Impact Of Internet Utilization On Quality Of Education And Job Performance: A Literature Review
MG4002 Data Analytics
MG4002 Data Analytics
Aims and objectives of research
The present research study provides an overview on the impact of internet utilization on quality of education and job performance. Since emergence of internet, it has been a vital medium of research, communication and leisure tool. Internet provides several opportunities to numerous people across the globe in varied ways. People across the globe have started to access information easily on Internet and utilize it for educational, entertainment and social purposes. The use of internet in educational aspect provide the students asynchronous education in which they can reach information anytime. It also enables the students to think critically as well as creatively and also brought about positive changes to the teachers. The teachers as well as instructors utilize online materials for preparing lessons, which in turn help the students to extend their range of learning (Venkatesh, Croteau and Rabah, 2014). In addition to this, interactive methods of teaching that is supported by internet enables teachers in giving more attention to the student’s requirements and shared learning. Moreover, internet also aid to correct inequalities within education and also facilitates the educational administrators to decrease cost and improve quality of educational institutions (Noor-Ul-Amin 2013). Revolution of internet has led to positive and negative effect on employee’s performance. The use of internet has revolutionized pattern of employees working style, which has led to enhanced use of non- professional activities at workplace. Though internet use has helped to shape as well as promote job satisfaction among the workers, it has facilitated to diminish loneliness and increase self- esteem and social support. The use internet has highly increased the productivity of the organization and also assisted the workers to perform their job tasks in effective way. Furthermore, it has provided new opportunity to the workers for performing the work- related activities (Sykes, Venkatesh and Johnson 2014). Recent evidences reflect that excessive use of internet within the enterprise culminates to decline its employees productivity owing to unrestricted autonomy. As employees of the organization spends most of the time in surfing internet, it leads to wastage of time and loss of productive time. This in turn leads to adverse consequences on overall productivity of the corporation.
The main aim of this research study is to determine how use of internet impacts the quality of education and job performance of employees. The other sub- objectives of the research study are-
- To find out the benefits as well as drawbacks of internet usage in the formal education.
- To find out how internet usage influences the academic performance of students
- To investigate how use of internet act influences and changes practical guidelines for teachers.
- To explore how use of internet influences the productivity of employees
- To explore how usage of internet impacts the performance of business
As per Kuo et al. (2014) the utilization of internet in education and workplace has facilitated the people to solve difficult tasks that include- teaching, learning, business operations and management of educational and business procedure. Use of internet in organizations and educational institutions has made communications, cooperation and file sharing much simpler and faster. Ali-Hassan, Nevo and Wade (2015) has found out that use of internet has brought about reforms in teaching and learning within several educational institutions in the developed nations especially in UK. Internet usage in educational institutions act as main source of data and reference materials for different kinds of educational activities. According to Wastiau et al. (2013), email has remained only internet application in the educational sector for long time. Email has helped to improve interaction between the participants in the educational institutions. Furthermore, use of internet also benefits the teachers by increasing the flexibility in teaching for students located in varying time zones. Arkorful and Abaidoo (2015) has pointed out that internet usage motivates the students to study any topic online and also search various educational activities for improving their proficiency. Internet also increases the accessibility of students to libraries and offers opportunity to acquaint themselves with varied cultures. It also helps the teachers to search valuable teaching material and improve the way of teaching processes. Internet also facilitates the teachers to align with the curriculum of educational institutions easily. Nevertheless, both the teachers and students have reported adverse aspects of internet use such as risk occurring from unreliable information and problem of searching accurate information. Another drawback is that ease of accessing internet also creates dependence on the prepared information. However, this dilemma also creates adverse effect on development of the students research as well as analytical skills. Some of the researchers also found out that use of internet also creates disadvantage to the students as they might not be able to differentiate between unreliable information and reliable information.
Literature Review
Over the years, use of internet has allowed the workers to enjoy their comforts of doing jobs after working hours. Internet acts as communication as well as learning tool for the workers, thereby enabling conveyance of data timely over wide geographical distances. The internet users within the workplace have mainly acknowledged that surfing internet at workplace increases morale towards their work. Therefore, when accessibility to internet becomes prohibited within the organization, the result becomes deleterious as workers are demoralized besides remaining knowledgeable (Jia, Jia and Karau 2013). On the contrary, utilization of internet is mainly connected with procrastination. This means if an employee use internet excessively for personal reasons, then it deviates their focus from organizational goals (Ali-Hassan, Nevo and Wade 2015). This in turn hampers their productivity and performance, which in turn adversely impacts their business performance. However, the enterprises must permit use of internet in workplace but develop ethical code for guiding their use. This is vital to avoid misuse of internet in the workplace setting (Lee, Hsieh, and Chen 2013).
Based on the above literature review, the first hypothesis developed is given below-
H0: The use of internet influences the quality of education
H1:The use of internet do not influence the quality of education.
The second hypothesis developed from this research study is –
H0: The use of internet influence the job performance of employees in an organization
H1: The use of internet do not influence the job performance of employees in an organization.
This section reflects on the methods adopted for conducting this specific research study. Research design play important role in collecting and designing relevant data for the study. It aids to gather, assess, publicize and apply generated findings of research. There are three types of research namely- explanatory, exploratory and descriptive. For this specific research, exploratory research design was integrated in order to investigate the present research topic, envisions to the found priorities, develops the operational descriptions and improve final research design. Additionally, the research outcome is mainly based on attainment of accurate data. However, there are two forms of data collection method- primary and secondary (Neuman 2013). For this study, both primary as well as secondary data was used for attaining accurate research outcome. The primary data will attained through survey questionnaire process while secondary data are obtained from peer- reviewed journals, internet and periodicals. The secondary data have been used besides primary data as it helps to reduce time as well as costs of the data collection (Brannen 2017). In case of attainment of primary data, structured questionnaire has been developed and given to the target respondents. For the data collection method, the world value survey wave platform was used for this research since it is lower price in terms of data collection costs and easier to collect data from respondents. A total sample size of around 30 respondents from the UK organization and educational institutions will be taken into account for the survey questionnaire procedure. The respondents were selected by using simple random sampling procedure so that each respondents gets equal opportunity of being selected in the study. However, this sampling technique had helped to gather respondents easily from huge set of population. The attained responses were mainly analyzed by using descriptive statistics via SPSS and outcomes of survey that are presented using charts, bars and frequency tables.
The data analysis has been done based on the statistical study being conducted in thus research study.
a)Before conducting the statistical data analysis, the data had been tested for seeing whether it follows statistical assumptions that involve- linearity, homoscedasticity, normality and multicollinearity. However, histogram had been used for analyzing and testing the normaility of dataset. The three histograms shown below reflects that out of the three variables, only one is normally distributed. This means the variable of years of full time education completed is normally distributed while the other two variables that are internet use and ever had a paid job are not normally distribution.
Collinearity Diagnosticsa |
Model |
Dimension |
Eigenvalue |
Condition Index |
Variance Proportions |
(Constant) |
Ever had a paid job |
1 |
1 |
1.962 |
1.000 |
.02 |
.02 |
2 |
.038 |
7.226 |
.98 |
.98 |
a. Dependent Variable: Internet use, how often |
It has been seen from the collinearity statistics that the two independent variables are less than 5. This reflects that there is no multicollinearity of these variables in dataset.
- b) Descriptive analysis
The descriptive statistical analysis has been done including correlation and regression. The result are mainly presented using frequency tables and graphs.
Internet use, how often |
Frequency |
Percent |
Valid Percent |
Cumulative Percent |
Valid |
Never |
299 |
15.3 |
15.3 |
15.3 |
Only occasionally |
108 |
5.5 |
5.5 |
20.8 |
A few times a week |
93 |
4.7 |
4.7 |
25.5 |
Most days |
217 |
11.1 |
11.1 |
36.6 |
Every day |
1242 |
63.4 |
63.4 |
100.0 |
Total |
1959 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
Ever had a paid job |
Frequency |
Percent |
Valid Percent |
Cumulative Percent |
Valid |
Yes |
774 |
39.5 |
89.0 |
89.0 |
No |
96 |
4.9 |
11.0 |
100.0 |
Total |
870 |
44.4 |
100.0 |
Missing |
Not applicable |
1085 |
55.4 |
Refusal |
4 |
.2 |
Total |
1089 |
55.6 |
Total |
1959 |
100.0 |
From the above table, it can be seen that the near around 63.4 % people uses internet everyday, 15.3% people do not use internet, 11.1% people use it most days, 5.5% people use it occasionally and 4.7% people use it few times a week. Furthermore, around 89 % people had paid job and 11% people did not had paid job.
- c) For testing the two hypothesis, both correlation and regression analysis have been done.
Correlation analysis
Correlations |
Internet use, how often |
Ever had a paid job |
Years of full-time education completed |
Internet use, how often |
Pearson Correlation |
1 |
.078* |
.357** |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
.022 |
.000 |
N |
1959 |
870 |
1938 |
Ever had a paid job |
Pearson Correlation |
.078* |
1 |
-.048 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
.022 |
.157 |
N |
870 |
870 |
864 |
Years of full-time education completed |
Pearson Correlation |
.357** |
-.048 |
1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
.000 |
.157 |
N |
1938 |
864 |
1938 |
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). |
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). |
Correlation is mainly conducted to assess the relationship between the study variables. From the above table, it can be seen that ‘ever had a paid job’ is positively correlated with internet use at 0.01 and 0.05 level of significance. Similarly, the years of full time education is also positively correlated with internet use at 0.01 and 0.05 level of significance. But both these variables have weak positive correlation with internet use since it is far away from 1 that represents positive correlation.
- d) Regression analysis
Regression analysis is conducted for expressing the degree of relationship between independent and dependent variables. From the below table, it can be seen that that value of R square is 0.006. This means that 0.94 % of variability in internet use can be explained by ever had paid job and years of full time education completion. From the ANNOVA table, it is seen that the obtained model is significant at 0.02, which is less than the standard p- value 0.05.
Model Summaryb |
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
1 |
.078a |
.006 |
.005 |
1.736 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), Ever had a paid job |
b. Dependent Variable: Internet use, how often |
Model |
Sum of Squares |
df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
15.862 |
1 |
15.862 |
5.266 |
.022b |
Residual |
2614.478 |
868 |
3.012 |
Total |
2630.340 |
869 |
a. Dependent Variable: Internet use, how often |
b. Predictors: (Constant), Ever had a paid job |
Discussion and Conclusion
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that both the variables ‘ever had a paid job’ and ‘years of full time education completion’ has positive correlation with the internet use. But both these variables are not so strongly correlated with the use of internet. Even though the use of internet has positive impact, it has negative effect on the quality of education and job performance. the use of internet helps in employees development and thus improves their job performance. On the contrary, excessive use of internet within workplace might hamper the employees productivity and performance. However, the organizations must implement policies regarding ethical means of using internet within the workplace. This in turn will help to reduce misuse of internet within workplace and enhance their employees productivity and performance. Besides this, majority of students and teachers believe that use of internet is one of the educational tools that helps to improve their academic performance. The respondents from UK schools and colleges were of the view that internet helps the students and teachers to find valuable sources of data, download required files and also makes their work much easier. Few evidences reflect that use of internet hamper the studies of students and deviates their focus from studies. However, it is necessary for the educational institutions to provide proper curriculum for students and make certain restrictions for them in using internet.
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