Theoretical Arguments Of Personalities And Their Implications For Organizations

MAN241 Organisational Behaviour

Concept of Personality

The essay helps in analyzing the different kinds of theoretical arguments of personalities. In the entire analysis, the discussion should be based on implications of the personality differences for the different organizations along with providing real life examples.

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Personality is defined as relatively enduring kind of characteristics which helps in differentiating one person from the other and this helps in leading people to act in a predictable and consistent manner in different situations along with extended periods of time as well (Brown and Taylor 2014). Personality psychology is a difficult kind of concept to quantify and define as there is a question that whether the personality of the individuals is inherited or developed through the interactions of the environment. There are various theories such as Psychoanalytical Theory along with Social Learning Theory as this will help in providing a brief overview on the different aspects of the personality approaches of the individuals.

There are major perspectives of personality which are required to be identified efficiently as this helps in understanding the stages included in the same. The different perspectives are as- Psychoanalytic is the perspective which is inclusive of the unconscious motivations. Traits is wherein this is inclusive of the specific dimensions of personality. Humanistic is the perspective which deals with inner capacity for growth and Social-Cognitive is total influence of the environment (Kluemper, McLarty and Bing 2015).

Psychoanalytical Approach of Freud

As per the Psychodynamic approach, which was developed by Freud this can be argued that the theory mainly emphasizes on the interplay of the different psychological processes which are unconscious in nature in defining and analyzing the thought of the different human beings’ feelings along with behaviors. The main basis of the approach is that the different psychological factors play a major role in shaping personality along with determining the behaviors of humans. In this respective theory, Byrne, Silasi-Mansat and Worthy (2015), has argued that the personality basically comprises of id, ego along with super ego.

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However, on the other hand, this has been noticed that Keyes et al. (2015), has hypothesized that development of the personality takes place around the entire lifespan and this does not end in the childhood itself. Leutner et al. (2014) has opined that there will be various kinds of changes in the perceptions of the individuals and this affects the personality of the individuals working in various organizations. But, as per Freud the case is different as there are different perceptions as he felt and commented that the development of personality is based during the early childhood of the different individuals.

For instance- There can be different employees working in organization and they possess various types of personality. The employees who are working in customer service department is required to have proper speaking skills as this is required in handling the different queries of the clients and this will help in managing them effectively as well. This personality cannot be gained from the childhood and this will be possessed while working in such kind of working environment.

Major Perspectives on Personality

Furthermore, the id component is present during the time of the birth and this helps in consisting of the various kinds of instincts which are inherited and there are psychological energies as well. The id component helps and assists in reducing the stress and avoiding pain and this increases the pleasure principle as well. Moreover, ego is the conscious part of the mind which will help in satisfying desires of the humans of id with relation to demands of super ego and id. Lastly, the third component is superego which has been subdivided into ego ideal and conscience as well.

The main aspect which was believed by Freud that the healthy kind of personality is required to keep ideal, ego and superego are required to be kept in balance. Freud felt and commented that when the id is strong in nature, this can make the person selfish, impulsive along with antisocial in nature (Byrne, Silasi-Mansat and Worthy 2015). On the other hand, when the individual is too much controlled by superego, this will make the person more rigid and authoritarian in nature. However, there can be instances in which this can be noticed that there are persons with less ego may not be able to cope with others and this can cause unwarranted feelings in the person as well (Keyes et al. 2015).

For instance- The anger or the aggressiveness is inbuilt in the individual from his or her childhood as this kind of behavior is gained from family or genetically. However, on the other hand, changes in personality such as being soft spoken or have strong communication skills comes after practice and working in the respective kinds of departments in the organizations.

Freud commented that the conflict is the major component of the personality and the defense kinds of mechanisms need to become active in nature when there are instinctual drivers such as id and ego come into action and this will create huge issues in the personality effectiveness. Furthermore, according to the psychoanalysts, there are few types of behavior which is being caused due to the personality parts which are found in an unconscious manner and there are different individuals who are unaware of the same as well (Judge and Zapata 2015).

Furthermore, Cervone and Little (2017), has commented and argued that these are the defense mechanisms which helps in protecting the ego of the human beings and this assists them to cope with the reality as well. The psychoanalytic theory which was developed by Freud helps in suggesting that the development of personality through various stages and the different stages are connected with biological functions which plays a major role.

On the other hand, Power and Pluess (2015), has commented that the Social Learning theory is the mixture of the different kinds of approaches towards psychology and this is developed out of behaviorism which is empirical along with dependent on detailed kinds of observations. Guntrip (2018), has hypothesized that aggression are not primary themes of personality and there are different other environmental variables which are required to be taken into consideration which plays an essential role in development of the personality as well. As per Cooper (2015), in order to understand the personality of the individuals in the organizations, the psychodynamic and environmental forces are required to be taken into consideration as this will enhance the personality development of the individuals.

Arguments on Different Theoretical Arguments of Personalities

There are various kinds of implications of personality differences for the organizations both positively and negatively (Spielberger et al. 2017). It can be identified that the childhood behavior of the individuals can affect the job satisfaction along with future career of the individuals. There are few personality traits such as behavior of the employees which is desirable for running operations in a successful manner. The Big Five Dimensions are the five general dimensions which are required to be taken into consideration as this will differentiate one person from the other and the Big Five Personality Traits include Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness along with Neuroticism.

Openness is the trait who are high in openness, imaginative and conservative in nature and this helps in possessing down to earth attitude. These kinds of individuals perform well which includes training and they are the ones who are capable of blooming in various kinds of situations which requires skills along with flexibility in the tasks which are being performed by them (Freud 2018). For example- When an employee enters into the job for a month, it can be difficult for the employee to adjust with the changes of the organization. However, this kind of openness attitude individuals can adjust to various situations without much difficulty as they are adjustable in nature.

Conscientiousness is described as trait wherein individuals are organized, punctual and systematic kind of person (Pennington 2018). For instance- These kinds of employees in the organizations try to achieve the organizational goals by performing the activities in an efficient manner and they are punctual in nature and they help in achieving the organizational capabilities effectively.

Extraversion is the trait which can be described as talkative, social and outgoing nature of the individuals working in the organization. For instance- These kinds of individuals often get into marketing job activities wherein they need to convince the customers as this helps them in managing grievances of the customers effectively.

Agreeableness is the other trait in which there is inclusion of cooperation, compassion among individuals while performing different activities (Wille and De Fruyt 2015). These individuals are optimistic and friendly in their attitude. For instance- When a new employee has been appointed in the organization, the other employees who are friendly and try to make the employee comfortable in the work environment.

Neuroticism is the trait in which this has been noticed that emotional stability is essential in nature which comprises of anxiousness, moodiness and irritability of the individuals (Freud 2018). For instance- When the employee in the organization is newly appointed, but he/she do not have any idea relating to the various kinds of approaches and the person is anxious in nature, this kind of personality is not up to the standard and this can affect the organizational effectiveness in a negative manner.


Therefore, this can be concluded that there are different kinds of personality theories of Freud and other personality related theories that can have huge impact on the organizational productivity. Furthermore, this has been learnt that there are various types of implications of the differences of personality for organizations as this affects the overall productivity of the organizations in both positive or negative manner.


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