Theory Of Growth And Fixed Mindsets And Implications For Learning
Description of the theory of growth and fixed mindsets
In this part of the essay, I will be sharing my personal experience of mastering in a particular field and how it feels to try to accomplish that particular course even after facing various hurdles. Moreover, through reflection, I would be applying the theory of grit and growth mindset to work for my mastering Couse in future.
Since my career goal was to become a successful entrepreneur and to start up my own business. For which, I needed to learn various management skills, and the ability to deal in various situations that would occur in the future. I decided to do MBA that is master’s in business administration to achieve those skills after my graduation. After entering into the course as the classes started and the practical aspects of business and related foundation were thought to us theoretically and using case studies and practical aspect. Most importantly they use to concentrate to make us professional and improve our confidence, learning skills, communication skills, time management and much more. In the first semester, our first test was to make a report on the case study provided and presenting that report effectively in class. I was aware that I lose my confidence when it comes to public speaking and I had a problem of anxiety, I thought I would never gonna pass my initial stage of the mastering course (Dweck & Walton, 2014).
Nevertheless, my tutors make me understand that it is not about learning, IQ or any such thing, it is about the Grit, a grit is a perseverance and passion to accomplish something, which does not get over within some days, weeks, or months, it needs year to accomplish that, and a mindset that will keep us going. It is about the growth mindset which will motivate a person to perform and accept the failure, learn through that failure and try again (Dweck & Bempechat, Children’s theories of intelligence: Consequences for learning. In Learning and motivation in the classroom, 2017).
When I went for the presentation, it was very hard to control my anxiety and speak aloud in front of many individuals, but after completing the presentation, It was not well performed by me, but I knew that this is what I am here for, learning, and not afraid of being failed. I knew that I haven’t achieved that yet, but will achieve in near future if I keep trying (Walton & Smith, 2015).
From that experience, I learned that to keep yourself motivated it is important to have a growth mindset and keep on going if you failed once, and you are learning from your failure, you will definitely notice improving yourself in next performance. Moreover, with time and practice, I accomplish my exams and pass in those, and the reason was Grit, which kept me motivated, and makes me accomplish what I desired to have. I get to learn that Grit is our passion to achieve a long-term goal and with optimistic behavior to comes back from the failure and these traits of grit lies in the base of a growth mindset, which becomes necessary to accomplish the goals set and let to develop the grit (Dweck C. , 2017).
Personal experience of mastering new skills with a growth mindset
In this question of reflection essay, my personal experience would be shared, where I give up on something while applying the theory of fixed mindset and grit. This theory can be helpful in studying the human behavior or why I quit from something that I wanted to achieve but because of lack of motivation I give up to learn that skill or matter that particular course (Dweck C. , Carol Dweck revisits the growth mindset, 2015).
I was interested in learning dance, and my parents also ask me to do so, because my sibling was good in dance and had a successful career in the same. That was the reason I joined an academy and admitted to master in dance in different forms that will be completed in two years. I decided to have that degree and skills, and I will not be giving up on anything (Trott & Yeager, 2016).
As and when the classes started, the level of difficulties increases, because I do not consider myself to be very good in dance, I use to believe that it the talent which will make us successful in any field. My sister was very good at dance, from the very beginning of her journey of dancing, which makes me more conscious. I was unable to cope up with the class, I felt that might be I do not have that inherent skill which is needed to adapt to the dance forms thought in the classes. Moreover, the accidents are very normal in dancing or sports, since the physical act is required, I used to fall various time while learning dance. I decided to quit and give up on the course as I felt that it is not my cup of tea. Noticing all the hurdles and difficulties, I strongly felt that I should not be continuing learning these skills, as I do not have this talent in me. Therefore, instead of focusing on developing the skills, I focused more over my basic ability of dancing, and after facing the failure I was not motivated to bounce back and try again, and give up instead (Wilson, 2017).
From the experience, I have learned that, it was the mindset, which works as the reason being a success is grit and as my fixed mind dominates; I gave up on the course. A fixed mindset is when someone believes that the talent is which is responsible for the success and one cannot develop skills later on, and when the mind is fixed that I am going to fail then the motivation level is lowered to accomplish anything. My mindset that I do not have the talent of dance makes me demotivated and I did not try to develop those skills and give up. Therefore, it can be said that it is the grit, which is working, when the fixed mindset dominates, instead of a growth mindset, the result turned out to be quitting, or given up attitude. Grit is all about perseverance, and which was lacking while learning dancing, which results into low grit, and I give on completion of a dancing course in between (Prasad & Vinothkumar, 2016).
Experience of giving up on mastering something due to a fixed mindset
In this part of the reflective essay, the combination of a growth mindset and a fixed mindset for the theory of grit will be considered. Theses aspect will be discussed with the help of my personal experience. For the next trimester, the assumption that is believed, and will be the strategy to achieve good results will be discussed. To initiate my experience for the next trimester study, I would like to discuss the theory of grit and how fixed mindset is different from growth mindset and how the combination of both is required to achieve something in long run (Fiore, 2018).
The mindset weather growth or fixed is something, which is responsible for the characteristics of an individual, which are critical for success in anything. The two types of mindset are quite different from each other. On one hand, individuals with a fixed mindset believe that their ability to do something g is fixed and inherent and which would not be able to change. They are depended more on their talent and intelligence and do not try to improve them or develop to achieve success. According to this mindset, talent can lead to success alone, and further developing efforts are not needed. Whereas on other hand, people with growth mindset have an open mind to learning, they believe that the skills and intelligence can grow if a person tries to learn and develop those skills in themselves. Talent does not play a very vital role according to this mindset. These people believe that they can grow while gaining experiences and their effort will affect their success level, therefore they try better, and they give extra time, to reach a higher position in success level. It is believed that the mindset has a vital role while development of positive habits and attitude (Cain & Stoffel, 2018).
For the learning for next semester, I realized that the growth mindset needs to be dominating fixed mindset for myself to achieve the high grit and have success. For the further preparation of the semester, I decided to do whatever I was lacking before, and try to learn from my previous examination experience, and try to improve in this semester. For this, I had to manage both the mindsets, and develop a growth mindset more so that it will be more useful in working hard for the semester. Initially, decided to analyses and acknowledge my own weakness. While doing so I realized that my weakness is procrastination, which is letting the work to postpone to the next day. Due to this, I am usually late for the assignment, and with lots of pressure, I try to do the assignment in last days, when the submission was close, which will eventually affect my the quality of my work submitted. Next step that I decided to develop grit was to see changes as new opportunities to gain, from previous experience I was knowing that the anxiety while presenting the report in the class was the biggest challenge for me, this time I will practice the same, well before the time with some improvement and tutors help. I will get familiar to the environment before going to the stage, and practice what I have to present and understand that thoroughly. Next thing to do was to get familiar with learning style and apply most appropriate learning strategies (Nicholas & Gardner, 2017).
Importance of effective strategizing for a growth mindset
The performance and learning are two different things if the preparation of semester is according to the goal to perform better and just score well, by any means, or the goal is to learn something new and adapt the learning. I realized that a better way to be a success in the long run, is to learn those skills and give importance to learning than performing only. Moreover, another thing while developing grit while using both fixed and growth mindset is that to remember that every individual has the ability to change their brain and through life. Moreover, for this semester I decided to divide my whole work into pieces and concentrate over one parameter at a time, instead of taking the whole at one time. Moreover, while conducting that portion I will try to do that part of assignment say introduction with full focus, and understanding what all is required, how much research is required, and what structure to follow (, 2018).
Moreover, to get motivated I can use a reward system to complete my planned task on time and as per schedule with best quality work and learning from the work. Moreover, it is important to understand that there is a difference in improvement scope and failure. If the previous remarks were to improve the performance, does not mean that you fail, or you are not capable of passing that course. To develop a high grit, it is essential to daily reflect in your journal, so that the mistake one day is not repeated on another day, and since you will review yourself daily, the changes in case of deviation can be made immediately and not at the end of the experience, after the exams (youtube, 2018).
From this experience, I learn that it is not always essential that an individual has skills from birth and can be learned gradually in life. Moreover, I understood that it is not always essential to learn from your own mistakes, one can learn from others mistakes as well. Most importantly, I need to cultivated grit with all the passion, having a depth interest in the study; this will get myself motivated and get going for the achievement of better results. The intelligence of a person and motivation to improve and enhance talent will be helpful largely to accomplish the task and success. Therefore, the combination of both the mindset and develop grit (Dweck C. , Carol Dweck revisits the growth mindset, 2015).
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