Selecting A Suitable Job For A Bachelor Of Business Administration Graduate

Final Project

Analyzing the real world scenario taking into consideration each and every single element attached to different job opportunities a detailed analytic discussion shall be made on the importance of evaluating these elements to correctly select a job for a person. It is important to compare the benefits of different job opportunities in the real world scenario and then to evaluate these against the needs and requirements of a person to choose the most appropriate job for the person. A descriptive analysis on different jobs in this document shall further help the readers to understand the number of variables to be considered in determining a suitable job for a qualified person.

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In milestone 1 and milestone 2 a brief discussion have been made on the different job opportunities and the qualitative characteristics of different jobs to choose a particular job for the candidate assuming the person is Bachelor of Business Administration from the Southern New Hampshire University. A descriptive analysis on this document shall further help the readers to understand the factors that affect the decision of a job applicant in selecting a particular job over and above another job.

The factors to be considered while taking a final decision as to a job are enumerated below:

Salary and employment benefits: As already mentioned earlier salary and other employment benefits such retirement benefits, insurance coverage and other fringe benefits provided by an employer are considered while selecting a particular job. A person would obviously chose a job which will provide him with maximum salary and other employment benefits. In milestone 2 it has been already provided that the person will select the employment opportunity at the Hyatt Residency as it provides the higher salary package to the person. However, in addition to the salaries and employment benefits the following factors are also to be given due importance in taking the final decision as to the job opportunity.

  1. Goodwill and reputation of an organization.
  2. Job location.
  • Workplace environment.
  1. Opportunities of skill development and learning at the workplace.
  2. The management culture.
  3. Availability of training program and other benefits at the workplace.

As per the information provided in milestone 1 there were number of job opportunities available. The list below contains the details of those job opportunities as already mentioned earlier.

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Position at the management at Asda: The Asda group of supermarket chain is looking for a person at the business administration department in one of its retail stores.

Position at the business section of J Sainsbury’s retail division: Another super market giant, J Sainsbury is looking for skillful personnel to discharge different administrative responsibilities of a particular store in Georgetown.

Part of an NFL team management: The position of an NFL team management personnel with te objective of taking care of business administration aspect of the team.      

Position in the business and financial section in Telecom Limited: A small telecommunication company involved in providing cable television services in different parts Washington is looking for a person to fill in the role of a business and financial administrator in the company.

Position at Uber. The mobile app based cab service provider is looking for a financial and business administrator for its unit in Southwest Waterfront (Scarborough & Cornwall, 2015).

Factors to Consider While Selecting a Job

Position at Next Gen Limited: It is a new technology driven company looking for a business administrator to help the company to achieve its desired objectives in the future.

Position at business and financial section of hotel Hyatt Residency: Hotel Hyatt Residency in Bloomingdale is looking to recruit a Bachelor in Business Administration to discharge different responsibilities in relation to the functions of the hotel (Burns & Dewhurst, 2016).

As already mentioned that the final decision is primarily dependent on the salaries and employment benefits paid to a person for different position thus, a closer look at the salaries and employment benefits provided by these organizations for different positions at the respective places are accumulated in the table below.                  

Job description

Average hourly rate ($)

Annual salary ($)

Retirement benefits (employers’ contribution)

Insurance coverage @2%

Management at Asda





Management At Sainsbury





Management at NFL Team





Business and Financial at Telecom.Com





Business and Financial at Uber





Business and Financial at Next Gen Limited  





Business and Financial Operations at Hotel Hyatt Residency





However, while taking a decision as to the job which is to be selected for the purpose of the job applicant in milestone one important factor has been ignored and it is the location of the job from the residence of the job applicant. As already mentioned that the distance between the place of employment and residence of a worker is of huge significant and affects the overall decision of an employee in finally deciding the most suitable job for himself. The distance between different job opportunities and residence of the job applicant is mentioned in the tabular format for the understanding of the readers (Ebbers, 2017).

Jobs at:  



Hotel Hyatt Residency



Next Gen

NFL team


16 Km

35 Km

42 Km

27 Km

37 Km

32 Km

24 Km

On the basis of above distance the annual commutation time and expenses for different jobs have been calculated in the table below:       

Jobs at:  



Hotel Hyatt Residency



Next Gen

NFL team


16 Km

35 Km

42 Km

27 Km

37 Km

32 Km

24 Km

Annual commutation time (Hours)








Commutation expenses (Annual)








After considering all the factors relating to the job opportunities net employment benefits from different job opportunities have been calculated to evaluate the best option for graduate in Business Administration.

Job description

Annual salary ($)

Retirement benefits (employers’ contribution)

Insurance coverage @2%

Annual commutaion expenses

Net economic benefits ($)

Management at Asda






Management At Sainsbury






Management at NFL Team






Business and Financial at Telecom.Com






Business and Financial at Uber






Business and Financial at Next Gen Limited






Business and Financial Operations at Hotel Hyatt Residency






Thus, even after considering all the relevant factors it is clear that the job opportunity of Hyatt Residency in the financial and business administration position is the most beneficial for the Person (Li, Wong, Chak & Chau, 2018).   


Taking into consideration the discussion above it is clear that there are number of factors that are associated with different jobs and it is important to consider the implications of all these factors on the economic, financial and growth of a person to determine the best possible job for the person. In this case the job opportunity in the Hyatt Residency is by far the best option available to the person as it has significantly high amount of salaries and other employment benefits as compared to the employment benefits and salaries from other job opportunities.        


Burns, P., & Dewhurst, J. (Eds.). (2016). Small business and entrepreneurship. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Ebbers, W. E. (2017). Modeling the use of e-government services: The role of internet skills, support sources, gender, age, education, internet experience, employment rate and income.

Li, J. W., Wong, J. H. S., Chak, W. L., & Chau, K. F. (2018). Effect of incident nocturnal home hemodialysis versus incident continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis on employment rate, clinical, and laboratory outcomes: A 1?year retrospective observation study. Hemodialysis International, 22(3), 308-317.

Scarborough, N. M., & Cornwall, J. R. (2015). Entrepreneurship and effective small business management. Pearson.

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