Reflection On How Personal History Affects Work Practices In Multicultural Australia
History experiences and their impacts
The history of someone comprises of his background, orientation environment, culture, believes, norms and experiences that a person had in the past. All this affects one’s behavior in his present life. (Garbarino, 2017) From the origin of someone, one gains certain teaching during childhood life and all this teaching are reflected in one’s present life. During childhood teaching, we encounter many experiences in different events and activities. (Goffman, 2017) This experience shapes the life of a person either negatively or positively, for example, if you see your older brother being active in doing their work both at home and at their working station, you will develop the spirit of working hard by imitating the older brother. This experience is reflected in the present life of someone, whereby one works the same way she had been observing from his older brothers. During the middle-school age, the child is involved in a variety of activities because his/her body is active through learning different norms, believes and passing through different experiences the child acquires some skills which are n later years the child reflects in his/her work practices. (Graham, 2017) During teenage age, a person change reflects his/her own behavior in a different manner from the way he/she was behaving when one was a child. (De Groot, 2016) This age marks a big encounter of a human being until adult. Experience encountered during this age are difficult to forget. The experiences act as a changing factor for an individual, example if a person encounters with a role model who helps to build his life, his personal life will a take that direction and if in the other hand a person meets a role model who may lead him/her into wrong ways the individual will face that direction. This experiences are reflected up to adulthood and carried in the working places, this is one of the factors that show various different characters and personalities in people at the same working place. All these factors are major of my character and personality I portray in my working practices as elaborated below.
My childhood history was one of the factors that contributed to the person who is today in my social life economic and political life. The experiences I had during those time formed the background of my life. I was raised from a wealthy family in Africa before traveling to Australia where I settled until now. I was born into a family of farmers where agriculture was the main activity in the village I was raised in. in that area being lazy was the last option one hard. Since from childhood I and my siblings were taught on how maize and beans were harvested. Hence we had to wake up early so that we could be at the firm early enough to harvest. This experience made me change my behavior, at the age of ten I was the only one who was left in the bed sleeping while others rushed to the farm to do farm activities. (Atwood, 2015) This portrayed my laziness during my age of ten. after harvesting, I could see my brothers and sisters being offered a reward in terms of presents and money while I was given nothing. (Berger, 2015) After asking my father why he had left me out he gave me an answer that made my life to change. an answer that I was given acts as my motivation in my working place, ‘every job has its own reward I think your reward is black’ this was the answer I was given. this experience taught me that the world has no place for lazy people. I had to work as hard as my brothers and sisters do in order to get them a reward and earn something. This leads me the to the change my attitude which is reflected in my present situation at work, I do believe without working one is not entitled to earn anything. This kind of experiences is reflected in the present life I live. a Ta his shows that my history played a great role in the life I was leaving otherwise if I had not experienced, such an experience I could be laying around, but due to that experience, it has brought a great impact into my working practices.
Beliefs and norms shapes one character
Believes and norms shapes one character. (Guerra, 2016) This is acquired from the society one is raised from. By reinforcing proper teaching in the society to the youths, helps them to reflect them in the in daily life activities. In the village that I grew it was led by village elders, the ey were perceived as wise men since their work was to rule, teach informal education to the youth and direct them on what to follow, believe and which rules they should maintain. (Klimova, 2014) This believes and norms stuck into every youth memory because in case a rule was broken it had its consequences. In our norms respect was a virtue which was to be maintained. We were taught how to be respectful older people than us, leaders and also to have respect among us. This teaching experienced was to be maintained and passed to the next generation. (Sethi, 2015)The teaching was to encourage teamwork, a combined effort and lastly to respect leaders and other. This experience has created a great impact on my working experiences. ‘no man is an island’ it was a great quote that was used during those days. This quote is applicable even in my job station, this helps in promoting teamwork at a job. (Young M. , 2015) Everyone has different ideas hence through the sharing of ideas and combining effort in a workplace it brings impressive result and creativity. This quote guides me in my working practices, I encourage my colleagues at work to combine effort and work as a team, maintaining respect to achieve the organization goals. This experience taught me to respect people on authority. Hence through this experiences, I do respect my leaders at work by following their instruction. (Young S. &., 2017)
We aspire to be innovative and enhance creativity in our daily work. (Putz-Anderson, 2017) This was not my case back then until I met an experience that taught me thinking and creativity has no limit. I believed that being creative required a genius mind and a working environment that has all technological facilities that could support an innovative mind. This belief tied me even at the age of 25. (Perks, 2015) I was curious about how someone becomes creative in mind and does a great thing in his or life that ends him/her to be recognized. It affected me much in my working area, I had to be creative in order to be distinguished from others and earn myself a promotion. (Lovejoy, 2017) Apart from a promotion, I inspired to be recognized. But in my mind, I knew I could not come with anything unique until I met a man who came from poor background trying to create a software that enables transfer of money from one phone to the other despite the distance. The man did not have all the resources that could support such an invention but he had the motivation that made him work with the limited available resources the man had. (Locher, 2015) After confronting him he told me that most of the people in the world have great potentials but due to their background and negative attitude they believe that things are impossible. After a few years, the man was recognized and his project implemented. the project is called M-pesa now owned by a Safaricom organization one of the biggest telecommunication company in Africa. (Rothman, 2017) Since that experience, I came to believe everything is possible and there is no end of thinking. This experience became one of the greatest impacts on my working practices. Last month I came with an approach that promotes excellent business management which leads to the motivation of the employee. This has changed things in my workstation, due to my creativity employee work to their fullest and the stakeholders of the company are happy and they do recognize my effort. (Schön, 2017)
Aspiring for innovation and creativity
Not all experiences in life shape one positively there some experiences that may bring a big damage. (Brodahl, 2014) This experience shapes one behavior and they may form a part of one’s character or personality. (Cope, 2014) This experience is reflected in the daily life of human activities. They may bring permanent change in human life or a temporary change. (Houghton, 2013) Before I joined the recent organization that is working with I was employed in a small business retail shop. The experience there was worse, my workmates hated the fact that am black and am a Christian. This hatred became too much such that even during assigning of the duty was given the hardest duty and forced to work for long hours in order to accomplish the assigned duty. The funny bit is that it extended even to my boss. (Yilmaz, 2014) They thought that I was an alien, who had no religion to follow. I hated that experience because deep in me I knew I was a good person irrespective of my race, color and my religion. This imposed a great effect in my working area. Until there reached a time I had to visit psychologist due to depression. (De Groot, 2016) This experience has followed me even in my present workplace. I usually have that feeling that everyone in my organization hate the fact that being black and a Christian, though they appreciate me and my boss honors my work. this tends to affect my working practices. (Durant, 2016) It hinders me to work effectively to the better of the company. In the heart, I do tell myself that there is no need of working so had furthermore my colleagues and my boss hate me for who I am. The experience makes me leave with anxiety and fear. An example if I see someone staring at me it reflects in my mind that he/she is judging me. This experience makes me be uncomfortable sometimes at the job.
Experience is one of the factors that have a great influence on somebody’s life afterward. (Berger, 2015)The influence is mostly portrayed in human daily activities and mostly at ones working place. From my experience, I have come to learn that positive experience reflect positively in one’s present life and negative experience reflects negatively if not changed to someone’s present life (Garbarino, 2017). it’s crucial for one to analyze the experiences he/she faces in their life. As discussed above the experience that I experienced in my later days came to haunt me in the present days. (Atkinson, 2018) This was mostly manifested in my working practices, some had a positive impact while other had a negative impact.
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