Developing And Implementing A Workplace Sustainability Policy

Tata Steel’s CSR and Priorities for Sustainable Decisions

Sustainability is an important aspect of the company’s operations in the current business environment. Each business organization or company has to develop the sustainability policy that shows the impact of the company in the environment and expected impact. This also assists in the development of strategies to reduce the impact of the company operating within an environment. The following paper provides sustainability policy analysis, development, and implementation of the sustainable policy document.

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1.     Explain how Tata Steel’s approaches to CSR and its priorities that help the company make ethical and sustainable decisions

Tata Steel’s corporate social responsibility approach is centered on community and work to provide quality healthcare, education, environment and social development of communities. Firstly, the company works to improve the quality of the health care within the community through a partnership with local health care community facilities. Secondly, the company also works with the community to provide education to local communities in partnership with the government of various countries the company has its branches. Thirdly, the company also provides environmental improvement strategies through land reclamation and green energy approach to the environment. Lastly, the company has been partnering with government agencies to achieve a sustainable environmental impact (Tata Steel Limited, 2017).  

Based on this case, explain how sustainable practice can help a business to compete

Sustainable business practices that are used by Tata Steel is important strategies that help the company to compete favorably. Firstly, good sustainable practice that the company uses helps in the attraction of more customers that are important for competition. Secondly, a sustainable business practice that is applied by the company forms the core to more partnership in the business environment. For instance, the company has been partnering with government and community to provide services to the community and this brings large customers such as the government hence company stays ahead of competitors.

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Thirdly, sustainable practices enable the company to comply with the government regulations leading to the smooth running of the company. Lastly, sustainable practice that the company applies to especially to the environment ensure that the business reduces the impact of natural resources on environment thus the business can fit in the international business environment (Turner & Patterson, 2017).

Analyze why LCA is a more accurate type of analysis than just looking at the carbon footprint of the ‘use phase’ of a material

Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is an important analysis that plays a critical role in the analysis of environmental impact more than the carbon footprint of the use phase of a material used by the company. Firstly, LCA enables the company to avoid narrow look on the environment especially looking at the carbon emission while ignoring other environmental effects of the company throughout the life cycle of production.

Secondly, the LCA provides analyses impact of inputs and release that encompasses all other inputs more than carbon present in usephas materials. Thirdly, the company complies inventory on energy and materials inputs that is important for informed decision making as compared to looking at carbon. Analysis of various inventories gives the overall production process and the type of wastes that are realized including the energy used or carbon produced (Crawford, 2011).

Competitive Advantage of Sustainable Practices

Evaluate the contribution of Tata Steel to sustainable and ethical business practices

Tata Steel contributes highly to sustainable and ethical business practices and some of the areas where the company contributes to sustainability include human resources, production process, business competition, and stakeholder engagement. Firstly, the company has high-quality human resource system that has been ranked one of the best performing with the company caring for employees and employees rights. Secondly, another ethical practice that Tata Steel upholds involves the protection and respect of human rights especially the rights of society in general. Thirdly, the production system that involves heavy industries produces limited pollutants in the environment. Lastly, the company has been complying with government regulation especially on environmental pollution (McElroy & van Engelen, 2012).

The company has five aspects that contribute to ethical practices in the business environment it operates in. Firstly, the company shows a high level of integrity on its operation through ensuring production system is reliable and trustworthy. Secondly, the business understands the environment it operates and clients hence has good business practices within the environment. Thirdly, the company has a unity strategy that ensures that the business has a good communication system that unites the company from management to employee. Fourthly, the company also has excellence in sustainable policy that enables the company to uphold excellence performance in the market. Lastly, the company is approved by the government in order to carryout mining activities with minimal environmental impact (Malmqvist, Glaumann, Scarpellini, Zabalza & Aranda, 2011).

As government official for state of Victoria this is a review policy document. The sustainable policy document of is crafted on the purpose of highlighting the intention of the organization to clarify the organization’s contribution to business operations within Australia and New Zealand (Fujitsu, 2018).

Key stakeholders identified in the policy document

There are various stakeholders that are identified within the policy document. These stakeholders include customers, suppliers, government or regulating bodies, the general public, management, and international partners. These key stakeholders interplay to contribute to the success of the sustainability strategy of the business and the policy developed.

Relevant legislation and standards covered in the policy document

The policy document contains regulations and standards that have been cited as important for the business to realize sustainability. The document covers the regulations that regard emissions of pollutants into the environment that continuously need regulations. The document also mentions the energy prices regulation that forms an important aspect of sustainable regulation.   

Sustainability goals and expected outcomes

The policy document shows more than seven sustainability goals and the expected outcomes. Leadership in sustainability goal aims to achieve sustainability vision through the leadership of the organization. Brand and marketing goal is anchored on achieving a super brand of the organization within the Australia. People and sustainability goal is another sustainable goal that outcome through educating, engaging and empowering people for sustainability practices. Sustainable operation is another goal that is contained within the document and aims to achieve the outcome of improved operations and environmental performance of the company.

Life-Cycle Assessment vs. Carbon Footprint Analysis

Sustainable solutions and customer goal aim to achieve the outcome of being a market leader offering customers IT solutions. Sustainable data center goal is tied to an outcome such as sustainable market leader on offering data center related services. Sustainability performance goal aims to achieve goals such as transparency and credible programs. Lastly, sustainable governance is another goal that aims to achieve the outcome of sustainability capabilities and accountability (Fujitsu, 2018).

Mechanisms for realizing sustainability goals including roles of key stakeholders

The policy document contains the method that will ensure that the sustainability goals are achieved by the company. Regular review of the policy is key to ensuring that the document is up to date and the strategy is maintained. Sustainability governance board is a body that the organization has given the task of ensuring the goals are achieved. The target and progress are also measured to ensure that the company is achieving its sustainable goals. The sustainable program is also the commission that dedicates resources to sustainability policy. The policy program is reviewed periodically to evaluate performance and direction quarterly (Magee, 2016).

Factors that drive the company’s sustainability strategy

There are factors that drive the company’s sustainability strategy and these include the roles and responsibility of various team members. Sustainability board is the primary authority that meets annually to review the sustainability strategy and progress. The sustainability team leader is linked to head of sustainability for perfect integration of strategy throughout the organization. Organization sustainability team is another team that ensures that organization strategy is implemented within the company for various issues.

Business management system manager provides the business unit with the support required for sustainable objectives. Environmental management system working group is another aspect of the sustainable factors that is formed of representatives from various groups forming a sustainability unit of the company. Lastly, the business unit manager is the key player task with the responsibility of managing the sustainability framework (Laszlo & Zhexembayeva, 2011).

Link to other policies

The company’s policy document is linked to two other policies and these include Green IT policy and Environmental management. The policy document provides the link to Green IT policy that forms an important sustainable Information Technology policy document and the environmental management policy document that mainly encompasses action leaflet for management (Fujitsu, 2018).

BHP Billiton also knew BHP Group is an Australian mining company founded in 1885. The company has grown over years becoming one of the largest mining companies by capital in the world since 2017. The company is equally listed as one of the major polluters of the environment leading fossil fuel extraction. The company contributes more than 0.52% of world industrial emission from the direct operation of the company. The company has also come up with some processes to help develop sustainable management practice (Barnato, 2016).

Why sustainability is important for the organization

BHP is one of the largest mining companies with high fossil extraction characterized by high carbon emission. For instance, in 2010 the company was raked one of the largest polluter companies in the world. This, therefore, the company needs to control pollution through sustainability program (Hannam, 2013).

Tata Steel’s Contribution to Sustainable and Ethical Business Practices

Specific business area/function where sustainable practices are critical

BHP being a mining company needs to reduce its production activities especially carbon released into the environment. The production part of the company produces a huge amount of carbon and other pollutants that have an adverse impact on the environment (Barnato, 2016).

Key sustainability principles and/or philosophy

In mining and energy companies key sustainability principles include nature recovery, environmental protection, reduced pollution release, and energy efficiencies. These principles form key factor in ensuring that the company has high environmental efficiency that is needed for sustainability.

Policy goals and objectives

  • To reduced environmental impact through the limited adverse impact of the company in the environment
  • To increase energy efficiencies through uses of clean energy especial in transportation and production processes
  • To enhance environmental protection through the natural recovery of the used land and other natural resources
  • To reduce pollutants that are released into the environment and greenhouse gases that are released in the production phase of the company processes
  • The scope of the policy

The scope of the policy is to define various activities that are carried out that aim to reduce the impact of the company process in the environment. The policy gives the features of sustainability practice carried out by the organization.

Key stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities

Some of the key stakeholders involved in the sustainability practice of the company include customers, management, government, sustainability organizations, the community and business community. Firstly, customers for the company play an important role in evaluating the activities of the company. The company management has role and responsibility of implementing the policy after its adoption.

The government and all regulatory bodies form an important aspect of approval and regulation of business activities of the company. The community is another important stakeholder of the company and forms a partnership with the company to enhance sustainability. The business community has the responsibility of assisting the company to develop and implement sustainability (Kenny, Law & Pearce, 2010).

Relevant laws and standards

There are many different laws and standards that form part of sustainability practice that the company uses. Environmental regulations, reduce pollutions, labor laws and business ethics codes are some standards

Industry best practice

The industry best practice involves increase sustainability practices that ensure low emission of pollutants into the environment, effective human resource management and community involvement in sustainability practices (Heede, 2014).

Expected outcomes

  • Reduced environmental impact of the company’s activities
  • Effective human resources management and sustainability
  • Sustainable environmental practices
  • A community partnership in sustainability practices
  • Methods for implementation

For the company to realize its sustainability practices the company need to implement the policy document. Firstly, the company needs to recover more land that has been undermining activities. Secondly, the company needs to involve the community in the application of sustainability practices. Thirdly, the company should evaluate the amount of pollutant released and reduce the number of greenhouse gases produced. Lastly, the company needs to develop a sustainability team that will spearhead the implementation of the policy hence progress reporting (Caradonna, 2014).

The purpose of this document is to highlight the implementation strategy for the sustainability policy.

Strategies for minimizing resource use

The strategies for minimizing resource use is embedded inefficient resource use and continuous evaluation of the resource use to ensure that only intended resources are used.

Strategies for reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use

The company develops toxic monitoring and detection systems within its waste output point to detect the number of toxins released into the environment.

Benefits of employing lifecycle management approaches

Benefits of employing lifecycle management include evaluation of the extent of emission into the environment, evaluation of the environmental impact of the company and management of the energy consumption and efficiencies of a company.

Key Stakeholders and Relevant Regulations in Workplace Sustainability Policy

Communication plan for involving all stakeholders

The communication plan involves reaching various stakeholders through social media, broadcast media, print media and other communication methods. Social media communication of the policy to customers and other stakeholders is important for implementation of policy.

Procedures for implementing policy initiatives

The procedure of implementing policy include the formation of the implementation team to spearhead the implementation, planning, resource mobilization, launching of the policy implementation, actual implementation, evaluation and reporting of the progress or achievement (Morelli, 2011).  

Measures or benchmark indicators to identify outcomes

Some of the indicators for measuring or identification of outcome include customer rating, amount of carbon gases released into the environment, energy expenditure in production, nature of the input used in production and overall company performance.

Key responsibilities

Various key stakeholders and policy managers such as implementation team, management, customers and policymakers. The implementation team is tasked to implementing policy and reporting on the progress.  Management evaluates the progress of the policy implementation.  Customers evaluate the sustainability of the company and its products thus giving feedback. Policy makers and regulators regulate the business activities to ensure that the business remains sustainable (McManus, 2010).

Processes to collect and analyze feedback once the policy has been implemented

Feedback will be collected using customer rating and feedback, analysis of carbon samples to ensure that the amount of carbon released into the environment is known. Customers views are collected to ensure sustainability strategies are properly implemented

Plan for continuous improvement using Deming’s PDCA cycle

The policy implementation team will use Deming’s PDCA cycle for analysis of the production to ensure that the company life cycle. In addition, the Deming’s PDCA cycle is an important tool used in evaluating various stages of production in the life cycle of the company (Laszlo & Zhexembayeva, 2011).


In conclusion, sustainability policies play an important role in the company or organization’s operations. Development of sustainable practice policy is therefore critical for the future operation of companies and organizations. Various companies have sustainable policies that ensure that the company remains up to date with environmental issues.


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