Profile Of Small Business And Job Analysis For Retail Assistant
Profile of Emaya
Located in Auckland, on the mainstream of shopping center, Emaya is the most amazing venue which serves best apparels and fashion accessories to their customers which is accompanied with the best quality at reasonable price. This organization is conducted its business from last 5 years and currently holds the strength of 25 personnel.
Mission Statement- The primary objective of this organization is to give satisfactory returns to all its stakeholders which mainly include employees, shareholders, customers, and community. This approach of employer makes them effective.Visions Statement- Organization focuses on strengthen its existing business by strengthening their employees in terms of fulfilling the needs of customers.
Organization is looking for the retail assistant for identifying the customers for the organization and helps the customers in purchasing the products they desire. The main functions of this job position include the identification of customers, restocking, and merchandising. The goal includes the distribution of high class services to the customers in terms of increasing the growth of organization and profitability through sales maximization.
For selecting the candidate for the position, the method used is the interview method. In this interview of the employee is taken so that candidate will be able to identify their own working style, issues faced by them use particular methods while performing their job and dealing with their insecurities and fears related to their careers.
This method is effective in nature for the job analysis because it not only helps the interviewer in gaining the knowledge about the employee, but also helps them in understands the way through which candidate deals with the responsibilities involved in it. It further helps the employee in conducting the analysis of job in effective manner (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2006).
Job rotation and Job enlargement are the two effective methods which are used by the organization for job design. Both the methods and their effective are defined below-
Job Rotation- This method includes the systematic movement of employees from one job to another job, which means, job positions in the organizations are unchanged but employees in the organization are shift from one job to another job. In this opportunity is given to the employee for performing the different jobs, and this helps the employees in enriches their skills, experience and ability to perform the different type of jobs. This is the most accepted concept in the retail scenario, as it helps the employer in reducing the boredom and irregularity of employees. Further, it helps the employees in getting the job satisfaction.
Job Enlargement- Job enlargement is the method in which scope of the job is enlarged by the organization. In this number of tasks and duties are included in the single job, and it mainly includes the extension of job rotation which expose the employees to different jobs without changing their position (Foss, Minbaeva, Pedersen & Reinholt, 2009).
Following is the job description of the vacant position available in the organization-
Recruitment and selection tool- Telephone interview and hiring manager interview are the two tools which can be used by the employers for selecting the individual in terms of relevant job position. In this those applicants are selected which perform well during the telephone interview and hiring manager interview (Anderson & Witvliet, 2008).
Mission and Vision Statement
Purpose- The vacant job position is of the retail assistant who helps the organization in identifying the potential customers and find ways for fulfilling the needs of customers.
Job Responsibilities- Following are the responsibilities of this job position-
- High level of customer satisfaction by giving best services.
- Ensure the maintenance of fully stocked store.
- Ascertain the needs of customers and wants.
- Managing the point of scale process.
- They must recommend and display the items that match the customer needs.
- Individual is responsible to manage the point of sale-process.
- Must involve in the day to day activities in active manner.
- Must record all the transaction of the organization in well manner (Stewart & Ruckdeschel, 1998).
Measurable standards for their performance- In this organization, performance standards are based on the individual and not on the job position. Following are the measures against which performance of the individual is measured-
- Whether individual is able to meet the set goals and targets.
- Whether resources of the organization are used in effective manner or not.
- Whether individual is able to give any competitive advantage to the organization (Eric Soderquist, Papalexandris, Ioannou, & Prastacos, 2010).
Following are some presided skills and qualities which must be present in individual for acquiring this job position-
- In retail it’s all about showing up, which means, individual must be able to meet their targets and goals on timely manner.
- Individual must hold the communication skills, which means, an individual must conduct effective communication with the customers and other relevant persons.
- Individual must be self-motivated in terms of achieving their targets and enhance the profitability of the organization.
- Individual must respect their co-workers and leaders, which means, individual must be able to help and guide their co-workers in case any issue occurred. Further, individual must avoid the conflicts with their co-workers.
- Individual must be able to hold the positive attitude towards their work or towards other people.
- Individual must be able to work in the team or in the team environment. In other words, individual is able to contribute in the team work in positive manner.
- Adaptability must be present in the individual in terms of taking the more challenges and use appropriate skills to solve these challenges.
- Problem solving skills is another factor which must be present in the individual, which means, individual must be able to resolve the problems faced by the organization in effective and efficient manner.
- Another ability of the individual is to prioritize the workload, as retail sector is the fast moving sector and work load in this sector is immense (WHO, no date.
In this context, indirect method of recruitment is selected which includes the advertisements in newspapers, radio, television, professional journals, etc. This method is effective in nature and helps the organization in finding the suitable candidates for the available vacant position in the organization.
As per the experts, if employer wants to fill the higher position in the organization or the skills they required are more sophisticated in nature then it is beneficial to use the indirect methods for filling the job position. In other words, employer needs to use the more dispersed advertisement for the purpose of reaching the large number of suitable candidates.
This option is chose because of the following advantages of indirect recruitment method-
- It helps the employer in reaching out the vast territory in context of filling the position.
- It further helps the employer in evaluating the more number of candidates on different aspects in the relative field.
- This method is considered as effective method in terms of cost, and it is less time consuming also.
- Advertisements helps the managing the process cordially, as employer can also use digital media for advertising their job position.
- It mainly handles the high volume of applications in consistent manner, and records the volume of the responses received from the applicants (Hsu & Leat, 2000).
Above stated reasons are the big advantages get by the organization from the indirect methods of recruitment, and because of this Emaya choses the method of indirect recruitment.
This part of the answer includes the copy of advertisement advertised by the Emaya in terms of filling up the position of retail assistant-
Job title: Retail Assistant
Reporting to: Manager
Salary: $75000 per annum.
Hours: 10 AM to 6 PM
Location: Mainstream of shopping center, Auckland (No travelling is required)
Purpose of the position- Retail assistant must help the organization in identifying the potential customers and find ways for fulfilling the needs of customers.
Key responsibilities & duties- Following are the responsibilities of this job position-
High level of customer satisfaction
Maintenance of fully stocked store
Ascertain the needs of customers.
Managing the point of scale process
Following are the four shortlisting criteria which is considered by the employer in terms of selecting the employee for the relevant job position-
- Candidate must hold the qualification and working experience stated in the advertisement, and those candidates are preferred who hold more experience in the retail sector or related field. In other words, candidate must hold the successful experience of managing and identifying the customers in the potential market.
- Candidate must hold the capability to use their influential and negotiation skills in context of developing and understanding the customers, and gain co-operation from the customers.
- Candidate must be able to fulfill all the key responsibilities stated under the job description, and hold the appropriate skills which are stated in terms of the vacant job position.
- As this job ensures direct communication with the customers, and because of this it is necessary that candidate must be well groomed and hold good communication skills in terms of attending the customers (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart & Wright, 2006).
Selection is the most important stage, in which right individual is chose from the pool of applicants. It is necessary for the employer to use the selection and self-selection mechanisms for ensuring that only such individual appointed to the position which holds characteristics related to that position. For this purpose, employer used the panel interview selection methods for selecting the appropriate employee. This method is used because of its valuable approach, as in this question is asked by one person and other person is able to observe the prospect.
This method is able to access the number of things such as body language, tone of answers, and communication style of the individual. After the interview, objective conversation is held between the members of the panel in context of traits hold by the candidate. They further stated whether individual holds the potential capabilities to hold the position of retail assistant in the organization ((Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart & Wright, 2006).
Following are the three behavioral style interview questions and the reasons because of which these questions are chose-
- How would you handle the situation while working with someone who holds complete different personality as yours? This question helps the employer in understanding the working capabilities of the individual for working in those situations which fails to work in their favor.
- Describe the situation in which you face any conflict while working with the members of your team? This question helps the employer in understanding the situation when individual face issues while working with their team members. It further demonstrates the weakness of the individual in terms of team working.
- How will you get the credible information from someone who is not very responsive? This question help the employer in evaluate the capability of the individual in dealing with those situations under which individual is not responsive. It further reflects the capability of the individual to attract more customers for the organization (Karp, Serbin, Stack & Schwartzman, 2004).
Following is the particular information from which all the interviewees were compared in effective manner in context of making the right decision-
Candidate ID |
Education Level |
Retail Experience |
Experience Of Customer Service |
Communication Skills |
Team Work Skills |
Positive Attitude |
Total |
1=Minimum 2= Good |
Minimum Of 2 Years |
Minimum Of 1 Years |
1=Poor 2=Average 3=Good |
1=Minimum 2= Good |
1=Minimum 2= Good |
Candidate 1 |
Candidate 2 |
Candidate 3 |
Following aspects are considered in context of the pre-employment checks of the selected or shortlisted candidates-
- Check with the previous employer about the information given by the candidate.
- Check with the relevant authorities whether individual holds any criminal records.
- Cross check the history of the address stated by the individual.
Anderson, N., & Witvliet, C. (2008). Fairness reactions to personnel selection methods: An international comparison between the Netherlands, the United States, France, Spain, Portugal, and Singapore. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 16(1), 1-13.
Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2006). Human Resources Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage, Tenth Global Edition. McGraw-Hill Education.
Foss, N. J., Minbaeva, D. B., Pedersen, T., & Reinholt, M. (2009). Encouraging knowledge sharing among employees: How job design matters. Human resource management, 48(6), 871-893.
Eric Soderquist, K., Papalexandris, A., Ioannou, G., & Prastacos, G. (2010). From task-based to competency-based: A typology and process supporting a critical HRM transition. Personnel Review, 39(3), 325-346.
WHO. Leadership and management.
Hsu, Y. R., & Leat, M. (2000). A study of HRM and recruitment and selection policies and practices in Taiwan. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11(2), 413-435.
Stewart, T., & Ruckdeschel, C. (1998). Intellectual capital: The new wealth of organizations. Performance Improvement, 37(7), 56-59.
Karp, J., Serbin, L. A., Stack, D. M., & Schwartzman, A. E. (2004). An observational measure of children’s behavioural style: Evidence supporting a multi?method approach to studying temperament. Infant and Child Development: An International Journal of Research and Practice, 13(2), 135-158.