Annotated Bibliography Of Academic Journal Articles On Micro And Nanotechnology

Review of Hybrid Manufacturing Processes for Micro and Nanomanufacturing

The micro and nanotechnology are one of the emerging technology of the present generation. This technology is concerned with the introduction of miniaturization science. This technology is used for fabrication and characterise and analysing the products with handling the product at the micron scale. A typical example of the micro and nanotechnology product is the electronic chip. The micro and nanotechnology in the field of mechanical engineering consists integration of the electronic components with the mechanical components. This forms a micro electro mechanical system. The structure of the micro and nanotechnology components features the size in between of 1nm to 1μm. The main use of the micro and nanotechnology is in the field of mechanical engineering, but with the mechanical engineering, this technology is also helping in the field of the medical and healthcare services by analysing the biological structure which is only found in the scale of the nanometer structure.

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In this document, ten articles have been selected for the review purpose. In this document from the review, the main statement and the findings of the authors will be discussed. Also, the presentation style and the clarity of the selected articles on the topic of the micro and nanometre technology will be evaluated.

Chu, W.S., Kim, C.S., Lee, H.T., Choi, J.O., Park, J.I., Song, J.H., Jang, K.H. and Ahn, S.H., 2014. Hybrid manufacturing in micro/nano scale: A Review. International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing-green technology, 1(1), pp.75-92.

The article on the micro and nanomanufacturing has reviewed a total number of 57 hybrid manufacturing process. Form the review assessment it has been stated that the timing of the process is the most important aspect in the case of the micro and nanomanufacturing. In this article, the process of the manufacturing is categorised into two types which are geometrically additive and geometrically subtractive, and the hybrid procedures are categorised into additive, subtractive and assistive. As per the article, the machining is the most common process of manufacturing for both of the nanoscale and microscale hybrid manufacturing. The main aim of the microscale hybrid manufacturing is to bring improvement in the process of the manufacturing. This article has suggested that the future trends of hybrid manufacturing will be based on the micro and nanoscale manufacturing.

Giese, M., 2016. Micro-and Nanotechnology. In Introduction to Molecular Vaccinology (pp. 165-198). Springer, Cham.

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In this article, the author tried to elaborate the term nanotechnology. The author Giese has elaborated the nanotechnology in the context of the nanopharmaceuticals. This is based on the manipulation of the matters of the size belongs to 1 to 100 nm. According to the author, the nanotechnology is totally defined by the size. In this article, the author has also elaborated the basics of nanotechnology. In this article, it has been stated that nanoparticles can be produced form the various types of materials. In shorts, the nanosystems can be consists of the organic colloids, inorganic colloids, polymeric aggregates and the dendritic polymers. This article also elaborated the usage of the nanotechnology in the nanomedicine department which helped to treat various type of critical diseases. The main focus of the article is to elaborate the vaccine formulas using the implementation of the nanotechnology. The approaches for the implementation is also described briefly. Also, vaccination technology for some diseases has been discussed in this area of discussion. This technical area includes the introduction of the Lyme disease, Recombinant vaccines, Liposome based vaccines and binding the antigens to the liposomes.

Mahamood, R.M. and Akinlabi, E.T., 2018. Advanced Noncontact Cutting and Joining Technologies: Micro-and Nano-manufacturing. Springer.

Elaboration of Nanotechnology in the Context of Nanopharmaceuticals

This article discusses the advanced joining and cutting processes which are used in the manufacturing techniques of the micro and nanofabrication. In the context of the cutting process, this paper has mainly focused on the water jets cutting process and the laser cutting process. The author has focused on this two types of the cutting process because it can perfectly handle the complex shapes of the micro and nano products without leaving any type of burrs in which the heat affected. From the detail examination, the authors described the use of the additive manufacturing process for micro and nanoscale products. This paper also describes the advantages of the every advanced micro and nanoscale fabrication process and limitations of this processes. The contactless manufacturing process of the micro and nano products is also discussed in the context of sensor fabrication and electronics fabrication.

Müller, T., Hagenmeyer, V., Schmidt, A., Scholz, S. and Elkaseer, A., 2018, August. A Knowledge-Based Decision Support System for Micro and Nano Manufacturing Process Chains. In 2018 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) (pp. 314-320). IEEE.

This article discusses the importance of the production environment which is very much important for the economic success of the organization. To support this modern manufacturing process scalable and flexible production of the effective components has happened to be a serious issue. Knowledge based modelling has been successfully implemented for the production of the macro scale products. As per this article implementation of knowledge based modelling is very much tough for the micro and nano manufacturing. This is very much tough to implement because of the micro and nano products follow tight tolerance with high accuracy. In this case, the author is looking to propose a manufacturing methodology which will support the developers to work in the field of micro and nanomanufacturing. The brief discussion of the paper concludes that this system will help to create a flexible production system which will help to implement new techniques and modules of production.

Packianather, M.S., Le, C.H., Pham, D.T. and Le, H.Q., 2017, June. Advanced Micro and nano manufacturing technologies used in the medical domain. In International Conference on the Development of Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam (pp. 637-642). Springer, Singapore.

The discussion of this paper is on the advanced manufacturing technology of the micro and nanomanufacturing processes in the domain of medical field. In recent years the disruptive technologies have helped the clinicians and the engineers to collaborate with each other and to develop applications which will help in the medical sector. To develop this application properly advanced micro and nanomanufacturing capabilities are required. This paper implies that the micro and nanoscale manufacturing is possible in the present time which was impossible a few years ago which is actually true. As per this paper, the main implementation of the micro and nanoscale manufacturing in the medical field is an implementation of the medical devices, lab on chips and the brain implants which are discussed very well in this paper.

Qu, X., Alvarez, P.J. and Li, Q., 2013. Applications of nanotechnology in water and wastewater treatment. Water research, 47(12), pp.3931-3946.

The authors of this article have discussed applications of the micro and nanotechnology in the field of waste management in this article. As the quality of the water is degrading day by day due to the huge population increment and heavy supply chain demand, some technological innovation is required to tackle this situation. To tackle this situation use of micro and nanotechnology is mentioned in this article. As per the author, the nanotechnology has great potential in case of treating the wastewater. In this article, the candidate nanomaterials and the properties which are required for implementing the wastewater treatment is discussed. The author has also compared it with the existing process of wastewater treatment and has shown the advantages of the new applications. There are also some challenges which are faced by this micro and nanotechnology. It is mentioned that this challenges are only temporary and can be mitigated easily. These challenges include the high cost of implementation, technical hurdles and human and environmental risk.

Vance, M.E., Kuiken, T., Vejerano, E.P., McGinnis, S.P., Hochella Jr, M.F., Rejeski, D. and Hull, M.S., 2015. Nanotechnology in the real world: Redeveloping the nanomaterial consumer products inventory. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 6, p.1769.

Advanced Joining and Cutting Processes in Micro and Nanofabrication

 The author of this article has a main focus on the discussion of the distribution and marketing of the nano-enabled products in the marketplace for normal consumers. In this article, eight new descriptors are created for the consumer related products. This descriptor is holding information about the nanomaterials which are used in each of the products for the consumers. For gathering the information about the nanomaterials 68 experts of nanotechnology is interviewed in this case. According to the gathered information inventory modification has been done which has helped the consumers to understand the conceptual framework clearly. As per the article, 71% of the market goods do not hold sufficient info to support that the nanomaterials are used in the products. From the details findings, the author concluded that standardized development method for characterising the nanomaterials and labelling the nanomaterials information in the products could create greater understanding between the important stakeholders related to this nanotechnology industry which are the regulators, researchers, consumers and the industry.

Vella, P., 2015. Micro and nano–manufacturing process chains: maturity assessment and bulk metallic glass enabled manufacturing routes (Doctoral dissertation, University of Birmingham).

As per this article process chain utilisation is measured as a method to accomplish the cost effective operation and to achieve a high rate of production of micro and nanodevices. As per this article, there are no approaches to examine the process chains systematically. The systematic analysis can help to bring changes in the design and development of the microfabrication to make it more efficient. So, the main aim of this article is to propose a methodology which will assess the maturity of the micro and nano production techniques and the interfaces of the manufacturing techniques with the process chains. By assessing the maturity level, it will address the requirements for length scale and function integration in the nanodevices. In this article, the design of the two bulk metallic glass enabled master making process chain has been discussed which is used for polymer components serial replication. This type of process chains can successfully be incorporated for both the micro and nanoscale production to get more efficient products.

Zhang, C., Mcadams, D.A. and Grunlan, J.C., 2016. Nano/Micro?Manufacturing of Bioinspired Materials: a Review of Methods to Mimic Natural Structures. Advanced Materials, 28(30), pp.6292-6321.

This article is about the newly developed methods and approaches which helped in the manufacturing process of the artificial advancement materials which is resembling the natural function and architecture. In this article brief assessment of the materials which are occurring naturally has been presented, considering the focus on the chemical composition, architecture and the nanostructure. Considering the role of the nanoarchitecture the critical mechanisms and the underlying properties of this mechanisms has been discussed in this case. As per the article, this type of novel materials or the products which are prepared using this type of micro and nanomanufacturing has attracted many of the consumers because of the unique combination and properties. Also, this products is having promising multifunction applications in the industry which is another reason for its attraction towards the market. Regarding the micro and nanomanufacturing, some of the applications and the current challenges related to this applications has been discussed in this article. Also, the future directions for this type of hybrid micro and nanomanufacturing process are given.

Zhou, W., Bridges, D., Li, R., Bai, S., Ma, Y., Hou, T.X. and Hu, A., 2016. Recent progress of laser micro-and nano manufacturing. Sci. Lett. J, 5, p.228.

In this article, the improvements in the micro and nanoscale manufacturing process have been discussed. This paper states that these improvements occurred due to the increased integration, lower energy costs and for improvements in the operation speed. Various types of microfabrication technologies have been implemented to support the micro and nanomanufacturing process, but these processes are not suitable for three dimensional nanostructure products and for all types of nanomaterials. To solve this problem laser based micro and nano manufacturing processes has been implemented because it is applicable to all types of nanomaterials. Discussing the various types of laser technique implementation on the micro and nano manufacturing process, this paper has focused on four main areas of laser technology. This is the near field laser fabrication, far field laser interference lithography, stimulated emission induced depletion assisted laser fabrication and laser manufacturing of nanomaterials.

Chu, W.S., Kim, C.S., Lee, H.T., Choi, J.O., Park, J.I., Song, J.H., Jang, K.H. and Ahn, S.H., 2014. Hybrid manufacturing in micro/nano scale: A Review. International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing-green technology, 1(1), pp.75-92.

Giese, M., 2016. Micro-and Nanotechnology. In Introduction to Molecular Vaccinology (pp. 165-198). Springer, Cham.

Mahamood, R.M. and Akinlabi, E.T., 2018. Advanced Noncontact Cutting and Joining Technologies: Micro-and Nano-manufacturing. Springer.

Müller, T., Hagenmeyer, V., Schmidt, A., Scholz, S. and Elkaseer, A., 2018, August. A Knowledge-Based Decision Support System for Micro and Nano Manufacturing Process Chains. In 2018 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) (pp. 314-320). IEEE.

Packianather, M.S., Le, C.H., Pham, D.T. and Le, H.Q., 2017, June. Advanced micro and nano manufacturing technologies used in the medical domain. In International Conference on the Development of Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam (pp. 637-642). Springer, Singapore.

Qu, X., Alvarez, P.J. and Li, Q., 2013. Applications of nanotechnology in water and wastewater treatment. Water research, 47(12), pp.3931-3946.

Vance, M.E., Kuiken, T., Vejerano, E.P., McGinnis, S.P., Hochella Jr, M.F., Rejeski, D. and Hull, M.S., 2015. Nanotechnology in the real world: Redeveloping the nanomaterial consumer products inventory. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 6, p.1769.

Vella, P., 2015. Micro and nano–manufacturing process chains: maturity assessment and bulk metallic glass enabled manufacturing routes (Doctoral dissertation, University of Birmingham).

Zhang, C., Mcadams, D.A. and Grunlan, J.C., 2016. Nano/Micro?Manufacturing of Bioinspired Materials: a Review of Methods to Mimic Natural Structures. Advanced Materials, 28(30), pp.6292-6321.

Zhou, W., Bridges, D., Li, R., Bai, S., Ma, Y., Hou, T.X. and Hu, A., 2016. Recent progress of laser micro-and nano manufacturing. Sci. Lett. J, 5, p.228.

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