Impact Of Motivation On Employee Performance: A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria

Background of the Study

This report aims to evaluate the impact of motivation on employee performance in First Bank of Nigeria. Motivation has been a key topic of discussion for the past decades and with the advent of the new generation, there has been significant changes in the motivating factors among employees in the work place.  Motivation is a key component of driving the employees in improving their performance and the study will examine the case of First Bank of Nigeria to identify the impact of the motivational factors on the performance of the employees. This will facilitate in identifying the motivating factors for thee employees in First Bank of Nigeria.

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Organizational objective can basically be attained only when employees are offered good working environment and conditions which encourages employee’s to perform their jobs roles effectively well. Approaches used by managers in the previously has proven to be unsuitable, management can effectively achieve organizational success only by the means of motivating employees to work for management aims.

One of the main difficulties challenging management is the ability of motivating employees to execute delegated duty to meet set values. In every organization, the purpose and anticipation of organization is for the workforces to give their very best so as to attain organizations objectives and goals. This is why organizations tend to pay more interest regarding motivation. Motivational scheme helps to create good working environment that encourage employees to fulfil their wants also at the same time achieving administrative goals.

Though, the main objective of motivating employees is to enable organization accomplish maximum productivity and performance is basically one the major demanding task of an organization challenge, since this characteristic of organization tasks that deals with organizational or human behavior. Organization hence requires certain ability to know why people act in a certain way and reason why they do, these will enable organization to motivate employees to act in the manner the organization attains necessary. The word motivation has been considered in diverse ways by various academics and writers as it relates to an organization thus having a diverse opinion regarding what motivation is totally all about.

Motivation is well defined as a developing influence that prompts or forces and preserve behavior( Nwachukwu 1998), this perception about motivation is confusing to organization since motives are not observed directly or evaluated but can be judged from individual’s behavior. According to (Berelson and Steiner 1984:42) defines motivation as internal states that boost and stimulate behavior towards certain objectives and goals. In other words, motivation is an overall term that applies the whole classes of drives, wants, and desires needs and forces.  Motives are centered on human wants, which could be intentionally or unintentionally motives. Some primary motive needs are based on psychological requirements for air, food, shelter and water. While others are considered as secondary this includes status, self-confidence, association with others, affection and self-assertion (Maslow, 1965)   

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It is very significant for organization to motivate their employee by doing those things that will positively gratify employee’s desire and employees are required to behave in a desired way that will enable organization to attain the desired objectives and goals. Years back oppression and fear was the prime motive that was used for motivation. This technique was demonstrated to be efficient only for a certain period of time. This was due to the circumstance that the more the employees were forced and intimidated; the more they resisted the pressure from organization.

Research Aim

Furthermore traditionally organizations enjoys using rewards such as, pay rise, job security, good working environment or mistreatment such as unlawful dismissal, demotion of employee, or holding back of rewards for the purpose of motivating employees so as to  attain a greater performance. In today’s business environment, organizations cannot depend on the influence of working conditions or salary benefits to stimulate employees in other for them to perform efficiently well. Motivation is a far more complex method.

One third of individuals spend their working hours at work, it is not unexpected employees ought to anticipate basic satisfaction from their work. These wants will fulfill a range of needs, in every area around the job and throughout the job and off the job. There is this debate concerning the values of contentment derived from the job as opposite to overall satisfaction attained in another place in life. Work is basically one of the very significant occupations in an individual’s life. If an employee lacks job satisfaction, such employee would hardly have a completely contented life. In Various professions, employees devote a lesser amount of time on the job today than they did in the past. Organization needs to identify the driving force that that tends to motivates behavior of employees. Organizations have the responsibility to better working environment.

Nevertheless, organizational performance is equally controlled by the ability and their readiness of the employees to give their very best (Feldman & Arnold, 1983; William, 2010). Readiness and capability are significant, since it suggests that outside a definite level, the absence of capability cannot be balanced for readiness to an increase in motivation and equally the absence of readiness cannot be balanced for employee’s capability to an increase level performance. Readiness and capability are essential mechanisms that successfully help every organization a higher level of performance.

It hence seems to this researcher that the accomplishment of any organization is influenced by the capability of the organization to know the problems of motivation and implementing suitable motivational structures that will deliver a satisfactory working environment which helps to encourage the employees to greater level of performance.

The aim of the study is to identify the different elements of motivation and different factors affecting the performance of employees.  The impact of the different elements of motivation on the factors of employee performance. This will facilitate in identifying the significant factors of motivation for the employees in First bank of Nigeria. The objective of the study are as follows:

  • To identify the different elements of motivation in First bank of Nigeria
  • To identify the different factors affecting the performance of employees in First Bank of Nigeria
  • To examine the impact of motivation on performance of the employees in First Bank of Nigeria
  • To recommend suitable strategies to improve the level of motivation among the employees in First Bank of Nigeria

Primary research question

  • What is the impact of motivation on performance of the employees in First Bank of Nigeria?

Secondary research question

  • What are the different elements of motivation in First bank of Nigeria?
  • What are the different factors affecting the performance of employees in First Bank of Nigeria?

H0:   There is no impact of motivation on performance of the employees in First Bank of Nigeria

H1:   There is significant positive impact of motivation on performance of the employees in First Bank of Nigeria

As stated by Ibrahim and Brobbey (2015), motivation is not only about attitude, learning, personality and perception, it facilitates in understanding the behaviour of individuals. Past researches conducted on employee motivation and performance suggest that the traditional theories of motivation are still effective in motivating the employees. However, the emergence of the modern motivational theories suggest that with change in generation, motivational factors for the employees have been changed significantly. This means that employees may be subjected to different types of factors based on their needs and wants (Asim 2013). The literature review section will critically evaluate the past researches conducted in this field of motivation to examine the important components of motivation and employee performance and the way they are related.  

Research Questions

The word motivation has had severally definitions by the various authors.  (VERNON 1971:1) according to him motivation is basically a desire that prompts individuals to act in a particular ways. Such desire occurs from a coherent judgment to attain a particular need or can be as a cause of the combination of both of these dynamics which are known as the physiological factors which are self-actualization, need to belong, security wants and self-esteem wants.

According to (Bittel 1980:45) defined motivation as a practice that compels an individual to act in a particular way so as to satisfy important human requirements so enable human survival they are personal sense of personal worth, achievement and security.

(Bittel 1980:45) he believes that a person’s confidence will go down if such requirements are not accomplished consequently it can lead to low productivity. According to (Koontz 1984:5) the word motive is an internal state of mind which directs a person’s behavior towards achieving set goals. So basically, ‘motivation ‘is a universal word that applies to the whole class of forces, needs, requirements, wishes, and related forces.

Motivations to the researcher are means organization use or establishment use to encourage workers to put in their very best in other to accomplish the organizational purposes. Many organization’s uses various means to motivate their workforce they could be in form such as rise in salary, provision and bonus, medical facilities, loan facilities, leave grant, pension scheme and  some other Incentives organization may decide to implement if deem fit.

Motivation at working environment can occur in two ways:

Extrinsic motivation, this refers to does things are done for employees so as to motivate them. This happens when organization’s offers such rewards as pay increase, promotions or praise (Armstrong, 2006). Extrinsic form of motivation is a behavior is prompted by external element of reward which are, positive feedback, praise, money,  the nonexistence of punishment are some of the examples of extrinsic motivation (Deci, 1980).

Intrinsic Motivation, this is developed from the satisfaction gotten from the job. This is associated as the process of motivation by doing the job itself as long as it fulfills employee’s wants or it makes employees believe that their objectives will be accomplished. Intrinsic motivation in people is self-generated’ because employees pursue work that gives them satisfaction. Some of the factors influencing intrinsic motivation comprises of responsibility (sense of the importance of the work and the ability to have control over one’s personal resources, the ability to act freely, the ability to us and develop skills ,  challenging  and interesting work and the chances for career development (Armstrong, 2006).

According to (Gupta 2005), he came up with two key approaches about motivation as explained below:

Stick and carrot Approach to Motivation

This is an approach based an old belief, that thinks that the best to make an individual work is to put a reward (carrot) in front of a person or to threaten an individual with a (stick) as a form of punishment. Carrot is a reward an individual gets for working while the stick is a punishment an individual gets for not working. In the stick and carrot approach, workers that accomplish their jobs well are rewarded in ways of bonus, promotion and raise pay. For workers dodging work (displaying undesired behavior) their penalty is in the form of demotion, service termination, and transfer to distasteful job. Organizations that implement this method consider individuals who search for employment as they anticipate in making money through earnings to help satisfy his/her needs and that of the family. Such persons are aware that if they don’t execute the job satisfactorily well, they tend to lose the job. The stick forces individual’s engage in positive behavior. The stick and carrot approach is, hence based on punishment and reward method to motivate employees. Steps to take in other to make the carrot and stick approach more efficient:

Research Hypothesis

(a) Reward (carrot) is an effective motivator when rightly connected with performance. Correct and impartial appraisal of performance reliable (equitable) structure of reward system and the quick disbursement of reward are very important in developing the effectiveness of reward.

(b) Punishment (stick) is more active when used during times when unwanted behavior truly happens.

(c) Penalty/punishment can only be ordered in severe cases so it will not become a reward for unwanted conduct.

(d) Punishment can be used in other to transform a certain behavior and to compel an individual to embrace a desired conduct, which will be rewarded.

Motivation through Job enrichment is a non-monetary aspect of motivation. It is an extension of Herzberg’s’ two dynamics theory of motivation.  This is an assumption based factor theory surrounding a person’s work which is not valuable motivator’s factor of behavior. To motivate employees the organization should offer prospects for accomplishment, acknowledgment, responsibility, progression and growth. Job enrichment designed in other to create opportunity for accomplishment, acknowledgment, responsibility and individual growth. It gives employee independence and reliability in carrying out job task and providing timely feedback on regarding employee performance (Gupta, 2005).

Job enrichment has to do with inventing various range of work content that helps to boost a higher level of understanding and skill. It enables an employee to achieve a higher working experience and responsibility by controlling and planning employee’s performance. This requires the delegation of decision making and implementation by the relevant authorities to the employees. The duties are redefined, reorganized and developed in range and obligation. An employee is given the liberty and preference in planning his work (Gupta, 2005).

Job enrichment is said to be an important factors of motivation’ which results in higher productivity. It helps to builds a self-managed job where workers are given the freedom to controls and plan their tasks. It offers job satisfaction in the whole man (Gupta, 2005).

According to (Daniel et, al. 2002) defines job performance in terms of employee behaviors, if behaviors the behavior of an employee influences the organizational goals. It is vital for organizations to implement ways on how to develop performance of employees, and consequently organizations investigate to as to know why employees fail to perform (Muchinsky, 1993). Employee performance is the ability of an employee to achieve tasks allocated to an individual in a working environment (Arverty& Murphy, 1998).

There are several factors that influence the performance level. (Korman 1971) the internal factors are significant element that influences performance. Internal factors are split up into two parts.  The first is the abilities and skills an employee to execute a given job. The second feature is the job requirements and perception has some bearing on work performance. This means that if an employs sees the job role been perfect, such employee will be judged a satisfactory performer. On the other hand, an employee who does not take in the job requirement will be deemed ineffective (Korman, 1971).

In addition to the internal elements that influence performance of employee. Some external factors that influences performance, includes the environment factors that influence’s employee’s performance. The working environment is an example of the external element which affects the performance level.  Another element that affects the level of performance is communication. Most times executive’s fails to communicate precisely the areas employee’s needs to develop and the reason why, executes falling to communicate information to employees can reduce performance. Motivation is essential in other to achieve a higher level performance. It enables employees to perform well by putting an additional effort to work. Motivation helps to decreases the rate of employee’s absenteeism from work; it boosts loyalty and stability in an organization. It enables employees to adjust changes in an organization (Saleemi, 1997)

Determinants of Job Performance 

Literature Review

Job performance is an important determinant of performance management. A job comprises of a various interconnected jobs, responsibilities, a duty which employee needs to execute, while performance is an action that is significant so as to achieve organization’s objectives which can be evaluated the level of expertise. (John Campbell, 1988).  Job performance comprises of specific operative such as the behavioral abilities. The elements that have the tendency to influence job performance are as follows:

Knowledge is the understanding with evidences, fact or values. Knowledge gives employee the ability to execute job roles and activities in the working environment. Knowledge is also known as declarative knowledge, declarative knowledge relates to what an employee knows, or procedural knowledge is the ability of what an employee can do (Kohli, 2008).

Motivation of employees it’s the ability or knowledge to accomplish a given, there will be no job performance if workers do not have the drive to perform. Only employees who are motivated will put in an extra strength to perform. Different employees are motivated based on different individual element such as acknowledgment or the organizational dynamics such as the enabling working environment, feedback, the presence of operative performance management and leadership’s support scheme (Kohli, 2008).

Feedback-workers are inclined to perform effectively well in their jobs when offered with feedback that are significant and constructive. The feedback enables workers recognize that area that requires correction and they tend to work harder so as to correct very negative feedback, in other to breach the performance gaps. The presence of feedback scheme in the working environment is critical so as to better the performance of employees on a daily basis (Kohli 2008).

Leadership has a powerful impact on the employee’s confidence and motivation many times; some top leaders had choose to leave an organizations, not because they lack the skills or because they are not knowledgeable about the job, because they fail to set the appropriate organizational culture. Real leaders should implore employee’s participation in guiding business forward. They encourage suggestion from employees, learning to trust, inspire employees in taking risk and prompt employees to mental participate in every organizational activity so as to develop organizational performance (Kohli, 2008).

Personality is the significant element of behavior; and behavior is an important basis for employee’s performance. Though, personality is formed by numerous, personality impels a person’s behavior and influences job performance of employees (Kohli, 2008).

It is obvious that a significant number of motivational theories have been established to assist individuals a better understanding about the complexities that is involved in motivating organization employees by encouraging the workforce to put their very best so as to achieve organizational goals. Some significant motivational theories are explained below:

According to Maslow (1965) hierarchy of needs theory stated that individuals are motivated by a want to fulfill a certain hierarchy of wants. Those significant elements of human behavior recognized as the determined wants are in a specialized position on the hierarchy of needs.  Needs that arises initially must be satisfied, to some level, before considering the higher needs. He consequently laid emphasis on two basic framework of motivation.

Man is a wanting animal whose needs depends on what he already has. Only needs not yet satisfied can influence behavior.

Needs are arranged in a hierarchy of importance. Once a need is relatively satisfied, another emerges and demand      satisfaction. He then, based on these premises, proposed classification of needs in their order of importance are as follows:

The  level of the first groups of needs are the vital needs that is required for sustaining the life’s of human which are  accommodation, sexual fulfillment, food, sleep and so on.

The second in the hierarchy of needs, is the need for safety and security, safety against threats and dangers.

 The third needs on Maslow’s hierarchy, is the social need, which is the necessity for association with one’s friendship or association and love, this is when a person have the feeling of belonging and is been accepted by the society and in the workplace.

Esteem need is the fourth of Maslow’s hierarchy of need, which states the need for self-esteem and self-respect; this means regard for one’s position such as prestige, self-confidence and satisfaction as power.

The last on Maslow’s hierarchy of need is the self-actualization; this need suggests that satisfaction is anticipated from self-fulfillment via growth of development through the use of creativity skills. This needs most important in Maslow’s hierarchy he perceives the need that helps an individual to understand the abilities and capacities by some specified objectives. Consequently, self-actualized individual is a person who capable of achieving what he truly wants to be.

Hertzberg (1954) categorizes its motivational theory into two which are Two Factor Theory and the Job Enrichment theory) motivation according to him is derived from an inborn want to make an effort. He states that humans have two groups of wants viz:

The Level of lower Needs: These are groups of need that is driven from man’s desire to fulfil his key desires (Maslow’s Physiological Needs)

The Level of higher Needs: These are needs that are associated with the human personalities, the capability to accomplish to undergo psychological growth that is required for self-esteem and self – actualization

Fred Herzberg postulated two elements of motivation while presenting is motivation theory. These he termed as the working conditions that relates to satisfaction and dissatisfaction of employee on the job. The model recognizes the features of a job connected with the working environment such as “maintenance factors” or hygiene (extrinsic job condition) and components that are related with what employee really does as “motivating elements”. These he Classified as follows

The maintenance (Extrinsic job condition) or hygiene elements these wants are certainly not fulfilled. If such issues like job security, salary, good working environment, fringe benefits, status, bank policy and inter- personal rapport with supervisor and colleagues are present, they will not lead to employee satisfaction, but when are not offered in job environment, it will definitely result to dissatisfaction of employees.

Consequently, according to Herzberg employees that are dissatisfied are linked the most to such challenge (external elements of the job setting.) They are known as the hygiene component since they avert dissatisfaction, they don’t actually motivate. These wants has an influence more on the lower needs; they are usually observed by their absence, example of manager’s dissatisfaction about working in a hot working environment, working in an office with functioning air conditioner or ventilation. This may result to job satisfaction or demoralization/demotivation. It is very important to note that extrinsic element come from outside an individual.

The two-factor theory has to do with the working conditions (factors of motivation) if such factors exists will definitely leads to job satisfaction, also tend to boost the level of employee  motivation which results in an increase in productivity. These factors help to build business growth, progression and responsibility. These factors are referred as the intrinsic working factors. Though people differs and they have different features that satisfies or motivates them, it is commonly assumed that when those motives are present, it will increase performance and job satisfaction, but when those factors are absent will result in employee dissatisfaction which will slow down performance.

An important fact to note regarding Herzberg theory is the fact that he is not worried about individual variances on the significance that is placed on different wants; his concentration is more on the features of the job, the basic needs that causes satisfaction or dissatisfaction in the working environment. He further states that if organization’s desires to motivate their workforce, they can only do so through the elements connected with the job itself were motivational needs can be tapped through employee. Though, it should be noted that motivated employee, Herzberg is basically refers to an employees, that is self-motivated,  an employee who does not require an external force to make an employee  work hard, they derive satisfaction from doing the work itself.

According to (John Stacey Adams in 1963), he stated that employees work towards sustain equity among the inputs which an employee bring into a job and what they receive from it  in contrary to the apparent inputs and incomes of others.

Adams (1963) beliefs that individual appreciates unbiased treatment that enables employees to be motivated so as maintain equality within their co-workers and the organization. The equity structure in working environment is established on the ratio of inputs to outcomes. The theory states, that persons are motivated so as to reduce alleged inequality. Resentment is prompted when a person is underpaid inequity (Adams, 1965).

According to (Adam 1963), inputs normally include effort, loyalty, time, hard work, dedication, capability, flexibility, patience, willpower and zeal. The outcomes elements include salary, job security, employee remunerations, and feel of accomplishment, commendation.

The theory of equity is a straightforward. It demonstrates the significance of equality in the working environment. For example, workers have the tendency in equating what they contribute and what they earn to others. Though, employees working in same organization can earn differently, this theory may be a method of motivation.

 The reinforcement theory by (Skiner 1974) is one of the oldest motivational theories that explain behavior and why individual’s act the way they do. This theory is also referred to as behaviorism conditioning usually taught in psychology today (Management Study Guide 2013).

The theory beliefs those employees’ behaviors that results in positive outcome will be consistent. And behavior results in negative outcomes will continue that way. Organizations should positively boost the employees so as to achieve result; and reward system should directly be linked with performance so employees can efficiently relate the reward with performance, (Skiner 1974).

This theory plays a vital responsibility in connecting reward to performance which is recognized to be influential and commonly used approach by management to motivation employee in the working environment, which is actually not true since employees are not only motivated by money, but are motivated by the blend of several variables that are centered on individual, organizational level and management.

This theory of employee motivation was written by David in his 1961 book, “The Achieving Society”. He recognizes three basic requirements that individuals obtain from their daily life experiences.

An individual that has a high need for achievement do their utmost best so as to achieve success, such individuals accomplishes challenging task because they are highly. Such individuals desire job roles that ensure a realistic possibility for success; they keep away from tasks that are too easy and stay away from work that are challenging. There is a significant need for a strong feedback so as to achieve business progress. Individual that has a high achievement need enjoys to taking personal task (David, 1961).

Individual with a high need for affiliation requires pleasant relationship with individuals that will be accepted by others. McClelland added that individuals with a strong need for affiliation are extremely motivated and they keep warm and strong relationships

Need for Power

An individual that has a need for power likes to command and direct others. McClelland claims that persons with high need for power appreciate task needing influence.

According to (David McClelland 1961), a person can have the want to get ahead in other to achieve success. High achievers individuals’ likes situation where they take personal responsibility and findings results to problem, they like to win as a result of their individual determinations not as a result luck/ chance. High achievers persons desire a strong feedback in regards to their performance.  Information gotten from the feedback is use to amend their act. High achieve individuals tends to be loners, they don’t like working in tea2.3.3 McClelland’s Achievement Theory

This theory of employee motivation was written by David in his 1961 book, “The Achieving Society”. He recognizes three basic requirements that individuals obtain from their daily life experiences.

An individual that has a high need for achievement do their utmost best so as to achieve success, such individuals accomplishes challenging task because they are highly. Such individuals desire job roles that ensure a realistic possibility for success; they keep away from tasks that are too easy and stay away from work that are challenging. There is a significant need for a strong feedback so as to achieve business progress. Individual that has a high achievement need enjoys to taking personal task (David, 1961).

Individual with a high need for affiliation requires pleasant relationship with individuals that will be accepted by others. McClelland added that individuals with a strong need for affiliation are extremely motivated and they keep warm and strong relationships

Need for Power

An individual that has a need for power likes to command and direct others. McClelland claims that persons with high need for power appreciate task needing influence.

According to (David McClelland 1961), a person can have the want to get ahead in other to achieve success. High achievers individuals’ likes situation where they take personal responsibility and findings results to problem, they like to win as a result of their individual determinations not as a result luck/ chance. High achievers persons desire a strong feedback in regards to their performance.  Information gotten from the feedback is use to amend their act. High achieve individuals tends to be loners, they don’t like working in teams and have little sympathy for other persons.

(Orpen 1997), piloted a study on the consequence on formal mentoring of employee in regards to motivation, job performance and business loyalty in the United Kingdom. The study discovered that mentoring can help to develop employees the point of view but cannot certainly increase their performance level. The study generally concentrates on the characteristic of performance mentoring of employees. It study overlooked the features of motivation on job performance.

(Okan, Safakli and Mustafa, 2012), carried out a study in the   Northern Cyprus, about factors that motivates employees in the Banking sector. Their study discovered that the greatest factor that motivates employees is fair promotion and wages, health benefits and good working environment.

 In 1964 this theory was developed by a scholar named Vroom. This theory is built on the belief that all individuals have anticipations about result that could happen as a result of what they do. The other assumption states different persons have dissimilar liking for different result.

Vroom (1964), beliefs that people will be motivated to perform if they think their determination enable them achieve a thriving performance. Additionally, in for an individual to be motivated they must have the notion that successful performance will lead to anticipated outcome.

 Vroom (1964), theory initiated three variables that is needed in the process of motivation.

 Expectancy-This is an effort person makes so as to achieve first level outcome. This is prompted by an individual anticipation that the result will be achieved.

 Instrumentality – these theory beliefs that an individual accomplishing the first level outcome may not necessarily mean nothing to an individual.  However it may be instrumental in achieving a second level result.

 Valence-This refers to the likely contentment that follows an outcome instead of the satisfaction that comes immediately (Vroom, 1964).

The theory of employee motivation by Vroom has been subjected to measures of experiential analysis. The theory has been criticized because the theory is difficult to apply in a practical way (Miner, 1980).

 Owusu Thomas (2012) carried out a study on the effect of motivation on employee job performance. The study objective was to investigate and to establish the motivational package that prompts employee’s performance at a commercial Bank in Ghana. The bank was able to accomplish its business aims and that of employee job performance through the use of extrinsic motivation packages which includes salary rise, promotions and fringe benefits. This research work had a gap since the research work was done in another organization context as linked to the one in question.

The self-determination theory is used for portraying a broad aspect of personality and motivation of employees. According to the self-determination theory, motivational factors are divided into intrinsic and extrinsic form of motivation. The role of both this motivational factors in respect to social and cognitive development and their individual differences are addressed by the self-determination theory. Jeno et al. (2017) states that self-determination theory is focused on cultural and social factors that facilitate the sense of initiative and volition in people.  As per the theory, competence, relatedness and autonomy are factors o fostering the maximum level of volitional and highest level of motivation. Self-determination theory comprises of six theories of motivation that is essential for explain the phenomenon.  

The first is the cognitive evaluation theory that is concerned with intrinsic motivation where the effects of the social context on intrinsic motivation is evaluated.  This will consist of factors such as ego-involvements, interpersonal controls and rewards on the intrinsic motivation.  The second theory is the Organismic Integration Theory (OIT) which addresses the topic of extrinsic motivation. Internalization effect the extrinsic motivational factors and autonomy affects internalization (Jang, Kim and Reeve 2016). The impact of social context on internalization is also measured by this theory. Causality Orientations Theory (COT) is the next theory that deals with the differences in tendencies of individual people based on their orientation towards the environment.  The three types of causality orientation are autonomy, control orientation and the amotivated orientation. The Basic Psychological Needs Theory (BPNT) is the next theory which describes the psychological needs and its impact on motivation level of the employees.  These theories state the fact that autonomy, competence and relatedness are essential for motivating the employees and the psychological needs of the employees are more important in the modern business environmental context (Matosic et al. 2017).  This shows that modern motivational theories focuses on fulfillment and personal growth for fulfilling the internal needs of the employees.

Zameer et al. (2014) states that motivation is one of the key components of improving the performance level of the employees. Employees may have the excellent skills, knowledge, supportive environment and clear objectives but would not be to fulfill their job role if they lack in their motivational level. Past researches have been instrumental in identifying the impact of motivation of the performance. However, different research conducted shows that employee motivation highly affects the level of the performance of the employees. Hameed, Ramzan, and Zubair  (2014) states that the study conducted shows that the p value identified in this research is less than 0.05 and shows significant impact of employee motivation on performance.  In another study conducted, it has been seen that all the aspects of motivation in terms of traditional theories does not have significant impact on the motivational level and performance. Compensation in this scenario was not a motivational factor for the employees and they are less impacted by compensation. On the contrary, it has been seen that a different study conducted in Pakistan shows that compensation impacts the level of motivation and performance of the employees (Shahzadi et al. 2014). This indicates the fact that compensation is a key motivational but it varies depending on the organizational setting and country the employee is working. The motivational factors in the developed countries will vary from the motivational factors in the developing countries.

The past researches have only focused on addressing the impact of motivation on the performance of the employees using the traditional theories of motivation. None of the researches have taken both the modern theories and traditional theories to identify the impact of motivation on employee performance.  In majority of the studies, importance have been given factors such as rewards and compensation but less focus has been given on work environment and career growth opportunities. Therefore, this study will focus on addressing these factors particularly to evaluate the influence of these factors on motivation level of employees.

The study has been carried out in the field of employee motivation which is a major area in a business covering multiple aspects of the organization. Employee motivation is a significant organizational practice which can influence organizational productivity, since if employees are not motivated towards the job, their performance may deteriorate. However, there are several reasons or factors that cause poor motivation among the employees such as –inadequate wage structure, increasing work burden, limited time off and many more. Conversely, when employers, for example, provide adequate wages, design suitable work schedule and provide employee growth opportunities, employees tend to show a sense of loyalty towards their employees. Consequently, organizational productivity increases and so does employees’ performance. Nonetheless, the present scenario of First Bank in Nigeria is little different than being highly productive, as organization observes increasing rate of employee turnover and organizational productivity is at a historic low. Bank staff are working for long period but they did not receive adequate growth opportunities. When it comes to work-life balance, bank staff at First Bank of Nigeria sometimes have to work on the national holidays.

Thus, this study identifies the factors and reasons that are causing such deteriorating work environment in First Bank of Nigeria. Thereby, with the help of causal research design, the study is determined to identify the degree and nature of cause and effect relationship. This research design mainly helps to perform an analysis of a situation or a particular problem to explain the patterns of relationship between motivation and employee performance. In order to perform this research design, concomitant variation technique has been used as it is systematic between two variables. For example, First Bank in Nigeria does not take care of the basic needs of employees, high organizational productivity cannot be caused by employee performance. In addition to this, causal research design has been selected because this research design play a great role with respect to identification of reasons behind for poor employee productivity and assessment of the impact of change on the existing processes.

The technique of sampling in primary data collection includes research population, selection of sampling frame, and determination of sample size. Target population represent particular segment within a greater population that are effectively positioned to serve as a primary data source for the study. Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault (2015) commented that a research population is usually a large collection of individual or the objectives that is the fundamental focus of a scientific query. There are several instances where due to large size of population, researchers are not able to test every individual in the population as it is highly expensive as well as time consuming (Vaioleti 2016). Due to this particular factor, the study is more reliant on sampling technique.  In the present study, target population are the employees of First Bank of Nigeria. Even though the population size for the present study is not large but not all members from the population takes part in the data collection process. Number of members are selected on the basis of the size of sampling frame which is derived from the population.

Sampling is a particular technique which is implemented to select member of population who are supposed to be engaged in the study. Multiple population of interests often prove to be large to work in study. On the other side, because of the extending size of target population, scholars have no option left but to study a particular number of case elements in some particular population to represent population members and derive suitable implications regarding the population. The sampling method is usually of two types such as probability sampling and non-probability sampling. Probability sampling includes simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling and cluster sampling, while non-probability sampling includes convenience sampling, multi-stage sampling, purposive sampling and snowball sampling (Lewis 2015).  However, among these large variation of sampling, non-probability sampling method has been selected which is further performed under the principles of non-probability convenient sampling.

Non-probability sampling method has been applied to the study as it is certain that the study is no supposed to involve members on a random manner and moreover, selection of probability sampling method would have become more generic as under probability sampling method, all member has an equal chance to take part in the study, while non-probability convenience sampling method checks the availability of the individual and relies on the members who have knowledge regarding the issues or research context (Panneerselvam 2014). As put forward by Alvesson and Sköldberg (2017), convenience sampling is a type of sampling method depending on the data collection from population members who remain available to take part in the study. A survey questionnaire is a significant example of non-probability convenient sampling; thereby, in the present study, for collecting primary data a quantitative questionnaire has been developed.

Sampling frame is the list of people within the target population who contribute to data collection. In the present study, sampling frame is 55 which is taken from the employee base of First Bank of Nigeria. Likewise, the sample size is the number of respondents or the individuals from sampling frame who takes part in primary data collection process. The sample size for performing the survey is 50, which means 50 employees of First Bank of Nigeria have been engaged in the data collection process.

Data collection is a particular method of gathering information from all relevant sources to find responses to the research issues and then evaluate the outcomes. Data collection technique compromises of two different categories namely secondary method of data collection and primary method of data collection.

Secondary data is a kind of data that has already been published in books, newspaper, magazine journals and online portals. It is certain that there are vast resources for gathering secondary information in academic studies irrespective of the nature of the research field (Brannen 2017). Notwithstanding, in the present study, secondary data has been collected from books, peer-reviewed journal articles and few wide reading sources. These sources of data have only used in the literature review.

Primary data collection comprises of two different categories namely quantitative and qualitative data collection method. Quantitative data collection mainly involves the mathematical calculation such as regression, correlation, SPSS, mean, mode, median and others. Quantitative methods are less expensive in nature to apply and they can be applied within a shorter duration of time compared to qualitative data collection method. Bryman, and Bell (2014) mentioned that quantitative data collection technique provides an easy way to make comparison of the findings. In the present study, quantitative data has been collected by performing survey among the employees of First Bank in Nigeria. On the other side, qualitative data collection method has not been used in the study, as qualitative method requires descriptive answers, which means that the respondents who take part in the study must have an intense and adequate amount of knowledge regarding the research context (Csikszentmihalyi, and Larson 2014). Thus, engaging employees in the survey might not meet the purpose of using qualitative method.  Thereby, in the present research using quantitative data collection method, survey data has been collected and they are further processed with correlation and SPSS analysis method.

Just like the data collection method, data analysis techniques also compromises of two different categories such as qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis technique. Quantitative analysis method usually includes critical analysis and proper interpretation of data figures, numbers and solid attempts to find appropriate rationale behind the major findings. In this context, Walliman (2017) commented that comparison of data findings to the findings of existing papers are fundamental for type of researches such as qualitative and quantitative. In the present study, quantitative data analysis has been done by converting the raw numbers into a meaningful data by applying critical thinking and rationale. Quantitative data analysis in the study fundamentally include different calculation of frequencies of variables and clear difference between the variables.

According to Hox,  Moerbeek and Van de Schoot (2017) a quantitative approach is generally associated with the findings evidence to support or abandon the hypothesis if formulated in the study. Therefore, to interpret the data flawlessly, the first the raw data has been converted to numeric digits and numbers and then they are presented with table and charts. The presentation of the data includes major calculation such as SPSS and correlation. When performing the analysis, the findings have been compared to the findings found in the existing papers on motivation and employee performance. In addition, the hypothesis have been tested when performing the analysis. Particularly, when performing the analysis, the findings of each paper used in the literature has been compared to the primary findings. An area of analysis also includes the gap found in the existing papers.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach’s Alpha

Cronbach’s Alpha Based on Standardized Items

N of Items




The study has used the Cronbach’s Alpha to check the reliability of the data used in the study. The value of alpha is quite high which means that the data is significant and the results obtained in the study are also reliable.  This shows that the response from the respondents are quite reliable.  The findings of the study shows that all the factors of employee motivation are positively correlated with employee performance which means that in order to improve the performance level, the motivation factors have to be more effective.

The findings of the research shows that majority of the employees are quite motivated and satisfied with the organizational policies. The number of female employees are more than the female employees amounting to 60% of the total respondents. The majority of the employees are below the age group of 44 years and have stayed in the organization for more than 3 years. This means that even though, the turnover rate of the organization is high, motivation level of the employees are quite high.  This means that diversity and inclusiveness could be an issue or may be as majority of the employees belong to a different generation so they have different motivating factors.   The majority of the employees think that their skills were put to use effectively by the organization.  This indicates that First bank of Nigeria have taken measures to improve the motivation level of the employees.  In the career growth opportunity questions, it has been seen that the employees are quite satisfied with the career growth opportunities provided by First bank of Nigeria. Moreover, the respondents have given positive reviews about the organizational culture and work environment. According to the employees, the work environment is conducive and facilities the employees to be engaged in the work they do.  The employees have become highly proactive and maintains a good relationship with the senior level of management.

According to the respondents, compensation package is good and they are satisfied with it. The findings of the study shows compensation package of the employees are relative to the compensation offered by the employees of other organizations.  This means that employees are offered quite high salaries when compared to the industry standards.  The other benefits provided to the employees are highly effective in motivating the employees.  The first bank of Nigeria has been able to develop an effective communication system where the communication process is two way. This means that information flows from both ends where employees can effectively communicate with the senior level of management. Similarly, the employees are well informed about the goals and objectives of the organization which means that the employees can effective align their personal goals with the goals of the organization. The employees have been given freedom in making their decisions while proceeding with the work which enable them to learn more about the work they and gain more experience.   The results also show that flexibility among the work environment is high and has aimed to develop a diverse work environment.  This means that the organization has been making an attempt to adapt modernization of the workplace culture.

The correlation matrix has been developed using Pearson’s correlation method where it can be seen that the there is significant correlation between employee performance and motivation level of the employees. The correlation matrix shows the relationship between the different factors and performance level of the employees. The results from the Pearson’s correlation method shows that growth opportunities, training and development, all round opportunities, inspired, excited and completely involved, adaptability, proactive, help, satisfied with compensation, fairly relative communication, effective communication, freedom in decision making, good level of relationship, benefit packages, safe working environment, workplace flexibility, inclusiveness and diversity and effective workplace culture are positively correlated with the performance level of the employee. This means these factors are highly crucial for enhancing the performance level of the employees.  The assumption made by Pearson’s correlation is that the pair of variables are bivariate normal and linear association has been measured. The correlation value is significant at 0.01 level which means that the study is 99% confident of the results.  This shows that the results are highly significant in nature and all the above factors affects the performance of the employees.

The study has used the Cronbach’s Alpha to check the reliability of the data used in the study. The value of alpha is quite high which means that the data is significant and the results obtained in the study are also reliable.  This shows that the response from the respondents are quite reliable.  The findings of the study shows that all the factors of employee motivation are positively correlated with employee performance which means that in order to improve the performance level, the motivation factors have to be more effective.

The value of the Durbin Watson test is 1.547 which is close to 2. This means that autocorrelation between the variables is close to zero and this defines the upper and lower bounds of the critical values in regression. Regression is used to establish the relationship between the independent and the dependent variable. This value of multiple R is 0.943 which is almost close to 1 so these shows the perfect positive correlation between the variables.  The value of R square in the study is 0.888 which is the coefficient of determination. The value of r square if greater than 0.8 signifies that the goodness of fit of the model is high and the explaining capability of the independent of the dependent variable is also high.  In this study, as the value of r square is 0.888 which is greater than 0.8, it means that employee motivation can explain 88% characteristics of 000000000000000000the independent variable.  The value of F statistics is also significant at 0.05 which means that there is significant relationship between employee motivation and employee performance.  Thus, the findings of the study has highlighted that there is positive relationship between employee motivation and employee performance.

Conclusion and Recommendations

This research project comprises of different chapters starting from the introductory part to conclusion. The introductory part of the study or the introduction chapter of the study represents the variables in the topic- motivation and employee performance. Chapter one of the dissertation is more of motivation, its type, its importance and impact. It has been learnt that there are two different types of motivation namely extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is one such behaviour which an individual in the organization could produce due to the pleasant experience related to the behaviour itself. Such behaviour could stem from motivation that is characteristic of the job itself. Examples receive positive recognition, appreciation and a sense of characteristics of the job itself.  The major example of such motivation may include recognition, appreciation, and a sense of achievement as well as meeting the challenges.  The intrinsic rewards could accumulate from performing the task itself and could include the satisfaction of accomplishment. A complete overview regarding extrinsic motivation has also been presented in the chapter which helps to learn about the extrinsic motivation is a kind of motivation which is not carried out for its own sake but for the outcome of associated with it. The major examples may include salary, benefits as well as the working conditions.

Similarly, a detailed review of existing papers have also been performed in the second chapter of the dissertation. The review has been performed by considering 30 peer-reviewed journals, which are on motivation and employee performance. In the second chapter of research, definition of motivation has been critically analysed. For example, one paper indicates that motivation is basically a fundamental desire that prompts to act or react in a specific way and such desire may occur from a coherent judgement to attain a particular need. Another definition found in the chapter helps to understand that motivation is a particular practice that might compel an individual to act in a specific way so as to fulfil significant requirements. Similarly, there are several other approaches have also been found such as stick and carrot approach to motivation and theories such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg two factor theory and equity theory have been reviewed in the chapter.  The major gap found in the existing papers is that scholarly journals have mainly paid attention to background and theories of motivation, which means the study lacks proper evidences or outcome of motivation. The existing papers did not mention about real-world facts such as poor employee performance and limited organizational productivity caused by employee motivation. Thus, on the basis of this gap, the present research has been carried with a primary data collection method to identify the impact of motivation on employee performance. The outcome of the study is effective as the data analysis has been performed considering the real-world facts and findings.  

The finding and analysis chapter of the dissertation is vast and systematic as multiple calculations have been performed to analyse the issues of the research. The findings of the study indicate that majority of the workforce find organizational policies as challenging and unacceptable as they do not find appropriate growth opportunities despite working in the organization for a long period of time and some workers claim that due to lack of members, work burden is increasing gradually; thereby, they have to work for additional hours but they do not receive adequate payment for the additional work hours. However, some of the employee indicate that organizational policies are quite effective because both middle level and senior level management are quite clear about the work process. So, business does not face any sort of communication gap.


In conclusion, it can be mentioned that the management of First Bank of Nigeria authorized its employees to take part in setting their goals and workers effectively understood the significance of their goals have on the performance of the organization. However, the business operation of First Bank is not in place due to some major internal issues such as lack of proper monetary rewards, gap of communication-leaders do not interact with the employee necessarily. It is certain that money is a crucial factor to work motivation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship and impact motivation on employee performance. The findings of the study implies that in order to continue working in a workplace, the employers should provide adequate benefits, which means employees’ basic needs should be fulfilled. However, the current situation derived from the findings helps to understand that employees are mostly encouraged by non-monetary rewards such as appreciation and recognition but employees invest a lot of time and effort on work and in return they did not get adequate benefits, which is severely affecting their motivation.

The primary findings help to understand that majority of workers agree to the fact that nature of work that they do, motivates them as well as at the same time, promotion in the organization is a significant source of motivation. It is learnt that working conditions in First Bank of Nigeria is not favourable as the workers are supposed to work for extended time period, which is affecting their personal life. It is a certain fact that employees could be satisfied when they recognize that they are given adequate career growth opportunities besides the monetary rewards. This study established the fact that motivation has positive impact on employee performance in organization and it also helps to minimize inefficiency in an organization. Thus, it is very significant for management of the organization to place adequate measures to increase motivation since it helps to induce employees and enhance organizational productivity. Therefore, the essence of developing an organization for motivation is to employ workers and make them comfortable working; so that employees in turn show their energies to make organization profitable. On the basis of the issues discussed and the findings derived, the following suggestions have been provided.

It has been identified that organization did not monetary rewards to motivate employees and that the employee perceive money as a crucial incentive to work motivation. On the basis of the findings, it is worth stating that:

  • The organization needs to consider employee motivation  as its fundamental objective because productivity and growth of the business depend on how readily available and committed the workforce is
  • The bank is advised to develop a healthy and comfortable workplace for the employees to decrease stress at work and create a healthy work and personal life balance
  • Training and development: Employees lack motivation in the workplace as they do not find new opportunities to increase or brush up their skills. Thus, to resolve this issue, business needs to provide adequate training and development programs, which would help to brush up employees skills. This is highly necessary, as employees tend to deal with different tricky projects during their employment; thereby, training and development programs help employee to deal with the work challenge. Moreover, employees can use those skills and knowledge further in their career
  • Reward and recognition:This is another significant approach of motivating employees as every individual in the workplace expect rewards for their effort. The business needs to maintain the policy of providing both monetary and non-monetary rewards. For example, each individual should receive monetary benefits for the extra hours in the workplace. On the other side, employees should also be provided with non-monetary rewards such as proper recognition for their effort. However, this non-monetary rewords could include gift cards, vouchers and other tangible rewards.
  • Communication: Communication sometimes work as weapon to motivate employees. For example, when leaders or the supervisors interact with the employees at the lower level on a frequent basis, employees find motivation in work as they feel that their superior are with them. In addition, when there is an open communication mode between employees and supervisors, employees find it easy to express their concerns or issues they face in the workplace. This practice often helps to stop employees from leaving the work since employees leave work for several reasons which they cannot convey to the senior management but when their supervisors or leaders interact with the employees, employees find sense a comfortable zone and they express their issue before taking any step.
  • Workplace flexibility: Workplace flexibility is a significant aspect of organizational culture and it is effectively related to employee motivation. It is certain that employee often look for a better place to work where they do not have to deal with internal workplace issues. This also helps to create suitable week roaster for all workers as per the availability of each employee.


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