ENVM7001 Foundations In Environmental Studies


Nowadays, the projects are being much complex and advanced than the previous projects as the room for service improvement are being filled through innovation and implementation of new services. Project management can play vital role in allowing the projects to be completed in an efficient and effective manner and delivering the necessary outcomes. The project management allows the project manager to accomplish the complex operational activities in far better and efficient manner through providing better and simple strategies to meet the objectives and goals. The selected project is to open new branch for flight catering company in an effective and efficient manner. The aim of this report is to propose a sophisticated and executable project plan for this project that can allow a pathway for the successful and efficient delivery of all the operational activities in proper managerial aspects. Following are the objectives for the proposed project:

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  • To estimate the timeline and budget for the development of new branch for fight catering company
  • To estimate the work breakdown structure and the critical path that can be followed for prior delivery of the project
  • To manage the managerial aspects for the operational activities of entire project
  • To successfully develop new branch for fight catering company that can fulfil the organization needs and requirements
  • To establish a mini rail system for transferring the food to the respective consumers

This report will be covering the project constraints and the pathway that can be followed for successful accomplishment of the entire operational activities in a smooth and efficient manner. Strictly following the mentioned approaches will allow the project manager to deliver the project in an efficient and effective manner.

Planning Narrative

The project plan will include the different phases considering initiation, planning, execution, and closure in manner to assure that the project delivery can be made in a way that it can fulfil the organizational needs and requirements. The project will have major activities and sub-activities those have been demonstrated in the following table with the duration, start, and finish dates:


Task Name

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Open a new branch of flight catering company

143 days

Thu 8/16/18

Mon 3/4/19


   Project Initiation

42 days

Thu 8/16/18

Fri 10/12/18


      Business plan development

12 days

Thu 8/16/18

Fri 8/31/18


      Project Fund

15 days

Mon 9/3/18

Fri 9/21/18


      Project Budget

12 days

Mon 9/3/18

Tue 9/18/18


      Services and Goods Contracts/procurements

10 days

Mon 9/24/18

Fri 10/5/18


      Project Scheduling

5 days

Mon 10/8/18

Fri 10/12/18


   Requirement Analysis

35 days

Mon 10/15/18

Fri 11/30/18


      Target Market Defining

7 days

Mon 10/15/18

Tue 10/23/18



6 days

Wed 10/24/18

Wed 10/31/18

         Sanitation Services

4 days

Wed 10/24/18

Mon 10/29/18


6 days

Wed 10/24/18

Wed 10/31/18


      Space management

15 days

Thu 11/1/18

Wed 11/21/18


      Staffing allocation

7 days

Thu 11/22/18

Fri 11/30/18


   Selection of Site

27 days

Mon 12/3/18

Tue 1/8/19


      Planning and Zoning

12 days

Mon 12/3/18

Tue 12/18/18



15 days

Wed 12/19/18

Tue 1/8/19


   Catering Design

37 days

Mon 12/3/18

Tue 1/22/19


      Employee Selection

5 days

Mon 12/3/18

Fri 12/7/18


      Catering venue Design

32 days

Mon 12/10/18

Tue 1/22/19

         Interior design

12 days

Mon 12/10/18

Tue 12/25/18

         Exterior design

12 days

Mon 12/10/18

Tue 12/25/18

         Build Out

15 days

Wed 12/26/18

Tue 1/15/19


20 days

Wed 12/26/18

Tue 1/22/19


15 days

Wed 12/26/18

Tue 1/15/19


20 days

Wed 12/26/18

Tue 1/22/19


7 days

Wed 12/26/18

Thu 1/3/19


   Communication and food travelling

23 days

Fri 1/4/19

Tue 2/5/19


      Mini rail system

12 days

Fri 1/4/19

Mon 1/21/19



6 days

Tue 1/22/19

Tue 1/29/19



7 days

Tue 1/22/19

Wed 1/30/19



5 days

Tue 1/22/19

Mon 1/28/19


      Display merchandise

4 days

Thu 1/31/19

Tue 2/5/19



12 days

Wed 2/6/19

Thu 2/21/19



12 days

Wed 2/6/19

Thu 2/21/19


   Grand Opening

7 days

Fri 2/22/19

Mon 3/4/19


      Guests Invitation

5 days

Fri 2/22/19

Thu 2/28/19



7 days

Fri 2/22/19

Mon 3/4/19



2 days

Fri 2/22/19

Mon 2/25/19



Figure 1: WBS

(Source: Created by Author)

Critical Path Network Diagram


Figure 2: Network Diagram

(Source: Created by Author Using MS project and WBS Pro)

Float period calculation:


Task Name

Early Start

Early Finish

Late Start

Late Finish

Total Slack


Open a new branch of flight catering company

Thu 8/16/18

Mon 3/4/19

Thu 8/16/18

Mon 3/4/19

0 days


   Project Initiation

Thu 8/16/18

Fri 10/12/18

Thu 8/16/18

Fri 10/12/18

0 days


      Business plan development

Thu 8/16/18

Fri 8/31/18

Thu 8/16/18

Fri 8/31/18

0 days


      Project Funding

Mon 9/3/18

Fri 9/21/18

Mon 9/3/18

Fri 9/21/18

0 days


      Project Budgeting

Mon 9/3/18

Tue 9/18/18

Thu 9/20/18

Fri 10/5/18

13 days


      Services and Goods Contracts/procurements

Mon 9/24/18

Fri 10/5/18

Mon 9/24/18

Fri 10/5/18

0 days


      Project Scheduling

Mon 10/8/18

Fri 10/12/18

Mon 10/8/18

Fri 10/12/18

0 days


   Requirement Analysis

Mon 10/15/18

Fri 11/30/18

Mon 10/15/18

Fri 11/30/18

0 days


      Target Market Definition

Mon 10/15/18

Tue 10/23/18

Mon 10/15/18

Tue 10/23/18

0 days



Wed 10/24/18

Wed 10/31/18

Wed 10/24/18

Wed 10/31/18

0 days

         Sanitation Services

Wed 10/24/18

Mon 10/29/18

Fri 10/26/18

Wed 10/31/18

2 days


Wed 10/24/18

Wed 10/31/18

Wed 10/24/18

Wed 10/31/18

0 days



Thu 11/1/18

Wed 11/21/18

Thu 11/1/18

Wed 11/21/18

0 days



Thu 11/22/18

Fri 11/30/18

Thu 11/22/18

Fri 11/30/18

0 days


   Selection of Site

Mon 12/3/18

Tue 1/8/19

Fri 1/25/19

Mon 3/4/19

39 days


      Planning and Zoning

Mon 12/3/18

Tue 12/18/18

Fri 1/25/19

Mon 2/11/19

39 days



Wed 12/19/18

Tue 1/8/19

Tue 2/12/19

Mon 3/4/19

39 days


   Catering Design

Mon 12/3/18

Tue 1/22/19

Mon 12/3/18

Mon 3/4/19

0 days


      Employee Selection

Mon 12/3/18

Fri 12/7/18

Mon 12/3/18

Fri 12/7/18

0 days


      Catering venue Design

Mon 12/10/18

Tue 1/22/19

Mon 12/10/18

Mon 3/4/19

0 days

         Interior design

Mon 12/10/18

Tue 12/25/18

Fri 1/25/19

Mon 2/11/19

34 days

         Exterior design

Mon 12/10/18

Tue 12/25/18

Mon 12/10/18

Tue 12/25/18

0 days

         Build Out

Wed 12/26/18

Tue 1/15/19

Tue 2/12/19

Mon 3/4/19

34 days


Wed 12/26/18

Tue 1/22/19

Wed 12/26/18

Mon 3/4/19

0 days


Wed 12/26/18

Tue 1/15/19

Tue 2/12/19

Mon 3/4/19

34 days


Wed 12/26/18

Tue 1/22/19

Tue 2/5/19

Mon 3/4/19

29 days


Wed 12/26/18

Thu 1/3/19

Wed 12/26/18

Thu 1/3/19

0 days


   Communication and food travelling

Fri 1/4/19

Tue 2/5/19

Fri 1/4/19

Mon 3/4/19

0 days


      Mini rail system

Fri 1/4/19

Mon 1/21/19

Fri 1/4/19

Mon 1/21/19

0 days



Tue 1/22/19

Tue 1/29/19

Mon 2/25/19

Mon 3/4/19

24 days



Tue 1/22/19

Wed 1/30/19

Tue 1/22/19

Wed 1/30/19

0 days



Tue 1/22/19

Mon 1/28/19

Tue 2/26/19

Mon 3/4/19

25 days


      Display merchandise

Thu 1/31/19

Tue 2/5/19

Thu 1/31/19

Tue 2/5/19

0 days



Wed 2/6/19

Thu 2/21/19

Wed 2/6/19

Thu 2/21/19

0 days



Wed 2/6/19

Thu 2/21/19

Wed 2/6/19

Thu 2/21/19

0 days


   Grand Opening

Fri 2/22/19

Mon 3/4/19

Fri 2/22/19

Mon 3/4/19

0 days


      Guests Invitation

Fri 2/22/19

Thu 2/28/19

Tue 2/26/19

Mon 3/4/19

2 days



Fri 2/22/19

Mon 3/4/19

Fri 2/22/19

Mon 3/4/19

0 days



Fri 2/22/19

Mon 2/25/19

Fri 3/1/19

Mon 3/4/19

5 days


Figure 3: Gantt Chart

(Source; Created by Author using MS Project)

Organization charts i)

Figure 4: Organizational structure I)

(Source: Created by Author)

Organization chart ii)


Figure 5: Organization structure II)

(Source: https://www.bonaireinternationalairport.com/organizational-chart)

Potential ‘cultures and’ and ‘methods of working’

Most of the engineering and manufacturing sites are feeling difficulties in instilling a culture of accountability and ownership in the employees. The potential culture change and smooth method of working can be implemented for the accomplishment of this purpose and leading the project constraints as per the planning. Healthy environment for the employees is always beneficial for the successful and efficient delivery of the project and thus, it is one of the crucial consideration that should be made for the management of the project operational activities (Kovack 2015). Implementing accountability cultures can be helpful in leveraging the external motivation techniques in manner to make sure that the employees’ accountability can be hold by the manager throughout the project lifecycle. In manner to motivate employees to be accountable, following are the considerable facts those should be considered while considering the better relationship between the organization and its employees:

Expectations can be perceived to be reasonable and accountable: through developing a better understanding of the employees about their underlying responsibilities and roles in the organization growth and development (Beglinger, Roberts and Zinkle 2014). It can be assured that the employed employees have the capability, capacity, and accessible guidance in manner to motivate them that they can contribute in the success rather than contributing in the failure.

Clear expectations of the organization from every employee: This fact emphasizes on empowering the employees with clarity related to their training needed, responsibilities, resources, and alignment between the organizational strategy and individual contribution for the organization.

For following poor performance, negative consequences can be anticipated: it should be assure that the employees have the better chance to succeed, the organization can take step to follow the negative consequences those are considerable for the organizational growth and development.

Anticipation of positive outcomes to follow performance: “Employers must differentiate treatment and development of top-tier employees, minimize negatively perceived ‘rewards’ (such as extra work), and ensure promotion and reward decisions are aligned with what they say they value (Kovack 2015).” Following the performance of the employees will be helpful in developing a pathway for them to follow the necessary way that can be utilized for developing a motivated relationship for allowing the better and enhanced operation accomplishment.

Ownership can be demonstrated as the individual decision, which cannot be developed or generated within an employee by the organization, forcefully. The ownership can be enhanced by the organization through the development of an ideal environment consisting of connections, empowerment, and work content. The individuals within the organization must feel that they are being cared within the organization and they have a special value around the entire organizational structure. The connections could be a fun for the employees and the organizations through encouraging collaborations and motivating the employees to make their contribution in the development and growth of the organization (Lampa 2013). It should be explained to the employees that the individual contribution plays the most crucial role in the entire development and growth of the organization and enhance the organizational overall performance. The second considerable approach would be the autonomy within the professional/personal and work products development opportunities that can be alternatively enhancing the trust among the employees towards the organization.

Budget of the Project


Task Name


Resource Names



Open a new branch of flight catering company

143 days




   Project Initiation

42 days




      Business plan development

12 days

Business analyst, Market Analyst, Project Manager, Resource Analyst



      Project Funding

15 days

Organization heads



      Project Budgeting

12 days

Civil engineer, Designer, Electrical engineer, Project Manager, Resource Manager



      Services and Goods Contracts/procurements

10 days

Business analyst, Market Analyst, Resource Analyst



      Project Scheduling

5 days

Civil engineer, Designer, Electrical engineer, Project Manager, Resource Manager



   Requirement Analysis

35 days




      Target Market Definition

7 days

Business analyst, Market Analyst, Project Manager, Resource Analyst, Resource Manager




6 days



         Sanitation Services

4 days

Human Labour, Miscellaneous materials[1], Supervisors



6 days

Human Labour, Miscellaneous materials[1], Supervisors




15 days

Business analyst, Civil engineer, Contractor, Designer, Electrical engineer, Human Labour, Market Analyst, Miscellaneous materials[1], Organization heads, Project Manager




7 days

Business analyst, Civil engineer, Contractor, Designer, Electrical engineer, Human Labour, Market Analyst, Miscellaneous materials[1], Organization heads, Project Manager



   Selection of Site

27 days




      Planning and Zoning

12 days

Market Analyst, Organization heads, Resource Analyst, Resource Manager, Supervisors




15 days

Contractor, Organization heads, Project Manager, Resource Manager



   Catering Design

37 days




      Employee Selection

5 days

Civil engineer, Electrical engineer, Project Manager, Resource Manager, Supervisors



      Catering venue Design

32 days



         Interior design

12 days

Civil engineer, Designer, Electrical engineer, Miscellaneous materials[1], Resource Manager


         Exterior design

12 days

Civil engineer, Designer, Electrical engineer, Miscellaneous materials[1], Resource Manager


         Build Out

15 days

Civil engineer, Resource Manager, Designer, Miscellaneous materials[1], Electrical engineer,



20 days




15 days

Electrical engineer, Civil engineer, Designer, Resource Manager, Miscellaneous materials[1]



20 days

Electrical engineer, Civil engineer, Designer, Resource Manager, Miscellaneous materials[1]



7 days

Electrical engineer, Civil engineer, Designer, Resource Manager, Miscellaneous materials[1],



   Communication and food travelling

23 days




      Mini rail system

12 days

Civil engineer, Contractor, Electrical engineer, Human Labour, Project Manager, Resource Manager, Supervisors, Miscellaneous materials[1]




6 days

Electrical engineer, Civil engineer, Resource Manager, Contractor, Human Labour, Miscellaneous materials[1], Project Manager, Supervisors




7 days

Market Analyst, Business analyst, Project Manager, Organization heads,




5 days

Market Analyst, Business analyst, Project Manager, Organization heads,



      Display merchandise

4 days

Market Analyst, Business analyst, Project Manager, Organization heads,




12 days





12 days

Business analyst, Market Analyst, Organization heads, Project Manager



   Grand Opening

7 days




      Guests Invitation

5 days

Miscellaneous materials[1], Organization heads, Project Manager




7 days

Miscellaneous materials[1], Organization heads, Project Manager




2 days

Miscellaneous materials[1], Organization heads, Project Manager, Human Labour, Resource Manager



The above report concludes that the development of the new branch opening for flight catering system can be delivered in effective manner through following the developed project plan in manner to accomplish the project goals and objective. The above report demonstrates the constraints of the project including timeline, budget andd smooth flow of the operational activities within the work environment of the organization. A Gantt chart has been presented in the above report for the graphical representation of the activities and the timeline vital for the development of the entire project. Critical activities have been presented with the highlighted sections and highlighted arrows that can allow the project manager to follow and deliver them strictly without altering the ultimate project constraints. The managerial steps and aspects proposed in the above report can be followed for the successful development of a new branch for the flight catering services. Other than the above management plan, risk management is a considerable factor that should be considered while delivering the project and the impact of the risks must be minimized in manner to manage the efficiency and effectiveness of the project. The ultimate goal of this project was to meet the organizational requirements and needs in developing the new branch considering their consumers whose requirements will be fulfilled through this project.


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