Increasing Employee Engagement Through Motivational Theories
Analysis based on use of motivational theories for increasing employee engagement
Employee engagement and motivation are considered to be important parts of the organizational operations in the modern business environment. The HR based professionals are mainly responsible for the ways by which the organizations are able to motivate the employees with the aim of increasing the levels of productivity. The concept of motivation and engagement go hand in hand in many different organizations. However, some major types of motivation are considered to be against the levels of employee engagement (Alagaraja and Shuck 2015). The success of an organization is based on the methods that are used in order to keep the employees engaged and motivated. The organizations in different industries however do not have any particular science or method in order to motivate the employees. The levels of motivation which are provided to the employees may not sustain for a long time within the organization. The motivational theories can be used in order to maintain the levels of motivation and employee engagement within the organizations (Albrecht et al. 2015).
The essay will be based on the critical analysis of different motivational theories which can be used effectively in order to engage the employees in the work process. The levels of engagement within the organizations are thereby affected in a huge manner with the motivation based factors. The organizations thereby need to analyse the motivation based activities in order to engage the employees within the organizational processes.
The employee who is engaged in different organizational processes is able to show high levels of willingness and commitment towards the normal job that leads to the higher levels of business based performance. The interest of employers is also high about the employees who are able to provide their best levels of performance within the organizational processes. The combination of different factors in this case is helpful in the development of a win-win solution which is based on the ways by which different needs can be met. The engagement of employees is related to effective fulfilment of needs of the employees and employers. The high levels of engagement are not only based on motivation and is much more than normal job satisfaction (Bal and De Lange 2015).
As discussed by Barrick et al. (2015), two different types of motivation are able to affect the operations of different organizations which are a part of the industry which are extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic employee motivation is based on different outside factors that are able to affect the organizational operations and motivation levels of the employees as well. The employees who are motivated externally can accomplish the tasks in an effective manner than the others. The motivation levels are thereby based on the rewards and promotions which are received by the employees. The process of extrinsic motivation is not able to foster the levels of employee engagement.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Levels of competition are increased with the help of extrinsic motivation which further leads to the lack of proper engagement. The employees within the organization are motivated in a selfish manner. The employees start thinking about themselves rather than the others or the organization as a whole. The levels of jealousy within an organization are also increased due to intrinsic motivation. The expectations of employees increase and they start expecting rewards for different tasks which are performed by them (Bhuvanaiah and Raya 2015).
According to Bin (2015), intrinsic motivation on the other hand is considered to be important and effective for the engagement of employees in different organizational operations. The motivation which is provided to the employees within the organization is considered to be intrinsic in nature. The engaged employees are motivated within the organization with the help of different activities of the organizations. The clear definition of the goals is considered to be effective for the increasing employee engagement and motivation. The management of employees in an effective manner is a major factor that is able to help the organizations to engage them in different work processes. The recognition which is provided to the employees is also an important factor that is able to motivate them and engage them in the organizational activities (Temminck, Mearns and Fruhen 2015).
The relationship of employee engagement and motivation is considered to be an important part of the effective operations of different organizations within the industry. Employee engagement is considered to be important for improving the organizational operations and levels of revenues as well. Employee engagement is important for the productivity which is provided by them with respect to different organizational operations (Breevaart et al. 2014).
As discussed by Carasco-Saul, Kim and Kim (2015), Maslow’s hierarchy of needs based model is considered to be an important part of increasing the employee engagement related activities that are performed by the modern organizations. The theory is able to suggest that the basic needs of the employees have to be fulfilled in order to fulfil the advance needs. The needs in the model are displayed with the help of a pyramid. The needs that are located at the bottom of the pyramid are considered to be basic and on the other hand those which are a part of the upper part of the pyramid are considered to be complex needs. The different types of needs which are a part of the pyramid mainly include, physiological needs, safety based needs, belonging related needs, self-esteem needs and self-actualization needs.
Herzberg’s motivation and hygiene based factors
The management of an organization thereby needs to fulfil the lower level based needs in order to reach the higher levels. The different level based needs are always present within the modern organizations. The needs can be fulfilled by the organization in order to increase the levels of engagement in an effective manner. The increase in levels of engagement are considered to be a major part of the ways by which different needs of an organization can be fulfilled. According to the needs which have been suggested in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the levels of engagement can be increased effectively by fulfilling them in all parts of the organizational operations (Eisenberger, Malone and Presson 2016).
According to Eldor and Harpaz (2016), Herzberg’s motivation and hygiene based factors are a part of another major motivation related model. The levels of satisfaction and that of dissatisfaction in organizational operations arise from different factors. Some major factors are able to affect the levels of motivation within the organizations. The hygiene based factors need to be addressed in order to maintain the levels of profitability in an effective manner. The employees always strive to achieve the hygiene needs as they tend to be dissatisfied or unhappy if these needs are not satisfied.
The different examples based on hygiene needs include, policy, work conditions, company car, status, security, salary, personal life. The true motivators are also based on different factors that include, recognition, achievement, responsibility, work process, personal growth and advancement. The hygiene based factors are not able to provide high levels of motivation, they are a considered to be a platform based on which employees can be motivated. The motivators are able to increase the levels of employee engagement within the organizations and further improve the organizational operations as well (Kontoghiorghes 2016).
The motivation based theories and their analysis have been able to depict that employee engagement is based on the ways by which they are motivated in the work process. The levels of employee engagement are thereby totally based on the motivation which is provided by the management of modern organizations in the environment. Employee engagement is considered to be highly important for the effective operations and productivity of the employees who are a part of modern organizations (Mone and London 2018).
Example 1 – The use motivational theories for the purpose of increasing employee engagement can be demonstrated with the help of some real life examples of modern and successful organizations. Workplace culture has been able to play a key role in the development of an effective culture in Starbucks. The management of Starbucks has aimed at developing a workplace culture which is leads to high levels of motivation and fosters employee engagement as well. The organization has always believed in creating and providing opportunities to the young people in order to increase their engagement in the operations. The most important part of employee engagement based activities which are performed by Starbucks is mainly based on the growth which the organization is able to provide to the employees to grow in their career (Petrou, Demerouti and Schaufeli 2018).
The recognition and rewards which are offered to the employees are also considered to be a major part of the organizational operations and employee engagement activities as well. The rating and performance development based approach of Starbucks has been changed recently and the organization has stopped using rating system. Engaging conversations which are able to cultivate high levels of growth, facilitate the insights and foster trust are used as a new approach in the organizations. The development and training based programs that have been implemented by Starbucks are considered to be important for the ways by which the organization is able to increase the levels of revenues. The personal growth of employees has been provided with high levels of importance which has been able to affect the levels of engagement in different operations of the company (Saks and Gruman 2014).
Example 2 – The success of Woolworths is based on the levels of employee engagement which has been developed by the management in an effective manner. The organization has started providing new types of training based programs for the support staff. The incentives are implemented within the organization in such a manner which is able to affect the engagement of employees. The loyal base of customers of Woolworths are also able to play a key role in the ways by which employee engagement can be increased. The staff referral based programs are implemented by Woolworths in order to increase the engagement levels of employees within the organization. The gaps which can occur in the skills that have been gained by the employees are affected in a huge manner by the different employee engagement initiatives (Shields et al. 2015). The organization has been able to maintain its successful operations in the retail industry of Australia with the help of the implementation of proper employee engagement initiatives. The employees of Woolworths have been considered to be effective resources who are used by the organization in order to provide its services and products to the customers.
Example 3 – Google has been able to be highly successful in the technology based industry with the help of high levels of employee engagement and effective levels of motivation as well. The organization has developed an algorithm in order to sniff out the dissatisfied employees. The organization aims at managing the employees and their engagement levels with the help of different approaches which have been able to affect the levels of revenues. Google has provided high value to the employees and managed them as an effective resource. The employees have been given the name of Googlers. The organization has thereby intended use the employees as an effective resource in order to provide effective services and products to the customers. The amenities and benefit based programs have been able to provide effective assistance to employees of Google (Singh 2016).
The organization has thereby been able to motivate the employees in such a manner so that they become more engaged in different organizational operations. The human capital is considered to be highly important for the success of the organization in the highly competitive technology based industry. The human resources in Google are managed effectively with the help of different employee engagement based activities that have been performed by the organization. Employee happiness and positive work based cultured has been considered to be the most important part of the effective operations of the organization. The hiring based process which has been implemented by Google is also considered to be quite unique in nature (Slack, Corlett and Morris 2015).
The organization has introduced Google Analytics in order to analyse the data based on employees and to implement effective employee engagement based initiatives as well. Google has empowered the employees in order to increase the levels of their engagement within the organization. The empowered employees are considered to be highly motivated and engaged in nature. The business leaders need to the empower the workers and analyse the issues which are faced by them within the organization. The bottom line business based operations of the organization are affected in a huge manner by the levels of productivity of employees and the turnover based rates as well. The leaders and managers of Google have been able to communicate the mission and the vision of the organization so that they can work towards achieving the goals (Taneja, Sewell and Odom 2015).
Example 4 – The human resource management related activities of Qantas Airways have been managed effectively by the employee engagement based initiatives which have been implemented by the organization. The transformation of the organization has been based on the ways by which employee engagement has been implemented. The culture, long term based strategies and communication process are considered to be a major part of effective and profitable operations of Google. The technology, training and recognition have been implemented by Qantas Airways in order to increase levels of employee engagement. Different facets of employee based training have been managed by the organization in such a way which is able to increase the motivation levels in Qantas Airways (Temminck, Mearns and Fruhen 2015). Employees have started becoming the most important part of the success which has been gained by Qantas Airways in the airlines industry. The organization has provided high levels of focus on the leadership and the employees. Qantas Airways has implemented large pilot training based program in order to train the employees. More than 1000 leaders of the organization have been provided with effective training in order to enhance the operations (Van den Broeck et al. 2016).
The essay can be concluded by stating that employee motivation is considered to be an important factor which is able to affect the levels of employee engagement in the modern organizations. The motivational theories have been implemented within the organizations with the aim to increase the profitability levels. The organizations which have been taken into consideration for analysing the levels of employee engagement have been able to depict that employee engagement is an important part of the operations. The employees of all the modern organizations are considered to be highly important for their success in the respective industries. The engagement of employees of the organizations need to be maintained in order to increase the levels of productivity and revenues in an effective manner. The employees thereby need to be provided with utmost levels of importance by the modern organizations in order to increase the profitability and enhancing the operations as well.
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