Use Of Microsoft Office For Time Management
Explanation of findings from task 1
The report is prepared for the development of the excel spreadsheet that helps in management of the time schedule for enhance the business management process for the increase in the productivity. The report is created for the demonstration of the use of excel for the management of the basic activity easily and it can be used for tracking the daily activity and generate graphs for the management of the schedules. The benefits of the other Microsoft Office applications are also described in the report. The technological advancement that the has been implemented in the different business fields has been identified and described with their limitations for helping in improvement of the business process management.
For the automation of the calculation of the sum of independent study hours the Sum formula is used and it helps in calculating the total hours of independent study for the modules for a period of 10 weeks.
For the calculation of the average hours the average formula is used and the rows for which the average is needed to be calculated is selected for getting the result.
For generating the graph the of the average time spent on independent study the columns are selected and the line graph is generated that would help to visualize statistically the increase or decrease in the average study time for each of the modules.
The Microsoft office can be used by students and tutors for the for teaching complex fundamentals using simple methodology for accelerating the information exchange between teacher and student. It also helps in improvement of the practical education practice for the colleges and schools. If a wrong spelling is typed in Microsoft word it is automatically highlighted in red lines and it can be corrected with right clicking and the students can observe the mistake in real time.
A self-learning practice can be created for improvement of the brain power and the pattern of thinking and correct the mistakes at a real time. The teachers can insert diagrams, charts and tables for teaching and defining complex lessons and have a good understanding on the topic. Microsoft office comes as a bundle of MS Word, MS Excel, MS and PowerPoint and each of them has different functionality and features can be used for the improvement of the academic work and are given below:
The main features of Microsoft word are listed below:
The word can be used for creation a new blank document, blogs and new or existing templates – The documents are used for text files which have the support for complex formatting and defining the page size and layout. The blogs are used by the bloggers that can record the account details of the bloggers and used for uploading the posts seamlessly. The Microsoft word templates can be used for saving time with using the word with predefines formatting.
Use of tabbed ribbon – it contains a sequence of screens used for capturing the capability Microsoft word and it contains tabs, commands, command groups. The tab contains the home, file. The command is used for doing something in the word document and if a text is typed simply in the document the commands helps in empowering format/insert/handle the text in a multiple way.
Benefits of using Microsoft office
The following features of Microsoft excel:
Pivot tables – It can be used for summing the large data formatted with rows containing heading and category or values. A flexible methodology is followed for summarising the data.
Conditional formatting – It is used for changing the format of the cell and depending on the contents and it helps to quickly focus on the important points of the spreadsheet and highlighting the errors.
MS PowerPoint
The main features of PowerPoint are given below:
Addition of smart art – It can be used for creating professional diagrams with the combination of pictures and texts. It can help in creation of organization chart for creating variety of slides using bullet points in the text.
Insertion of images – It has a screenshot option for allowing the user to capture a window and including it in the slide. An image can be directly inserted by copying and pasting it in the slide.
The two technological advancement for the business that can be used for the improvement of the productivity are categorized as software and hardware advancement and given below:
Hardware – IP Telephony and Firewall
Software – Email and office applications and Mobile applications.
IP telephony – Moving the business from traditional landline to the VOIP technology can help in improvement of the communication and provide better service to the organization. The difference between the technology should be identified and it can help in reducing the communication cost by using the same internet connection for connecting with the other people. The IP telephony system are easier to install and configure and it is scalable for adding more connection for the organization with the simply plugging the phones with the existing network of the organisation (Orfanou, Tselios and Katsanos 2015). The implementation of the VOIP can reduce the waiting time for connecting with the user and helps in enhancing the productivity of the organisation.
Firewall – The deployment of the firewall in the business organization can help in securing the organizational network by restricting the outbound traffic to reach the internal resources of the organization. The firewall is needed to be configured with access control list such that the unknown data packets cannot reach the company’s internal network.
Email and office applications – The need of internal email server and desktop client has been reduced with the increase in use of spreadsheet, presentation application and documents with sharing option. The office suite can help in improvement of the productivity of the employees by sharing the work content with the employees and involve in team development.
Mobile applications – The introduction of the mobile application can help in active involvement of the employees for updating documents, make or receive phone calls and participate in the web conference for increasing the productivity of the business.
The VoIP technology is dependent on the internet connection and if the internet connection is down the whole communication process can collapse. The firewall also have some limitation that is it cannot protect the network from the attacker using dial up connection to reach the organization’s internal network (Laudon and Laudon 2016). The use of the email and office application for sharing the information can also become a threat for the organization because the id used by the user can be accessed by the attacker to get all the information and use it for illegal activity.
From the above report it can be concluded that the implementation of the Microsoft office package helps in the improvement of the productivity of the student and the different business organization. A research is done on the different technology that can be used for increasing the productivity of the selected business organization. The different hardware and the software that can be used for the development of the application should be identified for the management of the business framework and increase the productivity of the organization. The limitations of the technology is also identified for taking precaution for arise in fault and implementation of a strategy for the elimination of the error and provide various functionality for creating effective business communication.
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