CPCCBC5003A Supervise The Planning Of On-Site Medium Rise Building Or Construction Work
Question 1
- Measured material quantities
The trades selected for this task are ceramic floor tiling and carpeting of level 2 of the building. For the ceramic floor tiling, the task selected is fixing the ceramic tiles on the floor whereas the selected task for carpeting is fixing the carpet directly on the floor.
Task 1: Ceramic floor tiling
The ceramic tiles are fixed on the floor of the following rooms/elements on level 2 of the building: bed 1, bed 3 and courtyard. The measurements of the floor area on which the ceramic tiles are to be fixed have been obtained from the level 2 floor plan in the drawings provided for the proposed commercial and residential development. The plan clearly shows the dimensions of areas where the ceramic tiles are to be fixed. Taking the measurements involved measuring the length and width of the floor areas ad multiplying the two to determine area of the floor to be covered with the ceramic tiles. The measured material quantities for the fixing of ceramic tiles on the specific unit/areas of level 2 floor is provided in Table 1 below
Table 1: Measured material quantities for ceramic floor tile fixing
Ceramic floor tiling |
Ceramic floor area for bed 1 |
53 m2 |
2.215 |
1.845 |
4.09 |
3.33 |
1.85 |
6.16 |
2.96 |
3.33 |
9.86 |
4.07 |
2.31 |
9.40 |
0.74 |
1.85 |
1.37 |
3.235 |
2.31 |
7.47 |
1.85 |
3.235 |
5.98 |
3.235 |
1.85 |
5.98 |
1.385 |
1.85 |
2.56 |
52.87 |
Ceramic floor area for bed 3 |
9 m2 |
1.94 |
2.22 |
4.31 |
1.94 |
2.22 |
4.31 |
8.62 |
Ceramic floor area for courtyard |
88 m2 |
5.55 |
2.05 |
11.38 |
4.35 |
1.412 |
6.14 |
5.91 |
1.954 |
11.55 |
11.68 |
2.50 |
29.20 |
5.91 |
1.954 |
11.55 |
6.40 |
1.412 |
9.04 |
4.137 |
2.10 |
8.69 |
87.55 |
The summary of measured quantities for ceramic tile fixing is provided in Table 2 below
Table 2: Summary of measured material quantities for ceramic floor tiling
No. |
Item |
Unit |
Quantity |
Rate (AU$) |
Amount (AU$) |
1 |
Bed 1 |
M2 |
53 |
40 |
2,120 |
2 |
Bed 3 |
M2 |
9 |
40 |
360 |
3 |
Courtyard |
M2 |
88 |
40 |
3,520 |
Total |
M2 |
150 |
40 |
6,000 |
Task 2: Carpet fixing
The carpet is fixed directly on the floor of the following areas/rooms on level 2 of the building: bed 1, bed 2 and bed 3. The measurements of the floor area on which the carpet is to be fixed have been obtained from the level 2 floor plan in the drawings provided for the proposed commercial and residential development. The plan clearly shows the dimensions of areas where the carpet is to be fixed. Taking the measurements involved measuring the length and width of the floor areas where the carpet will be fixed and multiplying the two to determine area of the floor to be covered with the carpets. The measured material quantities for the fixing of carpet on the specific unit/areas of level 2 floor is provided in Table 3 below
Table 3: Measured material quantities for carpet fixing
Carpet fixing |
Carpet floor area for bed 1 |
76 m2 |
3.975 |
3.42 |
13.59 |
1.385 |
1.385 |
1.92 |
3.515 |
3.42 |
12.02 |
0.83 |
1.015 |
0.84 |
3.145 |
3.145 |
9.89 |
3.145 |
3.145 |
9.89 |
3.42 |
3.515 |
12.02 |
0.645 |
1.11 |
0.72 |
3.885 |
3.515 |
13.66 |
1.385 |
1.385 |
1.92 |
76.47 |
Carpet floor area for bed 2 |
20 m2 |
3.05 |
3.235 |
9.87 |
3.145 |
3.235 |
10.17 |
20.04 |
Carpet floor area for bed 3 |
20 m2 |
3.235 |
3.05 |
9.87 |
3.235 |
3.235 |
10.47 |
20.34 |
The summary of measured quantities for carpet fixing is provided in Table 4 below
Table 4: Summary of measured material quantities for carpet fixing
No. |
Description |
Unit |
Quantity |
Rate (AU$) |
Amount (AU$) |
1 |
Bed 1 |
M2 |
76 |
50 |
3800 |
2 |
Bed 2 |
M2 |
20 |
50 |
1,000 |
3 |
Bed 3 |
M2 |
20 |
50 |
1000 |
Total |
M2 |
116 |
50 |
5,800 |
- Productivity constants
The productivity or labour constants used in this assignment are obtained from Rawlinson Australian Construction Handbook. The productivity constants for the two tasks selected are provided in Table 5 below
Table 5: Productivity constants
Task/Activity |
Productivity constant |
Ceramic floor tiling |
1.00 tradesman hours per m2 |
Direct carpet laying |
0.15 tradesman hours per m2 |
- Tradesman hours worked
The tradesman hours worked are calculated from the measured material quantities and the productivity constant for each task. These calculations are as follows:
Task 1: Ceramic floor tiling
The total measured materials quantities for ceramic floor tiling is 150 m2 while the productivity constant for ceramic floor tiling is 1.00 tradesman hours per m2. Therefore the total tradesman hours worked to fix 150 m2 of ceramic floor tiles is:
1 m2 = 1.00 tradesman hours
150 m2 =
Task 2: Carpet fixing
The total measured materials quantities for carpet fixing is 116 m2 while the productivity constant for direct carpet fixing is 0.15 tradesman hours per m2. Therefore the total tradesman hours worked to fix 116 m2 of carpet is:
1 m2 = 0.15 tradesman hours
116 m2 =
- Suitable gang size
The suitable gang size for each task is based on the number of tradesman hours worked. Besides the tradesmen, each task will also require labourers. The suitable gang size for the two tasks is determined as follows:
Task 1: Ceramic floor tiling
In this scenario, the productivity rate of a tiler is 1m2/hour. The total floor area to be tiled on floor level 2 is 150 m2. Therefore the total number of tradesman hours needed to complete the ceramic floor tiling task has been determined to be 150 hours. The actual working hours per day is 8 hours. From the project schedule provided in assignment 1, the duration allocated for ceramic tiler to level 2 is 8 days. Let the fixing of the tile on level 2 be done in 5 days with the other days set aside for preparations and finishing of related works. Thus the approximate number of persons needed to do the ceramic floor tiling task is calculated as follows:
Total number of hours = 5 days x 8 hours per day = 40 hours
Therefore 4 tilers and 2 labourers is a suitable gang size for the ceramic floor tiling task selected in this assignment.
Task 2: Carpet fixing
The productivity rate of a carpet tradesman is 0.15 hours/m2. The total floor area to be covered with carpet on floor level 2 is 116 m2. The the total number of tradesman hours needed to complete the carpet fixing task had been determined to be 18 hours. The actual working hours per day is 8 hours. From the project schedule provided in assignment 1, the duration allocated for carpet to level 2 is 8 days. Let the fixing of the carpet be done in 2 days with the other six days set aside for preparations and finishing of related works. Thus the approximate number of persons needed to do the carpet fixing task is calculated as follows:
Total number of hours = 2 days x 8 hours per day = 16 hours
Therefore 1 carpet tradesman/fixer and 2 labourers is a suitable gang size for the carpet fixing task selected in this assignment.
- Time needed
Task 1: Ceramic floor tiling
The suitable gang size for this task is 4 tilers and 2 labourers. The productivity rate of a tiler is 1m2/hour. This means that in one hour, the 4 tilers will have completed 4m2. The total floor area to be tiled on level 2 is 150 m2. Hence the total time needed to complete the task is:
Which is 4 days and 5.5 hours.
Task 2: Carpet fixing
The suitable gang size for this task is 1 carpet tradesman/fixer and 2 labourers. The productivity rate of a carpet fixer is 0.15 hours/m2 or 6.667m2/hour. This means that in one hour, the 1 carpet fixer will have completed 6.6667 m2. The total floor area to be fixed with carpet on level 2 is 116 m2. Hence the total time needed to complete the task is:
Which is 2 days and 1.527 hours.
- Verification of sequence and duration
Task 1: Ceramic floor tiling
The predecessor tasks to this activity are ceramic tiler to level 1, carpenter fitout to level 2, and waterproofing to level 2, and 5 days allowed before the ceramic tiles can be fixed. These preceding activities are essential in preparing level 2 floor for ceramic tiling and also ensuring that level 1 floor has been done before proceeding to level 2 floor. The 5 days are allowed to ensure that the waterproofing material on level 2 floor has dried properly. The duration allowed for ceramic tiler to level 2 is 8 days, which is enough to fix tiles of area 150 m2. Therefore the sequence and duration provided for the ceramic floor tiling on level 2 are sufficient to ensure successful completion of the task hence no need to make any changes.
Task 2: Carpet fixing
The predecessor tasks to this activity are carpet to level 1 and painter to level 2. These preceding activities are useful in preparation for the carpet fixing task. It is important to complete fixing the carpet on level 1 floor before proceeding to level 2 floor. It is also important to finish painting level 2 rooms before fixing the carpet so as to avoid staining the carpet with paint. The duration allowed for carpet to level 2 is 8 days. This duration is enough to fix the carpet of area 116 m2. However, a change is necessary to the provided sequence. The paint usually requires at least one day to dry out before continuing with other activities. It is therefore necessary to allow one day after painter to level 2 before starting to fix the carpet on level 2. Therefore the sequence of the predecessors of carpet fixing on level 2 should be as follows: carpet to level 1, painter to level 2 + 1 day.
Question 2
Waterproofing is very essential in this kind of development because it makes the building resistant to water penetration. In the program provided, waterproofing for basement 2 and basement 1 has not been included in the program. This is a major risk to the entire building because basements contribute significantly to the strength and overall structural integrity of storey buildings. Failure to provide waterproofing for the basements creates loopholes for water to find its way up the building, thus exposing it to failure risks such as structural damages. Therefore it is necessary to make changes to the program and include waterproofing to basement 1 and 2 so as to protect the basements from unnecessary water penetration that may affect the structural soundness of the entire building. The program provided has also not included any soundproofing installation on the building. Acoustic performance is very important in modern buildings and therefore the program should be changed to include installation of acoustic elements so as to limit sound transfer in the building.
The program is majorly linear, which outs it at a higher risk of delayed completion if any of the preceding activities is not completed as planned. This kind of program requires proper planning and analysis of potential risks so as to mitigate against delays that may be caused by unprecedented factors. It is therefore necessary to make the program less linear by starting some tasks before completion of preceding activities. For example, instead of completing painting the entire level before starting ceramic tiling, the tiles can start being installed in individual rooms once painting in these rooms has been completed.
The program provided also shows that concrete on level 5 will be done even before the start of concrete on basement 1, level 1, level 2, level 3 and level 4. It is not clear how this will be done hence the best way of preventing looming challenges associated with this kind of schedule is to change the program so that concrete on level 5 is done after concrete on basement 1, level 1, level 2, level 3 and level 4 respectively.
The program provided also does not show any milestones that the project team is planning to achieve within specific timeframes. Milestones are very important in project scheduling because they divide the project into phases, which make the project more manageable, help identify critical path and important dates of the project, and identify potential challenges to the project. The milestones help project teams to track their progress, and determine the efficiency and effectiveness of their planning tools. Thus it is important to make changes to the program and include milestones.
Question 3
Generally, the program provided in optimistic. This is due to several elements of the program. First is the linearity of the program. The schedule of the project is majorly linear meaning that an activity can only be started if its predecessors have been completed successfully. The person who created this program is hopeful that all activities will be completed as scheduled, which is not realistic for any construction project because of the numerous delay challenges that are common in the construction industry. If any of the activities is delayed, the entire project will be at risk of late completion and its associated cost implications. The program can be made more realistic by ensuring that more activities are performed concurrently thus making the project less time-dependent. In other words, the program is optimistic because it has ignored the realities in the construction industry such as delays caused by unprecedented weather conditions or political unrest.
The program provided is optimistic because it has not indicated any milestones. This is probably because it is assumed that all persons who will be involved in the project have adequate technical knowledge and are experienced in this kind of projects. This cannot be true because implementation of construction projects involve stakeholders from different professions and with varied levels of knowledge. Some of these stakeholders may not have any technical knowledge about the project and therefore one of the things that can motivate them is milestones. Achieving a milestone motivates many stakeholders involved in a construction project because the reality is that construction projects are susceptible to a wide range of challenges. The program can be made more realistic by including milestones to motivate stakeholders and also help them track the progress of the project more easily.
Another reason why this program is optimistic is that there is no any other alternative path that has been provided for any task. This basically means that the person who created the program is hopeful that by following the program, the project will be completed successfully i.e. all objectives shall be achieved including completing the project within stipulated time and budget. In reality, there are numerous challenges that affect implementation of construction projects and one of the most effective approaches of overcoming such challenges is adopting alternative programs in case the original work in not being effective or practical.
The program is also rigid and has no room for improvement once the implementation starts. Construction project programs should always be flexible to allow introduction and integration of new products, processes, systems or services discovered. For instance, the program should be flexible enough for integration of new technologies that will improve project delivery.
Question 4
No, this schedule should not accepted nor provided to the client or architect as it is for the following reasons:
First, the program is principally linear hence it does not promote concurrent execution of activities. It means that an activity along the chain can only be started after successful completion of preceding activities. This is a major disadvantage to the program because any delay to completion of any activity will mean late completion of the project and probably budget overrun. This makes the client bear higher risks in case any of the activities is not completed as planned. The client will also incur losses because resources, including materials, equipment and labour, will not be utilized to the maximum.
Second, the program has ignored some of the common risks that affect this kind of projects. It is obvious that some challenges such as poor weather conditions cannot not be avoided and they will automatically affect the project. Failure to consider such factors when preparing a program makes it unrealistic. It also means that in case of any risks, the client will be exposed to more losses.
Third, the program is very inflexible because it has not created any space for creativity, innovation and improvement. Most efficient and effective programs should be flexible to capitalize on available and upcoming technological advances in the construction industry. However, this program has been created with no allowance for integrating any improvements. This rigidity locks out creativity and innovation that could have helped in reducing the time and cost of competing the project thus saving the client money. Therefore the program as it is denies the client the opportunity to use creativity and innovation to reduce the cost and time of completing the project.
Fourth, the program has not provided any alternative in case it does not turn out to be as effective and efficient as expected. It is normal to experience challenges when executing a construction project and the best action to take when the first option is not working is to go for its alternative. Unfortunately, the program has no schedule. This means that in case the program does not achieve its objectives, the client will have to spend a lot of time and money in preparing a new program. However, it would be easier and less costly to adopt an alternative program. Therefore this program should not be accepted because it does not provide any alternative and therefore makes the client carry the biggest risk in case it does not help achieve the objectives of the project once the implementation starts.
Last but not least, duration allocated for some tasks is longer than needed. This has unnecessarily increased the total time needed to complete the project. For example, allocating 8 days to fix a carpet directly on a typical floor area of 116.85m2 is too much time. Therefore duration for each task has to be recalculated and a new program prepared before providing it to the client or architect.
Question 5
- Impacts of working overtime each day
Task 1: Ceramic floor tiling
Assuming that the productivity constant for ceramic floor tiling remains the same, working overtime each day will definitely reduce the time needed and cost incurred to complete this task. Let the working hours per day be increased from 8 hours to 12 hours and the gang size doing this job remain 4 tilers and 2 labourers. The productivity rate of a ceramic floor tiler remains 1m2/hour hence in one hour, the 4 tilers will have completed 4m2 of the floor. In 12 hours (i.e. 1 day), the tilers will have completed 12 x 4m2 = 48m2 of the floor. Hence the time needed to complete 150m2:
48m2 = 1 day
150m2 = ; Which is 3 days and 1.5 hours.
If a tiler is paid AU$28 per hour and a labourer is paid AU$19 per hour, the total labour cost for this task would be:
= (4 x AU$28 x 37.5) + (2 x AU$19 x 37.5) = AU$4,200 + AU$1,425 = AU$5,625
Therefore working overtime each day will reduce the duration of completing this task from 5 days to 3 days but the labour cost would remain the same because the total number of hours needed to complete the job remains the same. Nevertheless, there will be reduced plant/equipment cost because they will be leased for three days instead of 5 days.
Task 2: Carpet fixing
The working hours per day are increased from 8 to 12, the gang size remains 1 carpet fixer and 2 labourers and the productivity constant remains 0.15 hours/m2 or 6.667m2/hour. In 1 day (12 hours), the carpet fixer will have completed 12 x 6.667m2 = 80m2 of the floor. Thus the time needed to complete 116m2 is:
80m2 = 1 day
116m2 = ; Which is 1 day and 5.4 hours.
If a carpet fixer is paid AU$25 per hour and a labourer is paid AU$19 per hour, the total labour cost for this task would be:
= (1 x AU$25 x 17.4) + (2 x AU$19 x 17.4) = AU$435 + AU$661.2 = AU$1,096.20
This means that working overtime each day will reduce the duration of completing this task from 2 days to 1 day even though labour cost will remain the same since the total number of gang size and total number of hours needed to complete the job remain the same and the hourly pay for the tradesman and labourers remain the same. However, working overtime will save the client the cost of leasing plant and equipment because they will only be leased for 1 day instead of 2 days.
- Impacts of working 6 days per week
From the calculations in question 1 part e and question 5 part 1, none of the tasks will take more than one week to complete. When working for 8 and 12 hours a day, ceramic floor tiling task will be completed in 5 and 3 days respectively. On the other hand, when working for 8 and 12 hours a day, carpet fixing task will be completed in 2 and 1 day respectively. But if the tasks have to be completed in 6 days a week, it means that the labour cost and plant/equipment cost will increase. However, working 6 days a week will reduce the total number of weeks that will be needed to complete those tasks with a duration of more than one week. As a result, the plant/equipment cost will reduce but the labour cost will remain the same as long as the tradesmen and labourers are paid on hourly basis.
- Ways of compressing project schedule
Besides working overtime each day and working 6 days instead of 5 days a week, other ways to compress the project schedule include the following:
Fast tracking: this technique is where activities along the critical path are performed concurrently or in parallel) rather than linearly or in series. This can only be done if there is no mandatory dependency between the activities. For example, in the provided project program, masonry on basement 2 can be done concurrently with concrete on level 1. This technique also helps in maximizing utilization of workers and plant/equipment.
Crashing: this technique involves trade-off between schedule and cost of the project. This basically means getting additional resources to complete the remaining activities. It can mean employing more workers or leasing additional plant/equipment. However, this technique comes at an extra cost because the additional resources added come at a cost.
Reallocation of resources: this is the technique where resources are moved to critical activities from non-critical activities so as to reduce the critical path, which determines the total time taken to complete the project. When using this technique, the scheduling logic remains the same and no additional resources are needed. This technique basically ensures that available resources are utilized more effectively.
Optimizing lead-lag times: this technique involves use of the following four possible arrangements of starting and completing activities: finish-start (F-S), start-start (S-S), finish-finish (F-F) and start-finish (S-F). The default arrangement is F-S and those activities that are along the critical path can remain in this arrangement but any other activity can be completed in the other three arrangements.
Other possible ways of compressing project schedule include: using extra work shifts, motivating workers so that they can increase productivity, using set-up and more specialized crew, avoiding errors and delays, avoiding interruptions, and ensuring in-time delivery of resources, among others.
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