Evaluation Of Sherico Care Services In Care Children Home
Organization’s Structure
The company came into existence in the year 1991 with its location in Barmoral road, London and has been in existence for the last 27 years of activity. Its roles include that of a hospital as well as caring center (Anglin,2014).
This children’s care home is among the quite number of children’s homes which are privately owned organizations. This home has been legally registered and given the mandate of care provision in an environment which is culturally sensitive together with accommodation for children facing emotional difficulties and behavioral challenges, offending, physical as well as the learning disabilities (Brenman, Cass, Himmelweit & Szebehely,2012). Its major wings of operations include;
- Sable care- which provides caring activities, efficient accommodation besides providing support to 4 adults whose challenge is disability in learning with an inclusion of those with autism and a challenging behavior.
- ACE independent- a strategy which follows the principles supporting the people’s strategy through provision of an opportunity to an individual to continue with a structure that offers a continuous care support, thus permitting them to uphold community living.
- Stork – it is a 3-bedroomed house which offers services or resource to a number not greater than 3 youths between thirteen and eighteen years of age and of both genders, also, who are also taken care of by the Local Authority. It provides an environment where a young person can re-address factors or issues which are related to a given specific need. A client-centred Approach is provided by the home through providing an emotional stable environment where young people identify, develop own skills that can enable them live an independent life.
- Earlham- serves a resource for 6 youths within the age bracket of 14-18years and taken care of by Local Authority. Its purpose is mainly to give focus to each individual’s needs.
I have noted that the organization employs adequate staffs who are paid a fair salary. The position of people employed include, the Quality Assurance Officer and Administrator.
It gets its funding from the Called Up shares, Shareholder Funds, Tangible fixed assets. These funds are used to help the youths through the provision of the residential as well as the foster care needs hence providing a golden chance for them to put their basic and independent skills into use.
The outcomes, for which this funding is set, are adequate in the sense that young people generally live happy lives within the home and most of them have a feeling that most of their wants are met. The children have a well understanding concerning the correct and the right procedure of raising complaints when they arise. To show also that the outcome of this funding is appropriate, an adequate educational needs which are in line with the learning requirements, are assigned to young people. Older young persons are not left out as they are provided with an opportunity of developing living skills which are independent (Williams, Canor, Eder & Whitlock,2009).
The main rationale as to why this company exist is to provide an “empowerment of individuality”.
- Provide a qualitative residential- care services for young people with emotional and behavioral challenges
- Providing environments which are culturally sensitive.
Its objectives are generally directed to ensuring that an environment which is culturally sensitive is provided to young people experiencing both the emotional and the behavioral difficulties(Bonsang,2009).
The organization achieves its outcomes on the intended young people through the following ways;
- Young people’s outcomes are adequate –this ensures that the home meets the various needs of the youths who are under its umbrella of management. This is done via the young people themselves feeling that all or most of their wants are met and that a good relationship pattern mutually exists between the staffs and the young people (Anglin,2014).
- Development of independent skills meant for living by the older young persons. They participate in a programme which is semi-independent and they make best progress when it comes to caring of themselves in an independent circumstance.
- Adequate quality care- where young people have the privilege of enjoying a very supportive environment provided by the home. This is also depicted by the mutually existing relationship between the staff and the youths within the organization (Campbell, Reeves, Kontopantelis, Sibbald & Ronald,2009).
- Young people are given advice and encouragement of living a healthy lifestyle by the staff. For instance, they make sure that the food is cooked or prepared in a manner which meets the preferences of the young people and also they encourage eating styles which are health. Also, the young people are given an encouragement of registering themselves with health care services which are primary. Even though this is good, not all times that the young people collaborate with the staff for ensuring that their care wants are achieved and due to this, their outcomes are relatively poor (Elsdon, Reynolds & Stewart,1998).
The model being used by the Sherico care to provide a person-centred or provide a patient care is the phase modelling. This model was chosen because of the constraints of finance which were placed on the local authorities. This phase model helps the organization to have an effective and an efficient planning the residential as well as the foster placement. Via this model, the organization helps the local authorities make sure that the correct care package is given out to the desired group of youths (Ritterhouse, Shortell & Fisher,2009).
By implementing this model scheme, the following are the basic categories;
- Phase one- which is the residential care
- Phase 2- fostering
- Phase 3- semi independence
A service which is meant to provide for the young persons, and also which whose aim is to assist them re-settle in a broader society. It also aims at enabling youth ‘hit the ground running’ through simply maintaining a focus on their ambitions and anticipations to be an effective mode of addressing their skills of life. The phase model performs an exhaustive task with children coming from the innumerable complex needs and there is a potential that they show a presentation of challenging behaviors. It provides multiple packages for the youths to benefit from heading to different phases as well as allowing them to make a plan for meeting each and every need of their choice (Moss, Dahlberg & Pence,2013).
Mission and Aim
It keeps a strong focus on the intervention type which is necessary to be achieved for a change to be brought on the overall person’s circumstances. It provides a highlight as well as helping a person to recognize and even accept the existence of the problem in order to have a reflection on the causes of the problem. The task-centred approach is also responsible for identifying the work to be undertaken by each person so as to achieve the intended change.
Group work helps in exploring relationships together with allowing an individual to freely express his or her wishes, hindrances and feelings. This intervention type mainly keeps a strong focus towards the existing work relation and the relationship affects the individual’s behavior(Hart,2013).
Training opportunities are provided to the staff. This enables them to fully exploit their potential and developing and transforming their skills into caring for young people. It is also mainly focused on safety measures directed on keeping the young people safe. Professionalism and an up-to-date legality in the field are also the resultant features of an effective training of the staff (Knapp, Romeo & Beecham,2009).
A sufficient number of personnel is available within the organization. Despite this sufficiency, to appropriately meet the needs and the requirements of the young people, the service will have a positive impact resulting from the reviews of the ratio of staffing in response directed to the recent time-escalation in the dynamic behavior of the youths.
The staffs have an access to training privileges which aid in equipping them with the required skills as well as the experienced required in the field of caring the needs of the young youths. The training is also focused on providing the safety measures meant to keep the children stay in a safe condition. The training is also meant to provide an updated legal development and even on the required professionalism to the staffs (Winokur, Holtan & Batchelder,2014).
Efficient and enough supervision is given to the staff.
- Care standards Act of 2000
- Children’s homes regulations of 2015
- Guide on the regulations of children’s home.
- A significant process is made by the young people in the present times as compared to their original beginning points due to the efficient care they receive.
- The children’s views are taken seriously by the staff and also, a good relationship is established between the children and the staff taking care of them. This positive relationship which is quality ensures that children feel that their needs are being listened and addressed with great care.
- A personalized care is provided by the staff to the children in which their needs are met accordingly.
- The young people are assisted and supported by the staff to have an independent development of their living skills which help them prepare for their adulthood.
- An effective collaboration existing between the staff and the internal professionals to ensure that they meet the needs and the requirements of the young people.
- Inadequate robustness in the internal organization’s management concerning the protection and the security of the children within the organization.
- Inaccurate and inconsistent records. The recordings concerning the restraint occurrences by the staff’s management are what offers the inaccurate replication concerning the events which ensure that young people are in safe conditions.
- The organization’s systems of monitoring the weaknesses do not provide a vigorous insight provision of solutions. This is depicted majorly in the home’s ability of effectively reviewing documentation which relates to how the staff ‘s usage of restraints as well as the ways and the modes in which subsequent investigations are successfully carried out by the same staff.
Sherico care homes as a company provides accommodation and care services to young people who are emotionally disabled, and/or behavioral disability to have an environment to develop their skills which help them during their adult lives. The staffs are adequately trained to improve their professionalism and quality service rendered to the young people in the home care.
The outcomes are met according to the objectives of the organization. This is through quality care being given to the young persons as well as the relationship which exist between the staff and the young people within the home care.
I therefore, urge the Sherico home care to adapt a friendly system to ensure that all the weaknesses are reduced to a minimal state.
To ensure an improved quality and improved care standards, I therefore recommend the organization to consider the bellow recommendations;
- In order to address the needs of children, management plans, which is detailed, I recommend the organization to develop plans to portray the individual’s behavior.
- I recommend the organization to review its patterns of staffing to develop an assurance that the staffing meet the young people’s needs.
- I also recommend the home to have a clear record of information concerning the individual child.
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