Communication Plan For Migraine Awareness In Women And Men
Situation Analysis
Migraine is a serious issue for women as it affects women with chronic pain that is frequently observed due to a change in the estrogen level. Women are more likely to suffer migraine attacks than men. There are severe attacks that are observed in women and these are due to hormonal change. Women suffer three times more than men which seems to be a cautious condition for women. At times women’s are not abile to cope up with stress level. There are several factors that make a major difference. A migraine is a neurophysiological event that occurs in the vision center of the brain. A headache is severe to the visual aura and jags up the sparkling lights with a severe headache. This commonly occurs in migraine patients which is a spectacular situation (Carmona &Bruera, 2009).
There are environmental effects like sounds, movement and smells that lead to migraines attacks in women. The risk is considered to be as a hereditary to women which is believed in science. The report contains the goals and objectives of the communication plan and the target audience that is highlighted with a key message to be communicated in the plan. This is the threat for the organization and the strategy needed to control the threat is to be emphasized while communicating the threat with employees. Internal strategic change is needed thereby an organization should send direct emails and address the communication with the help of newsletters (Karli, Baykan & Ertas, 2012)
The goals and objectives of the communication strategy are focused on promoting health care in the organization. The goal is to consider the health care scenario in an organization for women. The factors that relate to a migraine are been described to the audience in order to consider the control of stress level among men and women. A migraine is due to the high-stress level of family, career and other factors. The main objective of the communication strategy is to promote the health care tips and consider the importance of spreading consequences of a migraine with the statistical research. There are tracking apps that are popular to analyze the data of a migraine. This app can be used by employees in an organization so as to know the level of stress and its effects in the near future. Thereby, the plan is to fix the migraine app in an organization and to explore the factors that trigger a migraine and its intensive pain that affects men and women (Fagan, 2003). The internal and external communication strategy is set along with sharp objectives and goals to acquire the results. The communication strategy will achieve a sense of awareness among men and women to focus on the health care benefits and use the app that tracks the level of stress and migraine attacks (Peterlin, Gupta, Ward & MacGregor, 2011).
The intended audiences are men and women working in an organization and to the public with a message of considering the consequences of a migraine and its effects on men and women. The target audience firstly considers the organization and the second target audience is the public that needs to know about the effects of the high-stress level (Brandes, 2008). The diagnosis treatment should be considered with a medical condition as per the Migraine Research Foundation. This is to make sure that the information that is been diagnosed is true and accurate as per the reliability and timeliness concern. The target audience affects women in menstruation, pregnancy or hormonal contraception. The symptoms are observed in women thereby it is important that women should diagnose and take treatments if in case these symptoms are observed. While it is important that a migraine may lead to severe attacks in men. Thereby the audience needs to address these symptoms and consider a safe approach for the future. 18% of women suffer from a migraine while 6% of men suffer from a migraine during the early stage. Around 39% women suffer a migraine during pregnancy thereby women are on a larger extent and get a migraine at an early age than men (Peng & Wang, 2012).
Set Goals and Objectives
The key message for the target audience is to spread awareness among men and women about the research that has been carried on migraine and its consequences on men and women. The data is presented in which women in the USA, Japan and Germany suffer a migraine with the major surprise of 73% and men suffer 27% in the age of 18-35. An interesting note about the early twenties is been conducted that comprises 80% of girls suffering from a migraine and 19% of boys suffering migraine at the age of 20. This is a sharp contrast that has been made in order to work on the middle-aged women suffering from a migraine. The key message is that women suffer a migraine that is longer and is even more painful than men. The app researches the data that drives the average migraine intensity pain which is on a scale of 1-10 that is 8 for women and 5 for men. The data researched is been presented in the communication plan so as to make awareness among the target audience for health awareness. The key message contains that migraines are triggered due to hormonal fluctuations that are observed in women. Girls are affected at the beginning to the menstruation period due to change in the hormones that fluctuate up and down. The culprit is estrogen that is the reason for migraine attacks. There are drugs that are used for migraine attacks and pain can be cut down for a certain period.
Internal communication strategy
The internal and external communication strategy is prepared for employees and for the general public in order to communicate the message. The internal communication strategy for employees and for the organization include direct email and newsletter. The content is communicated in a way so that the message is communicated to the employees personally. Direct email helps to outline the message personally and content is provided in order to make awareness about the health care strategy for women and men in an organization. The internal communication strategy conveys messages in a detailed manner so as to ensure that each employee in an organization is aware of migraine and its consequences. The newsletter is another communication document that is circulated in an organization for communication. These two internal communication strategy gives information to employees and organization with a personal communication plan (Leonardi, Raggi, Bussone & D’Amico, 2010).
The external communication strategy includes a social media campaign, media release, website blogging, and conferences. The external communication strategy is a communication process that is a one-size-fits-all strategy as the organization intends to convey message to employees and organization. The advantages of external communication process are felt by an organization as the message is conveyed to a large public while focusing on several elements of communication. Awareness about a migraine and its effects is communicated with the public and this seems to have a major marketing activity (Lipton & Bigal, 2005).
In conclusion, the focus of an organization is to convey an important message at the same time to connect with customers and suppliers by presenting themselves on the social media platform and advertising the products of the company. Social media marketing is the fastest route of communication as it presents an easy way of communication while providing the message to the audience at large.
Brandes, J., (2008). “The migraine cycle: a patient burden of a migraine during and between migraine attacks,”Headache, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 430–441, 2008.
Carmona, S. &Bruera, O., (2009). “Prophylactic treatment of a migraine and migraine clinical variants with topiramate: an update,” Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 661– 669, 2009.
Fagan, M., (2003). “Exploring the Relationship between a Maternal Migraine and Child Functioning,” Headache, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 1042–1048, 2003.
Karli, N., Baykan, B. &Ertas, M., (2012). “Impact of sex hormonal changes on tension-type headache and migraine: a cross-sectional population-based survey in 2,600 women,” Journal of Headache and Pain, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 557–565, 2012.
Leonardi, M., Raggi, A., Bussone, G. & D’Amico, D., (2010). “Health-related quality of life, disability and severity of disease in patients with a migraine attending to a specialty headache center,” Headache, vol. 50, no. 10, pp. 1576–1586, 2010.
Lipton, R. &Bigal, M., (2005). “Migraine: epidemiology, impact, and risk factors for progression,” Headache, vol. 45, supplement 3, pp. S3–S13, 2005.
Peng, K. & Wang, S., (2012). “Migraine diagnosis: screening items, instruments, and scales,” Acta AnaesthesiologicaTaiwanica, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 69–73, 2012.
Peterlin, B., Gupta, S., Ward, T. & MacGregor, A., (2011). “Sex matters: evaluating sex and gender in migraine and headache research,” Headache, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 839–842, 2011.