A Critique And Overview Of The NSW Educational Policy For Multicultural And Aboriginal Education


It has been monitored that in order to support the teaching learning procedure the schools need to take up an implement certain policies. The educational policies help educational institutions to implement strategies that can be helpful in this process. Moreover, it can be understood that the educational policies also support the teaching and training programs. It can be said that the primary aim of the educational institutions as well as the policies are to ensure harmonious environment within the classroom. Moreover, it is to be mentioned that the educational policies are adopted by the schools in order to promote safe teaching and learning environment for both the students and the teachers. The present report hence will focus on the NSW policy that advocates for the multicultural and aboriginal education.

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The NSW educational policy is one of the most important educational framework that has been successfully implemented by multiple schools in Australia. As the country is known to be having diverse population, it can be understood that the schools need to adopt inclusive approach (Benham & Heck, 2013). The children belonging to different cultural backgrounds and languages are admitted to schools. Hence, the primary and most important approach that should be adopted by the schools is multicultural approach. In this regard, it can be said that the NSW framework can be considered as highly effective to support the process. The most important aspects that has been proposed by the policies are to be discussed.

The primary aspect of the NSW policy is to adopt the practices of equality and inclusion amongst the children. The framework focuses on the importance of aboriginal education (Husén & Kogan, 2014). In the context of Australia it can be said that the cultural diversity amongst the children can be a huge difficulty. In this regard the importance of the equality and access framework can be understood.

The administration of a school plays an important role in ensuring the smooth and effective learning process. In this regard is to be mentioned that the NSW framework focuses on the importance of attendance of the students and maintaining a harmonious environment within he school.

It has to be mentioned that in order to maintain effective teaching and learning process, he schools need to incorporate effective curriculum and teaching learning activities (Luke & Hogan, 2013). Moreover, it is to be mentioned that the NSW program focuses on the process of effective implementation of curriculum. The framework also focuses on taking up methods that are effective in implementing the curriculum more effectively.

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Administration of the School

The NSW framework focuses on the overall wellbeing of the children. It is to be mentioned that the NSW policy puts emphasis on the physical and mental wellbeing. The policy mentions that the schools must be cautious enough to eliminate the chances of bullying (McDonnell, 2013). Moreover, the framework also puts emphasis on the nutritional aspects of the children.

The NSW framework provides detailed strategy of using the available and effective facilities and resources. The framework mentions that the usage of advanced technologies and the resources that are available in the organization (Walford, 2013). It has been mentioned that the schools that are effectively taking up the NSW models, are able to utilize the resources and new technologies for the betterment of the school as well as for the development of the children.

The NSW framework puts emphasis on the usage of effective financial resources to support the effective teaching learning process (Niemi, Toom & Kallioniemi, 2016). Moreover, it can be said that the policy also puts emphasis on deciding budgets and efficiently using the class fees, school contributions and other voluntary contributions.

The NSW policy puts emphasis on the process of recruiting efficient employees. According to the policy the schools need to focus on involving efficient teaching faculties as well as secondary employees. The people who are recruited for the service should be willing to and careful enough to take care of the needs of the children.

It has been monitored that in order to support the effective teaching learning procedures as well as address the developmental needs of the children, it can be said that the educational policies take up important roles. The multiple educational policies that have been brought up by the regulatory frameworks, focuses on supporting the educational and overall developmental needs of the children (Jenson & Fraser, 2015). In the context of Australian educational systems, it can be understood that effective strategies are to be taken up to ensure inclusive teaching and learning process. In addition to this, it can be said that the educational policies need to focus on the cultural and language diversities that are present in the country. Hence, the factors that play influential role in implementing these educational policies are to be analyzed herewith.

The primary reason behind taking up and implementing the NSW educational policy is to support the process of aboriginal education. In the context of Australia it can be said that the educational system should have strategies that ensure inclusive approach towards aboriginal education (Lewis & Young, 2013). Moreover, it can be said that the NSW framework provides effective strategies that can support the needs of language learning. As the country has a huge population that do not speak English as their mother tongue, the NSW policy has effectively employed strategies to support the educational needs of these students.

Learning Activities and Effective Curriculum

The NSW program provides effective strategies to support training programs to the teaching faculties. It has been monitored that in order to support the educational and developmental needs of the students, the teachers need to be obtain proper training programs. Moreover, it is understandable that in Australian schools, the teachers need to address children coming from different cultural backgrounds (Fulcher, 2015). Hence, they should be provided with trainings that enable them to understand different needs of these children.

The NSW policy provides strategies for implementing effective budget for the schools. A proper and effective financial planning is highly required in order to support the teaching and learning process.

The policy puts emphasis on the usage of modern technologies to support the teaching learning process (Blackmore & Kenway, 2017). The framework mentions that the usage of modern technologies can influence the learning process of the children.

Along with providing strategies to support the educational needs of the children, the NSW policy supports the needs of implementing co-curricular activities as well. The NSW framework guides the schools in taking up various extracurricular activities (Komulainen et al., 2014). The policy also points out the needs of these activities in order to ensure the overall development of the children.

These are some of the important factors that influence the implementation of the NSW policy.

It can be monitored that the policies that has been taken up by the NSW department are effective to bring quality changes in the educational frameworks of the schools. However, it can be monitored that the framework lacks in some aspects as well. Hence, a thorough analysis of the educational policy is to be done.

  • The primary aspect of accessing an educational policy is to monitor the democratic nature of the policy. It is to be mentioned that the teachers, student and parents and the school authorities are to be considered as some of the important stakeholders within an educational framework. The adopted educational policy should provide ample scopes to support the interest of these stakeholders (Tan & Chua, 2015). In the context of the NSW educational policy that has been drawn in order to support the educational and developmental needs of the children belonging to the diverse cultures, it can be said that the policy has maintained democratic approach. The NSW policy provides ample scopes of practicing democracy and ensuring the interests of the stakeholders.
  • The educational policies also needs to ensure the organizational integrity. It can be monitored that the NSW program that advocates aboriginal education, puts emphasis on the administration of the schools and efficient usage of the resources that are available.
  • In addition to this, the policy needs to be effective and realistic to support the process of improving the educational as well as infrastructural needs of the schools (Liasidou et al., 2014). The framework provided by NSW also focuses on the importance of taking up strategies that can support the infrastructure. However, it can be said that the policy needs to take up more effective strategies in order to support the infrastructural growth and realistic approach.
  • Another important aspect of accessing the effectiveness of the policy is to analyze the process of implantation ad integration within the educational environment (Husén & Kogan, 2014). To elaborate it furthermore it can be said that the infrastructure and teaching procedures that are to be taken up, are to be analyzed.
  • In addition to this, the cost effectiveness as well as the benefits of implementing the NSW framework are to be analyzed by using the effective assessment tools (Jones, Gray & Harris, 2014). It can be understood that the educational policies that can be regarded as effective and successful, will also have effective strategies to ensure the cost effectiveness.
  • Moreover, in order to understand the effectiveness of the effectiveness of the framework, accessing its feasibility is also important. In order to ensure success of every educational policy, accessing and analyzing its feasibility is highly important. Any educational framework or policy should be effective and politically feasible (Simmie, 2014). Moreover, it is to be mentioned that the policies and strategies that are taken up by the schools should be politically feasible. In addition to this, the frameworks should cater to the future growth of the children. The educational strategies should be effective enough to support the career growth of the students (Fulcher, 2015). In this regard, it can be said that the NSW policy that promotes multicultural and aboriginal education also points out effective strategies to ensure career growth of these students.

By analyzing the educational policy of NSW, it can be understood that the primary aim of the framework is to support the education of the children belonging to diverse cultural backgrounds. In this regard, it can be said that the policy advocates the process of taking up inclusive approach. It has been monitored that by following and implementing NSW policy, schools are able to take up effective strategies that help the children in their learning process. The framework also emphasizes the importance of employing effective budget and finance to support the efficient teaching procedure. In addition to this, the policy also emphasizes the needs of taking up developmental and training programs of the teachers. It rightly points out that in order to support the diverse needs of the multicultural classroom, the teachers should be provided with training programs. In addition to this, the NSW policy also ensures effective usage of new technologies to support learning procedures. The policy also focuses on the co-curricular activities that are helpful in meeting the developmental needs of the children. Moreover, the policy also mentions that by taking up co-curricular activities are helpful for practicing inclusion. However, it can be understood that the policy needs to focus more on the aspects of health and overall wellbeing of the children. The management of these schools should be effective enough to support the overall growth of the multicultural classroom. In addition to this, the NSW policy of aboriginal and multicultural education also needs to monitor the health and safety factors of these children. It is to be mentioned that the aboriginal children mostly belong to the underprivileged section. Hence, it has been monitored that many a times these children lack the basic nutritional needs. Hence, the framework should be effective enough address the nutritional needs of the children. Along with that the schools should also take up strategies to ensure eliminate incidents of school drop outs.

Ensuring Overall Wellbeing


To conclude it can be said that the policy provided by the NSW department is being widely adopted and practiced by multiple schools in Australia. The policy focuses on the developmental needs of the children. Moreover, it also advocates the inclusive approach that are necessary in order to support the diverse and multicultural classrooms. Hence, it can be said that the Australian schools that are taking up the policy, are working effectively towards aboriginal education and development.


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