2018 Event Technology Showcase Safety Overview

Objective of the Report

Events management

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I think the purpose of this report is to act as an overview to preparation of events safety that will be showcase at the Technology showcase event. The event will be held at or showcased at the Angliss Institute and organized by the conference management students. These report covers various aspects in events management including evacuation procedures, safety precautions, risk assessment and safety analysis. The objectives of the events under the conference management includes;

  • Ensuring that there is utmost safety for all the people attending the events including; the patrons, the attendees, guest speakers, MCs and any other individuals that are attending the events
  • Ensure that there are emergency instructions are clearly passed to all individuals that are attending the event
  • Ensuring that there is adequate preparation and the risks are acknowledged and adequately prepared for (Brunt, Horner, & Semley, 2017).

Evacuation procedures

In case of a fire and a risk factor in event management, the event management has put various mitigating factors to ensure that there is enough security and risk mitigation factors. The discipline “Investigation of events management systems” refers to subjects that study various aspects of management, that is, management processes in organizations (Eiynk, Anderson, Mairs, Nilsson, & Martin, 2018). I think the main purpose of the study of this discipline is to consider the object of management of events as a system – a single organism with certain properties. It is a holistic view of the organization’s activities that allows management to comprehensively review and make management decisions in all areas of management, such as financial management, marketing, personnel management, etc.

In one of the previous articles on events Management (UE), we have already considered the issue of risk and safety. Today we suggest you briefly familiarize yourself with another domain, which is associated with project risk management. The concept of risk management in management has no less degree of importance than financial management, since it is precisely risks that can have a significant impact on budget execution and not the project implementation process at all (Glendon, & Clarke, 2015).

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Thus, the discipline allows you to imagine an organization as a system and create a foundation for studying private aspects of events management that are considered in the respective disciplines. The study of management systems is the process of determining the composition, organization, behavior, state, parameters, patterns of functioning and development of the system being studied with a view to its improvement (Haimes, 2015).The object of study is the events management system of organizational and economic systems of varying complexity, at different levels and with different ways of functioning.The subject of the research is objective regularities inherent in event management with the aim of improving their functioning and development.

Objectives of the study:

Despite the variety, certain general properties are characteristic of any system. It is possible to give the following most general definition: a system is a set of interrelated elements that form a single whole. Any system has the following properties:

  • Integrity (emergence). The system represents a certain integrity, i.e. a set of component parts forms a single whole. At the same time, the properties of the system are not a simple sum of the properties of its elements, but are something fundamentally different. Integrity is the most important and fundamental property of any system (Hollnagel, 2018).
  • Have found emergency documentation and signage for the venue

Having an ordered structure. The components of the system are not randomly arranged, but in accordance with a certain structure, i.e. a certain place is assigned to each element. Availability of internal connections. Between the elements of the system there are certain internal connections that ensure the interaction of the component parts with each other, the rigidity of the structure and the integrity of the system.

Evacuation Procedures

System classification

  1. Physical (real objects, phenomena, processes) and abstract (models of real processes)
  2. Simple and complex. Signs of complex (large) systems:
  • The presence of subsystems with their own purpose, subordinate to the overall purpose of the system;· The presence of numerous heterogeneous connections between subsystems; The presence in the system of elements of self-organization.
  1. Natural and artificial (as a rule, have the purpose of functioning and control)
  2. With and without control
  3. Continuous and discrete (changes do not occur continuously, but at discrete points in time, from case to case)
  4. Deterministic (state can be accurately predicted) and stochastic (behavior is determined by random events)
  5. Open (interacting with the external environment) and closed (isolated from the external environment).

System parameters

1) Element – a part of a system that has a specific functional purpose, the internal structure of which is not considered.

2) Subsystem – a part of the system that has some independence and allows decomposition into elements within the framework of this consideration.

3) Environment – a set of objects outside this system that influence the system and are under its influence. The environment can be defined both for the system as a whole and for its subsystems and elements.

4) Organization – internal ordering, manifested in limiting the diversity of the states of the elements within the system.

5) Communication – a form of mutual restrictions on the behavior of elements on each other.

6) Structure – a set of internal stable relationships between the elements of the system, determining its basic properties (Pintrich, & De Groot, 1990).

This system can be represented as a scheme: For example, an enterprise as a system receives certain resources at its entrance (raw materials, financial resources, labor, information, etc.). A process is a production, technological, or other process for producing finished products or services resulting from output. Feedback is primarily related to the monitoring of the functioning of the system and is directed from the output to the input or to the factors of the process (Holmes, Hughes, Mair, & Carlsen, 2015).

Another example: a university as a system has applicants at its entrance (a kind of “raw materials”, as well as other resources), and with the help of the educational process – the process of knowledge transfer – prepares specialists in a particular industry at the output. the process of shaping the targeted behavior of the system through informational influences generated by a person (group of people) or a device (Jo Hatch, & Schultz, 1997).

The management tasks include: · goal setting – determining the required state or behavior systems; stabilization — keeping the system in its present state under conditions of disturbing influences; executing a program — putting the system into the desired state under conditions where the values ??of the controlled quantities change according to well-known deterministic laws; tracking — keeping the system on a given trajectory (ensuring the required behavior) under conditions when the laws of change of the controlled quantities are unknown or change (Olya, 2017).; · optimization – retention or transfer of the system to a state with extreme values ??of the characteristics n Under given conditions and constraints. Often, to designate control actions, the concept of “leadership” is used to control someone else’s work in organizational, social, economic systems (Mega, Ronconi, & De Beni, 2014)..

The control system together with the communication system forms the control system (CS) A. The main element of organizational and technical control systems is the decision-maker (DM) —an individual or group of individuals with the right to make final decisions on the choice of one of several control actions. The communication system includes a direct communication channel through which input information is transmitted – the set , including command information {u}, and a feedback channel through which information about the state of the OU is transmitted – a set of output information .

Sets of variables {n} and {w} denote respectively the environmental impact (various kinds of interference) and indicators characterizing the quality and efficiency of the subsystem (Page, & Connell, 2014) . There are the following types of systems with control: · systems with direct communication (software systems) – one governmental direct relationship between SU ??and DU, which supplies control actions that are binding; · adjustable system – uses of the object reaction information management, self-regulating system · · adaptive systems – the control object and the control system is influenced by the disturbance. The basic principles of operation of systems with control:

The principle of feedback is the use of information from the control object to influence the control process. Positive feedback enhances the effect of the output signal, negative feedback weakens it (Whitaker, 2017).. A positive relationship worsens the position of the system, and a negative relationship helps restore balance when it is disturbed by disturbing influences. The principle of necessary diversity (Ashby law) – the diversity of the control system should be no less than the diversity of the control object (Stefanou, Perencevich, DiCintio, & Turner, 2004). According to this principle, as the complexity of the control object increases, the complexity of the control system should increase. The black box principle is the representation of the system as part of events management.


Brunt, P., Horner, S., & Semley, N. (2017). Research Methods in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management. Sage.

Eiynk, B. J., Anderson, M. J., Mairs, S. M., Nilsson, R. M., & Martin, M. E. (2018). U.S. Patent No. 9,864,350. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Glendon, A. I., & Clarke, S. (2015). Human safety and risk management: A psychological perspective. Crc Press.

Haimes, Y. Y. (2015). Risk modeling, assessment, and management. John Wiley & Sons.

Hollnagel, E. (2018). Safety-I and Safety-II: the past and future of safety management. CRC Press.

Holmes, K., Hughes, M., Mair, J., & Carlsen, J. (2015). Developing sustainable events: summary and future directions. Events and Sustainability, 191(198), 8.

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