Developing And Launching Virgin Red Electric Cabs Mobile Application

Project Deliverables

The project that is to be presented to in this report is the Virgin Red Electric Cabs for the tourist in Central London to avail via mobile application and the tangible or intangible deliverables of the project. The deliverables of the project will put forward the development procedures of the application that would be presented to the customers in the end (Vuori, Vesalainen & Helander 2018). This would include both the input and output deliverables of the project for the launch of the mobile application for Virgin Red Electric Cabs.

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These would include the process for the development of the project, the design and implementation of the cabs, the marketing of the product to the customers, the management of staff, and the application development (Hornstein 2015). All these would put forward how the organization of Virgin is planning on introducing the application of the electric cabs to their customers so that it would have maximum exposure to the market. This is important to discuss to make sure that the project is following feasible procedure for the progression of the project, so that there is no way by which the project could experience any hamper in the project progression.

The input deliverables would keep in mind about the project and application development, including the management of staff. The staff maintenance in the project would have the background checking of the employees and implementing proper techniques to investigate the health and safety of the staff (Spangenberg, Görg and Settele 2015). The input deliverables would also include the proper maintenance of the cabs to make sure that they do not harm the environment even during the manufacture of the cars.

The output deliverables would focus on the product development methods to make sure that the end products do not hamper the application so that the customers would not find any discrepancies while using the mobile app.

1) Brief of Stakeholders/Introduction

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Stakeholders of any project can be defined as a group, an individual or even an organization that could be affected either directly or indirectly by the outcome of a project or any decision taken or activity performed within the project (Snyder and Dionisio 2017). For the Virgin Red Cabs project as well, the people who would directly or indirectly be affected with the propagation of the plan would be listed as the stakeholders of the project. This would help to analyze how the decisions made during the project, the activities done and the outcome of the project would affect the people identified as the project stakeholders.

2) Identification of Stakeholders


Stakeholders from project scope


Employment (internal)

Cab Drivers in Central London


Customers (external)

Tourists in Central London


Manager (internal)

Marketing Team for Virgin Company


Owners (internal)



Transport facility provider (external)

Transport for London or TFL


Transport facility Provider (external)

Cab Union


Marketing Management Team (internal)

Teams responsible for the Campaigns and Promotions of Red Electric cab

Cab Drivers in Central London: The cab services timing, amount of tax paid by the cab services organization, driver information.

Tourist of Central London: The cab information, driver information, proper feedback generation about the entire ride, ride details including the information about the way. Feedback should be able to be generated for the rides taken.

Marketing team for Virgin Company: Proper working of the app, cab location, authenticity of the cab drivers as per displayed in the app, cab information, feedback generation to the organization, Cab information and relevant rider information, relevant information about the feedback of the client.

Virgin Cabs:  All the activities of the project would directly affect the organization.

Transport for London or TFL: The cab services timing, amount of tax paid by the cab services organization, driver information, reporting of any inconveniences against the organization’s services should be made able for the TFL (Vuori, Vesalainen & Helander 2018).

Cab Union: Cab information and relevant rider information are the key interests. The cab drivers should be informed about the riders taking the rides, their shift timings and the relevant information required about the cab.

Teams of the Campaigns and Promotions: Proper working of the app, cab location, authenticity of the cab drivers as per displayed in the app, cab information, feedback generation to the organization, Cab information and relevant rider information, relevant information about the feedback of the client.

Table 1: Stakeholder Identification

(Source: Created by Author)


Interest (0 – 5)

Power (0 – 5)


Tourists in Central London




Cab Drivers in Central London




Marketing Team for Virgin company




Transport for London or TFL




Cab Union



Table 2: Interest and Power Table 1

(Source: Created by Author) 

For any project, the management of stakeholders is an important aspect. The project in this case is about the launch of the mobile app for Virgin Red Electrical Cabs (Turner 2016). The management of stakeholders in this case would be about the associated people with the project affected directly or indirectly about the propagation. The involvement of the stakeholders has the potential to affect the project a lot as the success and failure of the project partially belongs to the involvement of the stakeholders.

Project Stakeholder Management and Communications Plan

Managing the stakeholder in the project would make sure that all the aspects of the project has a seamless and smooth progression within the project and the launch of the mobile apps would not be hampered further (Pritchard 2014). This would not only affect the internal stakeholders for the organization of Virgin Cabs, but this would also consider the affects it has on the external stakeholders as well. The external stakeholders, like the end users or the tourists are the most important aspect of the project since their ease of use would make sure that the project is successful.

The types of communication plan that is to be implemented within the Virgin Red Cabs application development according to the designated stakeholders are to be implemented as per the descriptions below:

  • Live Meeting:The available direct team members would be gathered at the same location for conducting a live meeting through which live information would be communicated with the associated stakeholders (Vuori, Vesalainen & Helander 2018).
  • Computer-assisted conference and email: Computers would be connected for audio conferencing with the stakeholders who would not be available at the same location (Marcelino-Sádaba et al. 2015). The computers would be able to display a document or spreadsheet that would be able to be edited by both the parties engaged in the video conferencing.
  • Texting:There would be constant communication between the stakeholders via text messages with the help of mobile phones, PDAs and devices that would be able to hold a calendar, a contact list, a task list and other supportive applications for the project (Sharp, Peters and Howard 2017).

Stakeholder Name(s)

Stakeholder Expectation

Communication necessary to satisfy the stakeholder expectation to keep them informed

Ways of communication

Person designated for the communication

Document Items

Timeframe and Frequency

Cab Drivers in Central London

To be communicated about the riders and the route in which the particular rider would be travelling. In addition, the remuneration and incentive plans would be shared with them as well.

The cab drivers should be informed about the riders taking the rides, their shift timings and the relevant information required about the cab

Texts and app information

Project Manager, App developer




All the information regarding the project relevant to the organization

All the information would be informed back to the organization via text, meeting and online meetings.

Text, Live Meeting, Verbal Communication, Online meeting.

Project Manager, other stakeholders, Riders

Spreadsheet and document


Teams responsible for the Campaigns and Promotions of Red Electric cab

Proper working of the app, cab location, authenticity of the cab drivers as per displayed in the app, cab information, feedback generation to the organization, Cab information and relevant rider information, relevant information about the feedback of the client.

Relevant information about the feedback of the client and the propagation of the project and their popularity amongst clients

Text, Live Meeting, Verbal Communication, Online meeting.

Project Manager

Spreadsheet and document

Frequent according to the bookings taken

Tourists in Central London

Proper working of the app, cab location, authenticity of the cab drivers as per displayed in the app, cab information, feedback generation to the organization.

Feedback should be able to be generated for the rides taken

Text and app information

App developer, Project Manager


Frequent according to the bookings taken

Marketing Team for Virgin Company

Proper working of the app, cab location, authenticity of the cab drivers as per displayed in the app, cab information, feedback generation to the organization, Cab information and relevant rider information, relevant information about the feedback of the client.

Relevant information about the feedback of the client and the propagation of the project and their popularity amongst clients

Text, Live Meeting, Verbal Communication, Online meeting.

Project manager, project Director

Spreadsheet and document


Transport for London or TFL

The cab services timing, amount of tax paid by the cab services organization, driver information

Reporting of any inconveniences against the organization’s services should be made able for the TFL

Online meetings, live meetings and text

Virgin Company Head

Spreadsheet and document


Cab Union

The cab services timing, amount of tax paid by the cab services organization, driver information

The cab union should be informed about the riders taking the rides, their shift timings and the relevant information required about the cab, reporting of any inconveniences against the organization’s services

Live meetings, text

Virgin Company head, Project director

Spreadsheet and document

Table 3: Stakeholder Communication Plan

(Source: Created by Author)


According to the project of Virgin Red Cabs, it first needs to identify about the project stakeholder to begin with, and after that the project would progress with the communication plan after identifying what information would be shared with the specific stakeholders and how. There would be priorities set for every stakeholder in the organization to make sure which stakeholder should be benefitted with the most information sharing and which one can be opted to share a portion of the information. The primary objective of the entire project was to make sure that the application is acceptable and gradually becomes popular in the long run. The cabs have been designed especially in the colour red to represent the transport of London, which is already famous for its red buses. However, the project would only be established as per then plan if there is seamless knowledge transfer between the stakeholders involved within the project.


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