Friction In Dynamic Systems: Importance And Applications
Significance of Friction in Dynamic Systems
In real life experience, friction has been practically known for its roles on dynamic systems. It used in the field of dynamics to study velocity and acceleration, oscillation and instabilities resulting from sliding, role of normal force variations for continuous contact, controls of machines, geomechanics, energy dissipation and investigation tools. All the authors authoritatively concluded that, friction is of great importance in dynamic systems simulation.
Berger, E. J. (2002). Friction modeling for dynamic system simulation. Applied Mechanics Reviews, 55(6), 535-577
Friction has significance in central and controlling in various physical systems which resulted to this topic attracting a lot research in the recent past as this research has been on focus for more than 500 years. In his research, he defined friction as, a complicated phenomenon arising at the contact of the surface (Olejnik Pawel, 2018). And In trying to bring out a clear understanding of friction practically and predict dynamic systems robust model was used. Friction has been discussed by various authors to play a significant role in modeling for the dynamic modeling simulation. Discussion of friction roles has been widely utilized across the field of engineering (Ardeshir Guran, 2013).
Sampson JB, Morgan F, Reed DW, and Muskat M ~1943!, Friction behavior during the slip portion of the stick-slip process, Journal of Applied Physics 14~12!, 689–700.
Friction and system dynamics as a role play a critical role in velocity and acceleration, in the research conducted; there is a correlation between friction and velocity together with acceleration. The contribution of this work by this author has appreciated the complex nature of dynamic interface contact (Xiandong Liu, 2016). To conclude on the research of ascertaining effects of friction, trace of its effects on the surface was traced back to history of friction coefficient with practical example where non dry and three bodies contact were used (thin films, boundary lubrication, ehl). All the mechanisms and models used are presented together with other interface phenomenon.
Tolstoi DM ~1967!, Significance of the normal degree of freedom and natural normal vibrations in contact friction, Wear 10, 199–213.
Adding to velocity and acceleration as all dependents of friction, in relation to system dynamics has been studied has a contributing factor to friction related issues such as oscillation stick slip and instability resulting from sliding. This research was practically conducted with use of plane where consideration where made from both in-plane motion and plane motion of a slider against a counter surface (Michael Nosonovsky, 2017). From this experiment of effects of friction, two key points where noted; in-plane motion event was variedly accompanied by a concurrent upward normal motion, secondly, a normal contact resonance situation could be seen under which a relative friction decreased.
Contributions from Various Authors in Engineering and Geomechanics
Anderson JR, and Ferri AA ~1990!, Behavior of a single-degree-offreedom system with a generalized friction law, J. Sound Vib. 140~2!, 287–304.
Friction invariably differs as a result of the conditions and factors under which an object is coming into contact with the interface. This is because it is difficult to determine the situation under which contact force is normal and constant. To ascertain the role of normal force variations for continuous contact, it is important to introduce spatial interface under normal pressure and contact mechanisms. Under these two circumstances, it raises a very interesting analysis of normal force variation in dynamic system (Guran Ardeshir, 2014). It is notable that, between the two factors of contact consideration normal force variation plays a significant role in friction contact.
Haessig DA and Friedland B ~1991!, On the modeling and simulation of friction, ASME J. Dyn. Syst., Meas., Control 113, 354–362.
As factor of motion in dynamics, friction has negative effects on motion of bodies with regard to control of machines. Sticking and slipping problems of friction which are inherent in nonlinearity must be dealt with through compensation scheme. In minimizing the effects of friction in controlling machines, there is necessity of friction estimators since direct observation of friction contact is difficult. This is necessary because, one need to achieve control strategies of machines. To curb on the effects of friction, there has been a lot of emphasis from relevant friction control community on friction models which help in improving machine operation with minimum friction effect.
Caughey TK ~1960!, Sinusoidal excitation of a system with bilinear hysteresis, ASME J. Appl. Mech. 27, 640–643.
Another correlation have noted on friction and geomechanics, earlier work in this field focused on friction as a prediction related to earthquakes. The prominent work of Caughey and Iwan, who came up with the simplified model of friction and mechanics and put them into perspective in various field related to engineering both within inside and outside earthquakes. This where the bilinear hysteresis was born, which is a friction model applied to modeling elasto plastic behaviors. This model become important as it includes defined material compliance in line with slip behaviors. The importance of this friction model is that it is significant in stick to slip transition.
Mindlin RD and Dereciewicz H ~1953!, Elastic spheres in contact under varying oblique forces, ASME J. Appl. Mech. 20, 327–344.
In many years there has been this relationship between friction and energy dissipation, the correction is the significance of friction on vibration control with application of dry friction being in place as a mechanism. The significance of friction in case is that friction provides cheap, inactive, environmental friendly approach to energy dissipation, and in wide spectrum friction as also been ventured and applied in friction dumping. The issue of dry dumping has always been approached on the perspective of forced response for which the response dynamically is obtained through periodic forcing. Therefore friction is a significant tool in energy dissipation.
Correlation between Friction and Energy Dissipation
Greenwood JA and Williamson J ~1966!, Contact of nominally flat surfaces, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A A295, 300–319.
Although there has been various researches focusing on this study of friction and dynamic systems, less attention has been paid to the study of the significance of friction on stochastic process as part of the dynamic surface interactions. In his research Whitehouse pointed out that there are two parameters that regulate rough surfaces which are characterized by asperity height and the correlating length. The length that correlates is on order of than the asperity spacing which is a significant scale of length which has been defined earlier. Therefore, the correlation of friction and stochastic is significant as friction play a critical role in the dynamics of interaction of rough surfaces.
Carpick RW and Salmeron M ~1997!, Scratching the surface: Fundamental investigations of tribology with atomic force microscopy, Chem. Rev. 97, 1163–1194.
Over the recent past years, there has been the development of micro and nanoscale contact investigation tool. Significantly friction has played a major role in the development of this tool. Ad with the emergence to reduce miniaturization in engineering and science, Nano scale technology has become more easily accessible and easy to understand and use. Friction not surprisingly has grown into a significant aspect of non-large scale contacts which usual derails machines performance, fabrication, usability and other very important features for small components. Friction has also demonstrated its effects on in MEMS gadgets, where the required power and consequent failure result from adhesive contact force.
Israelachvili JN ~1992!, Adhesion forces between surfaces in liquids and condensable vapours, Surf. Sci. Rep. 14~3!, 109–159.
The surface for apparatus has played a significant part in the achievement of micro scale mechanics that has enabled the use of micro scale measurements. Friction has also been actively engaged in the invention of nano scale measurements. The relevance of nano scale has been discussed in recent for its significant nature and its ability not only to its interaction in the governing process of both attractive and repulsive forces, but rather for the measurement gadget used in interrogating contact of small scales (Israelachvili, 2016). Friction also not only has given basis on the invention of atomic force microscope, but also to other equally measuring apparatus.
Ardeshir Guran, . P. (2013). Dynamics with friction : modeling, analysis and experiment. River Edge, NJ: World Scientific Pub.
Guran Ardeshir, . F. (2014). Dynamics with friction : modeling, analysis and experiment. River Edge, NJ: World Scientific Pub.
Israelachvili, J. N. (2016). Adhesion forces between surfaces in liquids and condensable vapours. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Michael Nosonovsky, . M. (2017). Friction-Induced Vibrations and Self-Organization Mechanics and Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Sliding Contact. [Place of publication not identified]: CRC Press.
Olejnik Pawel, . M. (2018). Modeling, analysis and control of dynamical systems : with friction and impacts. Singapore ; New Jersey: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Xiandong Liu, . S. (2016). Friction dynamics : principles and applications. Amsterdam: Elsevier, Woodhead.