How Internet Censorship Can Be Used For Positive And Negative Effects In Society

Positive Impacts of Internet Censorship

It can be said that Internet censorship has changed over the last 5 years. Internet Censorship is the control of what be accessed and viewed through internet. The censorship also takes into consideration the copyrights, defamation and obscene material. It can also be said that internet censorship focuses on restricting the information which is publicized or viewed on Internet. There are various companies and governments who are considering the use of internet censorship to block the overall access to the data and also the content which is sensitive. So, in this paper the focus will be given on the topic “how censorship can be used for positive and negative effects in society”.

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It can be seen that censorship has positive and negative affect on the society. The positive impact of censorship on the society is related with creating the chance to fix the common sense limits. It can be seen that censorship helps to focus on unfiltered public search that can offer anyone with proper access to the videos. But it also restricts the content set related to common sense which limits the content that can be easily viewed. This is considered as one of the pros related with internet censorship (Molnár, 2015). 

It can also be seen that internet censorship limit the access to the harmful operations. There are many areas of the internet through which people can access the information easily from anywhere. Through internet it can be seen that there is a proper access to illicit drugs, sex trafficking, human trafficking and also child pornography that can be accessed. But with internet censorship, it is easy to restrict the access to the activities which are harmful.  It restricts the content that can be accessed and also it limits the overall opportunities which can be used by the predators to search the new victims (Yang, 2016). The activities which can affect the society or can change the mindset of the society in negative way can be blocked with the help of internet censorship. It can be seen that it is important to use the internet censorship as it can help to maintain the mindset of the people living in the society and also it will reduce the issues which are taking place in the society (Mou, Wu & Atkin, 2016).  So, internet censorship has positive impact on the society by limiting the access to the harmful activities.  

The pros related to internet censorship are related to reduce the impact of identity theft. In the present scenario, one of the growing crime on the global platform is related to identity theft. It can be seen that the US citizens are considered as the victims of the identity theft in 2016. There are more than 15.4 million reports related to identity theft that were compiled by Javelin strategy and research which shows that there is 16% increase in the overall number of the reports in 2015 figures (Parks & Mukherjee,2017).  It can be stated that restricting the content can allow to search the information to be shared easily and it could also reduce the affect the identity theft takes places in the society. So, this is considered as one of the important factor that can help to reduce the impact of identity theft. So, it is important to consider internet censorship so that impact of identity theft can be reduced in the society by restricting the content.

Limit Access to Harmful Operations

The next positive impact related to internet censorship is national security. It can be seen that it offers a positive impact on the national security. Through internet censorship it can be simple to maintain the national security. It can be analyzed that if proper internet censorship is done then it can help in reducing the number of hacking incidents that take place in the society. It is important to consider the internet censorship as it can have a positive effect on the national security because it can be seen that restrictions can prevent the alleged incidents. Through proper internet censorship it can be easy to maintain national security and also it will help to maintain the overall policies and procedures. If proper censorship is not there then the privacy of the people is also one of the factors that can be affected. It is necessary to focus on maintaining the national security so that other activities can also take place with proper privacy (Busch, Theiner & Breindl, 2018).

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One of the positive impacts that can be considered by focusing on the internet censorship is related with stopping the fake news. It can also be evaluated that in 2017, the claims of fake news has been enhanced and also fake news website promoted the incorrect reports for money through click as it can be seen that readers can be take into consideration the concept that the news which is showcased is real. Also, through internet censorship it can be easy to offer other level of discernment which could be stop the divisive accidents that focuses on the events that never took place. It is important to consider the internet censorship as it can help the society to be aware about the fake news which is broadcast through internet. It is necessary to stop the fake news as it can help in maintaining the interest of the people towards the activities which are taking place in the recent scenario. People should have proper knowledge that the news which is broadcast is true and right so that it can be simple for them to take the right decisions. In the society, it is necessary to maintain the trust between the people so it is important to consider internet censorship so that fake news which takes place in the society can be reduced and people can take right decisions in the right manner. Internet censorship helps to block the fake news website so that right news can be broadcast easily in the society and also it will help in maintaining security of the people living in the society (Musiani, Cogburn, DeNardis & Levinson, 2016). 

In the present era, internet censorship is considered as an important factor that should be taken into consideration to maintain safety and security of the people living the society. By considering the society it can be stated that it is important to maintain proper safety and security by using internet censorship as it can change the mindset of the people living in the society if proper internet censorship is not taken into consideration. So, these are considered as the positive impact that can be considered if internet censorship is taken into consideration as it will also help in maintaining the overall policies of the society (Joyce, 2015).

Reduce the Impact of Identity Theft

It can also been analyzed that internet censorship has negative impact on the society. There are various negative impacts that can be seen that if internet censorship is taken into consideration. It can be analyzed that if internet censorship is directly controlled and ethically maintained then there are people who are focusing on deciding that what should be acceptable and what should not be acceptable for the society. The people decide that what should not be broadcast and what should be broadcast in the society.  There are some levels on which it can be seen that someone does not have the people to whom they report in context to the decisions related to internet censorship.  So, in this way, it can be seen that one person could influence the society in the ways they consider without any consequences (Clark et al.,2017).

It can be seen that internet censorship can focus on considering the decisions without considering the view point of the people living in the society. Also it can be seen that it can stop the overall welfare which is taking place in the society.

Also internet censorship can stop the information. It can be seen that the fake data can be restricted by considering internet censorship but it sometimes also restrict the real data.  According to the world economic forum it can be seen that there are 27% internet users who are arrested just because they shared, published or liked the content on Facebook. So, 38 different countries have arrested by focusing on the post on the social media in 2016 (Garry,2017). It is important to stop the fake news but sometimes internet censorship also stop the real news and it can affect the society in the negative manner. It is necessary to focus on giving the news to the society so that it can be easy for the individual to gain the right information which is accurate. Internet censorship should only be used for the information which is not accurate and affecting the mindset of the society. So, the focus should be given on restricting the data which is not right and the information which is right or ethical should be broadcast between the people of the society (Miranda, Young & Yetgin, 2016).

The next cons are related to the shift of the responsibilities where it lies.  If the government is dictating what the people can see online, then individuals do not have the responsibility for the decisions they take into consideration.  It also focuses on ceding the overall control of the government. It can be seen that if the control is ceded then it is easy to focus on controlling the overall responsibility. Internet censorship can shift the responsibilities which can also affect the overall decisions of the society. So, it is important to focus on maintaining the internet censorship so that the overall control can be maintained. It also helps to maintain the overall activities of the society and people can get the information which is right or accurate (Abbasi & Al-Sharqi, 2015).

Enhance National Security

Internet censorship also impacts the society by preventing the individuals from accessing the freedom of expression. It can be evaluated that free internet helps the people to post what they want and through internet people can post anything which they want or desires. It offers them a platform which can help to express the thoughts, opinions and views of the people who are living in the society.  It also gives them an opportunity to express their opinions, views and thoughts in a proper manner and also internet is considered as the source which changes the attitude of the society or the people who are living in the society (Lipschultz, 2018). 

It can be seen that laws that takes place in various jurisdictions would allow for the overall prosecution of the person who shared the illegal content like child pornography. It also places the restrictions that can create another layer of bureaucracy. It can be seen that internet censorship also restricts the freedom of expression so it affect the overall activities of the society. It can be seen that internet censorship restricts the overall layer of bureaucracy so it is necessary to focus on considering the internet censorship in a proper manner (Leung & Lee, 2014).

It can also be stated that internet censorship limits the entrepreneurial opportunities.  It has been stated that entrepreneurs would prefer to force their ideas which should be approved by the committee, board and also by the individuals instead of pursuing the idea on the regular basis.  It is seen that if the business in the similar sector as the entrepreneur has enough wealth then it can affect the overall growth of the opportunities which are taking place in the competitive market (Wike & Simmons,2015).

Internet censorship can also affect the opportunities that are prevailing for the entrepreneur in the market. By considering the internet censorship it can be seen that impact can be seen on the profits and also on the opportunities that should be grabbed at the right time.  It could also impact the entrepreneur to pursue their opportunity and these actions can also limit innovation in various different sectors. It is necessary to focus on managing the overall activities so that it can be easy for the entrepreneur to grab the opportunities prevailing in the market (Pan, 2017).

So, by analyzing the paper it can be concluded that internet censorship is one of the popular factor in the society. It has many negative and positive impacts on the society. It is important to maintain internet censorship so that it is easy to maintain the welfare of the society. The positive impact that can be seen is related with restricting the information. Internet censorship helps to restrict the data which is not correct and helps the people to take the right decisions by considering the information which is real (Wang & Mark, 2015).

The negative impact that can be faced by the society is related to the restriction of the important information. Internet censorship sometimes also blocks the important information which is important for the society but it cannot be accessed due to different reasons. So, it is considered as one of the disadvantage for the society. Therefore, it is important to maintain the internet censorship so that it can be easy for the people who are living in the society to manage their activities in a proper manner. Internet censorship can also help in boosting the overall opinions and views of the people. So, it can also be considered as the source to consider the opinions and views of the people.


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