System Design : Case Model In Real World

Describe about the System Design for Case Model in Real World.

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1. Information Needed for Development of Use Case Model in Real World

The developmental perspective of the use case model considers the real world application (Kulak and Guiney, 2012). This aspect introduces mainly three factors within it to make the impact of the use case model clear on the real world (Ambler, 2012). The use case model generally considers actors of the case, identification of the use case and interrelation of the actors within the use case. These three aspects specify the impact of the use case real life situations.

According to the case study, actors are the card users: child, pensioners and adults and the use case is the information transfer of user data related to swipe in and swipe out of travel cards.

2. Use Case Diagram

Figure 1: Use Case Diagram for Traveling Card Payment System

(Source: Created by author)

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Use case list

Use case ID

Primary Actor

Use Cases

UC 1

Child user, Pensioner and Adult users

Swipe in details

UC 2

Child user, Pensioner and Adult users

Swipe out details

UC 3

Child user, Pensioner and Adult users

Type of the users

UC 4

Child user, Pensioner and Adult users


UC 5

Child user, Pensioner and Adult users


UC 6


Payment validation

UC 7


Payment calculation

System Name: Travel Swipe Card Transaction System   

UC 1, UC 2

Use Case ID

UC 1, UC 2

Use Case Name

Swipe in details and Swipe out details

Created by


Date created



Primary actors are: Child user, Pensioner and Adult users

Secondary actors are: Admin


This use case checks the swiping in and swipe out details of the users in the station that decides their stating point of the journey.


UC1- Entry of the user in the station

UC2- Check out of User


User must enter to the station

User must be registered with the system

User must have swipe card

Normal Flow

At the first step the user chose the tram system for reaching his destination. After this the user swipes in the card by entering to the station and his arrival point and destination is recorded in the server. At the end of journey the user swipes the card for checking out of the station.

Alternative Flows

Internet Threat: If the systems get affected by the virus then the system can get protected by placing bridge in between the user and admin server.


Blocking of swipe card: There is always a separate master card to recover the blocking.

Transactional error: The admin server passes a signal to overcome the transactional error with the swipe card.


Destination selection: The destination is entered by the user after swiping the card.

Type of the user: User type is also entered by the user.

Frequency of Use

Once in a year

Special Requirements

The swipe card must be aware of the identification and authentication of the user while calculating the fare it should be 95 %.

Transactional error must be avoided on first priority it should be about 90%.


Users understand either English or the regional Language.

Notes and Issues

Delayed transaction of fare

Software support to user

UC3, UC4, UC5

Use Case ID

UC 3, UC 4, UC 5

Use Case Name

Type of User, Arrival and Destination selection

Created by


Date created



Primary actors are: Child user, Pensioner and Adult users

Secondary actors are: Admin


The user enters the type of them and then the arrival and destination point entered.


Entry of the user in the station


User must enter to the station

User must be registered with the system

User must have swipe card

Normal Flow

At the first step the user chose the tram system for reaching his destination. User swipes the card and enters the destination station.

Alternative Flows

Internet Threat: If the systems get affected by the virus then the system can get protected by placing bridge in between the user and admin server.


Blocking of swipe card: There is always a separate master card to recover the blocking.

Transactional error: The admin server passes a signal to overcome the transactional error with the swipe card.


Destination selection: The destination is entered by the user after swiping the card.

Type of the user: User type is also entered by the user.

Frequency of Use

Once in a year

Special Requirements

The swipe card must be aware of the identification and authentication of the user while calculating the fare it should be 95 %.

Transactional error must be avoided on first priority it should be about 90%.


Users understand either English or the regional Language.

Notes and Issues

Delayed transaction of fare

Software support to user

UC 6, UC 7

Use Case ID

UC 6, UC 7

Use Case Name

Payment validation and payment calculation

Created by


Date created



Primary actors are: Admin

Secondary actors are: child, pensioner and adult


The admin checks the validity of the payment and then calculate the fare according to the type and destination of the user.


Entry of the user in the station


User must enter to the station

User must be registered with the system

User must have swipe card

Normal Flow

At the first step the user chose the tram system for reaching his destination. User swipes the card and enters the destination station. The admin take information and validate and calculate the fare for the user.

Alternative Flows



Blocking of swipe card: There is always a separate master card to recover the blocking.

Transactional error: The admin server passes a signal to overcome the transactional error with the swipe card.


Payment details: these two use cases checks the payment confirmation and calculation aspect.

Frequency of Use

Once in a year

Special Requirements

The swipe card must be aware of the identification and authentication of the user while calculating the fare it should be 95 %.

Transactional error must be avoided on first priority it should be about 90%.


Users understand either English or the regional Language.

Notes and Issues

Delayed transaction of fare

Software support to user

3. Use Case Diagram for Adult Users

Figure2: Use Case Diagram for Adult Users

(Source: Created by author)

Use case 3: Swipe In Details

Use Case ID

UC 1

Use Case Name

Swiping in details

Created by


Date created



Primary actors are: Child user, Pensioner and Adult users

Secondary actors are: Admin


The user enters the type of them and then the arrival point entered.


Entry of the user in the station


User must enter to the station

User must be registered with the system

User must have swipe card

Normal Flow

At the first step the user chose the tram system for reaching his destination. The arrival point is informed to the admin.

Alternative Flows

Internet Threat: If the systems get affected by the virus then the system can get protected by placing bridge in between the user and admin server.


Blocking of swipe card: There is always a separate master card to recover the blocking.

Transactional error: The admin server passes a signal to overcome the transactional error with the swipe card.


Destination selection: The destination is entered by the user after swiping the card.

Type of the user: User type is also entered by the user.

Frequency of Use

Once in a year

Special Requirements

The swipe card must be aware of the identification and authentication of the user while calculating the fare it should be 95 %.

Transactional error must be avoided on first priority it should be about 90%.


Users understand either English or the regional Language.

Notes and Issues

Delayed transaction of fare

Software support to user



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