designed for the product. Under the persuasive communication, we can highlight the USP of the product by describing the benefits and advantages.

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  • The case of Garbage management Project

Q2: Strategies for sharing information in different situations

In this case, the tone of our communication should be on the lines of an awareness campaign. Since we need the participation of the local people and other bodies for a greater social good, we need to present it as a value proposition for the greater good of the society and the profit of the endeavor is a social profit,

  • Emergency Preparedness Plan

Here we need to take resort in an informative style of communication. Under this type of communication, we formulate a thread of messages. The thread begins with information which is known to the customers and later on it reveals few things that are unknown to them (Collins, 2016).   

The conflict between Jim and Marco is intrapersonal conflict. Intrapersonal conflict describes a difference of opinion or communication gap among two individuals.  Under this type of conflict two individuals find it difficult to get along with each other because of one or many reasons. When we check the organizational structure then we find that Jim is also handling people under similar capacities and not facing a similar type of problems with them. It also gives us the idea that a communication gap is prevailing between them. This problem can also be explored on another level when we find that Marco is not on the same page with the rest of his team. The underlying problem in this equation is related to the information and communication gap between Marco and the rest of the team (Maasick, 2019). Jim is a part of the conflict because he somehow works as the channel of communication between two parts. 

The position on the Conflict resolution Map  

The problem between Jim and Marco can be resolved if we can put under the above-mentioned conflict resolution map. Every problem may have its own specific conflict resolution map. The above-mentioned conflict resolution map is apt to handle intrapersonal conflicts when a part of the team becomes isolated from the rest of the team because of a weak link of communication (Eikeberry, 2017).

In the current diagram, we can see that Marco is unaware of the common goals of the team. He is not able to correspond with the strategies fixed by Jim and his team. The lower part of the diagram represents the sphere of Macro. Here we can see that the missing link between the communications is the presence of assumptions and unawareness of the intentions. If Jim and Marco can work on these two areas then certainly they can resolve the problem (Ching, 2018). 

Shane Warne: The legendary Australian Cricketer

Jim can suggest to Marco that he should try to clear his assumptions related to the underperformance of certain products. It can be a personal opinion on the part of Marco that certain products are underperforming. Jim should come up with a two-way communication approach; he should try to understand the point of view of Marco (Messer, 2011). Any negative feedback about any given product should be taken very seriously. Jim can convince him by telling him that he is launching a survey among the other team members, in this survey others can also talk about this problem and share the ways by which they are resolving it (Lowrey, 2019).

The creation of a communication channel will help Marco in realizing his mistake and he can also chase the common goal as the rest of the team members are chasing. When a team is chasing common goals, sharing of the problem resolution ideas can be a great exercise (Dobbie, 2019).   

The notes of the present case study give us an idea that throughout the communication Marco is appearing as a hostile employee. His answers during the conversation give us an idea that he is ignorant of certain traits and practices of the organization. In the broad terms of the management, we can say that he is not acting as a team player. This condition also tells us that he is not using the inherent organizational wisdom (Becker, 2014). 

Ideally, during the next meeting, Marco should admit this fact in front of Jim and request him to share the tacit organizational knowledge that they are sharing in order to achieve the common goal. Hypothetically let’s assume that the apprehensions of Marco are true, then in this case how others are dealing with the condition or the deficit knowledge can be termed as the tacit knowledge of the organization (Lewis, 2013). Right now he is sounding more like a whistleblower who is not a part of the organization or the conflict resolution team. Marco should understand that he is new in the organization and working on a business model which is already successful (Namdeorao, 2016). 

Patrick and Danielle 

The display of the communication skills mentioned in the case gives us an idea that Danielle has done an expedient communication. She trimmed down the ice breaking session by taking an initiative. Her attempt to throw an open-ended question indicates that she is a good listener. Listening is an important part of any communication. Danielle adopted the right approach when she went for some techniques that are essential for the management of an interaction. The management of interaction allows us to maintain the objectivity of communication (Eisenhaure, 2015). Non-verbal communication and expressiveness can also act as a handy tool while fixing objectivity in communication. Communication is a process where a communicator transfers a message (McCloskey, 2015). The present technique adopted by Danielle is apt to serve the situation; her agreement on the right points brings it a little more closely to the conclusion. 

Communication Models for three different categories of the products

Demonstration of immediacy is the area where Danielle lost the crux of the communication. It is a negative trait of communication that breaks the circle of communication. Nobody would like to talk with someone who is sounding or looking uninterested in receiving the communication. It nullifies all her attempts to establish a short & sweet communication. It is true that short & sweet communication is the best communication, however, we should never forget that every communication demands a certain bit of gestation (Sabirzyanov, 2017). The display of immediacy can kill that zeal of gestation in the communication. Most of the prescribed orders of the communication follow a pattern. Under this pattern first, they go for an ice-breaking session, after which they try to add warmth in the communication and finally they move on to the main agenda. In the case of Danielle, she tried to jump on the main agenda by showing the signs of immediacy. By doing this she missed a chance to win the trust levels of Patrick. This cold shoulder can reflect badly on the finalization of the deal. We should never forget that a customer is the first priority because the rest of the things comes only after a transaction. By showing immediacy, she disobeyed one of the cardinal laws associated with customer dealing (Maasick, 2019).

The present case study can be studied under the framework of the Australian Computer Society Code of ethics (ACS). The conduct of Jean is a breach of code three that deals with the honesty of a computer programmer. Jean took the support of certain codes from the other commercial sources that too without acknowledging their name or the fee clearly indicates that it is a breach. She can be penalized or the customer can be penalized for the same if they will catch up this intellectual theft (Eisenhaure, 2015).  She is breaching the code of honesty on two levels. First, she is keeping the client under dark and exposing him to a threat where he can face a situation which may go out of his locus of control and invite heavy penalties or financial consequences for him. On the second layer, she is breaking the code of honesty among the members of the same fraternity. An unofficial code of conduct also prevails in the industry where the programmers help each other without any commercial interests (Becker, 2014).

Jean’s attempt to take the support of one of his colleagues in the same thing. The ACS treats the experts working in the field of IT as a faculty member of technical society. Jointly they all are working for the up gradation of a product that can become a social good. Ideally Jean should try to take all of them in confidence while using the parts of the software that does not belong to her.

Resolving interpersonal conflict in the workplace

However, on the basis of this case study, we cannot say that she is completely wrong. Section four of the ACS introduces us to the code of expediency. This code tells us that a programmer should be competent enough to safeguard the interests of a customer. In terms of the management, the situation faced by Jean is a problem where she failed in delivering a product under the equations of “time-bound creativity.” However, the principle of the competency allows her to deliver a product to save the interest of the client (McCloskey, 2015). However, the code of transparency also advocates transparency. Jean can share the problems associated with the product with the client and together they can find a solution (Dobbie, 2019). This type of behavior comes under the fifth code of ACS that deals with the practice of the professionalism of the highest order.

Becker, L. (2014). Communication Gap? Here’s How You Can Build a Bridge. WebMD, (Online) Available At https://blogs.webmd.com/relationships/20140108/communication-gap-heres-how-you-can-build-a-bridge. Accessed: 30-03-2019

Ching, J. (2018). A Method to Solve the Communication Gap between Designers and Users. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, design for all and inclusion, (Online) Available At https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-21672-5_8. Accessed: 30-03-2019

Collins, M. (2016). Communication in a disaster – the development of a crisis communication tool within the OS-HELP project. Journal of Decision Systems, (Online) Available At https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/12460125.2016.1187392. Accessed: 30-03-2019

Dobbie, P. (2019). The Customer Service Gap Model. Brainrents, (Online) Available At https://brainmates.com.au/brainrants/the-customer-service-gap-model/. Accessed: 30-03-2019

Eikenberry, K. (2017). Overcoming the organizational communication gap. Leadership & Learning , (Online) Available At: https://blog.kevineikenberry.com/communication-interpersonal-skills/overcoming-organizational-communication-gap/. Accessed: 30-03-2019

Eisenhaure, T. (2015). Why the lack of communication has become the number one reason people quit. TNW, (Online) Available At https://thenextweb.com/insider/2015/11/08/why-lack-of-communication-has-become-the-number-one-reason-people-quit/. Accessed: 30-03-2019

Lewis, R. (2013). Closing the Communication Gap: An Effective Method for Achieving Desired Results. CRC Press, (Online) Available At https://www.crcpress.com/Closing-the-Communication-Gap-An-Effective-Method-for-Achieving-Desired/Harrington-Lewis/p/book/9781466574885. Accessed: 30-03-2019

Lowrey, C. (2019). Bridging the Communication Gap to Solve Clients Issues With Creative. AdWeek, (Online) Available At https://www.adweek.com/agencies/bridging-the-communication-gap-to-solve-clients-issues-with-creative/. Accessed: 30-03-2019

Malick, A. (2019). Reducing the Communication Gap Between Employees and Management. The entrepreneurs India, (Online) Available At: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/324731. Accessed: 30-03-2019

McCloskey, H. (2015). Bridging the Gap: Improving Communication Between Product Development and Support. User Voice, (Online) Available At https://community.uservoice.com/blog/bridging-the-gap-improving-communication-between-product-development-and-support/. Accessed: 30-03-2019

Messer, H. (2011). How do we solve communication problems in (offshore) outsourcing? Bridge Gap, (Online) Available At https://www.bridge-global.com/blog/solve-communication-problems-offshore-outsourcing/. Accessed: 30-03-2019

Namdeorao, R. (2016). Knowledge and attitudes of health profession’s students about inter-relationship of a communication gap with the generation gap. National Journal of Educational Psychological Interests, (Online) Available At https://www.ijeprjournal.org/article.asp?issn=2395-2296;year=2016;volume=2;issue=3;spage=175;epage=179;aulast=Bahadure. Accessed: 30-03-2019

Peterson, K. (2016). KP The Autobiography. London: Hachette UK.

Sabirzyanov, G. (2017). Designing a chat app to solve the communication problems of the world. UpLabs, (Online) Available At https://stories.uplabs.com/a-chat-to-solve-communication-problems-480383d05a7e. Accessed: 30-03-2019

Tendulkar, S. (2014). Playing it my Way. London: Hachette UK.

Warne, S. (2018). No Spin: My Autobiography. Sydney: Random House Publishing.

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