Organizational Change Management Strategies
To sustain in the competitive market, organizations have to take necessary initiatives to adopt necessary changes in their organization that helps them to improve their performance. Effective changes in the organization also help to get competitive advantages in the market. Adaptation of necessary changes can be of various forms namely technical changes, organizational changes etc. According to Blokdijk (2012), the effective ways to adopt the necessary changes in the organizations are understand the necessary changes, implement the changes, review the outcome of the changes and takes necessary initiatives to make necessary changes in order to improve the performances of the organization. As the employees are the core resources of the organizations, they also have significant role in the change management procedures. Here, the chosen article describes the role of employees’ behavior in the organizational change management process.
Topic of the article
The article chosen here is named as “Influence of Participation in Strategic Change: resistance, organizational commitment and change goal achievement” by Rune Lines. As per Burnes (2013), the article is based on the topic of influences of the employees in the organizational change management process.
The main objectives of the article are to understand the negative effects of the employees’ behavior on the organizational change management that acts like a resistance in the smooth running of the organization (Cameron & Green, 2014). The article also aims to identify the positive responses of the employees in the strategic changes of the organization that leads to improve the performances of the organizations.
The research work of the chosen article is based on a telecommunication company which had more than 17,000 employees (DiBella, 2013). The scenario of the research work is based on the scenario of the year 1998, when the organization takes various initiatives as a part of their change management process to expand their business and improve their performances. The mangers of various department of the organization were taken as the respondents of the research work. The total number of respondents for the research work is 250. The respondents had to answer various questions on the change management process based on their experiences on the topic (Carroll, 2012). There were total 138 numbers of questions in the suggested questionnaires sets. The respondents were asked to answer the questions via emails. They were asked various types of questions like participation of the employees in the change management process, the veto power of the employees, various types of resistances to the change management process, loyalty factors, cost efficiency and compatibility. The received data were analysis using various data analysis techniques. So, the researcher takes the quantitative research methodology approach to do the research work.
As per the Procedural justice theory of change management, the process design and strategies of the execution of the processes are the two major components of the deciding factors of the participants. As per “Special issue on management accounting change in Japan” (2010), the management of the organizations should take necessary initiatives to make the organizational change management process effectively that helps the organization to enhance their productivity and also leads to satisfy their employees.
The research work is based on a large scale telecommunication organization. The respondent managers of the organization were asked various questions on the topic of organizational change management process. The outcome of the research identified various aspects of the effective organizational change management process. As per the research work, the employees have great role in the organizational change management process (Downs, et al, 2012). The employees also have the veto power of the organizational change management process that acts like the resistance in the smooth running of the organizations. The managements of the organizations should takes necessary initiatives to train their employees with the new changes in the organizational management process in order to increase their performances that lead to increase the productivity of the organizations.
To take adopt necessary changes in the organizational management processes, the managers have to take effective strategies for implementing the necessary changes. The article identifies the necessary steps to implement the necessary changes in the organizations that are identification of the necessary changes, taking effective ways to implement the necessary changes, continuously monitoring the effective processes of the organization and takes necessary changes in their organizational processes as per the situation demands. As per “Special issue on management accounting change in Japan” (2009), organizational change management process is a continuous process and the managers have to properly monitor the performances of the organization and also have to implement the necessary changes as per the situation demands.
The managers also should take the initiatives that help the organization to increase their productivity and performances that directly affect the smooth running process of the organizations. Increase in the productivity of the organizations helps them to get competitive advantages in the market that directly affects their profits earned. The employees have significant roles to increase the productivity and customer services of the organization; so the managers should take the effective steps to increase the performances of their employees (Steele, 2015). The managers should take necessary initiatives to implement latest technologies in their organizations in order to increase the productivity of the organizations. Besides they also should arrange effective training programs for their employees to familiar them with the technological changes of their organizations (Fitzgerald & Eijnatten, 2012). Effective training programs lead to motivate the employees to their work, besides this it also leads to create job satisfaction for the employees. Job satisfaction and motivation helps the employees to adopt the necessary changes of the organizations. In this ways by taking necessary initiatives the managers can reduce the negative effects of the employees in the organizational change management process.
Critical analysis of the research work is essential in the sense to identify the major advantages and disadvantages of the research work. As per “Special issue on Management accounting change in Japan” (2010), critical analysis also helps to understand the future scopes of the research.
The research work considers the most important factor of the organizational change management process that is the role of the employees on the effective change management process (Goksoy, n.d.). The research also indentifies that to improve the performances of the employees the organization has to arrange proper training program for them to familiar them with the latest changes in the organizations.
There are many major draw backs of the research that leads to affect the outcomes of the research effectively. As per Green (2014), the researcher was not made any attempt to measure the authenticity of the outcomes of the research work. In this research the researcher uses only “single key informants” to gather related information about the topic. The motivational factor of the employees has significant effect on their behavior; but the researcher did not consider this factor during the research work. The article did not include the ways to motivate the employees to adopt the necessary changes in the organizations. According to Gover & Duxbury (2012), the research only consider the mangers of the organization as the respondents of the research work, the research did not consider the opinions of the other employees of the organization; so the outcome of the research is not up to the mark.
The research work of the chosen article is based on the role of employees on the organizational change management process. Besides the various advantages of the research work, it also has some drawbacks. Further research work should be made by taking suitable initiatives to validate the data of the research work and the researchers also should consider multiple informants to collect information about the topic for its better outcomes.
Blokdijk, G. (2012). Change management 100 success secrets. [Brisbane, Australia]: [Emereo].
Burnes, B. (2013). Organizational choice and organizational change. Management Decision, 35(10), 753-759.
Cameron, E. & Green, M. (2014). Making sense of change management. London: Kogan Page.
Carroll, C. (2012). Journal of organizational change management. Bradford, England: Emerald Group Pub.
DiBella, A. (2013). Implementing Organizational Change: Theory and Practice/Strategic Organizational Change: Building Change Capabilities in Your Organization. Academy Of Management Perspectives, 21(2), 85-86.
Downs, A., Durant, R., & Eastman, K. (2012). Journal of organizational change management. Bradford, England: Emerald Group Pub.
Fitzgerald, L. & Eijnatten, F. (2012). Journal of organizational change management. Bradford, England: Emerald Group Pub.
Goksoy, A. Organizational change management strategies in modern business.
Gover, L. & Duxbury, L. (2012). Organizational Faultlines: Social Identity Dynamics and Organizational Change. Journal Of Change Management, 12(1), 53-75.
Green, M. (2014). Change management masterclass. London: Kogan Page.
Special issue on management accounting change in Japan. (2009). J Acc & Organizational Change,5(2).
Special issue on management accounting change in Japan. (2010). J Acc & Organizational Change,6(1).
Special issue on Management accounting change in Japan. (2010). J Acc & Organizational Change,6(2).
Steele, P. (2015). Surviving Organizational Change. Nursing Management (Springhouse), 21(12), 50.