Challenges In Advancing Physical Sciences, Medical Research, And Advanced Manufacturing

  1. Find four texts for your research. For each text fill in the table below with the relevant information.

Question title: (Write your question title below)

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Type your reference here in the way that it will appear in your paragraph (in text citation) and in the reference list at the end of your work (full reference).


Summarise or paraphrase the information you are going to use from what you have read. Do not use direct quotations.

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Evaluate the information you have written in the notes section and say why it is relevant to the question you are answering.

(Islam, Beer and Slack, 2015)

This journal focuses on the challenges faced by students who wish to pursue online education. E-learning is becoming an important in all aspects of our lives including education sector too. The article lists out certain challenges that can identifies the issues with e-learning and how it can affect the students.

According to this article, E-learning has become an important part of education system around the globe and its importance in making people learning different courses. Nevertheless, it also comes with various challenges that can affect academics such as cultures differences, pedagogy, and the standards that are required to be met by the universities.

(Swain, 2018)

This article gives a clear view on the reasons for UK to embrace new and innovative techniques concerning its education system that is considered to be a renowned education system among students from all over the world. The article studies the focus of online education to go mainstream.

According to this article, there have been several reasons for bringing in the online education and moving ahead with new options to improve the education system. UK should avoid scepticism and maintain a standard to accredit its universities so that they can provide online education to students worldwide.

(Sá, 2014)

The following study provides with an evidence from UK universities of their decreasing rate of student applications due to increasing rate of fee on different courses. This can be considered a negative impact on the reputation of the universities regarding new entrants. This may affect the flow of international students in the universities too.

Paying a heavy amount on fees can be a big challenge for students coming from a middle class background or also for international students too. For this online courses are more preferred in place of classroom education the student has to bear the expense of studies as well as living and personal expenses.

(Biggs, 2011)

This relevant source has been taken to understand the education system how effective learning in universities can benefit students to build a better future irrespective of the courses they pursue. The concern should be to receive quality education which aligns with the objective of outcome-based learning.

This source aligns with the information provided as because it is important for universities and specially teaching providers to impart quality education to students in order to shape their future. They should improve the content to be taught and be more proactive towards their teaching techniques even when they are teaching students on an online platform.

Section 1: Portfolio Evidence III

Written work self-assessment form (recommended word count: 100)


Complete this form before you submit your portfolio.


Type a few comments below in relation to how well you have addressed the following criteria in your written work. Do NOT give one-word answers.


A. Has a clear structure including an introductory sentence and a concluding sentence.

I have completed the assessment as per the structure including an introductory sentence and a concluding sentence.

B. Has features of academic writing.

The assessment has been completed in an academic report style writing.


C. Has compared directly between the two student bodies. (Q.1.)

I have made the comparison between the challenges for students studying online and students studying face-to-face in higher education in England.

D. Has commented on what we learn from the comparisons.

I have highlighted the key points for comparison according to the title chosen.

E. Has commented on their own experience. (Q.2.)

 I have commented on my own experiences on the title provided.

F. Has followed the word count (Q.1. 500 and Q.2 300 +/- 10%).

I have followed the word count as per instructions.


G. Has used all four references.

I have used all the four references in the assessment.

H. Has in-text citations which follow Harvard style. E.g. (Coughlan, 2014).

In-texts have given as per Harvard style.

I. Has avoided plagiarism.

I have avoided plagiarism.


J. Writes accurate sentences.

I have constructed meaningful sentences.

K. Spells and punctuates accurately.

I have checked all the spellings and punctuations.

L. Uses a range of language.

I have used English language to complete the assessment.

M. Writes in an appropriate academic style (Q.1.)or reflective style. (Q.2.)

 I have written the appropriate academic style and reflective style.

Think about the work you have done on this module and answer the following questions:

The things that went well were the availability of relevant content and the sources required to complete this assessment. I have completed the module with an academic style of writing by using properly constructed sentences and punctuations. The module was completed as per the instructions provided and the write reference style was used.

What actions do I need to take to make sure I improve

I will try to commit lesser grammatical mistakes that may jeopardise my academic report. I can improve choice of words and use them at the right places. I also wish to improve the quality of content that can improve my academic report.

Section 2: Written Tasks

Academic Writing (500 words)

Please type your answer to question 1 below (500 words).

Choose ONE of the following titles:

  • Identify and compare the challenges for students of lower and higher economic status in higher education in England


(b) Identify and compare the challenges for students studying online and students studying face-to-face in higher education in England

Make sure that:

  • Your text has an appropriate title.
  • You have used all of your four references (included as in-text citations) and that you include a full reference list.
  • You discuss and compare both bodies of students that you have chosen to write about
  • You have used a point by point approach.
  • You have written a minimum of two paragraphs





Write your title here:  Identify and compare the challenges for students studying online and students studying face-to-face in higher education in England

One of the most common necessities of higher education institutes is E-learning these days which is being implemented in education institutions around the globe. The rise in the need for e-learning is increasing with each passing day taking down the traditional ways of classroom education. As online studying and learning is mostly focused on learning the content rather than communicating about the content matter taught.

On the contrary, the traditional face-to-face classroom education seems more reliable to many of the students who wish to gain better knowledge and communicate with their tutors on the subject matter taught. England is one of the prestigious locations catering to the education needs of students from all over the world. Even though European education system and colleges serve well for students, many of them prefer studying online at their convenience rather than being physically present in classrooms to study.

As can be expected, globalisation has contributed towards bringing good changes in the education systems, but online learning can also have certain challenges associated with it in an academic setting.

·         Learning styles and cultural differences- The biggest challenge for students pursuing higher education over an online platform from any foreign university is the learning outcome. Every student has a different style of learning and understanding the teachings. Courses provided to students fail to deliver the knowledge they want to impart specially to foreign students. This creates a cultural differences for students pursuing online education from England.

·         Challenges related to pedagogy- England has a history of providing quality education, but it needs to embrace e-learning. The concern should be on improving the content and identifying the needs of the students with regards to the course they want to learn.

·         Standards for online programs- Maintaining the standards before providing any content to study on the internet is the foremost thing to be done by any university. This can be the biggest challenge faced by students to differentiate between colleges that are accredited or not accredited by any accreditation bodies. Distance education suffers due to this challenge.

Traditional classroom studying has also moved to become more interesting and being interactive with students. But, it has certain drawbacks which attracts scepticism from students who wish to pursue classroom education.

·         Fees- This can possibly be a big challenge for students coming to England for higher studies as different courses have a different fee structure. If compared with online education, a classroom education costs are much higher including a number of other miscellaneous expenses. Students enrolling for the STEM subjects might be affected because of rise in fees.

·         Public schools and funding- There are still many schools for higher education which require immediate funding to improve their school infrastructure, better educational facilities for students, student curriculum and student safety.

·         Workload- Workload for students in schools and peer pressure is increasing day by day. The pressure of adopting the new ways of studying can also break the nerves of students. This may lead students to learn slowly and dislike the culture of the school.



What impact might the situation you have discussed in question 1 above have for you as a student in higher education?


Reference List:

Biggs, J.B., 2011. Teaching for Quality Learning at University: What The Student Does. United Kingdom: McGraw-Hill Education.

Islam, N., Beer, M. and Slack, F., 2015. E-learning challenges faced by academics in higher education. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3(5), pp.102-112.

Sá, F., 2014. The effect of tuition fees on university applications and attendance: Evidence from the UK. Bonn: The Institute for the Study of Labor, (8346).

Swain, H., 2018.  Opportunity And Risk: Universities Prepare For An Uncertain Future. 


Please type your answer to question 

Make sure that you:

  • Write about your own individual situation.
  • Follow the word count. 

As a student in higher education, I will learn about the different educational patterns around the world and the specific common as well as distinct problems which students usually face, either by choosing campus education or online form of education. Being a student from another country, England can be a favourable option to pursue higher studies keeping in mind the accreditation of the universities providing the education. I would check if the university has an approval from the Privy Council and Higher Education Act 1992.

My concern would be to look for universities that provide both classroom and online education and if they are accredited by any governing body. My concern also lies with the fees charged for the courses I am going to pursue and how the learning outcomes will help me in my career ahead. As the fees of one university differs from the other, I wish to select a university which gives me an affordable option and does not pose a challenge for me at the later stages of my higher education.

I would also like to look for universities which gives a fair access of course syllabi which is set basing different cultures, races, different nationalities and students who have certain disabilities. As per my understanding of the UK education system, it has moved on ahead improving its pedagogy and understanding the needs of the students who wish to pursue unique and reputed courses, be it from any reputed university, a tier-2 college or opting for an online course from any university.

According to me, even when the universities have started providing online courses, but their offerings seem to be limited and is not able to take the place of mainstream college education. This can be an issue for students who wish to pursue a full time online course.

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