Linguistic And Philosophical Investigations
This section includes self-reflection on the results obtained by undertaking an online test to assess emotional intelligence. I have an entertainer type of personality, which helps me in making quick rapport with the colleagues. It also helps me in getting my work done easily from people. My extraverted nature helps me perceiving good sense of others and in better understanding them. My score of 59% in the observing power reflects my ability to pay attention to specific features. This skill helps in business environment where I can effectively assess the capability of the employees, deal with facts, abstract theories, and can oppose brainstorming that will earn maximum profit to an organization. I have feeling personality and this attribute makes me capable of being a good leader. It helps in better managing relationships through compassion, emotional and sensitive to others needs. This personality test reflects a prospective and assertive personality trait of mine. I am capable of dealing with expected and unexpected challenges. In a business environment, it will help me to gain employees trust and commitment. However, being assertive helps in handling tough situation, which is an added advantage when working in business setting. Being a flexible explorer I hold more pragmatic view of life that helps me in grabbing good opportunities I can better understand the needs of an employee and motivate them to maximize productivity ussing effective communication skills. My strategy of people mastery will help me taking a lead in social setting by managing others emotions and gain their feedback. Conclusively, my traits are best suited for workings in a business setting where my emotional intelligence helps in attaining business objectives.
I think that the best way to respond to the Store Manager’s behavior is by explaining her how the yelling effects the team’s motivation. It is better to be prepared with answers for poor performance and convey the problems in a polite manner (Wallace et al., 2013). Talking in a soft voice will calm her down and help initiate a real communication. The store manger failed to demonstrate the key principles of emotional intelligence. She was insensitive, arrogant, and reluctant to feedback from the staff. She showed lack of self and social awareness as she was unable to perceive her own emotions and that of the employees. She failed to direct a positive behavior. It was evident that she lacked relationship management skills.
As a leader, I will perform an assessment of employee performance. According to the results I will create a strategic get-well plan for those lagging behind. I will create a work culture that includes positive workgroup relationships. This will in turn increase loyalty and engagement in work place. I will be fair and open in implementing and managing any change. As a leader, I will uptake all the responsibility and engage with commitment. Demonstrating respect, effective communication skills, building rapport is the most important leadership behavior that will help gain employee engagement. I would work hard to be a positive role model having a clear vision.
The store manager’s behavior in the case study can negatively impact the organization. Department managers may feel disrespected and lose trust. It may decrease the staff morale. Staff may feel demotivated eventually leading to low self esteem and enthusiasm. It may lead increased absenteeism and further decrease in productivity. Eventually, it may shut the business. The store manger should have effectively communicated her expectations from the team and deal the issues hindering the productivity. Criticism is necessary but should be balanced with reward system. Instead of treating them as slaves it is required to develop innovative approaches to increase the revenue. The goal of the store manger should be to help the departmental staff to achieve their goals by catering their needs and addressing any issues (Lăzăroiu, 2015).
The two examples of misinterpretation of expressions or behavior arising due to diverse workforce are:
- Maintaing constant eye contact is considered disrespectful in Aboriginal culture
- Saying “yes” can also mean “I will consider” which may be misinterpreted as client’s consent for a specific event. However, the reason for saying yes in the situation may be to avoid being rude (Druskat et al., 2013)
I would explain the employee the facts related to verbal and nonverbal communication rules that differ in different cultures. I would explain that if the rules which are specific for each culture are taken for granted will lead to misinterpretation.
In order to avoid such miscommunication team can develop cross cultural communication skills. It is essential for people working in a diverse workforce to learn new meaning and ways of behaving with people belonging to different cultures. To overcome communication barrier in such workplace one should appreciate communication rules in one’s own culture. To overcome such barrier one should stop judging an employee of different culture by their own cultural values. It is necessary to understand and respect the decision-making approaches and conflict resolving skills of different cultures and collaborate accordingly (Sirota & Klein, 2013).
I would perform a Myers-Briggs test to determine the employees’ personality type and communication style preferred by him to understand him better. I would initiate the discussion with the employee based on the degree of his introversion, extraversion, and capability of sensing, judging, perceiving and logical thinking. I would frame the questions in a way that better defines the problem of both of us. I would ensure not to use authorative tone and be more sensitive to his issues else, he might feel disrespected and unwanted. I would prefer open-ended questions such as “tell me how you feel about…?” I would take a keen interest on understanding the employee’s viewpoint about a situation keeping aside my own perception. It will help better manage relationship with him and in resolving his issues. It will make employee that his feelings are considered and that he is wanted (Wallace et al., 2013).
The key to satisfy both personal and employees’ needs is motivation. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, the five main needs of people includes- physiological needs (eat, drink), safety needs (security and shelter), belonging needs (to be accepted and feel important), self-esteem needs (need to feel good about oneself and be recognized for their potential) and self-realization needs (need for development and personal fulfillment) (Goleman et al., 2013). I would work hard to fulfill these needs in my life. This self-awareness will help fulfill these needs of an employee. I will motivate the employee by assigning more group tasks and increase work safety. Assign interesting tasks to minimize boredom and arrange workshops for improving involvement. It will increase the motivation to meet performance standards by increasing incentive, rewards system, celebrating team success. Involving them will make them feel that their respect and dignity is maintained
There is a positive correlation between high emotional intelligence and achievement of business objectives. People with high EQ have ability to get their work done by making fullest use of other’s talent. Considering emotional impact of decision-making is essential in business. A particular decision may fetch positive outcomes only when it favors the employees and maintains their emotional well-being. Decision making process evokes different emotions such as empathy, love, guilt, shame, anger, resentment, happiness and other emotions. Only when a particular decision evokes a positive response among the employees does it leads to better decision-making and achieving the business objectives. The decision making process such as increase of work target for specific employees may have both negative responses. Employees who are excluded from this specific group may feel unwanted and disappointed. Alternately, employees included in the list may undergo a phase of hope and fear. The hope of incentive may evoke motivation. However, the fear of being unrewarded or denied incentives after achieving high targets or working extra hours may decrease the motivation. Decisions are usually made that evoke positive response from the employees (Lăzăroiu, 2015).
The policies that are to be adhered in the workplace include
- policies, which enforces respectful treatment of employees and reward system
- Safe, flexible and healthy workplace policies (OHS policy)
- Policies to address mental illness issues and performance management
- Policies of fair adjustments and feedback
OHS legislation help mangers take decisions that are in favors organization as well as employee’s needs and safety. Thus, decisions are made that helps staff retention, and maximization of productivity. This legislation minimizes damage and cost by maintaining health and safety of employees (Goleman et al., 2013).
Coaching phase |
Activities/questions |
Introduction |
This session is to direct pat to improve his work performance. This session will help identify any issues faced by pat in relation to safety, flexibility and development of emotional awareness and leadership skills by series of questions.
â— What would you like to talk about Pat? â— What leadership style do you prefer ? |
Goal |
Ask questions to establish Pat’s understanding of performance expectations, personal goals and aspirations: â— What is the best way to deal with job stress? â— Where do you visualise yourself after 10 years? |
Reality |
â—‹ Tell me about your last achievement? How were you able to do? What motivated you? â—‹ How do you measure your success? â—‹ What do you hate in your workplace? â—‹ What are the tasks that you perform without enjoying ? |
Options/ |
â— What changes you would prefer to see in the work setting? â— What made you underperform and fail to meet target ?
Will |
â— What is your present biggest challenge? â— What tasks should we do differently? â— What resources would help you achieve your goals? |
Druskat, V. U., Mount, G., & Sala, F. (2013). Linking emotional intelligence and performance at work: Current research evidence with individuals and groups. Psychology Press.
Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A. (2013). Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Press.
Lăzăroiu, G. (2015). Employee Motivation and Job Performance. Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, (14), 97-102.
Wallace, J. C., Butts, M. M., Johnson, P. D., Stevens, F. G., & Smith, M. B. (2013). A multilevel model of employee innovation understanding the effects of regulatory focus, thriving, and employee involvement climate. Journal of Management, 0149206313506462.
Sirota, D., & Klein, D. (2013). The enthusiastic employee: How companies profit by giving workers what they want. FT Press.