Recruitment, Selection, And Induction Process: Tasks And Requirements
Task 1: Knowledge Questions
Task 1
1.1 Methods of recruitment
a. Explaining and providing an example of each of the following recruitment and selection methods:
Assessment centres
Assessment centre is recruitment and selection process wherein organisations get to assesses a group of candidates all at once. As stated by Coller, Cordero and Echavarren (2018), selection exercises are used to identify the best plan required for the selection of candidates so that potential individuals can be recruited for an organisation. For example, the selection exercises may include various tests such as aptitude test, scenario test and situational analysis. Assessment centres are considered as one of the most effective methods for the development of an organisation with talented individuals.
Pre-screening is done to identify the potential candidates that are eligible for selection in an organisation. The pre-screening can help to narrow down the candidates so that enough time is not wasted in conducting interviews. The process is done over phone either in a scheduled manner or at any point during working hours. Some of the basic questions such as background, current work experience, expectations of salary, skills possessed are asked during the interview. This can help in sorting out the candidates and ensure that the candidate that is suitable for the organisation and the work is recruited. Thus, pre-screening is an important form of recruitment strategy that can be applied in an organisation.
Group interviews
Shackleton (2015) is of the opinion that the group interview comprises of a manner in which candidates get to know one another. The group interview helps in identifying the abilities of a candidate in terms of their working together as a team. It is crucial in the recruitment stage, as it helps in identifying the candidates that can be put in a team. It also allows in the differentiation of questions along with the encouragement of questions to be asked. For example, a group interview can comprise of candidates that are sort listed and an assessment of the talents can be made by providing a stimulated situation in which solutions need to be made. The assessment is done based on the responses of the people.
Behavioural interviews
The behavioural interview is an accurate predictor of the future performance of a candidate. The uniqueness of the method is that it does not take into account the fact that a candidate is skilful in an area as claimed. Rather, the candidates are allowed to prove their worth so that justification of the word of mouth can be made. This method is time consuming, as the candidates may need to be prepared for proving the things that are said in the interview. Hence, it can be said that the behavioural interview provides complete opportunities for organisations to verify the candidate and the claims made by the person.
b. Value of psychometric and skills testing programs to the recruitment process
Psychometric test can be used to assess the ability of an individual in a specific skill. For example, if an individual claims that the person is skilful in project management, a psychometric test can be conducted in which the skills related to the claims of the candidate can be checked. Skills testing are done to measure the knowledge and skill that exists so that it can be applied in a job. For example, candidates claiming skilful leadership style are put to test in both a theoretical as well as a practical manner.
1.1 Methods of recruitment
1.2 Workforce planning
a. Relation of workforce planning with recruitment process
Workforce planning is an important issue for most organisations as it helps in identifying the proper talents required for success. As stated by Taylor (2014) the relation between workforce planning and recruitment process is that it helps in assessing the right type of people that are suitable for the organisation. Proper and efficient recruitment of talents can help in the increase in productivity so that integration of talent management can be made with the objectives of an organisation kept in mind. This can help in managing the human resources as well in an organisation.
b. Internal and external factors that can trigger the need to recruit
Examples of external factors: Economic condition, Social condition
Examples of internal factors: High level of attrition, Lack of talented employees
These factors influence the recruitment by analysing the requirements of an organisation and the manner in which it can be mitigated. For example, the external factors provide an understanding of the economic and social condition that needs to be taken into consideration for an organisation to succeed. The economic factor may force organisations to recruit more people so that during the time of attrition shortage of employees does not take place. At the same time, social condition provides an understanding of the corporate social responsibilities that are undertaken by an organisation and influence the recruitment of local people in the business.
1.3 Consultation
Need to collaborate with relevant managers and sections
Heilman, Manzi and Braun (2015) are of the opinion that relevant managers and sections need to be collaborated during the recruitment process as the strength of each section is to be highlighted. For example, the if the department of finance in an organisation consists of employees that are talented to conduct financial calculations and projection of budget, then collaboration is required so that internal promotion can be made from of a person with financial calculation capability working in the economic analysis department. Hence, internal promotion can be made as well as vacancies in one of department can be fulfilled.
1.4 Legislative requirements
Summarising the key points of relevant legislative requirements, regulations, standards and codes of practice
In Australia, the legislative requirements that provide recruitment opportunities to people are strict. One of the regulations is that organisations cannot provide recruitment to migrants unless sufficient prove about the intention of the person is verified. This regulation can be seen in the Migration Law 1958. Under the Employment and Labour law of 2018, Section 2A it has been stated that ethical biases need to be abolished while providing job opportunities to talented and deserving candidates. Thus, these legislative requirements require to be taken into consideration for the development of proper recruitment process in an organisation.
1.5 Contractual arrangements
a. Describing the purpose of employee contracts relation to employee relations
According to Board (2017), the employee contract ensures that an employee and an employer have a clear understanding of the jobs and responsibilities that are expected in relation to the rules of employment. It may also help in eliminating any disputes that may occur later. The relation of the contract with that of the employee relations is that it can provide an understanding of the expectations of both the parties and provide a sense of collaboration between the employees and the employers. Collective agreement can be formed between the employees and the employers based on the terms and conditions of the employment.
1.2 Workforce planning
b. Explaining terms and conditions of employment as an important aspect of recruitment
The overall terms and conditions of employment are important as it helps in providing an understanding of the positions in which both parties stand. Terms and conditions ensure that no violation of legal laws related to the organisations is violated. As stated by Ingram et al. (2015) issues in organisations may arise due to the violation of terms and conditions related to basic pay, working condition and working hours. With the existence of terms and conditions in a written document, the employees and the employers can ensure that breaching of rules does not take place.
1.6 Outsourcing
Explaining the concept of outsourcing
Jeske and Shultz (2016) stated that outsourcing is a business practise in which a company hires the expertise of another company or an individual so that specific tasks can be executed. Services can be handled and executed by the employees of both the companies together so that productivity can increase. Organisations would do this as a means to increase its capacity so that it can improve in the business. Thus, this can be considered as an effective way to improve the operations of an organisation so that business can be developed in a proper manner.
Task 2
2.1 Operational process
Explaining strategic objective of an organisation, plans and policies that influence recruitment, selection and induction processes
The strategic objective of Woolworths is to ensure that recruitment of talented employees is recruited so that the reputation of the organisation can be kept intact ( 2018). The plans and policies that need to be taken into consideration includes the induction process such as providing the employees with guidance about the work culture of the place. At the same time, the recruitment and selection process is done using methods such as pre-screening and behavioural interviews. Hence, this ensures that recruitment and selection process in Woolworths pertains with the organisational requirement.
2.2 Analyse recruitment, selection and induction
a. Critically analysing the recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures and supporting documentation in organisation
Existing policies
The existing policies that is adopted in Woolworths includes following the rules stated in the Employment and Labour law of 2018. The existing policies provide an understanding of the ethics and biases that are needed to be followed by the company so that it can maintain its reputation as the biggest retail market in Australia. It can also help in increasing the number of employees in the organisation and ensure that employees remain satisfied with the process of employee engagement.
Specific activities/methods used
Specific activities or methods that are used at Woolworths in order to recruit employees involve the application of pre-screening. In this manner, the number of candidates in the interview process are sorted and telephoned so that excess pressure on the part of interviewing the candidates does not occur ( 2018). This method is followed by the behavioural interview of the selected candidates to verify about the authenticity of the skills that they possess. This provides a clear idea about the manner in which Woolworths analyses its candidates before providing them with an opportunity to be an integral part of the organisation ( 2018).
1.3 Consultation
Metrics such as cost of recruitment, time to recruit, retention rates
The metrics are focused on the capabilities of Woolworths and the manner in which it can use the resources to enhance the recruitment process of the company. As stated by Derous and De Fruyt (2016) recruitment of employees can be a time consuming as well as costly affair. Hence, it is essential that retention of the employees be made so that the company can continue to grow in the market.
The cost of recruitment for Woolworths can be measured in terms of the required rate of employees in each department ( 2018). The time can fluctuate depending upon the urgency of the situation. For example, if an employee is scheduled to leave after the end of a financial year, then Woolworths possess time to carefully recruit a talented individual. At the same time, the retention rate in the company is high mainly due to its reputation and ability to motivate employees ( 2018).
Use of technology and online resources
Technology is important for the development of an organisation and its activities in the modern world. As stated by Ekwoaba, Ikeije and Ufoma (2015) without the application of technology it can be difficult for every organisation to continue with the latest developments and trends in the modern business. In the case of Woolworths, the advantage is that the company can use technology to recruit people online and at the same time attract customers. The latest technologies are applied and used by the company so that various tests related to recruitment such as skill testing and psychometric testing can be done ( 2018).
Use of psychometric testing, skills testing and assessment centres
As stated earlier, the application of psychometric testing, skill testing and assessment centres are crucial part of recruitment of an organisation. In the case of Woolworths, these recruitment strategies are applied keeping in mind the requirements of the organisation. For example, in the case of the psychometric testing, Woolworths analyses every skill that is listed by an individual ( 2018). The application of skills testing is made to understand the specific skill or department in which an individual can be placed. The assessment criteria helps in the development of plans required for the selection of the candidates ( 2018).
Job offers and contracts
The job offers and contracts are provided as per the skills of the candidates and the requirement of the organisation. Woolworths ensures that the job offered to the candidates is deserving and that it helps in the development of the organisation ( 2018). The contracts are specified based on the performance of the employees. However, Woolworths hold the right to dismiss a candidate before the expiry of its contract on grounds that may relate to rule breaking within the organisation ( 2018). Hence, it can be said that the job offering and contracts of Woolworths need to be earned and respected by the candidates.
Outsourcing of HR functions
As stated by Coller, Cordero and Echavarren (2018) outsourcing provides an opportunity for a company to enhance its business process. In the case of Woolworths, the outsourcing of resources is mostly done so that the company can maintain and increase its budget. This can help the company to continue in its growth and provide the required assistance for the development of the employees in the organisation. The HR functions are outsourced to various branches across the world so that cultural differences in terms of work can be understood ( 2018).
1.4 Legislative requirements
Documentation used throughout the process
The documentation that was used throughout the process of recruitment involves legal legislation documents that highlight the importance of maintaining the laws and rules set by the organisation. Woolworths ensures that a written contract is used while recruiting candidates so that any discrepancies in the organisation or in the contract can be identified and mitigated ( 2018). The legal papers that are associated with the recruitment contract provide an idea about the nature of relationship that needs to exist between the employees and the employers. Hence, it can be said that the application of appropriate documents is used for the betterment of the recruitment and selection process.
b. Identifying opportunities for improvement and explaining its need
The opportunities that can be gained by Woolworths with the implementation of a proper recruitment strategy are that, talented individuals can be gained. The application of various tests like the psychometric test, skills test and assessment centres can help Woolworths to identify the suitable candidates so that productivity of the organisation can be maintained ( 2018). The reason for the need of a proper recruitment policy is that Woolworths can continue with the development of its business and ensure that the policies and procedures related to recruitment and selection are met ( 2018).
2.3 Develop, trial and review policy/procedure/documentation
Drafting a new policy/procedure that would be required to be implemented
In order to ensure that changes be implemented in the organisation it is necessary that Woolworths drafts forms that can be used to implement the changes. These changes need to be based on the current policies of the organisation and application of the changes can bring about more improvement in the situation of the company. For example, Woolworths can ensure that while recruiting candidates, the application of pre-screening be done by using online video calling ( 2018). The use of latest technology can help in the development of Woolworths further in the Australian market.
Drafting new forms or amending existing forms used for each stage of the process
For each stage of the recruitment process it is important that forms be amended or drafted that can help in improving the recruitment process. The forms need to state the legal laws that are to be maintained and the consequences that may befall a candidate if they fail to meet the standards and expectations of the organisation ( 2018). At the same time, the forms need to specify the hours that are needed to be spent in the company so that the employees can perform productive work.
Trailing documents and forms that you have developed by seeking feedback from relevant workplace personnel
The documents that have been developed need to seek feedback from personnel that are essential for recruitment and selection. For example, the person that needs to be involved includes the HR personnel as the HR managers draft the main documentation. The documents and the inclusion of work related scenario need to be included in the draft and based on this Woolworths can continue with the recruitment and selection process ( 2018). At the same time, the CEO of the company also needs to provide feedback so that the recruitment and selection process can have a positive impact on the organisation ( 2018).
1.5 Contractual arrangements
Making the necessary adjustments
The necessary adjustments that are needed to be made consist of the inclusion of legal norms. Woolworths follow certain legal procedures that are essential for the development and success of the company. These legal procedures need to be documented in the recruitment along with the legal rules set by the legal system of Australia ( 2018). Another adjustment that is needed to be made is the inclusion of tests that involve knowledge of the aptitude skills of the candidates. This can be done online and at the same time can be included in the form for assessing the candidates.
Writing the final copy and obtaining approval from management
The final copy need to be written based on the relevant changes that are made in the recruitment form. The approval of the management need to be done so that necessary changes can be encouraged by the management. The management involves the HR personnel that are essential for the development of the recruitment form and the policies related to the selection of candidates. Hence, it can be said that the approval of the final copy need to be checked with the CEO as well so that proper recruitment and selection process can be conducted.
2.4 Staff training
a. Explaining communication of the policies and procedures to relevant staff
The relevant includes the current employees of Woolworths and the reason for communicating the changed policies is that feedback from the current employees is important. The policies and procedures need to be communicated so that a proper recruitment process can take place. As observed by Shackleton (2015) this can help in understanding the responses of the employees and at the same time ensure that training to the staff is provided about the process. The staff training needs to be related with the type of recruitment test that is adopted. For example, it is necessary that the current employees be given training to calculate the results of the psychometric test for efficiently identifying the potential candidates.
b. Assessing the need for and providing training/coaching, for persons required to participate in recruitment, selection and induction
According to Coller, Cordero and Echavarren (2018), it is also the duty of the senior employees of an organisation to take care of the recruitment and selection process in an organisation. The recruitment, selection and induction process undertaken by senior employees can help the HR department in carrying out other important works in the organisation. Hence, training about the calculation of results obtained after conducting a psychometric test or skill test need to be provided to the senior employees so that they can add value to the organisation.
Task 3
3.1 Plan staffing
Developing organisation’s human resources capability or staffing plan
The human resource capability of Woolworths need possess the ability to recruit and select the candidates that are likely to play an important role in the organisation. The human resource capability addresses the plans needed for the staffing of the candidates in different departments of the organisation. As stated by Taylor (2014) the importance of a proper human resource management is that support can be obtained during any point of critical situations. For example, the HR capability of Woolworths provides for an advantage that is directed at the employees for aiding in the recruitment of the candidates ( 2018).
1.6 Outsourcing
3.2 Recruitment process
Using the staffing plan to select one position that needs to be filled
Name the position
The position that needs to be filled is that of a department manager in various operations. The position needs to be based on the service that is provided by these employees at Woolworths for increasing its position in the market.
Listing the selection criteria for the vacancy with reference to position descriptors and person specifications
The selection criteria that is required for the position is that candidates need to have a proper understanding of the manner of department that they are posted in. The poosition need to be based on the services that the company intends to provide in a day with the objective of the organisation kept in mind. The department manager need to have proper knowledge of identifying and setting targets that can help Woolworths to grow and at the same time fix daily targets for the employees that need to be achieved. At the same time, the department manager needs to have knowledge about finances so that they can calculate the selling of products. The candidate needs to have an experience of 3 years in the field of being eligible for selection.
Explaining the authorisation of a request to recruit
The authorisation of a request to recruit is mainly gained from the Government of Australia. As stated by Heilman, Manzi and Braun (2015) authorisation of request is needed to ensure that the target candidates are willing to be available for an organisation. Hence, Woolworths need to ensure that the authorisation required for the recruitment of the candidates, be gained from analysing the different rules and the interest of the candidates in joining or applying for an interview with Woolworths. This can help in making the recruitment system legal.
Creating advertising for the position
As stated by Board (2017) an advertisement for a vacant position needs to be created so that it can attract the potential candidates. The advertisement need to be based on the selected position and relevant information need to be provided so that candidates that are suitable can only apply for the position. This can also help in reducing the stress of interviewing candidates that are not suitable for the position. In the case of Woolworths, the advertisement for the department manager needs to include the position, job role and expected results along with company and the number of vacant positions that exist within each department ( 2018).
Identifying at least one specialist who may be able to assist in the recruitment and selection process
The recruitment and selection process can be aided by the effort put in by the senior employees. In order to recruit a candidate in the department manager position, specialist in the field of leading employees and guiding them so that the candidates can be effective in the organisation. This can help in identifying the target required candidate of the position as the experience could be used as a means of selecting the candidate for the position. It can also help in the management of the candidates so that effective results can be obtained.
Task 2: Recruitment, selection and induction process
3.3 Conduct recruitment and selection
Explaining the interview process including
Selecting and inviting appropriate people to join the selection panel
The selection and invitation of appropriate people for the selection panel needs to be based on the experiences that are held by employees. The CEO or the Human Resource Manager of Woolworths can be included in the selection as these people are the main stakeholders of the company and have the experience, knowledge and perception of the abilities of the candidates that they can looking for ( 2018). Apart from these, inclusion of senior employees can also be included so that proper insights of the job at hand can be monitored.
Selecting and inviting candidates to attend an interview
The selection and invitation of candidates to attend an interview includes certain steps such as short-listing the candidates. The candidates can be shortlisted by conducting a pre-screening process. This can help in selecting the candidates that are suitable for the position. After passing the interview, the person can be asked to attend the organisation for further tests such as psychometric test as well as the skills test. This can help in shortening the list and ensure that candidates that are interested in working for Woolworths are selected.
Listing of questions that could be used in an interview
The questions that need to be asked in an interview include:
- What is your work experience?
- What are your hobbies at a spare time?
- What expectations can you have from the organisation?
- Are you aware of the policies and procedures of working at the organisation?
- What value can you bring for the development of the organisation?
- What special skills you possess that can help in improving the workplace?
- How did you come to know about Woolworths?
Structured interview guidelines
Ingram et al. (2015) is of the opinion that a structured interview needs to be based on questions that have already been prepared by the managers. This form of interview helps in asking the questions that are essential for the recruitment and selection of a suitable candidate. The structure interview needs to ask direct questions that are essential for understanding the skills possessed by the employees and the manner in which the skills can have a positive impact on the growth of an organisation. Hence, structured interview can be considered as an essential element for organisational success.
Short listing candidates
The short listing of candidates needs to be done keeping in mind the potential of the candidates and the manner in which they can contribute for the growth of an organisation. As stated by Jeske and Shultz (2016) candidate short listing is mainly done to reduce the time required for the interview and to ensure that perfect candidates with potential of managing the organisation or bringing about value to the organisation is selected. The process of short listing candidates can be done by using pre-screening method that includes telephoning the candidates with the purpose of conducting a short interview.
Advising candidates of successful and unsuccessful outcomes
The candidates can be advised about successful and unsuccessful outcomes either on spot or from email. In Woolworths, the company ensures that successful candidates are selected on the sport so that valuable time with the candidate is not wasted. The candidate is asked to submit documents related to his or her experience so that documentation related to the candidate and the joining of candidates can be done. In the case of unsuccessful candidates, Woolworths provides advice about the reason for not selecting them so that they can work on the negative point in the future ( 2018).
2.1 Operational process
Guidelines for candidate administration
The guidelines required for the administration of the candidates include understanding the strengths of the candidates as well as the weakness. The candidates need to understand the expectations that the company have for them so that they can continue with leading the organisation into a better future. At the same time guidelines related to the development of the candidate needs to be made so that they can continue to work in the organisation in a proper manner without any problems or feeling of awkwardness.
Task 4
4.1 Induct staff
a. Developing a flowchart to illustrate existing induction processe
b. Explaining ways to monitor the induction process
The ways to monitor the induction process includes analysing the performances of the employees so that they can continue to work for the development of an organisation. The monitoring process need to identify the processes that can be applied so that the induction process can be made to identify the potential of the employees. This even includes identification of the factors that are related to the development of an organisation and the manner in which employees can continue to become a member of Woolworths.
c. Describing the probationary process of new employees
The probationary process of the new employees needs to be based on the potential shown by the employees. In the case of Woolworths, the new employees are kept at a probationary period for about 1 month. This includes training the employees in every aspect of the organisation so that they can fill in any gap that requires to be managed ( 2018). However, the performance of the employees is evaluated so that the probation period can be reduced. If the performance of the employees is not up to the market, then the probationary period can increase for another month. The maximum time for the probationary period is about 2 months after which the employee is terminated on the grounds of poor performance ( 2018).
4.2 Monitor and review
a. Describing the process used to monitor and obtain feedback from relevant staff, managers and new employees about the effectiveness of the induction process
The process that is adopted for monitoring and obtaining feedback from relevant staff, managers and employees include a survey process. In the survey process, the experience of the concerned people is noted and any recommendation that is needed to be made is provided so that future prospects of the induction process can be followed.
b. Identifying opportunities for improvement
The opportunities for improvement include understanding the needs of the employees. The new candidates can be provided with an opportunity to provide explanation of the needs and demands that they have from the organisation so that they can continue to grow in the organisation. The monitoring process can be done by conducting tests of the candidates so that identification of the potential of the candidates can be made. Thus, this can reduce extra burden from the HR managers.
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