Information System In HSBC Banking: Marketing And IT Departments

Information Needs of Marketing Department

This report aims to discuss the information system in an organisation. The chosen organisation for this report is the HSBC banking, which is a company based in United Kingdom. This company deals in the sector of banking. The two sectors of the company chosen for conducting the research are the marketing and IT department of the company.

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A detailed discussion of the identification and explanation of how the information systems are utilised in one of the functional areas for producing the information of the management at the senior and middle levels of management of the business is provided in this report. The social and ethical issues are identified and explained that are connected with the information system of the business. lastly, this report concludes with an appropriate conclusion of this report.

HSBC banking is a section of HSBC holding PLC, which is a company that is holding company for multinational banking and financial services. It is the 7th largest bank of the world, and it is the largest bank in Europe (Naheem 2015). The composition of the HSBC organisation consists of four business groups: Wealth management, Commercial Banking, Global banking and retail banking and global private banking.

The chosen functional areas for conducting research are the sector of marketing and IT. Both these sectors requires additional information needs for the effective business growth and increase their profit.

Marketing department

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The marketing team of the organisation requires several tools and information for facilitating the work and successfully create market awareness for the products and the businesses. The information of the requirements of the customers is the main information that is required in the business and provide the customers with all the required products (Laudon and Laudon 2016). This involves that the department of marketing of the company has specific direction towards the goals and it has implemented appropriate strategies for studying the market, develop appropriate products for the customers, and engage in the promotion of brand and the product, headed for the final aim of creating the business and enhance the values of the business. Some of the information that is required are as follows:

Research in marketing

All the research in marketing is conducted by the department of marketing. Research is important for understanding the needs of the consumers and identify the market for products that the company is hoping to sell (Bajdor and Grabara 2014). The strength and weakness of the competitors of the business is easily identified by the marketing researches that are conducted. According to Gallagher and Sixsmith (2014), the weaknesses of the businesses are easily eliminated with the help of effective research, focus on the strengths and exploit the weaknesses of the competitors and takeover the customers.

Information Needs of IT Department

Development of products

The department of marketing assists in creating products for the customers that is required by them and this department also performs the function of improving the products that are already prevailing for creating increased value for customers (Demir and Krajewski 2013). The job of the department of marketing is to analyse the product sales that are already in the market and look for further opportunities for introducing modified products where there are limitations in the products and modify the products that are found to be hard to sell (Höhn et al. 2014). The team of marketing requires several information about the price of the products that are currently prevailing in the market to meet the requirements of the customers at a cheaper price with keeping the profits.

IT department

The IT department of the organisation requires several information for the proper functioning of the department. It performs various functions for the organisations and the information required are as follows:

Communication: An effective communication method is designed by the department of IT. Internet calling, teleconferencing, and email allows the employees of the organisation to maintain an effective connection among each other. The article by Klukas, Chen and Pape (2014), states that this is established by the department of IT with the help of the information of the employees

Data management: this is the key function of the department of IT. The advances in technology and the increased complicated businesses has increased the data traffic of voice, text, and the video inside the organisations. The information requirements for the effective data management are the utilisation of the databases for storing, managing, and accessing the huge amount of data.

Enterprise resource planning:  According to Bharamagoudar, Geeta and Totad (2013), this refers to the utilisation of the systems of software for linking together the functions of business that includes the sales, human resources, marketing and accounting. The IT department of the organisation provides real time access to the aggregated information to the employees and for performing this function the department of IT requires data of the various departments of the organisation

Information system for the marketing and IT department

The MIS is the information system that is utilised for the proper storing, analysing and distributing of the data of marketing for the managers of the organisation. This system is also utilised for the analysis and assessment of the marketing information, that is gathered continuously for the inside sources and the sources outside the organisation (Shelestov et al (2013).

Information Systems for Marketing and IT Departments

The components of the MIS are:

Internal records system: This is an important and easily accessible information source. The raw data is supplied by this system. This system consists of all the records of the operations in marketing that are available within the organisation.

Marketing intelligence: the constant information on the developments in the market environment that is external is commonly provided to the management of marketing (Castronova, Goodall and Ercan 2013). This subsystem consists of several methodologies for the valuation of the information of the organisations.

Marketing research: This management system allows the initiation and coordination of activities of research that are specific to the concerns and purposes of marketing.

Marketing decision support: contains the statistical and  decision tools, which are utilisation in synthesizing the various outputs for providing better option of decision and the suggestions.

Information system for the IT department

The information system that is implemented in the department of IT in the organisation consists of the following systems:

TPS or Transaction Processing Systems: Tahri, Hakdaoui and Maanan (2015)  stated that the TPS meets the collection of data, processing, storage and the functionalities of outputting for the major operations of the business. The information systems collects the data from the inputs of the users and then produce the outputs based on this collected data

CRMS or Customer Relationship Management Systems: This system is utilised for the synchronisation of the sales and the efforts of marketing. The systems of CRM combines and tracks the activities of the customers that includes the trends of purchasing, the defects in the products and the inquiries of the customers.

Business intelligence systems: These systems are complex as these systems are utilised for the identification, extraction, and analysis of the data for various needs of operation, specifically for the purposes for decision-making.

Knowledge management systems: The KMS information systems serve as the central repository and retain information in formats that is standard (Kushniruk et al. 2013). These systems performs the function of organisation and dissection of knowledge and the redistribution and sharing with the individuals of organisation.

The information system that is used in the functional area of marketing for producing the management information at the middle and senior level of management of business is the management information system (Arrouays et al. 2014). This information system is used for the creation of decisions and the organisation, mechanism, analysis and visualisation of the information in the company.

Use of Information Systems in One Functional Area

MIS is the hierarchical subset for the information systems. The MIS are highly focussed on the organisation narrowing the utilisation of information technology for increasing the value of business.

 According to Boonstra (2013) Even though utilisation of information system can be done in every management level, the duty of implementing the information systems commonly falls in the hands of the CIO and the CTO. The company uses the system DSS (Decision Support System) and EIS (Executive Information System) for offering information about the management to the senior and the middle level management.

DSS (Decision Support System): This is an information system that supports the activities of decision making for the businesses. These systems serve the operations, management, and the levels of planning of an organisation and assist people in making the decisions about the problems that can be rapidly changing and these are not easily specified in the beginning. Knowledge based systems are included in the DSS (Alonso et al. 2013). A specifically designed DSS is considered to be a system that is based on software.

Executive information system: This system is also considered to be an Executive support system. This is a kind of management support system that offers and supports the needs of senior executive information and the decision-making.

Technical details of Management information system

According to Tarhini, Arachchilage and Abbasi (2015), the MIS is designed in the HSBC bank for the managing the information within the company. At the most common level, MIS can include the elements that are based on the non-computer like the structural hierarchy of the organisation.

The hardware that is required for any management information system can differ widely based on the size and requirements of data processing of the organisation. commonly, small businesses needs only a machine for storing information like the data, invoices and projects of the employee. Large businesses can require numerous systems that allows the sharing of data securely across several locations for the employees. The data that is stored in the MIS is preserved in several isolated locations for increasing the security of data.

Some of the common function of MIS includes the record keeping of the employees, invoicing, management of inventory, planning for any project, management of customer relationship and the analysis of the needs of business (Soppera, Bossant and Dupont 2014). Several programs of software are designed for executing a particular task such as the maintenance of financial records or the data backup. The business also utilises the Executive Information System for proper management of the information among all the levels of the organisation.

Social and Ethical Issues

The structure of EIS consists of the following elements:

Hardware: It is considered that the structure of the EIS in an organisation must meet all the requirements of the management, which operates the EIS at the level that is executive and the needs of all the various departments that populate the database with information that is processes by the system (Galegher, Kraut and Egido 2014). The hardware configuration of the EIS consists of the following components:

  • Introduction devices for the entry data: commonly these are the computers where the users entry the data.
  • LAN network: allows the interconnection of all the devices that provide data with database
  • Information storage units: These are the servers that performs the data hosting and process all the requirements of executive body
  • Devices for information display: devices that are used for displaying the data and used for viewing the generated reports of Executive Information System.

Software: Software are effective in the process of designing of an EIS. The components of software and the method by which the management and the integration of data into any single system is very essential (Hong et al. 2014). The basic components of any EIS includes:

  • Basic software: text
  • Data base: where the data is received and stored from the external sources
  • Graphic software: The conversion of the data from the data base in information that is based  on visual diagram.

Interface: The major responsibility of the EIS is the collection of the relevant data and then deliver it to the higher management levels. This function of EIS makes the utilisation of interface as the main component. The design of the interface of the HSBC bank is considered to be comprehensible and easily interpretable. The user interface includes the aspects that are interactive, which facilitate the operations of system and the interaction among the components. The designing of the interface is done logically for assisting the user to be able to grasp the functionality of the controls (Li et al. 2014). The mechanism of the interface is based on:

  • Entry: allows the users to conduct introduction of data and the manipulation of the system
  • Exit: allows the users to view the results of the system interaction

Ethical and social issues linked to the information system

The information system has simplified the tasks and activity performing of the organisation. The simplification of the information searching, product purchasing, entertaining, communications, analysis of data are the major advantages that are provided by the information system to both the individuals and the organisation.

The network of computers in the organisation helps in the communication, data sharing, and the sharing of processing of data among each other (Liu et al. 2017). Some of the ethical issues of the facilities of information technology that raised ethical issues are as follows:

  • Data copying; simplification in the data duplication
  • Disintegration of data from anywhere and anytime
  • Faster sharing of data/files/information

These facilities have assisted in the growth of several ethical issues. Some of the issues are grouped into five categories:

  • Right to information
  • Right to property
  • Liability, accountability and control
  • Information system quality
  • Life of the users

Right to information

According to Willcocks (2013), the organisations requires information for improving the processes of the business and improve the performance for having competitive advantages.

In the business promotion processes, the organisation collects data that are related to the products, customers and the transactions that are done by the consumers. The organisation keeps on stacking the data of the customers and the transactions done by the customers; the analysis of the data is done for finding the clusters of similar customers, the preferences of the customers and the likelihoods; the association among the several attributes of the customers (Braglia and Frosolini 2014). The ethical issue that is raised from the collection of the data of the organisation is: If anyone has the information about someone, then in what conditions and how the data is utilised by the individual; can the data be made public by the individual:


The social issue that rises from the collection of data in the information system is: the expectation of the society is that a mechanism is developed and it is implemented for protecting the privacy of the individuals. The security of the data of the individuals must be a priority; nobody can steal the information and data.

Property right

The organisation makes innovative distinct products; significant time and money is invested in the development and the sale of the products. The theory, articles and the formula are the properties that are intellectual. The ethical issue that rises from the creation of any new product is: is it ethical to copy and make redundant materials of the digital data without the proper consent of the original owner?

The social issue that is raised from this is: is the introduction of the information systems making several individuals criminal as many people are making the copy of the digital materials?

Accountability and liability

Galliers and Leidner (2014) states that the introduction of the information systems has helped in simplifying several processes of the organisations and the people; the creation of duplicates of the information and the transfer of data from one place to another in a few seconds, access and modify the data.

The ethical issue raised from this is that is the individual or the company who develop the hardware/software is morally responsible for all the consequences of utilisation of the hardware/software? What kind of assumption must be done by the user and the provider for the liabilities?

The social issue that is raised is that should the organisation and the individual create arrangement for the safety and prevention methods on their own?

Information system quality

The fourth ethical issue that is raised by the implementation of information system is that as no system is completely bug free and error free, then what should be done when there is a situation of poor quality of information system.

Another issue with the implementation of poor quality of information system is that are the developers responsible for the ensuring of quality of hardware/software that they develop?

Social issue that is raised is that the expectation of the society is that the hardware/software system is free of any error, no damage or harm is faced by the utilisation of the software/hardware.

The CSR strategy of the HSBC corporation is to contribute to the social and economic development of the communities and safeguarding the environment. Even though both these components are universal and it will be in the centre of most of the initiative of sustainability, there are several components that make up this huge idea. The community is mainly focussed on the two major themes:

  1. Environmental sustainability
  2. Promoting education

Within the promotion of Education, the focus is specifically on the:

  • Underprivileged young people who are specifically at the secondary and primary levels of education
  • Vocational skills for employment enhancing
  • Projects for enhancement of livelihoods

In environmental sustainability, the focus is specifically on the:

  • Access of safe water
  • Sanitation and water
  • Sustainability of freshwater
  • Changes in climate


Therefore, it can be concluded that the implementation of information system in the HSBC banking has assisted the company in creating significant development in their sector. HSBC banking is a section of HSBC holding PLC, which is a company that is holding company for multinational banking and financial services. All the research in marketing is conducted by the department of marketing. The department of marketing assists in creating products for the customers that is required by them and this department also performs the function of improving the products that are already prevailing for creating increased value for customers.

The MIS is the information system that is utilised for the proper storing, analysing and distributing of the data of marketing for the managers of the organisation. The MIS is designed in the HSBC bank for the managing the information within the company. The MIS consists of the data of the employees, clients, finances, departments, projects and several other kinds of data.


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