Problem Solving And Decision Making Case Study: Safaricom

Case Study Description

 Many firms and companies are involved in a complex managerial process and discrete decision making in the benefits of their operations and development in the market. In all the activity involved selection, evaluation, implementation, and hiring of staff, management has the sole task and responsibility to ensure that the policies of the company are upheld, and the organizational goals and visions together with the objectives achieved in a business context. Regardless, the market changes and the supply fluctuation, managers are responsible for their employees and their wellbeing. When a problem arises from a result or process, there has to have a system of collection of data, evaluation of alternatives and recommendations to avoid future errors and uncertainties.

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The principal evaluation and the cortical monitoring of the managerial process will determine how the organization will proceed. In this example case description of a Kenyan firm called Safaricom which is a service provider headed by a CEO.  This firm is currently expanding its operations to other foreign countries in Africa like Congo, South Africa, and Nigeria. The managerial style that Safaricom embraces transparency in recruitment processes through online selection. The managers and the CEO have come up with strategic formulas that can be used to promote their products and services. In connection to the critical thinking in the aspect of having many and vast demographics location has been an issue and risk to the organization.

Research shows that the data on locality is relatively a flaw that has cost the firm millions of losses in the establishment of new areas to spread their services in new markets. The lack o diversity in the educating and ethnicity has created tension and uncertainties that question the managerial process of Safaricom. Ethnicity has generated a lot of biases in the leadership of the firm. The corruptible system of administrative leadership has significantly affected the operations in foreign countries. Lack of commitment and evaluation of decisions made by branch an regional managers has resulted to loss of direction on the common goal. Not so many Kenyan companies in the communication industry are competitive enough like Safaricom, but because of poor decision making and lack of expert knowledge, it has put Safaricom to lose subscribers both nationally and internationally.

The rigidity that Safaricom has in allowing flexibility in free thinking and creativity, it is even that is bound by rules and policies that are updated. In this case study, the problems that Safaricom has as a competitive player in the communication market will create managerial issues, poor evaluation of situations and risk assessment will compromise since there was no critical thinking into the set plans and goals. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis is a reasonable approach to tackle this kind of issues that Safaricom. Theory approach on decision making of Bayes decision theory that makes use of probability and cost is an option that Safaricom can use to make concrete final solutions to problems faced.

Case Study Analysis

The first step is identifying the problem. In this process, the managers have to determine if there is a problem that may put the operations and the means at risk. In knowing that the problem exists will allow the managerial have a critical meeting that they develop strategic plans after lengthy deliberations.

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The second step in critical thinking is the analysis of the problem. In the case of Safaricom in the above case study, the question of increasing international localities in different demographics and ethic and biases in management has to assess. For the CEO to choose a committee or a team to create solutions and preventive measures, then there must be a collection of data, assessment of employee performance, the monitoring of production, manufacturing and all operations to determine the root cause and the depth of the issue.

The third step of critical thinking in making the right decisions is formulating possible solutions and alternative. According to the formulation of solutions and decision making, managers are

The following are the problems faced by Safaricom and the important recommendation in solving them

Poor allocation international and regional branches are rampant.

Inadequately trained personnel to work in different ethnic diversity.

Poor communication system from the managerial body seen.

Biases in leadership and promotions in the company are high.

The above problems have the solutions that would assist the managers in addressing the corporate issues. The decision making of managers has to be sharpening through revision programs and seminars. In this way, the managerial position in all branches will have the knowledge to tackle any form of risk or issues arising. There should be strategic planning before creating more offices. There must be a cost evaluation and risk assessment to be done to ensure the firm is stable enough to engage in multiple networking.

Kim, K.H. and Hwang, E.H., (2016) stated that communication system has to improve from the lowest to the high level in the company. This system will increase flexibility and employees will learn and listens to the managers to move forward. Transparency has to be in leadership in order employees to follow you. If employees see you as corrupt and a person does not respect the company’s policies, processes and norms then respect will be withdrawn. All vacant position is equal to all participants according to your creditably. There should be a task force to investigate corrupt agents and managers to maintain a free competitive environment.

Critical Thinking Steps in Problem-Solving

Using the system of techniques, practices, and procedures is advisable. These apply in frameworks, processes, and theme of the projects and operation. Agile is the standard methodology that the collaborative and their customers and their functional teams can analyze through the process. Using agile can be used if a team did not do the project hence increases flexibility. It helps to deliver complex projects, therefore, having a good adaptively. Fundamental principles are simplicity and customer satisfaction in software delivery.  The Byes Decision-making theory is the best way forward in analyzing the Safaricom case study

Decision making is the selection of two or more alternative s to a solution. The course of actions that manger stake is the most effective one with efficient means to achieve goals and objectives. Some of the features of managerial decision making include;

Decision making is a goal-oriented move. When management makes a decision that contributes to the attainment of goals and objectives, there is the focus in development and operations in the company. There is less waste of time when you know what you are supposed to do.

Decision making is pervasive. Here three dimensions guide this aspect. Firstly, all managers take final decisions within the limits of their authority. Secondly, decisions making done in functional areas of management like departments. Lastly, decisions making is inherent in functions of management like planning, organizing, and staffing.

The third concept on decision making is this is an intellectual exercise.  Managers have to be creative and imaginative.  In developing best objectives and alternatives to attain their organizational goals, managers have to be intelligent.

Decision making is a continuous process. The daily activities from the inception of the business to the current status have ruled by the decision made on a regular basis. To wind up or liquidating a business requires critical thinking of the decision to be made.

Decision making is a necessary action when operating an enterprise. Management has made decisions that measure the quality of the problem.

Example of the case study; Problem Solving for Leaders

Japan is one of the growing island countries in the import and export industry, but it has issues in the business sector as discrimination and biases affect the organization in the workplace. The failure to practice a single methodology has put Japan in black pot regarding managerial improvements and decision making. The dissemination and the poor selection and recruitment exercise practiced in many parts of the country have made organization lose their diversity and competitiveness due to poor recruitment processes. The begging of problems that Japan faced in the workforce has resulted in ineffective methods to solve them, and identification strains and risks are high. Thomas, O.O.,(2018) states that If stakeholders do not evaluate the managerial system, then the company will face a series of uncertainty and issues from employees to production. The government has to come with policies that favor companies and rules that encourage managers to get out of their shells. In making managerial decisions, managers need to be leaders in order employees to follow them.

Problems and Solutions in Safaricom

A good working environment is a workplace where all the employee needs are catered for and the conditions of work are favorable. There is transparent and open communication. The employees are given the chance to communicate their issues thus solving issues in a positive way. Also, there is flexibility where the employees accommodate the changes and new trends that are brought to the organization for the good of the organization. Additionally, it focuses on the health of employees and a safe environment. This ensures the employees are safe in the organization.

Leaders in large corporation or firms have four primary ways to solve problems;

Through transparency, communication is clear and straightforward to advocate simplicity. In solving organizational problems, the management has to be transparent in finding the source of the issues stated by Van Aken, J.E. and Berends, H, (2018). This aspect is a fundamental necessity for leaders to use in curbing uncertainties.

To inspire employees, effective leaders give people opportunities to evaluate and assess themselves during such times. Coming with a plan to counterattack risky actions is what an excellent, effective manager would do.

Being open-minded is a way effective leaders use to solve problematic issues.  Breaking down communication barriers and let people be free thinkers who will enable teamwork. In workplaces, people or employees create unnecessary tension and chaos these are the kind of people the firm should do away with or monitor. Growth and innovation are common traits of open-minded thinker in the company.

Breaking down silos of communication will enable an organization to be boundaries in culture. Workplace problems caused by ethnicity, poor diversity, inadequate communication, and unhealthy competition. Where silos exist, the issues are harder to solve since they do not appreciate team playing.


Managers have the knowledge to analyses the situational problem and come up with bests solutions to the issues. Alternative options used after critical thinking in coming up with serious decisions of the firm. Leaders and managers have to ensure that the operations and the processes in the organization running smoothly with little supervision. The attributes and the business aspects that affect the firm including the environment, external and internal factors, structure, Government policies, and the workforce are components that change the day to day activities of the firm.


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