Digital Communication In Business: Benefits And Strategies

Digital communication and the advent of social media

Communication in business acts as one of the essential elements for the success and overall development of the business enterprises. Thus, every business focuses on communication not only to share information amongst the stakeholders but also to develop and maintain relationship with the customers, employees and with other stakeholders in order to attain positive outcomes. The role of communication is essential in terms of developing relations with the customers, employees, PR agencies, government organizations and every other body which takes some sort of interest in the business functionalities (Cabiddu, De Carlo & Piccoli, 2014).

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The most important stakeholders for an organization are customers. With the growing competition in the business environment, it is necessary to put efforts for analysing and understanding requirements of the business. In this regard, communication plays significant role as it is essential in terms of retaining customers’ interest as well as employees’ interest within the organization. With the help of communication, organization could easily ensure employee satisfaction, engagement and retention for longer period of time. With regards to this, role of communication will be discussed in this report along with analysing the changes occurred in the communication in the past few years. Amongst them, the major change has been evaluated as the digital communication strategy and this has been the major source of success for the organization.

With the effect of globalisation and the introduction of internet have been the major sources for the evolution of technology. With the effect of these mediums, revolutionary change has been recognised in the communication tools. Communication has become more effective and essential for the business with the introduction of internet and evolution of technology. Digital strategies have taken over the market of traditional forms of communication and the biggest example of digital communication strategy is social media (Harlow & Guo, 2014).

Social media is also considered as the drug amongst the youngsters and in the other age groups also and business organizations take advantage of this addiction by keeping them engaged. Major social media platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. These tools have acquired inherent place in the business communication. Along with this, internal communication system such as instant message has also been a significant part of the business communication tools. Internal chat systems are considered as the most effective platforms because these could be customised as per the departmental needs, thus, it could be said that digital communication has set up its effective place in the business.

The use of digital communication tools are used by every organization in every industry irrelevance to the size, nature and their type. The major reason behind adaptation of digital communication tools in every area is their efficiency and efficacy. Apart from this, secondary reason behind usage of digital communication tools is their speed, reachability and the cost to operate these tools. With the help of tools available in digitalisation, an organization could easily spread information to an individual particularly as well as to a group of individual at the same time. Social media and email are the two major tools which are mostly used by every organization and. The major benefit of using these tools are their efficacy, reachability and that too at very low operating cost in comparison to the old generation communication tools. With the help of these tools, organization could easily target number of stakeholders at once and with the help of usage of technology in these mediums, its efficacy could easily be analysed. Digital communication tools are also considered as the essential tools for developing and maintaining transparency at workplace (Hartley & Chatterton, 2015).

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Benefits of digital communication

Globalisation is the major reason for major changes in the business as globalisation is the only reason which has influenced businesses to expand their functionalities in the overseas markets. Dream of Jeff Bezos of selling over internet is also influenced with the rise and growth of globalisation and technology in the business environment. Along with establishing global presence, organizations have adopted digital communication tools for the objective of managing diversified workforce along with ensuring effective coordination.

One of the biggest advantages of digital communications at workplaces is analysing the gap between the customers’ demands and the deliverables by the business enterprises. Previously, communication between businesses and customers were only known as the one way and it was merely used for advertisement and promotional purposes. But after digitalisation of communication have evolved the whole communication procedures. Social media is one of the biggest aspect which has not only enhances engagement between customers and businesses but it has also helped the businesses to evaluate the needs of their target audience along with enhancing its interaction with the stakeholders which is one of the biggest factor for the success and growth of the organization. With the help of digital communication mediums, transparency at workplace has been the major element for organizational success and growth (Jussila, Kärkkäinen & Aramo-Immonen, 2014).

Social media provides option to the customers to get in touch with the company directly and company could easily gather relevant information regarding their products and services from their target and potential customer segments. Social media platforms also act essential tool in terms of influencing target audience along with attracting them towards their products and services. Apart from this, setting brand positioning is one of the most essential factors in order to attain desired goals along with the objective of enhancing its performance as per the dynamic business environment. Brand positioning has become very effective along with developing relationship with the customers. With the help of social media platforms and other digital communication tools, spreading awareness amongst the target audience have become the effective option for the business organizations in setting up their effective position in the competitive business environment (Lee, Reinicke, Sarkar & Anderson, 2015).

Amazon is a behemoth player of ecommerce industry and it has acquired leading position as the internet retailer in the world. With regards to the organizational growth and success, impact of technology and internet is very intense. Jeff Bezos has transformed its skills and traits with the evolution of business environment and with changing business environment; he has adopted technology and digital communication tools in order to enhance organizational performance along with matching up the needs of the customers (Men, 2014). Following tools are being used by the Amazon to transform their functionalities with the changing business environment along with gaining positive outcomes:

This is one of the earliest forms of social media tools. Amongst the total population in the world, approximately 2.5 billion people are active users of Facebook which means one third of the total population is using the oldest form of social media. Amazon uses this platform to stay in touch with their target and potential customers in terms of spreading awareness amongst them. Apart from this, employees are encouraged towards sharing their experiences with the organization along with sharing unique ideas for the purpose of improving organizational performance. This has leaded the organization to develop and maintain transparent communication at workplace along with retaining them for longer period of time (Royle & Laing, 2014).

Digital communications used at Amazon Inc.

Amazon concentrates on workforce diversity and employee engagement from the different parts of the globe. Amazon uses Skype, Viber, and various other video conferencing tools to manage its subsidiaries and the employees at worldwide locations along with sharing them the relevant information relevant to the organization. This also helps in enhancing their engagement and to develop coordination between the employees and employer.

Amazon believes in innovation and creativity and for the same, employees are provided with relevant and required resources and time to think out of the box without pressuring them for generating innovative ideas. Recently, organization has introduced Chime which is a highly efficient platform in terms of connecting people through chat, video and audio call from different parts of the globe. Along with this, this platform could also be used as the medium for sharing documents, music, images and software in real time. Thus, it is considered as the highly upgraded version of other available platforms like Skype, Duo, Viber, etc. Chime is also essential in terms of connecting employees and other stakeholders from different parts of the world along with attending organizational meeting (Samson, Mehta & Chandani, 2014).

Although, these platforms are used for sharing crisp information mainly in terms of images and videos but at the same time, these platforms are much effective and efficient. Amazon has an active presence on both these platforms as these platforms enables organization to execute effective communication with the stakeholders. These platforms are also considered as the effective mediums for getting feedback from different stakeholders. It also helps the organization to get appropriate and relevant feedbacks to improve their shopping experience. Organization also gets relevant means to quickly address the issues of the customers along with making them realise their importance for the organization. With the help of these platforms, organization could easily transform their skills along with enhancing customer engagement and gathering relevant ways to enhance customer satisfaction. To maintain transparency amongst the customers and other stakeholders, organization has appointed separate team who constantly look out queries, suggestions and feedbacks posted on these platforms. With more than 1.8 million followers on Instagram, organization has marked its position as the active user of digital communication platforms (Spilioti, 2015).     

This is one of the most used unofficial mobile applications in the world. This tool is widely used as the form of instant communication platform. Amazon encourages their coordination amongst the employees from different background and cultures by grouping them in one WhatsApp group which could be used for sharing relevant information by the employees. Informal communication platform is essential in terms of enhancing comfort level of the employees with each other and the recent features unlocked in this application have made it as the most effective application.

In past few years, trend of blogs and V-logs amongst the organizations have been increased. This is considered as the vital tool for enhancing customer as well as the employee engagement. Amazon focuses on blogs and V-logs in terms of sharing its failure as well as success stories with its employees. This act as the motivational technique and it also helps the employees to know their company’s current and previous situation. It not only motivates the employees but it also provides the employees to stay in touch with the organization as the stories are effective platforms for enhancing interest of the employees. Lastly, these blogs and V-logs are compiled by Amazon and offer a substantial history to the business (Tagg, 2015).

Implementation of any new strategy and mainly in the digital communication era is not much easy as it seems easy. Digital communication strategy is meant to be very effective as well as the factors for bringing massive change. The major risk which is identified while implementing any new strategy is resistance from the employees. Implementation of strategy already requires immense support from the top management and other employees, thus, it is necessary for the business leaders to adopt appropriate strategies to reduce the chances of resistance and to make them flexible for adopting change to enhance performance of the organization which is ultimately essential for development and growth of the organization.

Digital communication is not a communication tool but it is much more than this as it has multiple usages such as customer and employee engagement, retention of stakeholders’ and investors’ interest in the organizational functionalities, etc. Thus, organizations have smartly shifted their functionalities of communication through traditional mediums to trending mediums.

Amazon is a leader of ecommerce industry and significance of digital communication mediums have been the primary tools for organizational growth and success. These tools have not enhances organizational performance but these have also made the organization a part of their customers’ lives by regularly interacting them. Thus, it is necessary for every organization to move as per change along with gaining competitive advantage and to acquire their desired goals and objectives.


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Hartley, P., & Chatterton, P. (2015). Business Communication: Rethinking your professional practice for the post-digital age. Routledge. United Kingdom.

Jussila, J. J., Kärkkäinen, H., & Aramo-Immonen, H. (2014). Social media utilization in business-to-business relationships of technology industry firms. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, 606-613.

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Tagg, C. (2015). Exploring digital communication: Language in action. Routledge. United Kingdom.

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