Comparative And Critical Analysis Of Two Peer-Reviewed Business/Management Academic Journal Articles
Justification for Choice of Articles
Analyzing the impact of brand loyalty on the purchase intention of consumers is considered important these days as consumer behavior strategies developed by the organizations can facilitate them to attain a sustainable position in the market. The objective of the paper is to analyze two peer-reviewed management journals along with evaluating the interacting factors within these articles, similarities and differences along with implication of the findings in real life situations. The selected journal articles in this paper will be “The Impact of Brands on Consumer Buying Behavior: An Empirical Study on Smartphone Buyers” and “Effect of Brand Loyalty on Purchase Intention in Cosmetics Industry.”
The articles namely, were selected “The Impact of Brands on Consumer Buying Behavior: An Empirical Study on Smartphone Buyers” and “Effect of Brand Loyalty on Purchase Intention in Cosmetics Industry”. This is for the reason that these peer reviewed journal articles offer detailed and reliable findings and implications on the impact of consumer loyalty on their purchase intentions. Moreover, these articles are also observed to be focused on a brand or product in offering a detailed explanation on the brand equity and loyalty in explaining the consumer behavior towards any product on brand. Moreover, these articles have also conducted detailed research on the view point of consumers on the ways in which brand name, price, promotion, design and store environment affects their purchase decision. In addition, quantitative research methods are used in these two journal articles which further ensures the reliability of findings.
The article “Effect of Brand Loyalty on Purchase Intention in Cosmetics Industry.” explained the most vital and effective strategies related with smartphone features which can attain consumer loyalty towards the brand. Moreover, this peer reviewed journal also revealed certain interesting facts on mobile marketing focused on cosmetic goods along with new concepts of consumer behavior in the cosmetic industry. In addition, the new and innovative product features related with the cosmetic goods that is recently persuading the purchase decision of the target consumers in the modern era serves as an interesting finding of the journal article. It also revealed certain interesting findings regarding more recent style and design with attraction and innovative makeup dessigns those can persuade positive buying behavior among consumers. In addition, it has also presented some new revelations on the important actors within the cosmetics industry that can generate enhanced brand loyalty among consumers of cosmetic good brands.
On the other hand the article “The Impact of Brands on Consumer Buying Behavior: An Empirical Study on Smartphone Buyers” and “Effect of Brand Loyalty on Purchase Intention in Cosmetics Industry” explained certain interesting facts regarding factors related to cosmetics that can persuade consumers purchasing decisions by increasing their loyalty towards the brand. Moreover, the journal article also selected google forms utility for data collection that offers an interesting reviews on various mobile phones used by them and the most widely used smartphone among them. Several interesting facts regarding the new and innovative features of the mobile phones used by the target consumers selected for this research have been revealed which can offer an exceptional implication for the smartphone marketers in developing consumer loyalty and persuading decision making of them.
Interesting Facts about the Articles
Both the selected peer-reviewed journal articles “The Impact of Brands on Consumer Buying Behavior: An Empirical Study on Smartphone Buyers” and “Effect of Brand Loyalty on Purchase Intention in Cosmetics Industry” provided detailed learning on various aspects related with cosmetic brands. The attained learning also ensured that these identified aspects related to the brands can develop consumer loyalty which can further positively persuade them in making better purchase decision. Reviewing these articles have increased learning on the relationship between price and brand loyalty. It has been learned that consumers those attain brand loyalty have the tendency of paying a premium price for the premium quality product attained by them. A detailed knowledge have also been gathered regarding the fact that there are certain identified factors related with the brand such as awareness, quality, association developed through logo, good service, innovation, price and design of the goods. These factors can facilitate the marketers of the smartphone or the cosmetic brands in developing sense of loyalty towards different brands.
Moreover, a detailed learning was also attained regarding use of google survey forms and several statistical techniques such as SPSS software in converting opinion gathered from consumers to significant findings. A constructive learning has also attained that perceived quality offers value to the consumers through offering them aa reason to purchase through differentiating the brand from other competing brands. A detailed knowledge was also attained from the reasechers that these articles used most suitable and effective tools in investigating the impacts of growing loyalty towards brands can affect purchase behavior of the consumers. A detailed learning has also gathered that regression analysis can be used in measuring the impact of variables related with brand loyalty on purchase intention towards the brand. Moreover, it has also learned from research on these articles that questionnaire research instrument and quantitative research technique offered reliable results on their perceived value aspects regarding the brand which can persuade their purchase decision making.
The similarities among the selected articles has been revealed that both these articles are focused on identifying common factors related with the brands that can motivate consumers in developing brand loyalty and increased purchase intention. Moreover, similar findings from both the articles has been gathered that loyal consumers those are fashion conscious and are associated with a brand which supply stylish package. In addition, both the articles considered to conduct quantitative analysis through questionnaire survey method in gathering suitable consumer responses on aspects those motivates their purchase decisions and increases their loyalty towards any brand.
Learning from Research
However, there are also certain differences among the research carried out in these journal articles. The article “The Impact of Brands on Consumer Buying Behavior: An Empirical Study on Smartphone Buyers” is majorly focused on analyzing the factors those impacts purchase decision and loyalty of cosmetic product consumers. The factors those persuade the consumer loyalty and buying behavior of cosmetic product consumers include fashion trends, awareness of recent cosmetic designs and brands offering trendier cosmetic offerings. On the other hand, the article “Effect of Brand Loyalty on Purchase Intention in Cosmetics Industry” explained that there are certain aspects related to a smartphone brand such as price, application specifications, design and innovative technology. These aspects are revealed to persuade brand loyalty and purchase intentions among smartphone consumers.
Several useful implications have been revealed regarding the impact of brand loyalty on consumer purchase decisions regarding the smartphones and cosmetic brands. Attaining knowledge from the research carried out within the selected peer reviewed journals will facilitate in developing innovative marketing strategies for enhancing consumers purchase decision making. The learning gathered from the research can be applicable in real life situation in which three major components such as trust, satisfaction and commitment can be used by the marketers in promoting brand awareness, image and identity within the organizations. Moreover, the implications also necessitude that the marketers of any brand must consider certain external factors that persuades target consumers in purchasing their brand. Based on such understanding they can develop attractive advertisements for brand promotion along with taking decisions on controlling budget of advertisement campaigns. Certain effective implications have also have also been provided by this research as it explained that the store environment must be developed that can enhance consumer satisfaction along with the decision making process. A detailed knowledge have also been gathered regarding the fact that there are certain identified factors related with the brand such as awareness, quality, association developed through logo, good service, innovation, price and design of the goods.
The objective of the paper was to analyze two peer-reviewed management journals along with evaluating the interacting factors within these articles, similarities and differences along with implication of the findings in real life situations. From analyzing the selected articles, it has been gathered that these articles are also observed to be focused on a brand or product in offering aa detailed explanation on the brand equity and loyalty in explaining the consumer behavior towards any product on brand. In addition, quantitative research methods are used in these two journal articles which further ensures the reliability of findings. It was also gathered from the analysis of these articles that consumers develop loyalty through attaining satisfaction on brand name, price, promotion, design and store environment which affects their purchase decision.
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