Strategic Plan For $10M Building Renovation In Detroit: Project Management Approach
The process of project management can be stated as one of the factor which can be stated to driving the factor of the success relating to different project scenarios. In most of the cases it is seen that there are different sectors of risk which can be associated with the working of the project.
These risk factor are crucial in the working of the project and if implemented within the working can directly lead the project to the factor of failure (Zima, 2015) Apart from this it can be stated that there are various criteria which are linked to the sector of working of the project. The main sector which can be focused in any project management scenario is related to the completion of the project focusing on the requirement and on the other hand the time and the cost which are predefined.
The project which is undertaken in the report is the related to the building renovation in Detroit. The funding which is provided for the project is approximately $1000000. In the construction of the project it can be stated that there is various factor which can be taken into consideration and each of the sector are focused in the report.
The meeting in context of the project can be stated to be done periodically taking into condition the initiation of the project. In most of the cases it can be seen that video conference calling is one of the better medium of exchange of communication which can be stated to be proving beneficial from the point of view of the meeting (Zhao & Li, 2015). The detailing of the different agenda of the meeting can be very easily be explained in the context of the meeting. The recording of the meeting can be done in a recorder so that it can be accessed later in order to gain the access of the different agenda which are set in the meeting. The Position of the owner would not be a problem in this context due to the factor that the meeting can be implemented in a proper manner.
Tracking of the project
The tracking of the project can be easily done with the help of audits and checking into the overall working of the project. It can be seen that there are different parts of the project which decide the factor of the project progress. These all factor can be stated as moveable parts due to the chances of changing within any time of implementation of the project. In most of the time it can be stated that there are two important factor which can be stated here is related to the cost and the time which is related to the working of the project. hence monitoring of these two factor can be stated to be deciding factor weather the project would be reaching to the desired level of success. In this context it can be stated that if one factor is altered in the working sector it would be directly impacting the other sector even. The cost factor and the time factor can be considered to be directly be related to each other.
Tracking of the project
Stakeholders correction measure
It can be considered that if the stakeholders are behind the schedule it would be directly impacting the factor of the success factor of the project. It can be seen that stakeholder’s analysis can be implemented within the working of the stakeholders which would be directly controlling the aspect of the involvement of the stakeholders. There can be different corrective actions which can be implemented within the working of the stakeholders. One of the most important areas which can be stated here is the enlarge of the resources which is mainly related to the human resources in order to control the overall problem which is encountered.
Tracking of the question and answer from architecture
The architect in the working of the project can be considered as one of the member who has the overall power on the working of the project. The questions which are generally asked from the end of the architect is related to the planning of the project and how the implementation of the project would be done in the domain of the construction (Mubarak, 2015). The necessary details in the context should be plotted down so that they can be accessed later on which can be very much beneficial in the sector of the implementation and working of the project.
The question which can be asked to the architect is related to the time which would be required by them in the sector of the completion of the project. In most of the cases it can be stated that the data which is put from the end of the architect can be stated to be deciding how long time it would be required for the project to be completed (Owusu, Chan & Shan, 2017). This can be one of the factor which decide the successful implementation of the project.
The environmental issue which can be faced within the working of the project can be detected with the help of different parameters which are attached to the working of the project. in most of the cases it can be stated that environmental issue can directly lead the project to the factor of failure (Wang et al., 2016). Some of the environmental issue which is seen in the sector is related to controlling of the pollution which is related to the working of the project. It should be taken into consideration that the controlling of the degradation of the environment can cause serious impact on the overall working of the project.
On the other hand, another factor which can be stated here is linked to the sector of the waste disposal which can be one of the main impact relating to any construction project area. The main areas which should be focused is relating to the different schedule which is linked to the factor of the working of the project. The risk orientation factor can come from anywhere in this context it can be stated that mitigation plan can be one of the factor which play a vital role in the sector.
Stakeholders correction measure
Report required and frequency
The main report which would be required from the sub-contractor is related to the condition of the work of the project. It can be stated here that this report is very much important in the sector due to the factor that it determines the parts of the project which is completed and the part yet to be completed. In most of the cases different form of alteration are made in the project after the report is published. The main sector which is considered in the section is related to the time in which the project is running and the time it would be required for the project to be completed.
The frequency of the report should be brought in the notice of the authority at certain interval of time which would be beneficial in a manner to see the progress which is done in the project (Sears et al., 2015). It is the duty of the project official to interact with the official in the sector of gaining of the report so that if there are need of changes it can be done in the project.
Management system implementation and why
The management system which can be implemented within the sector of working of the project is the operational management system. This is mainly implemented due to the factor that it directly takes into consideration different aspect of working which can help the project to reach to the desired level of success (Tabassi et al., 2016). It can be stated that the project which is taken into consideration can be stated to be very much essential which can include different factor of risk which should be taken into consideration and mitigation plan should be implemented according to the risk which is identified. In most of the cases it can be stated that operational management system directly takes into consideration different working area so that the project would be reaching to the desired level of success.
The aspect of safety can be stated as one of the important factor which should be focused within the working of any construction project. One of the method which can be implemented in the sector is related to the training which would be beneficial in a manner which would be directly including how to indulge different safety aspect within the working of the project. Hence it can be stated that the workers who would be included into the working of the project should be ensuring safety so that there is no uncertain condition which can hamper the safety condition in the working of the project.
Report to owner
The report which would be generated for the owner is related to the overall working of the project which would be directly including the cost and the time estimation which is related to the completion of the project. It is directly presented in the form of documentation which can be easily be accessed. The report should be informing about the different factors which is related to the working of the project relating to the cost and the time which is included into the sector of working of the project.
Tracking of the question and answer from architecture
Organization chart
Risk report
Environmental issue
The main issue which is related to the environmental issue is related to the waste reduction process and the disposal of the waste.
The main likelihood of the risk is related to the construction process and the engagement of the sector of the working.
The environmental issue main directly impact the cost sector and in most of the cases it can be linked to the increase in the cost of the construction process
Mitigation aspect of the issue should be taken into consideration in the sector of the risk. In most of the cases it can be stated that construction process can be altered in the event occurrence.
Technical issue
The main sector of the technical risk can be related to the sector of the internal problem which can occur in the construction phase of the project.
The main likelihood of the risk can be related to the sector of the planning incompletion which can impact the sector of working of the project.
The issue would be having a directly impact on the cost schedule and the time which is linked to the working.
The main adjustment which can be made in the sector is related to the alteration in the sequence of the execution of the project.
The team should be taking control of thee risk periodically due to the factor that early detection can be considered to be early mitigation of the risk.
Resource issue
The main source of risk is related to the resource over allocation which can directly impact the sector of execution of the project.
The likelihood of the risk is related to the overall allocation of the resources which can directly impact the sector of working of the project.
It would be directly impacting the sector of cost and time which is related to the project.
The team should be checking upon the risk due to the factor that resource issue can directly impact the overall working of the project.
Implementation issue
The main sector of the origin of the risk is related to the factor of structural problem which can arise in the sector of working of the project
The main likelihood of the risk is related to the wrong planning if implemented within the project in the sector of the planning of the project.
It would be directly affecting the time factor which is related to the implementation of the project.
The team should be taking care of the issue due to the factor that it forms the basis of the construction process.
Human resource issue
The source of the issue is related to the employee who would be engaged in the sector of working of the project.
The like hood of the risk can be related to the less engagement of the employee who would be involved into the sector of working of the project.
The impact would be on the sector of cost.
The main involvement which should be done if the risk occur is related to the engagement of the employee who would be directly involved in the sector of working of the project.
Unknown environmental issue
Time issue
The main concern regarding this particular risk that is Time mainly arise due to delay in project work where the work cannot be completed on time.
The likelihood of this particular risk is very high. It will affect the schedule and involved cost of project as with passage of time the cost of building materials will increase.
If the risk occurs in the project, then the whole project needs to be completed with rapid pace.
On weekly basis, the team aims to check the various kind of risk in the project
Structural issue
The main source of the structural risk is any kind of misconstruction of the given building.
This likelihood of occurrence of this kind of issue is very high. The ultimate effect will be that the given project cannot be completed in the given deadline.
The wrong construction of the building will ultimately lead to overhead cost for the project. If this particular risk happens in the project, then that particular part needs to be demolished and reconstructed.
The project team needs to keep a track of progress on 2-3 days’ gap interval.
cost Issue
This particular risk arises in project due to structural and time issue in the project.
The likelihood of occurrence of this particular risk is very high if the project is delayed and the overall structure of the building is wrong. The overall cost of the project will ultimately increase due to increase in overall delay in the project.
Various kind of action can be easily taken for dealing with delay in project like plan for short term deliverables of the project, maintaining of small autonomous member of team, effective communication.
A proper R&D needs to be done so that there can be constant availability of resources. Apart from this, there needs to integrate better communication approach.
Future risk
The main source of the risk is collapse or any kind of accident in the building.
The risk is likelihood to occur if there is cost, structural and time issues in the project. If the given risk is encountered in the project, then it can easily result in increase in overall estimated cost and budget of the construction project.
The project needs to be put on hold if this particular risk is encountered in the construction project. The team will check the risk at the time of carrying maintenance work for this constructed building.
The appointed team members should check on the progress of the risk on yearly basis.
Terminal issue
The main section of the risk is related to the issue which are faced within the end of the construction phase and fault being detected.
The main sector of the risk would be highly important due to the factor that it can lead the project to the factor of failure
It can have direct impact on the overall working of the project including time and cost factor.
It should be focused within the implementation phase of the project.
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