Analyzing The Potential Negative And Positive Impacts Of Tourism On Poverty Alleviation In Kerala, South India


The growth of tourism has been an emerging remedy, effectively in the reduction of poverty and, improving the quality of life. (Scheyvens, 2012). Poverty gives various explanations, which revolve around minimal attainment of basic requirements, low income, no education for youngsters, deprived physical conditions amongst people, lack of advancement (Holden, 2013).

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It has become one of the most important issues that needs to be developed , this can be done through achieving a higher growth and making sure the poverty segment have a part in it. There was noted a constant fall in poverty from 1990-1995. (UNWTO, 2016). It was noticed in the late 1990s that the tourism industry transformed the living conditions and revenue, by active contribution of people (Scheyvens, 2012). Encouragement of tourism expansion could be the leading effect of job expansion for local community, recuperating their daily life and providing them a source of income (Ministry of Tourism Sarawak, 2016). An economically growing country is important for advancement).  Growth in the tourism level can be helpful to communities for elevating their incomes and improvement source of revenue by creating consumer prospect. There has been development in large amount in India, yet there is a high concern regarding the poverty percentage. India has approximately 28% of its population in poverty and 16% people is going to attain this level in the near future. (United Nations Development Programme, 2013). The tourism section accounts for approximately 10% of the worldwide GDP and generates more than 200 million career options for this division. (Shah 2000).  A rise in foreign earning has been noticed between 1990’s and 2007 by 6 times accounting to a sum of more than US 250 billion.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential effects of tourism on poverty alleviation using different approaches. As stated by (Rossetto et al), the possibilities for reducing poverty by the tourism industry has been noticed by the various tourism organisations. Recent studies have shown decreasing poverty affected greatly by tourism.

There have been ample amount of studies to economically, socially and culturally define the effects of tourism on community (Aref, 2010). However, there is no recent research done on to identify the aftermath of touristic activities on the local poor people (Kim, 2002). According to (Truong and Hall 2015) tourism can bring positivity by providing jobs this sector and raise the standard of poor being. Less light has been shed on to which extent do countries with higher tourism focus on poverty reduction. Further research is required to obtain more insight. (Roe, 2004).

The people, researching on tourism impacts on the poverty reduction, do not take this issue critically; hence only a few studies have been indicated for this topic. (Shepherd and Fritz, 2005).

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Some study basic assumption about tourism, which reaches those boundaries of the world where even government and NGOs cannot. (Rossetto et al), Further research is required to gather higher input on how the effects of tourism directly help the poor and help them overcome this instance.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of this research is to critically analyse the potential impacts of national and international tourism in poverty alleviation, in the case of India.

In order to achieve these aims, the following objectives have been identified.          

  1. To identify the various tourism factors which attempt to alleviate poverty in Kerela
  2. To examine the pros and cons of Kerela tourism on helping the poor segment
  3.  To discuss how the identified positive factors could be enhanced in order to       facilitate further poverty reduction into the future in Kerela

Pro Poor tourism

Pro poor tourism was termed as an approach of the tourism that tends to create net advantages for the poor. (Ashley & Roe, 2006).  According to Brown and Hall (2008) the ppt approach has appeared as a description and proof that tourism might not be as inequitable as it has been known to be for years. Tourism has now evolved more to support poor society, whereas in earlier time was seen making the rich, richer with the poor staying the same. (Ashley & Roe, 2002). There are a huge number of benefits this approach involves. Nevertheless the sole problems this approach faces are from motivational level of tourists and NGO’s, and how they affect on the minority people in these communities (Weaver, 2006).

Ppt ensure not only just incline in tourism, and it focuses on international standards. There are various decisions that are implemented by the government to support the poor in relation with pro poor where they provide policies and legislations where they motivate employees to be a member in making various decisions, influencing a relationship with private and public sector. (Ashley & Roe, 2002). It is about the revolution of tourism supporting the poor people. It does not relate to any other tourism, it is an independent theory which can transform any tourism into pro poor. (Pro-Poor Tourism Partnership, 2005).  Various theories have already been developed which support develop opportunities like employment for the poor, so what is different about pro poor? PPT researches have willingly insisted to support the fact that pro poor has higher qualitative factors than the others. (Ashley et al., 2000). Although, researches have claimed that this is another neo liberal approach which has lacked in providing the objective of it and the divisions within a country (Chok et al., 2007). Even though he government in 1980’s had spent a lot of money, organised various programs, donated money to various less fortunate organisations, there was low amount of progression made in poverty reduction. (Cling, 2003). Looking at this issue, it was made the most important developmental factor following the 1990’s and pro poor had been introduced with force. This was a very popular term used for the betterment strategies in 1990’s. (Deloitte & Touche, 1999). Ppt was considered a method, which could help provide financial and political support to various objectives (Storey et al., 2005). Due to mostly economic support, overlooking and ignoring environmental, social and political issues ppt is at times not the best method overall (Erbelei, 2002).A sole purpose off ppt arising was that people always got pulled towards responsible and sustainable tourism conversations, specifically towards business. (Ashley & Haysom, 2006). 

Authors talk about some boundaries, about ppt. Along with their worldwide guiding principles they want to take this openness and use this in return to help poor. (Hall, 2007). These ideologies have been selected as accurate right ones by various international organisations such as UNWTO, NGO’s and other public agencies. (UNDP, 2005). They believe that institutions are using this policy for increase the reach and deepening the neoliberal agenda (it is a combination of social studies and economics which shift the removes the economic factors from private sector and shifts them to the public sector.). (Onis & Senses, 2008). 

Literature Review

This model was used to create an analysis of Rogerson’s tourism affecting poverty levels through Spiers and comparing it with the pro poor tourism. This theory had been established as there were some limitations of pro poor, which this theory is trying to overcome. (Theron et al,.2005). This has been adapted from the pro poor tourism theory (Graff, 2013). Pro poor tourism is being considered a little weak as It can be misused as only a medium of window dressing, people might be using it for their selfish needs, even the authors who support and function ppt are concern about the fact that ppt is a theory only talked about, where as it works less. (van Deer Duim & Caalders, 2008). This needed for them do develop a theory and research something, which would work more effectively but having similar impacts as pro poor

These consist of alia elements including educational and training methods, empowering youth, venture enhancement, creating employment options (Graff, 2013).  This research has been established to verify if spier’s touristic approach relates to living outcomes which are, incline in levels of salaries for the poor sector, declined helplessness, maximum amount of welfare, increase in food security for workers specifically from the weaker society. This relates to Rogerson’s tourism – poverty model consisting of education, SMME development for the less fortunate sector with poor facilities of living, low wages, poor health facilities. (Theron et al.,2005) 

This theory has seen talking about how various countries around the world can grow in economic, political and social aspects by focusing on walking the path of developing countries over few years. The authors believe in forgetting about all the standard traditions they follow and develop new ones. (Theron et al., 2005). The only way countries can modernize is by removing the cycle of traditional values , traditional methods and breaking ‘shackle of tradition’ (Graff,2013). All western traditions and thinking according to developed countries are considerable and ancient values need to be considered reluctant. (Graff, 2001).  This concept is trying to identify what is development growth which is supporting the weak countries with ancient concepts and turn them into modern. (Eisenstadt, 2005).  This model helps support create employment opportunities for all the people of poor communities, for free flowing trade and uplift the GDP (Sharpley & Telfer), 2002. This supports development of the country and advertises modern values. Van Doorn had suggested his views on this concept stating that tourism can be developed economically, socially by development and modernizations of the country helping the poor in return. According to Van Doom (1979) and Krapf (1961) cited in Sharpley & Telfer (2002) there will be an enhancement in tourist supporting tourism by providing employment generation to them only when the country is developed into modernization. Simms (2005) has researched that tourism can only economically prosper provide benefits to people by a proper equilibrium of payments. The modernization theory clearly suggests that the poverty is due to the countries with traditional ways of function and do not take In account the participation of developed nation and international firms. 

The Kerela organisation of tourism objectified and developed frameworks to asses ppt in 2006, known as Responsible Tourism. It was openly stated that pro poor tourism in not the admission of any new sort of tourism. The multi operating companies initiated an effort to apply the pro poor tourism theory in every kind of tourism (Goodwin, 2008). With the surfacing of the pro poor tourism theory, World Trade organisation and Pacific Asia travel Association came together to support poverty reduction by touristic operations in 2003. (Harrison, 2008). The World Tourism Organisation being on one of the largest aids in this agenda organised various methods in support. The methods such as partnerships, local support, Individual rights. The goal for WTO is Eliminating Poverty Initiative Program led out in 2002. (WTO 2010). The pro poor tourism in India have taken certain steps to develop poor sector such as ‘The Responsible Tourism Policy specially formulated to reduce poverty by touristic operations initiated by state of Kerala (Michot, 2006). From the beginning of 2000’s a new aim for development had been launched. The World Bank and UNDP assisted in attaining this aim, including the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD. (Gilbert, 2005). Poverty reduction strategy papers were launched as an addition (PRSP), which mainly looked at poverty alleviation methods. The expansion of touristic prospective of cooch Behar district, meant to uplift the standards of poor society and revitalize community wealth (Michot, 2006).  In recent days tourism in India is supporting the poor largely by providing more than 8% of the population with jobs. The tourism sector achieved a sum of almost US100 billion in 2008 and is likely to achieve more than 270 billion in 2018, supporting more than 9% yearly growth pase (Goodwin, 2008). However, the World Bank has shared their views and ideas of PPT, they apply an effort to generate more and more openness for developing trade, foreign investment, for achieving greater globalisation process. 

The ppt concept has changed certain outcomes within the world such as providing jobs to poor women. It has seen providing market and wealth advantages to rural areas with more security requirements. (Mayforth and Charlton, 2007).  Any sort of tourism has been seen, to support pro tourism in a way according to (Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2003). This does not mean the development of a new tourism market, whereas a support to provide ample resources and convenience for the poor sector to develop within time (Roe and Goodwin, 2001). This theory of tourism has a much larger reach than other methods of tourism reduction, which is as well something, which ‘Community Based Tourism’ lacks in. 

There are various end results influenced by tourism, these are affected due to various reasons such as the capability and want of the society to accept or ignore the various alterations (Beeton, 2006). The main ideologies, which will lead to success economically, socially and environmentally will operate successfully when they contribute to these factors and advertise successful and sustainable touristic operations. (Goeldner and Richie, 2012). The need of the development of theories which may support these forms of tourism are very essential to eradicate negativity and aim at developing positive outcomes, Hence there is a need to tourism which can help poor and develop the economy of India (Saarinen, 2007).  Authors are taking in account tourism activities such as pro poor tourism to eradicate poverty and help the people of this segment to stand on their feet. According to authors the research of poverty and tourism effects have been done ample times. (Misturelli and Heffernan (2010).  Kerala as many know, is believed to be on of the most known advertising hubs of Indian Tourism. (Charkavarti, 2001). Kerala was applauded as the primary high performance state on tourism basis. Kudumbashree curriculum in Kerala was initiated in order to achieve high women empowerment and develop the local community. ‘This had been noticed implementing various governmental plans by providing various service to surpass various levels of poverty, holistically’ (Kudumbashree, 2009) 


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