Strategic Planning For South Western Sydney Local Health District: Meeting The Challenge Of Future Healthcare Demands
Planning for Future Healthcare Needs
As it will always be wisely said that failing to plan is equal to planning to fail and matters health care to any given society or population is very core to its very existence. In our area of coverage for study, that is South Western part of Sydney an area that is dominated by the Aborigine people, a population that is growing at a very fast rate and at same time aging fast, there needs to be an appropriate health care system that will handle this population’s health concerns (Breuer et al. 2016).
An early management plan ought to be worked out to carter this for the needs of both in the present terms and in the future. Owing to the fact that the healthcare attention for this particular population spans from mental to chronic ailments there needs to be developed plans that are tailored to meet these needs.
With an annual growth rate of 18000 for every three years, it has projected that population in the ten years will translate to over one million. In the projection, it is anticipated that there will be a rapid growth in the population of folks under the older age group and this is anticipated that it will place a skewed demand on the healthcare service needs with half of these in this growth being folks falling in the age of 70 and above. The resultant effect of a higher demand for health care services will be occasioned by an influx in population, an increase in the survival rate from previous killer ailments and prolonged aging .
The South Western Local Health District is encompassed with people of diverse background both Socially and economically that do portray deprivation levels and deprivation is closely related to greater needs for health and at the same time displaying results that are below par on matters health and this would subsequently impart in escalated demand for health-related attention. Across the whole region of the SWSLHD, there is a notable variance in issues touching health where the regular death rate if compared to that of the state is more.
The populace of the SWSLHD is closely associated with high rates of tendencies to poor health rankings and low aspects of caring health. In comparison to the health ranking with NSW, the state of health ion the SWS poorer and the government has identified parts that need attention and action in the order of priority. They are asthma, stroke, fallings, high levels of BMI that require hospitalizations, deaths that are resultant from lung cancer and diabetes and cardiovascular.
Strategic Planning, Business Planning, and Health Service Planning
It has been shown that poor state of health will bear a brunt on the demand for health care services. The most important challenge to handle for the SWSLHD here is to come up with the best health care arrangement that will cater for needs of the increasing population’s demand, that will be open, appropriate, and apt. This should be incorporated with the right structures and modeling that enhances better provision for health care services coupled with modernized ways of providing treatments and preventive measures.
This is very possible if strategy adopted would be that of incorporating members of the concerned community, their leaders, the clinical expertise, their staff, the youth and all stakeholders that they come up with designed models of handling the health matters in the society. The purpose of this plan is to make sure that systems’ foundational values are open, are respected, are collaborating and at the same time empowered and they do gel with future systems and the 2021 vision of South Western Sydney LHD attaining ‘’Leading care healthier communities’’ is realized (Nickerson, Adams, Attaran, Hatcher-Roberts, & Tugwell, 2014).
For the vision of ‘’Leading care’’ to be realized it will require a concerted effort from all fronts that will put their efforts on training, safety, quality upgrade literacy, on the job training, and at the same time research so as to instill the excellent practices in the health sector. Communities can be regarded as healthy if the community itself and the concerned patients are the focal points of the provision of the health services. The provision of this care should one that covers all aspects of the communities i.e. socially and culturally by getting acquainted with ways of promptly converting researches into medical practice. The bigger picture captured by the paper is to identify all spheres that need to be encompassed for the success in the strategic planning.
The vision of the Southwest of Sydney Local Health District as it’s been shown involves fundamental values that are being innovative and at the same time collaborating and all this will demand for concerted efforts of teaming up together and partnering with all disciplines related to health care and at same time also with persons at the individual levels and the at community level. In this teamwork, all agents concerned with health matters should also be brought on board (Chen, Hui, Lang, & Tao, 2016).
The sole purpose of partnering and teaming up with the community is to get acquainted with their basic requirements and also to know what are their values. The goal for this is to make provision of unhindered health care that is at the same time incorporated with plans for the future. Being Innovative will demand a habit of seeking and venturing into provision new modes of doing service with the full knowledge and understanding of available opportunities for transformation in the future (Tessema, et al. 2017) The role of the District is by assessing the systems, boost health care based researches through the provision of incentives to spur more innovative initiatives.
Developing Planning Competencies
The most important aspect of the vision and task will be strengthened by centering their efforts on equality. The focus should be driving their efforts towards reaching them in the society that is deprived, enabling the ailing to have the ease to access to health care services and at the same time give assurance of doctor-patience confidentiality with an enhanced free flow of information (Wariki, et al. 2015)
The planning approach assumed is built on the one that was established by the previous administrations and the foundation is that these existing plans are still relevant and from the is just to expand and better them for better provision of health care services in the future.
Lots of hope has been pegged on the vision displayed by the District health care provider through its strategic plans for the future and the yearning for many is that these plans are realized to make it a leader in the provision of healthcare services both at the local level and at the national level.
Policy Planning Framework
Demography is one of the most vital components for consideration for all policymakers when drafting plans to bring about development in any given economy. The understanding of the given population, its progression, spread, and its configuration is of very great importance to the policymakers. With the full knowledge of the population, the development plans will be tailored to accommodate the dynamics of the population. In the classical planning for development, elements touching on the population were thought not to be pivotal in development plans.
Most of these elements were viewed as being peripheral when it came to matters development planning but with the broadening base of the of matters development, there arises the need to incorporate matters touching on the population so as to make definite projections (Slowey, et al. 2016) This is very vital for the policymakers because armed with the configurations of the population the can come up with projections on the growth or decline in per capita income. With the configuration of the population, its become easy to predict the availability of labor from the population in the future.
The demand for social amenities such as schools and hospitals can be determined from the projections of the population. In the past, it had assumed that there is was no link between elements touching population, a notion that needs to be discarded because in last twenty years it has been established through studies that there is indeed a slowing- impact on developments
Performing Needs Analysis
Determinants of health
These are the elements in the environment, in the economy, in the society and also individual that affects the state of health.
They fall under different groupings:
- Policymaking
- Biology and genetics
- Individual behavior
- Social factors
- Health factors
Policies formulated have always had an impact on the health of the individuals and the population at large for instance policies formulated increase taxes on products laced with tobacco would improve the health of the population by discouraging use of tobacco items (Digitale, Psaki, Soler-Hampejsek, & Mensch, 2017).
Biology and Genetics
These are factors that can be biased between populations, as in, these are factors that can be marked out with one set population while another population isn’t affected. For instance, older folks are susceptible to ailments than those in the teenage age group. Sickle cell ailment that is genetic that hereditary and study indicates that is commonly associated with people from West African nations, Mediterranean, South and Central American nations, Caribbean islands and Saudi Arabia. Examples of biological and genetic social determinants are Sex, Age, Hereditary conditions such as sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis and hemophilia, HIV status, History of a family on heart ailments (Lund, Tomlinson, & Patel, 2016).
Individual Behavior
The way an individual conduct himself or herself can be impactful to health, for instance, should someone gave to smoking decide to stop smoking his or her risk of heart complications will have been reduced. Examples to this would be: Physical activity, diet watch, and hygiene (Daff, Seck, Belkhayat, & Sutton, 2014)
Social Factors
These are elements that touch on the environment where people are brought up, living, playing, working and also age. Examples of these would be safe in the public and resource availability.
Health Factors
The availability and accessibility of health amenities have a great effect on health. The absence of health amenities has a detrimental effect on the health of individuals. For instance, medically insured folks are bound to participate in precautionary care while those without are likely to defer seeking medical attention.
The burden of Disease Data for the selected population
This is the assessment done on the state of the population’s health by looking at the rate of deaths for instance deaths such as mortality rate in children. Diseases are experienced regularly from the perspective of global disease burden by the region. Some region tends to have more diseases affecting their areas compared to other regions of the globe. Asia has been the part of the globe leading on the disease data as most of its population are affected by diseases.
Preparing Comprehensive Planning Documents
The burden of disease data can also be looked at the perspective of age. The age can be seen as a factor that affects the composition of data affecting the global population. In recent years there has been declined in the health burden of infant below the age of five years (Kaye & Dhar, 2016). The burden of disease data can be seen from a perspective of disease by cause. Diseases can be grouped into different categories namely: injuries, neonatal, nutritional diseases, communicable and maternal. The burden of disease data can also be seen from a perspective of income. Some scholars argue out that an individual income is directly proportional to his or her income. The data collected shows that areas with low per capita income tend to contract more diseases.
Relevance Mobility and mortality data
The death and birth records are usually essential to the government and health stakeholders because it can be used as a parameter to show the health of a nation Morbidity data also show the disease that is affecting the population that leads to the death of that population.
In conclusion, the strategy to be adopted by the SWSLHD is becoming a leader in providing health services to the entire population. The nation should ensure that it takes all demographic elements into consideration for it to be able to accommodate the future needs of the population.
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