You Can Fit In – Business Summary And System Analysis Report

Activity 1

1. Part A: Initial Investigation

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YOU CAN FIT IN is a fitness centre company, which is located within the various cities of NSW and Victoria. The fitness centres have performed well in the past few years and they have even planned for an expansion within their business operations. With the expansion of their business, it has been planned by the management of the business to open a “Supercentre”. In the Supercentre, it has been planned by the company that they would include new kinds of products and services. The company has also planned for the inclusion of online access for their existing members. This would be extremely helpful for providing customizable mode of training reports and programs. These would be entirely based on the progress of the business scenario of the company. The company has also planned for including additional capacities of data management. This would be included with the advanced form of information systems based on their requirement of new set of operations.  

1.3 Additional Business Functions for the New System

The existing business centre would mainly focus on employing of various functions of job. These would include front desk welcoming, yoga classes, handling of stocks and stores, aerobics and swimming. The supercentre has a planning for the implementation of various kinds of amenities and latest features based on providing extra benefits to their customers. Some of the basic amenities include a child care unit, which would be able to provide different programs for various age groups of people. The CEO of the company has also planned for providing various programs based on customizable training. Based on that, different progress reports have been generated that would be able to measure the progress of the business scenarios during certain intervals of time. The current unit of the business would employ OnAllAccounts. This is a kind of popular kind of accounting package system, which is able to manage payables, general ledger and receivables. In the current system, member list within the organisation is mainly handled with the help of software systems supported by Microsoft that includes Excel and Word.

The new supercentre implemented by YOU CAN FIT IN would mainly be able to include different functionalities. The business of the supercentre would also include various fitness wearables based on the increasing needs of the customers. The fitness wearables would help in capturing and monitor the different parameters such as the heart beat rate of individuals. These devices would be able to enhance the offerings of business, the new supercentre would also include different membership levels for the benefit of the customers. The business mainly targets new tourists and provides them different useful amenities that includes new kinds of amenities. This would be able to satisfy the customers and also help in welcoming of new tourists.

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  1. Introduction
  2. Overview– The new implementable Information System by You Can Fit In would include some kind of basic operations within their business. These new improved kind of facilities would be helpful for increasing the profits of the organisation.
  3. Purpose– The main purpose of the newly developed Information System would mainly be based on facilitating the existing business with several new kinds of opportunities. This would thus be able to ensure the business profitability. The new customers would also be benefited as they would be able to make use of several kinds of new operations.
  4. Design Constraints and Considerations
  5. Assumption/Dependencies
  6. The collective communication set occurring within this particular project would mainly be performed with the help of a Local Area Network (LAN).
  7. The machines would mainly be operated on the Windows based Operating System. This would thus enable a common work framework.

iii. There should be a dependency level based on various kinds of backend servers. The servers would be scale the number of transactions on an hourly basis.

  1. Design Drivers
  2. Meet with the customer expectation based on setting of low price of the various tools of development.
  3. With the help of client-side technology, the expectation of customers would be met. This would thus be able to support the user roles.
  1. Requirements of System and Supported Features
  2. Desired System Features Table:



Open Database Access

The intended user has invested within a particular DBMS technology. The embedded systems would be able to communicate based on the existing infrastructure.

Thin form of Client Browser Access

The user would have a familiarity with interface supported by the web browser. The users would make use of the provided interface wherever needed.


  1. User Requirements / System Features Table:

User Requirement

Supporting Feature(s)

Ease of Usage

The thin mode of client approach would be helpful for the users. They would make use of standard web browser based on performing system functions.

Use of existing infrastructure

Use of open databases access API would be helpful for interacting with users within the existing database servers.

Use of Secured Encrypted System

Different encryption techniques and secure encrypted systems should be included within the systems for providing secure kind of services.

  1. Tasks with their Duration

Outline Number

Task Name



You Can Fit In

18 days



0 days


   Discussion with Fitness Centre Managers

2 days


   Conduction of Interviews

4 days


   Review of Records of the Organisation

5 days


   Observation of Business Operations

7 days


   Analysis Study

4 days


      Analysis of OnAllAccounts Accounting Software

4 days


      Studying of Samples of Transactions

2 days


   Report Preparation

1 day



0 days

  1. Identification of Dependencies and Indication of Predecessor Tasks

Outline Number

Task Name



You Can Fit In






   Discussion with Fitness Centre Managers



   Conduction of Interviews



   Review of Records of the Organisation



   Observation of Business Operations



   Analysis Study



      Analysis of OnAllAccounts Accounting Software



      Studying of Samples of Transactions



   Report Preparation





 Determination of Duration of Overall Project

The entire duration of the project would be completed in 18 days.

  1. Inclusion of Overall Duration and Critical Path

Activity 2

The overall duration of the project would be 18 days.

Under Critical Path we would include – Discussion with Fitness Centre Managers, Conduction of Interviews, Conduction of Interviews, Brief Analysis of OnAllAccounts Accounting software, study of report samples and Preparation of report.

Activity 4 

1.1 Different Risks during Project Implementation

Based on the implementation of new Information System within the supercentre business, it would be discussed that there would be risks within the system based on designing the project. The different risk that have the most likeliness of occurrences are:

Risk ID

Risk Name

Risk Description




Lack of Proper Executive Support

There should be a concerned team of project who might lack the authority of achieving the concerned objectives within a project. The support from the executive would be mostly important for the final success of the project. The support from the executive manager would mainly be important for the project success. In different projects, there would be high conflict level within the stakeholders involved within a project within the executive level. Different conflicts within a project would lead to disruption within the project work.


Highly Likely


Poor Scope Requirements

The project might face risks due to an error based within defining of the project scope. Inaccurate estimation might lead to inviting risks within the project. Different other kinds of dependencies would lead to an impacts on the schedule of costs of the project. Some other kinds of activities might get missed during defining of the scope of the project.




Lack of Cost Management Strategies

With the progress of project, there might arise several fluctuations within the budget of the project. Due to changing scenarios of work, there might be a fall or increase of prices within the project. This would lead to an inaccuracy within the changing scenario of cost management.


Moderately Likely


Lack of Proper Change Management Strategies

The different kinds of requests for change might lead to serious level of conflict among the stakeholders. Different kinds of changes within a project would lead to distraction and complexity within projects. With the extension of the schedule and budget, the stakeholders might gain a feeling that the project might miss their set deadlines.




Poor mode of Stakeholder Management

It has been a common observation that stakeholders within a project might ignore communications involved within a project. Stakeholders might develop different expectations within a project. Any kind of disagreement within several issues within stakeholders and project would lead to an effect within the project.


Moderately likely


Lack of Proper Communication

There might be a misinterpretation within the team members of a project. Improper communication would lead to gaps within requirements, work packages and expectations.




Lack of Proper Resources and Dedicated Team

There might be a risk that the productivity of work might get low due to lack of acquisition of new skills. Hence, proper training would highly be required for delivering higher results to business clients.


Highly likely


Lack of Proper Technical Architecture

Technical governance would be highly necessary for the proper execution of projects. Lack of proper architecture would lead to wide form of risks within the project. Disruption of technical systems would lead to disruption of work, which would affect the productivity of work.


Highly likely


Lack of Proper Form of Technical Support

Major risk might get involved within the project based on low quality of infrastructure within the project. Improper form of technical support would be able to disrupt the project members in completing the project within the concerned deadlines.


Moderately Likely


Poor Form of Integration Support and Improper Requirements

Different kinds of delay within the project infrastructure would lead to risks within the project. During the stages of development, there might be a problem that the project might not be able to meet the expectations of the customers. Risks of failure of project components would lead to a serious form of impact based on the successful completion of the project.


Moderately Likely

1.2 Benefits of Implementing of New System

With the implementation of the newly developed Information System within the organisation, the different anticipated benefits, which would be delivered are:

All-Time Availability – The new developed systems would be able to remain in touch with the customers all through the time. This would be benefiting the customers and also meet their expectations.

Increase of Productivity – The newly developed systems would help the business to gain an advantage within the highly competitive market. This would be helpful for the organisation to lead the business in the global market.

High Mode of Communication – The users of new systems would be able to lead to instant form of messaging services. Impact of social media service would be of a great use for the customers.

1.3 Expected Costs of Implementation of New Systems

Outline Number

Task Name



You Can Fit In






   Discussion with Fitness Centre Managers



   Conduction of Interviews



   Review of Records of the Organisation



   Observation of Business Operations



   Analysis Study



   Analysis of OnAllAccounts Accounting Software



     Studying of Samples of Transactions



   Report Preparation





1.4 Risk and Cost Benefit Analysis

Cost-Benefit Analysis for Implementation of You Can Fit In Information System


 $                    –   


 $                    –   

Development team salaries

 $           1,312.00


 $                    –   

Total Development Cost

 $           1,312.00


 $                    –   


 $                    –   

Operational Labor

 $                    –   

Total Operational Cost

 $                    –   

Approximate salary savings

 $              500.00

Reduced operating cost

 $               50.00

Total Benefit

 $              550.00

Discount Rate Used



Project Cost-Benefit Analysis

Analysis Variables:

Discount Rate Used


Annual Benefits

 $         550.00

Annual Operational Costs

 $                –   

One-Time Development Cost

 $      1,312.00

Year of Project









Economic Benefit


 $        550.00

 $          550.00

 $          550.00

 $        550.00

 $          550.00

Discount Rate







PV of Benefits









 $        523.81

 $        1,022.68

 $        1,497.79

 $     1,950.27

 $        2,381.21

 $        2,381.21

One-Time COSTS

 $  (1,312.00)

Recurring Costs


 $              –   

 $                 –   

 $                 –   

 $               –   

 $                 –   

Discount Rate







PV of Recurring Costs


 $              –   

 $                 –   

 $                 –   

 $               –   

 $                 –   

NPV of all COSTS

 $  (1,312.00)

 $    (1,312.00)

 $       (1,312.00)

 $       (1,312.00)

 $    (1,312.00)

 $       (1,312.00)

 $       (1,312.00)

Overall NPV

 $        1,069.21

Overall ROI


(Part 1)

Cost benefit analysis

Year 0

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Net economic benefit






One time cost







Recurring cost







Net cash flow







Discount factors

Discount rate



Year Index







Discount factor







Discounted flows





























Net present value



NPV in fraction






Payback Analysis


Fraction Row







Partial years for negative cash flow


Payback Period in Years




 (Part 2) 










Highly Likely

R1, R7, R8



Moderately Likely


R9, R10

R3, R5



R2, R4, R6


 Since, the payback period is 0.19 year, hence the project could be considered as feasible.

1.5 Assumptions of Deliverables produced from the new System

Based on implementing of new systems, there would be new kinds of changes within the scenario of business. These changes would help the business to propagate based on future perspectives. This new system would be able to meet the demands of the customers as they would have many forms of advanced amenities for the people. This would thus lead to profitability and growth of the business.

1.6 Plan for Recommendation based on the Present Business Case

The proposed business system would be able to provide a strong case of business based on the concerned business. The new Information System should be highly secured and they should include highly developed cryptographic systems.  Based on the different kinds of considerations, this would be helpful for the proper working of the system. The project should be properly undertaken based on the proper form of guidelines and proper technical experts.

1. Fact Finding Techniques

Some of the primary kinds of techniques that would be based on the finding of facts and that could be implemented within the new systems are: Further research on the current project that is being developed, site visiting, providing of questionnaires and working environment observation.

Process Consultant – These individuals would have the basic domain knowledge based on the relation with the process. They would be entirely responsible for providing information and consultation to the team of delivery based within the dimensions of the process. The process consultant would also hold responsibility of suggesting different kinds of improvements within the present processes and thus maximize useful value for business.

Project Manager – This individual would be entirely responsible for the successful completion of the project within the concerned deadlines. The manager of a project would also be responsible for successful running of the entire project.

  1. What are the most important challenges, which would be primarily be faced during the design phases of the project?
  2. What is the present communication style and what are the main challenges during the communication of the current project?
  3. What are the processes of ensuring that the team would deliver appropriate results based on customer expectation?
  4. What could be the best practices, which could be used for developing of excellent relationship with clients?

The various recommendations based within the fact-finding techniques are:

  • Revision of existing plans of the organisation and improving them as per business needs.
  • Using latest kinds of technologies for serving customers in an improved process.
  • Employing better modes of methods and procedures for satisfying needs of customers. 

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