Business Research: Environment Tourism In Gold Coast

Discuss about the Business Research for Environment Tourism in Gold Coast.

Gold Coast tourism is a membership based tourist firm prearranged for endorsing the particular metropolitan as a commerce event destination by global and domestic trade. In addition to this, Gold Coast also intends to enhance the popularity by various travel and media industry channel in Australia. The aim and objective of this firm is to develop the tourist visitation, demand and expenditure to the Gold Coast (Sharpley 2014). The environmental analysis of the particular organization executes different growth opportunity and these can be evaluated in an effective way. In addition these, this research study would mainly facilitate the identification of the challenges that the management of Gold Coast faces in order to expand the opportunity of business in the global platform. Therefore, in other words, it can also be said that the intention of the work is to arrange for a detailed investigation regarding tourism activities in the Gold Coast. This will help the researcher to identify the opportunities in order to enhance the particular industry in an effective way. Nevertheless, this research study would also contribute to identify the challenges to Gold Coast for the expansion of business.

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Thus, the research objectives of this particular research study are – firstly, to evaluate the various opportunities for Gold Coast in order to widen the tourists visitation in an efficient manner. Secondly, to identify the chief challenges for improving the effectiveness of the business in Gold Coast. Lastly, the goal of this investigation is to recommend few steps by implementing which the arrival of the visitors and the expenditure of the visitors in the business can be increased and improved.

Overview of research study:

The article “Transforming the Tourist City into a Knowledge and Healthy City: Reinventing Australia’s Gold Coast” mainly indicates the opportunities for Gold Coast that will help to widen the visitation of the tourists in an efficient way. As per the article, the intention is to convert the urban area “Gold Coast” into a city that will be mainly utilized by the both inbound and outbound tourists. This can be made possible through fast augmentation of the “council of Gold Coast” that hunts for diversification of the culture, financial system and the daily life of the people of the particular city. The particular article examines this transformation by the process of reviewing the programs, projects and policies that arise from the vision of Gold Coast City Council regarding the particular town that achieves benefits from the data and information that are regarding the improvement of the city. Secondly, it has been found that this particular research paper mainly aims to identify the challenges and opportunities in the development of the budding sophisticated town as a city of health and knowledge ( 2016). This research work mainly highlights on larger health and knowledge nodes along with main highways. However, this also examines the potential for the development of a system consisting of minor nodules along with enriched transportation system. Therefore, it can also be said that this research work provides an additional integrated and holistic outlook in order to sustain both the city and area in the long run.

Overview of methodological approach:

This particular research work has been done on the basis of the documentary research of the secondary materials. These include – the documents of the government plans and policy that are related to the economic development, community planning, urban design and major infrastructure projects (Punch 2013). In addition to this, the documentary research is supplemented by the spatial analysis. This involves visiting the field to the minor and major health and/ or knowledge nodes in the contexts of suburban and urban.

Overview of research strategy:

A particular research strategy helps the researcher to investigate the problem statements of the research work. Therefore, it can be said that research strategy is a general plan that helps the researcher to answer the research questions in an accurate and systematic manner (Creswell 2013). A research strategy is considered as the effective method only if the strategy contains research aims and objectives, research questions and data collection resources. Research strategy is also helpful to the research as it helps to gather data through particular data collection methods. It can also be said that in an effective research strategy, a researcher might gather background information and can analyze the collected data and information to reach a particular conclusion (Steyerberg et al. 2013). In this article, the particular researcher has opted for two important research strategies – analysis of the literature review and case study.    

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Overview of data collection methods:

In the particular research study, the researcher has collected data from the secondary resources. This includes – the case study on Gold Coast, books related to the research topic, websites, previous journals and articles. Therefore, in this research work, qualitative analysis has been performed in order to analyze the gathered data (Smith 2015).

Implications of research for the proposed research project:

The findings of this research paper will help in practical application for the council of Gold Coast City by providing critical review regarding the strengthening of current programs and policies of the Council on knowledge precincts, urban health and health hubs (Amelung and Nicholls 2014). In addition to these, the particular research work will also help to study the other cities that are primarily based on travel and tourism dependency. Therefore, this research study and its findings will also help the researcher in the proposed research work, as the findings will help to gather data regarding the opportunities for Gold Coast that will widen the visitation of the tourists in an efficient way.

Overview of research study:

The article “International Visitors in Australia” mainly indicates the reasons and also recommends a few steps by implementing which the arrival of the international visitors in Australia has increased. Thus, this particular article helps to understand the reasons for increased numbers of visitors in Australia and this will also help the researcher to predict the trend of tourism industry or numbers of visitors who will visit Gold Coast in future. This research study has been performed based on the survey of the international visitors who visit Australia. This specific article is the quarterly report of the international visitor survey for the month of June 2013 ( 2016).

Overview of methodological approach:

This particular research work has been done on the basis of the primary research. This includes –the survey of international visitors and for this a fixed sample size has been selected. On the basis of the survey, in this research work, quantitative analysis of the collected data and information has been performed. As per the particular article, it has been found that the “International Visitor Survey” (IVS) mainly symbolizes the sources of comprehensive data and information regarding the worldwide travelers to the particular country. The IVS samples of 40,000 depart temporary global travelers who are 15 years old or more and those who visits the particular nation (Dedekorkut-Howes and Bosman 2015). The survey of the specified research work has been performed by “Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing” in the department of leaving sprawls of eight key intercontinental airports. These include – the Gold Coast, Darwin, Adelaide, Perth, Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.        

Overview of research strategy:

A research strategy is considered as the effective method only if the strategy contains research aims and objectives, research questions and data collection resources. However, in this particular article, research questions are provided. Research strategy is helpful to the research as it helps to gather data through particular data collection methods (Segall 2013). It can also be said that in an effective research strategy, a researcher might gather background information and can analyze the collected data and information to reach a particular conclusion. In this article, the particular researcher has opted for only one research strategy and that is the survey analysis. It has been found that the survey analysis strategy helps the researcher of the research study to gather quantitative information and data. More, this survey strategy also helps the researcher to gather general views of people.   

Overview of data collection methods:

The researcher of the particular research work has conducted a survey and from this survey the researcher has collected various data and information regarding the research topic. The survey was consisted of 100 questions that were supported by ‘show-cards’ in order to guide the participants of the survey to respond to the answer in some specific areas (Creswell 2013). These specific areas include – repeat visitation, usual place of residence, group tours, activities, demographics, expenditure, travel party, accommodation and transportation, purposes of visit and places visited and sources for achieving information regarding Australia. Therefore, it can be said that the data and information were collected by conducting a survey and these data were analyzed by the researcher quantitatively.   

Implications of research for the proposed research project

Therefore, this research study and its findings will also help the researcher in the proposed research work, as the findings will help to gather data regarding the causes for increased numbers of visitors in Australia. This will also help the researcher to predict the trend of tourism industry or numbers of visitors who will visit Gold Coast in future (Dredge and Jamal 2013). The particular article will help to understand the facts and figures and on the basis of these the proposed research can be done easily.

Overview of research study:

The article “The Critical Decade – Queensland climate impacts and opportunities” mainly indicates the chief challenges that Gold Coast faces and the recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the business in Gold Coast. In this article primarily the adverse effect of the climatic change has been highlighted on Queensland as well as on Gold Coast. The particular article focuses that the tourism industry of Queensland is at risk due to climatic change (Ma and Hassink 2013). It has also been highlighted that the rise in the sea-level has threatened the lifestyles and properties of Queensland. At present, it has been found that the Gold Coast has more houses than any other part in Queensland. However, it has been noted that most of the houses in the Gold Coast lies within 110 meter of erodible coastline ( 2016). Therefore, over 4,000 residential buildings in the Gold Coast are at risk ( 2016). Moreover, there is a probability that the potential spread of dengue fever will increase sharply in the particular area causing human health hazards. These act as the major challenges for the growth of tourism industry in Gold Coast.     

Overview of methodological approach:

This particular research work has been done on the basis of the documentary research of the secondary materials. These include – the documents of the government plans and policy that is related to the economic development, community planning, built environment, coasts at risk, agriculture and human health. In addition to this, the documentary research is supplemented by the spatial analysis.

Overview of research strategy:

Research strategy helps to gather data through particular data collection methods. It can also be said that in an effective research strategy, a researcher might gather background information and can analyze the collected data and information to reach a particular conclusion (Farrington 2012). In this article, the particular researcher has opted for only one important research strategy and that is analysis of the literature review.   

Overview of data collection methods:

In the particular research study, the researcher has collected data from the secondary resources. This includes – books related to the research topic, websites, previous journals and articles. Therefore, in this research work, qualitative analysis has been performed in order to analyze the gathered data (Marshall and Rossman 2014).  

Implications of research for the proposed research project

Therefore, this research study and its findings will help the researcher in the proposed research work, as the findings will help to gather data regarding the chief challenges that Gold Coast faces. It will also help to recommend the steps for improving the effectiveness of the business in Gold Coast.


Therefore, it can be concluded that each of the three articles provides with various data, information, facts and figures will help the researcher to perform the proposed research work. The methodology for conducting survey and also for collecting data and information through secondary resources can also be better understood from the above articles. The importance of implementing various research strategies based on different aspects can also be considered as a helpful element for the researcher to complete the proposed research study. Moreover, the various methods of data collection will also provide the researcher with different opinions in order to conduct the particular proposed research study successfully.


Amelung, B. and Nicholls, S., 2014. Implications of climate change for tourism in Australia. Tourism Management, 41, pp.228-244. 2016. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016].

Creswell, J.W., 2013. Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage.

Creswell, J.W., 2013. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.

Dedekorkut-Howes, A. and Bosman, C., 2015. The Gold Coast: Australia’s playground?. Cities, 42, pp.70-84.

Dredge, D. and Jamal, T., 2013. Mobilities on the Gold Coast, Australia: Implications for destination governance and sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 21(4), pp.557-579. 2016. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016].

Farrington, D.P., Ohlin, L.E. and Wilson, J.Q., 2012. Understanding and controlling crime: Toward a new research strategy. Springer Science & Business Media.

Ma, M. and Hassink, R., 2013. An evolutionary perspective on tourism area development. Annals of Tourism Research, 41, pp.89-109.

Marshall, C. and Rossman, G.B., 2014. Designing qualitative research. Sage publications.

Punch, K.F., 2013. Introduction to social research: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. Sage.

Segall, M.H., 2013. Aggression in global perspective: A research strategy.Aggression in Global Perspective: Pergamon General Psychology Series,115, p.1.

Sharpley, R., 2014. Host perceptions of tourism: A review of the research.Tourism Management, 42, pp.37-49.

Smith, J.A. ed., 2015. Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. Sage.

Steyerberg, E.W., Moons, K.G., van der Windt, D.A., Hayden, J.A., Perel, P., Schroter, S., Riley, R.D., Hemingway, H., Altman, D.G. and PROGRESS Group, 2013. Prognosis Research Strategy (PROGRESS) 3: prognostic model research. PLoS Med, 10(2), p.e1001381.

“ 2016. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016].”

“ 2016. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016].”

“ 2016. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016].” 2016. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016].

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