Examine Organizational Management And The Role Of Human Resource Management From Four Perspectives
Personal perspective
This project is based on the Organisation and people in which it highlights the roles of human resource management in four perspective which are bifurcated in four section named as Personal perspective, organization and management perspective, employee perspective and Human resource management perspective. Objective of this assignment is to highlight the organisation scenario on four different bases that how personally an individual thought od organisation, how employees’ motivation gets affected by the external environment, How motivation and skills of employees works for the organisation development. Lastly, how an HR manger handles, takes responsibilities of work along with is they also handles organisational positive and negative morale for the effective and efficient workings within an organisation (Osabiya, 2015).
In this entire report, I found out that all depends on a leader and a HR manger, which are appointed by the top management, if they coordinate, control and evaluate the entire tasks held in the organisation, and then the organisation is in safe hands. Whereas, those leaders and mangers, use of biasness and other unfavourable tactic then the organisation success can be badly affected. Therefore, the role played by an Hr within an organisation should be influential, motivating, positive and trustable; such attributes will make them and even employees to work more dedicated towards organisation success (Pucetaite, Novelskaite and Markunaite, 2015).
Labour market is that domicile where labours and workers interact with each other. In labour market, proprietors compete to appoint the best whereas employees contend for the best satisfying jobs. In this, labour market depends on the exchange of facts between proprietors and job seekers about the remuneration rates, circumstances of the engagement, level of rivalry and job location.
In general, a employment market is that marketplace where individuals offer their services to managers and in exchange generate incomes, remunerations and the other form of compensation (Serban, 2017). Labour market includes those persons who are seeking to work for compensation and organisation look for those persons who can perform labour. In this theory of labour market allocation, the most important motivation is a wage or the other monetary compensation. Workers have mobility; they can move where there is the demand for the work (Turabik, and Baskan, 2015).
Current state of the labour market reforms have made easier for the Greece to adjust labour inputs and wages. During the period, from 2010 to 2013 there was a significant decline in economic activity and had a negative impact on firms too. The inflexibilities in Greek labour market and other obstacles has influenced the hiring of new employees, The Greek firms have considered economic uncertainty, which is the most binding obstacle for hiring.
However, in the first quarter of 2017, labour market condition tends to improve, the unemployment rate starts declining. The recovery across many countries within a workforce was a great success. After the deep recession, Greece started growing again and projected to continue growing in upcoming years. Greece has implemented significant labour market reforms, which now majorly focuses on flexibility.
A critical view of Greece trade labour, it scores below in job quality, pay, market security and working environment therefore it highlights the low performance, and the high social cost of the economic crisis. Greece is having the depressed labour trade labour because of the poor labour market condition. Even Greece lies in the high score of the labour market insecurity and second highest for the share of workers experiencing job strain. There are mainly problems and constrains are attached with the Greece labour market. For all these constrain Greece has to be flexible enough to make the requisites changes and removing all those difficulties in the way, which are hindering the success.
General labour market
I have done my MBA with the particular focus towards finance, and now my goal is to be as Charter Financial Analyst in which I want to be an investment banker.
Within the investment banking industry, the professional and managerial labour market is extremely highly skilled, technical and knowledge- specific, between firms and the international markets. Moreover, the industry has its own particular global organisational culture, which is firmly embedded and reproduces through complex social network, In addition, through personal interactions within the financial terms are also generated.
In investment banks, bankers organize colonial labour in order to encompass their competitiveness and worldwide reach. Therefore, expatriate workforce who exchange knowledge over time and space but most important are the workstation culture, interpersonal contacts and social relations within workplace.
Strength Investment banker’s strength is to manage people, employees etc. Main motive is to manage products and services by handling quality, speed etc. Along with this, maintaining loyal customer base, keeping a look over need and wants of customers. Investment banker also manages margins, reflections over operations. |
Weakness Sometimes the profits margins are low. There are sometimes a lack new products and services. Not always maintains market position. Lacking while maintaining financial resources. Competitive vulnerability. Managing staff every-time is tough task. |
Opportunities New complimentary market More of funding, sales, product/ services and mergers and acquisitions Market growth Competitor’s weaknesses are also one of the opportunities. Strategic alliances |
Threat There can be a loss of key staff and workers. There can be a lack of financial resources. New technology can affect the outcome. New government regulation can be a major threat while dealing. Fall in sales, decrease in profits. |
Finance for future is extremely rewarding, exciting along with this it is also highly pressured and demanding. Similarly, investment firms look for the specific skills. Investment banker facilitates transactions between two or more firms through mergers and acquisitions. In order to play varied roles certain types of skills are required in every investment banker. Likewise, I need to develop intellect which particularly emphasis on analytics, mathematics which will help me in performing well for my job requirements. Therefore, the work of investment banker is to solve the complex problem and create new and innovations solutions (Donate, and de Pablo, 2015). This also requires postgraduate certificate programs of Chartered Financial Analyst. In addition, I need to work on gaining excellent number- crunching ability (Van De Voorde, and Beijer, 2015).
Other than this, skills like hard work, diligence and self-discipline is required. Moreover, being creative and innovative is the most needed skill of an investment banker. Broad-mindedness, having a quality of deeper understanding of culture and society, expands the ability to work with the other international business. Investment banker need to develop and understand an ability to communicate more than in one language to solve the problems within an organisation (Lussier, and Hendon, 2017). Lastly, building relationships is also one of the intangible skill required which helps the bankers to climb the career ladder. At the end, the strong set of interpersonal skills helps in going a long way in acquiring success in both, organisation as well as in personal terms. In personality context, one must be positive, thoughtful enough. Moreover, adaptability and resiliency better communication skills and a broad vision for attaining the future goals of individual as well as organisation (Youth central, 2018).
Other than this, proper understanding as a skill also makes employees to work according to the organisation culture, structure, missions, aims and accomplishment. As a result, workers become more inspired and thrilled about their effort, as they comprehend that how such factor can be responsible for success of the organisation. Moreover, leadership also inspires motivation, which infuses every employee with optimism. Lastly, employees skills states that “be yourself, make a difference” in which motivation within them is the most mandatory factor that works as training which naturally creates attachment, loyalty and enthusiasm towards work (Klagge, 2018).
Establishing the direction/ purpose |
Identifying developing need |
Looking developing opportunities |
Formulate action plans |
Undertake development opportunities |
Record Outcomes |
Reviewing and evaluation |
Current Circumstances of labour market trend in Greece
The above table show the professional development plan. In context of investment banker, one has to have knowledge about the related companies that increase coinage by allotting and vending securities in the capital market as well as providing guidance on financial transaction like unions and attainments.
For all this, they have to establish certain direction. Then, senior financial analyst guides lower by identifying developing needs by making them realize about the development opportunities. Financial manager deliver strategic judgement support to lower management and make course enhancements aimed at improving the efficiency and refining quality. They also provide monetary guidance and support for strategic business growth and investment conclusions. Other than this, business development associate provide support for various business segments. Likewise, they work diligently with the business workers and provide wide variety opportunities through growth activities. This entire process is done through proper planning process, which helps in achieving the long-term organisational goals. Then, the entire work is performed by the analyst is recorded and through the analytical techniques necessary decision making within the company are improved. Lastly, then then entire work is supervised and whatever the loopholes arises then the upper top management through motivation and skills improves it. Finally, the solutions are reviewed and are evaluated for better outcomes in future.
Leadership plays a major role in strategic management, whatever the actions plans are set by an organisation, leaders work is to bring together the various groups within an organisation to work upon the action design. By proper dedication, persuasion and the high convincing power for their subordinates which is inbuilt in a leader which, effects the results, and not only inspire the employees for moving on positive the path which has been outlined through strategic management planning but also making them positively indulged for fully contributing towards the overall success of an organisation (Lazzari, 2018).
Organization culture defines the organization’s opportunities, capabilities as well as guides the human behaviour by correcting their inner workings, their contact with the outside creation and their upcoming potentials Young et al, 2015). Culture is based on approaches, principles, levies that are by time considered valid within an organization. Culture also includes administration’s visualization, values, language, principles, and conducts. Therefore, business influential are vital for the creation and communication of the workplace culture. However, the relationship between leadership and organization’s beliefs is not one sided which can be created or inclined by many different workstation philosophies (Alvesson, and Sveningsson, 2015).
There are many challenges that managers and leaders faces while achieving organizations goals likewise, an organization with the certain objectives like development of new products, getting new customers, motivating employees so as to remove roadblocks from their path and focusing on the things which are most important for the organizations success. Other than this, they also focus on hiring the right individual for the right work because it majorly affects the workings of the organization (Mayhew, 2018).
The leaders and managers do believe in making continuous improvements in the organization like making changes in process, a better working environment, better employee’s motivation, more focusing on essentials in order to gain success for future. Hence, the above challenges state that management is very much complicated. It requires skills, motivation, and overall commitment to overcome all the challenges which management faces (Bianca, 2018).
Critical analysis
Leadership styles are of different types, which directs, motivate, guide, and manage all groups which helps employees to perform, create and innovate ideas in order to have success of the organization. Similarly, one of the leadership styles is autocratic; in which leaders provide clear expectations about what is needed and how it is to be done. The style of leadership highlights the command by a leader as well as the control of the followers. In this decisions- making is less creative as all decisions are taking by the authoritarian leaders.
Another leadership style is democratic, in which leaders’ offers guidance to group members and involve them for the decisions- making process. In this style employee gets automatically motivated, creative and feels engaged in the process. Democratic leaders tend to make followers as they are the important part of the team and helps leaders for fulfilling the organizations goals. Other than these style of leadership, Delegative leaders offer very little or no guidance to their followers. This style of leadership is useful in situation involving high-qualified experts. Hence, this style often leads to poorly defined roles and lack of motivation by this they lack direction where members blame each other for mistakes which at last affects the progress of organization and their workings (Yahaya, and Ebrahim, 2016).
Hence, the above leadership styles generates many challenges for managers as well for leaders in order to achieve organizational goals because every leadership style has certain drawback likewise, if an organisation apply autocratic style, followers will feel burdened and it will affect the relationship of a leader and his subordinates. Whereas if an organisation applies democratic, then every individual participate in decision making, which, makes organisation, look informal. Moreover, if an organisation applies delegative style of leadership then, employees will work least brotherly as they feel least interested because of very little support or no guidance by the top management. Hence, it creates challenge for a manager to manage and for leaders to lead the organisation (Lazzari, 2018).
Transformational leadership theory is a innovative method to leadership that emphases on how leaders can create valued and positive change in their team members. In basic terms, transformational leaders’ emphasis on transforming other and organisations as a whole. Followers of the transformational leader are more trusted on faith, admiration, trustworthiness and respect for a leader and are more eager to work firmer than initially anticipated. This theory of leadership establishes certain aspects like encouraging motivation and unrealistic influence over the workers in order to generate victory within an administration and increase in the private expansion of the personalities (Katou, 2015).
Transformational leadership connects itself with the optimistic presentation results. Because if an administrative relates transformational leadership, though leaders one can be inspired , can be encouraged, having a major impact of them over workforce leads achievement in dual aspect, one the overall accomplishment of the organisation and other is the personal growth. Hence, transformational leadership theory is valued and broadly used method for reviewing and instruction leadership (Denmark, 2012).
Personal Career Goal
By the use of consultant and self-assurance, leader can affect the previously made judgments, which and can outcome to something destructive. In upcoming future, there can be some of the tough verdicts out of feelings can be made and can have undesirable consequence over the victory of the organisation. In context of workers, transformational leader encourages them to segment their thoughts and to effort together, they also make them feel the part of their group but in future, it can be detrimental to them as at the termination they are exhausted and discontented because they feel they are taken advantage of. Hence, for future, it is quite uncertain and not always real and leads to the bad choices and the disappointment (Ghasabeh, Soosay and Reaiche, 2015).
The supplementary side of the transformational leadership style it generates idea and mission for the responsibilities, inspires, influences generates enthusiasm, desire for work and are based on reality and certainty not only this they also seeks for the ability, depend on resilience and honesty for executing and creating fruitful results (Brewster, Brookes, and Gollan, 2015). However, more of this type of leadership used in a upcoming future leads in humiliating the morals of the company. Likewise, transformational leader got a corrupt habit of creating their supporter to make them settle on every choice, which in future makes them rebellious against the leader if they feel that they are led in a wicked direction. Favouritism is the major difficult due to the transformational leadership as in this leader often concentrate on individual requirements (ST. Thomas University, 2018).
Therefore, from all the above discussion, it states that different leadership styles have different effects on organization success. While adoption of such styles generates two outcomes, whether it will be positive one or negative one. Consequently, an organization looks for such strategies while following leadership, which generates positive results and leads to the overall success of the organization (Cloutier et al, 2015).
However, certain negative steps generates negative outcome and creates challenges for a leader and manager towards the organisational goals. Likewise, in transformational style of leadership if an organisation provides more of motivation to employees, this led to the misuse of that motivation, inspiration and trust Deinert et al, 2015). Hence, this affects the organisation as a whole. If an leader belief on their employees this generate trust, confidence, more authority power in the minds of employees, this make them very easy going within an organisation and make misuse of all such affects the organisations outcomes in an long run (Katou, 2015).
Environment can be classified into two, internal and external. The external factors, which are beyond the firm’s approach and affects the organisations operations. These are political, economic, socio-culture, technological and legal. Whereas, internal factors like financial resource, human resources affect the organisation as a whole. Due to the exterior and interior factors market is keep on changing all the time and there are numerous reasons like customers develops new needs and wants, entrance of new competitors in a market , new technologies affects the market outcomes and lastly, if a government introduces new legislations (Business case studies, 2018).
Specific analysis on the labour market related to the career goal
External factors have a vital role to play in job satisfaction at organisation because these factors can improve the attitude and believes of the employees towards their job. Motivation is also one of the reasons that drive all of the employees’ actions.
Company’s culture is one of the reasons behind employees work and how well they perform. Employees are conscious about the companies’ culture, learn, and align their professional goals with the organisational goals. Any lack of understanding of companies’ goals causes a major issue on job satisfaction, employee’s motivation, negative attitude and also affects their employees commitment. Other than this, employees who are aligned with the organisation both internal and external culture are generally more happy in their roles, achieve better results and also affects the performances of both the organisation as well as employees performances (Business case studies ,2018).
In organisations culture there are six main elements, which are company’s mission, values, ethics, expectation, and goals. Organisation external environment is just a set of rules or the expected behaviour that helps employees makes decisions. As every organisation have their own exclusive set of structures, standards, beliefs, culture which continuously makes sure that the workers have the most dynamic and pleasurable working atmosphere (Chand, 2015).
Processes within the company states that motivation is dynamic in nature, which keeps on changing over time. In organisation, a line manager responsibility looks after the changes and provides full understanding to employees that what all things are to be happen and how the targets can be achieved as individuals. Hence, the main principle of an organisation is to help and build a strong, engaged and a high performing team and this can be happened when none of the external factor affects the motivation drive, which an employee’s carries to fulfil organisational well as personal goals (Gilbert, De Winne, and Sels, 2015).
(Source: Cottrell, 2015)
Employability skills are those abilities, which are very much essential for getting, keeping and being successful in a work. As these abilities helps workers to get along with their co-workers, helps them in making critical decisions, solves major problems and develop respect, other than this such skills also assist employees to improve their motivation aspect towards their set goals. Likewise, a proper planning, a formal communication within the organisation helps employees to work in an effective and efficient way. With the proper motivation within an employee’s towards their work, make them even more professional, more of cultural adaptability, they will work with more of responsibility in formal teams which in total affect the motivation to work within organisation (Ratiu, David, and Baban, 2017).
Other than this, proper understanding as a skill also makes employees to work according to the organisation culture, structure, missions, aims and accomplishment. As a result, workers become more encouraged and enthusiastic about their work, as they recognize that how such factor can be responsible for success of the organisation (Messum, Wilkes, and Jackson, 2015). Moreover, leadership also inspires motivation, which infuses every employee with optimism. Lastly, employees skills states that “be yourself, make a difference” in which motivation within them is the most mandatory factor that works as training which naturally creates attachment, loyalty and enthusiasm towards work (Cottrell, 2015).
SWOT Analysis
Inspiration is defined as a craving to accomplish aim, which can be done through by adopting various motivation theories within an organisation for employees along with the talents, ability, skills and organisation environment, which helps the organisation to improve performance.
(Source: Miner, 2015)
However, motivation employees try firm and establish goal- driven behaviour in order to gratify the organisation needs. Subsequently, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s two-factor theory model widely explains how motivation affects the employees’ performances at large and benefits are in both concerns, organisations as well as employees improvement is done (Miner, 2015).
(Source: Button, 2017)
In Maslow’s theory, the Physiological needs refer to those needs, which are very basic like food, water, and the other biotic needs. These are those needs, which are needed to be fulfilled or need to be satisfied as early as possible. In addition, as soon as this need is fulfilled then employees get concern about the safety needs. In this, employees want to be free from the danger of terror, risk, pain or an indeterminate future. If these needs are fulfilled then employees shift to the social needs, in which workers need to promise with the other human beings, be loved and wants to form an lasting connections with others. The other level of motivation after social needs is esteem needs, which highlights the desire to be respected, acknowledged, and appreciated by their colleagues and the other peer’s members. Finally, at the highest level of motivational need is Self-actualization needs which states that stage in which employees manifest itself by the desire to acquire new skills, take new challenges and works dedicatedly for acquiring organisation’s goals (Marchington et al, 2016). All the needs in this theory motivate employees to work dedicatedly, and if an organisation fulfils these different set of needs of employees, organisation may ensure a highly motivated workforce who will definitely let the organisations goals into their success (Button, 2017).
(Source: Silver, 2014)
This model highlights the two factors, which are motivation and job satisfaction. Herzberg by critically analysing that individual is facing their moral time with the wicked time in their professions. In addition, based on this he established a philosophy, which relies on two factors. Factors for satisfaction are the persuaders and satisfiers whereas; factors for discontent are the hygiene factor and dissatisfiers. Performance, acknowledgment, job status, accountability and chances all fall under motivators and satisfiers. Hygiene factor is all about salary, internal relationships with colleagues and affects the relationship between the supervisor and employees (Silver, 2014)
During analysing Herzberg theory says that is not conclusive because the professional and the well skilled workers likes more responsibility and challenging jobs whereas the unskilled and the lower class people they are more relied on pays and the other factors. Other factor is job enrichment in which company gives more focuses on giving responsibility to their employees and ignores job satisfaction. However, managers should restructure their jobs in order to increase job satisfaction (Herzberg, 2017).
Despite of many limitation, this theory can be valuable to organisation in improving the environment in which job are performed and assist employees more motivation. So, in order to improve and enrich the jobs, managers should give chances to workers for stimulating work, greater responsibilities, expansion opportunities and a job in which their assistants can feel positive (Lazaroiu, 2015).
Development needs
The above two theories of motivation given by the two well renounced author states that motivation can be the monetary or non- monetary, it is determined that, in monetary term employee performances will definitely airstrike the stars because when they are inspired extrinsically it highlights the reward driven behaviour, which demands a optimistic connection between effort, enthusiasm and job presentations. Accordingly, extrinsic motivation is not sufficient to increase other benefits of the organisation; intrinsic motivation within workforces is must because they have more determined and expressive work drives (Joseph, 2018). Therefore, extrinsic inspiration has a great influence over the worker’s performance, which not only remunerates them individually in financial terms, but also they assist the organisation to produce more and more returns. Consequently, extrinsic motivation within worker creates and maintains firmness, aids organisation for incrementing their status and leads to expand productivity and upcoming trends (Parker, Holesgrove, and Pathak, 2015).
Human resource responsibility of an organisation critically evaluates the employees’ wellbeing weather it is a larger or any smaller organisation. Human resource responsibility starts right from hiring any fresh talents, guiding them for performances and provides them their recognitions for their growth as well as contributing towards the organisation success (Bhagria, 2010).
The main duty of human resource company is to safeguard that commercial activates in compliance with all the labour laws. The department should know about the set rules of employment regulations.
Recruiting and training new employees is the primary responsibility of human resource team. This job often entails by hiring candidates and through interviewing. Lastly, after a fine recruitment, proper training in all aspects of the job is given.
Another key function of human resource department is managing employee relation. If there is, any dispute arises between the manager and the employees of the organization then its human resource officer duty to handle all the conflicts. Hence, employees are encouraged to bring relational problems to human resource staff for resolution (Bratton, and Gold, 2017).
Human resource department officer’s duty is to help those employees who lack skills for performing better in an organization. Therefore, for this, department heads should set some targets and objectives, which are to be met within the certain period. Particular plans are to be set for accomplishing the improvements with the use of support resources(Bratton, and Gold, 2017).
Workplace security is must for workers. One of the main purposes of human resource is to maintain workplace security, which often works with the HR benefits to manage the companies the workers compensation issues.
The role of human resource manager is to integrate the operations and strategies of the business by maintaining products, services, ideas and culture of the organisation, which are constantly evolving. Therefore, certain key roles and responsibilities of a manger affect the performances of the organisation (Yugandhar, and Parameswari, 2015).
Appraisals: Performances appraisals help employees to inspire and boost them to work with the full potential and thus, they work well towards refining performances and achieving goals. Hence, the role of the HR manager is to generate timely appraisals, which motivate employees and thus save a complex degree of efficiency and employee commitment (Banfield, Kay, and Royles, 2018).
Maintaining work culture: HR manager has a duty to maintain a well, safe and a fun working atmosphere, in which organisation ensures a certain level of comfort and tries to eliminate stressful and awkward atmosphere, which hinders the employees performances. Therefore, HR manager exhibits that employees should freely communicate; an open attitude goes a long way in growing employee commitment and gives higher approval (Doyle, 2018).
Resolves conflicts: In organisation, having conflicts in between employees are very general, So, HR manager has that right to interfere and assist employees in finding out the solutions. A proper prior investigation is done without passing any biased judgement. Hence, HR manager practices strict actions for an effective conflict resolution (Burke, 2017).
Legal knowledge: HR manager of an organisation should always comply with the law. While forming guidelines for the organisation he should always keep law in his mind. This ensures a continual growth of an organisation.
Organising functions: HR manager role is to organize the entire functions of the organisation. Right from welcoming new employees, giving them orientation regarding companies’ policies and rules, listing them responsibilities and organizing the entire organisation is the main role, which he surely plays for the success for the organisation.
Management: Managing the entire organisation is the main job of an HR manager, a good manager always manages their employees, and their entire HR department. They create, manage and implement all policies and regulations, which are mandatory for every employee for its appropriate working. To summarize, the role of the HR manager is to uphold law and order in the organisation, which further extends to attract, engage and retain top talents (Doyle, 2018).
Morale is simply a way of describing the behaviour and attitude of an employee, which he/ she exhibits with in organisation. It show up the two behaviour one is good and the other is bad morale. If we talk about good this shoes that employees feels dedicated and faithful towards their work and are motivated with the sense of appreciation within an organisation made for them. Whereas bad attitude and behaviour makes them feel demotivated, bad reputation and hence, overall lacking in performances (Bell, and Raj, 2016).
In other words, morale displays the level of enthusiasm and willingness, which employees contributes towards the organizations objectives. Not only this, High morale represents higher satisfaction and desire to continue work. Hence, it reflects a good group work and team spirit within an organization (Rawat, 2015).
Organizational culture is at the heart of weather that company has high or low employee morale. If an employee feels stagnant, unappreciated automatically that particular employee will be having a low morale towards his/ her job in an organisation (Valmohammadi, and Roshanzamir, 2015). Hence, it organization responsibility to set a tone foe how employees are to be treated, reward and appreciations are to be done on regular basis. Such aspects of organisation make employees actually happy towards their work (Wedgwood, 2017).
It is must for every employee that they should work towards the achievement organization goal, therefore this need high morale, enthusiasm, strength, less dependability, pride confidence and devotion from employees’ side. In addition, all this is needed to fulfil organisational goals, leads loyalty and leaders to manage organisation. Organisation also demands for god discipline, a voluntary conformance towards set rules and regulations (Venkatesh, 2016).
If we consider low morale employee this highlights the employees’ intellectual discontent. This mental unrest not obstructs the creation of the organisation but also leads to ill wellbeing of the employees’. This shows the depressed, discouraged and mental tension effect of employees, which nevertheless, has a major affect over their entire career.
Due to the high degree of absenteeism, these causes due to the ill health of the employee, family issues can causes major effect over the professional concern of employees. Much complaints and grievances also causes lower interest towards work, Frustration among employees and feeling of opposition towards leadership are the main reasons of employees to not to work dedicated towards the organisation success. The special effects of low morale may be incurable to the organization, as industrialized relations will tend to worsen. Organization suffers finally because quantity and quality of makings both get affected (Swartout, Boykin, Dixon, and Ivanov, 2015).
Therefore, organisation has to work over the situation and over certain circumstances, which are positive to the organisation. Hence, great morale is the best results for good human relationships. It results in good motivation, respect, good leadership, operational communication, contribution, counselling and other human relation practices, which not only affects the human behaviour but also works for the overall success of the organisation (Heathfield, 2018).
Certain factors like job security, job satisfaction, organisational culture, organization style, self-concept of worker and lastly the insight of work and incentive major affect the morale of the employees and the also shows improvement in the financial statement by earning much of profits as compared to the other financial years (Swartout, Boykin, Dixon, and Ivanov, 2015).
The set examples of the employees who worked earlier with the organisation are the best to motivate other new employees towards work. Through the clear and good communication with the employees, also make them feels satisfactory and respectful towards their job. In addition, by creating a healthy working environment also boost up the morale of the employees. Other than this, by giving a token of appreciation and recognition rewards are also the nice efforts if organisation wants more dedicated efforts of employees. Lastly, involve every employee as an equal member of a team, which gives them a sense of unity within an organisation (Rukshani, and Senthilnathan, 2015).
From the above-mentioned sections of the paragraph, we can conclude that
- Organisation or management perspective, leadership is the most requisite function, which every larger organisation adopts because, leader guide entire organisation. Whatever the plans are set at planning stage, those are executed, coordinated, controlled and evaluated by a leader within an organisation. Organisation culture highlights certain objectives like creating that kind of culture within an organisation that every single person is working towards the organisation’s goals and working dedicated to attain profits and success.
- Employee perspective display that the employees’ motivation in the changing external environment. They say that motivation is also affected with the change in any legal, political, economic or technical change. Certain skills of the employees’ like communication, teamwork, innovation leads an employee to inculcate these habits and apply them or organisation as well as for personal success. Other than this, motivational theories like Maslow and Herzberg’s theory of motivation works for every organisation to motivate their employees whether they are working for an organisation goals or on their personal development.
- Human resource management perspective, this highlights the role Hr in the organisation , how he tackles the entire work within an organisation with his/ her skills and knowledge maintains work culture, handling conflicts and grievances, by providing training they assist employees towards their work is their main task in an organisation. Organizational morale highlights and track that employees morale towards the work is high or low. This depiction makes organisation to work upon those employees whose morale is low and whoever is higher they are taken as set examples for them. To improve the conditions and the circumstances of organisation due to the low morale employees, HR works on them by giving them more trainings, token of recognition, awards so that they can be appreciated and work more dedicatedly towards the tasks allocated to them and ultimately for the organisations success.
- Organisation or management perspective, more of leadership in an organisation major affects the behaviour of the employees within an organisation. If someone is performing as a leader in a company, then sometimes leaders can make a misuse of its power, which makes the system more complex for the employees’. Transformational style of leadership is good for the organisation as leader provides full support to their subordinates while performing but sometimes, leaders traps themselves in favouritism and biasedness, which majorly affects the organisations workings. In this leaders tries to modify the skills of the employees, as old habits die hard so with the sense of different tactics he can alter them according to the new innovations.
- Employees’ perspectives, states that environment is never static in nature, it keeps on change with the changing requirements of the market taste, preferences and the other circumstances prevailing in the market. According to me, employability skills are to be development at that extent, for which employees’ should be ever ready to perform in any, given situation. Moreover, leaders in an organisation are hired to test the skills of the employees suits them according to their requirements and place them in their specialization category of work. Leaders should use more of motivation tactics to make employees more dedicated towards their work. Other than the awards, monetary benefits, leaders should use soft skills to make them more towards their tasks.
- Human resource management, HR mangers responsibilities is to maintain the organisation culture, resolves conflicts in between teams but sometimes by an act of biasness and favouritism, they do not form fair decisions and that entire affects the working, success and the employees’ nature all by the one act performed by the HR. Therefore, according to these situations HR should work without being biased.
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