Exploring Teacher Research And Practitioner Research To Improve Teaching Practice And Help Children Transition To Primary School With Action Research
The Rationale for Teacher Research
1: The module has enabled me to understand a clear meaning of the word teacher research and how it is applicable in the real-life situation. As a teacher, I understand that teacher research is the inquiries which are being conducted by teachers in their professional framework (Lankshear & Knobel, 2004). The module1 also answer my question and therefore, improve my knowledge of teacher research. It’s true that not all the research performed by all the teachers can be grouped as the teacher research. It should be based on the teacher’s professional context and with the aim of increasing their understanding of some form of their work. The module also explains in detail the challenges to teacher research example include limited resource and economic matters.
2: Practitioner research is development and empowering tool for teachers. Through participation in practitioner research, teachers can develop their practice and enable their voice heard by collaborative, and perhaps systematically, giving evidence from their teaching (Burton & Barlett, 2005). The evidence which is being provided can inform and guide policy which eventually empowers teachers by being central in the process of decision making. The practitioner can, therefore, improve the knowledge and understanding of the teachers on things that need the decision-making process. In my view, external aspect is important. This is because as a teacher, it will help me improve teaching practice effectiveness in different areas thus efficiently imparting knowledge to pupils.
3: Action research is recognized as a research method used in the testing hypothesis in the global environment (Hopkins, 2008). This is because it can be used by the users as a methodology as a tool for in-services both the teachers to respond and understand circumstances in their classrooms. The process starts with the students identifying education problems that they have faced in a classroom or which they have experience as students. The students are also free to select educational issues. Then the second step, students seek out extra result in educational psychology for the purpose of understanding background and context of their selected problems (Kan et al., 2017). The research can also offer the solution to the existing problem. Third, involve the collection of other information by the students concerning the possible solutions to the existing problems. The last stage, student analyze and summarize the available ideas for possible action. The entire process explains how Action research can be used as a research method to collect data and information
Action research is an approach where the client and action researcher come together in the diagnosis of the problem and in the creation of solution based on the existing diagnosis. The major feature of action research relates to cooperation between the member of the organization and the researcher with the purpose of solving the problems of the institution.
Discussion Topic 1
The preliminary research question is: How best can teachers and children exploit the action research to solve the problem of difficulty in transitioning from Kindergarten to primary school?” This problem is based on the realization that many children find it extremely challenging to effectively transition from Kindergarten to primary school and yet teachers know very well the action research can help solve this problem (Lee & Goh, 2012). Therefore, there is something I would like to change as a teacher to improve my practice to ensure that the transition from the Kindergarten to primary is seamless and smooth. To achieve, I will always use the action research in my practice as the basis to effect this change in my own setting. This is something that I find passion in doing as it will not only help but also colleagues and children.
Exploring Preliminary Research Questions and Problems
By integrating the action research in my practice, I will be able to ensure that even my lessons start teaching about action research at a tender age. This will ensure that the children grow when they have not only known how to undertake action research but also having appreciated its usefulness in aiding transitioning from Kindergarten to primary school. My intention is to make sure that action research becomes an integral part or component of the entire school syllabus (Lane, 2010). Thus, I will start it within my area of practice, but the ultimate goal is to ensure that I convince my colleagues to appreciate the benefits of action research as a teaching and learning strategy. When this is achieved, it will be easy to understand the demanding changes experienced by children in the course of their transitioning to primary school from Kindergarten.
I believe this change in my practice is essential and timely because I have been able to understand the existence of an inevitable correlation between the children initial academic alongside social success and their long-term modification/adjustment, and success. Thus, when I make an action research part of my teaching and learning strategy, I will be able to use these young individuals’ constructions alongside pretend play to help them adopt a transition-linked challenge into the authentic learning experience.
The “action research cycle data collection and reflection” will help me in identifying the best teaching practice. It will also help me identify learner needs hence planning and implementing the desired change to solve the challenges of transitioning. My pupils will hence have the required knowledge useful in solving transitioning problem. My children will be able to then understand the cognitive and affective outcomes that support their ability to apply whatever I have learned to solve transitioning issue.
After the reading, I believe that the most important aspect of researching your own practice is the context and situatedness of the researcher (Fox, Green & Martin, 2007). This is because it remains within the own work practice of the researcher. Thus the researcher or even I have a potential to notice and be sensitive to the experience of teachers and pupils. This is important since developing individual intelligence calls for both cultural and social influence alongside a range of viewpoints required for fathom as availed by the context. Thus my work will be shaped by structure and culture of my work situation, and thinking alongside actions of colleagues are probably shape my work (Campbell, Gillroy & McNamara, 2004). Thus I will become an insider which will be helpful in drawing upon the shared trust and understandings of my immediate and additionally removed colleagues with whom normal interactions of working societies have already been developed.
Because teaching is one of the caring professions, the need to notice as well as to remain sensitive to such experience remains the cornerstone of successful practice. Thus, Researching Your Own Practice is important in regards to the above aspect because it provides the best opportunity for me to develop my professional practice by first helping me to appreciate the need to develop my own awareness and sensitiveness. It will thus help me attune myself to fresh feasibilities/possibilities when they become necessary and remain alert to such a necessity via awareness of what is taking place at any given point in time (Lane, 2010).
Such an attunement and alertness will help me become increasingly methodological and systematic in my professional development thus being the best teacher in my practice. Moreover, such an important aspect will help me turn my professional development into the practitioner research and how I can effectively use noticing to improve my research. In my practice as a teacher, noticing is a groundbreaking strategy for my professional development alongside research. I will be able to use this aspect of noticing to notice a feasibility for the future, notice a possibility in current moment as well as reflecting back on what is already noticed to prepare for the future.
Burton, D., & Barlett, S. (2005). Practitioner Research for Teachers. London: Chapman.
Campbell, A., Gillroy, P., & Mc Namara, O. (2004). Practitioner Research and Professional Development in Education. London: Paul Chapman Pub.
Fox, M., Green, G., & Martin, P. J. (2007). Doing Practitioner Research. London: SAGE.
Hopkins, D. (2008). A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research. Maidenhead, Engliand: Open University Press.
Kan, C. V., Brouwer, P., Smit, B. H. J., Spreeuwenberg, L., Swet, J. V., & Admiraal, W. F. (2017). Moving Beyond the Research-practice Gap: Impact of Teacher Research on Professional Development and Knowledge Utilization in Schools. ECER Conference.
Lane, S. (2010). Valuing all pathways to literacy: an action research project with indigenous early childhood students. Practically Primary, 15(2), 7-10.
Lankshear, C., & Knobel, M. (2004). A handbook for teacher research: From Design to Implementation. Maidenhead, England: Open University Press.
Lee, S., & Goh, G. (2012). Action Research to Address the Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School: Children’s Authentic Learning, Construction Play, and Pretend Play. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 14(1), n1.