Importance Of Internal Communication In Achieving Organizational Objectives: A Case Study Of Tesco

Academic rationale

In the current business scenario, internal communication plays a vital role in the workplace. When communication flows via a corporation, knowledge can be shared, achievements are celebrated and issues can be identified. It is assessed that Tesco Company does not interact well; hence it creates difficulties to attain the organizational objectives because individuals do not unaware about their organizational goals. It has also created poor customer service, reduced productivity and low morale. There is ample of incentive for Tesco to make sure that the lines of internal communication are open all through an organization (Quirke, 2017). Hence, this research study focuses on the importance of international communication in achieving the organizational objectives a case study of Tesco.  

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This research would be beneficial for gaining a theoretical understanding ofinternal communication. It would be also beneficial to identify the significance of internal communication in attaining the company objectives. This research will increase the knowledge regarding the strategy to enhance internal communication to accomplish the objectives of an organization.

RO1: To explore the theoretical information regarding Internal Communication

RO2: To address the importance of internal communication in achieving organization objectives

RO3: To recommend the strategy to improve the internal communication for attaining the organizational objectives

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RQ1: What is theoretical information regarding Internal Communication?

RQ2: How internal communication is important in achieving organization objectives?

RQ3: Which strategies can improve the internal communication for attaining the organizational objectives?
Literature Review

RO1: To explore the theoretical information regarding Internal Communication

As per the view ofDoppelt (2017), internal communication is the transmission of knowledge amid members of an organization. It takes place across all levels and organizational units of a company. It is the key function that accountable for significant communication between employees at the workplace. The scope of function differs by practitioners and organization, from delivering and producing message, and campaign according to management, to providing two-way conversation and building the communication proficiency among the employees.

In contrast to this, Elving et al. (2015) evaluated that internal communication is a methodological study of significant practices that help workforces to interact with each other and with supervisors more significantly. In addition, strong internal communication generates a culture that enhances the value of the company internally like productivity and creativity.  

In the view of Olins (2017), there are different channels for internal communication at the workplace such as broadcast media, electronic channels,and written messages. TV, loudspeakers,and radio come into a broadcast media communication channel. This kind of media should be practiced while identifying mass customers. Tesco is seeking to inform customers about new products that may advertise and promote through broadcast channels. Broadcast channels can be used when a message intended for mass customers then it could be improved by being demonstrated in the auditory and visual layout.

Research objectives

On the other side, Gruber Kaliauer and Schlegelmilch (2017) evaluated that electronic channels are also used for internal communication at the workplace. This channel includes mass and one-on-one communication. It is a less personal technique of communication but it is more effective. When practicing this channel, care must be demonstrated to craft message with the clarity. The company can focus on electronic communication activities to eliminate the practice of sarcasm and implications.  

According to Hill and Alexander (2017), written communication should be focused when a message that does not need interaction with employees and groups. Moreover, letters, policies, manuals, notices, along with announcements are all the messages channels that perform significantlyfor this channel. Receivers may follow up through face to face or electronic channel when questions arise regarding a written message.  

RO2: To address the importance of internal communication in achieving organization objectives

According toOzuem Limb and Lancaster (2018), internal communication is beneficial for building the team. Developing a team is all about how those members of teams will collaborate and communicate together. By executing effective strategies like those listed below, to enhance communication, Tesco will go a long way with respect to developing effective teams. It would enhance the employee’s satisfaction and improves the morale of employees.

On the other side, Saenko et al. (2016) evaluated that internal communication can be beneficial for achieving the organizational objectives. By involving internally and having an effective line of communication, the company can ensure to deliver the consistent external message. Any growth project depends on strong internal communication as it mayinfluence all stakeholders.

In the view of Sacks et al. (2018), when managers are strong communicators then they could be competent to manage their teams. There are different responsibilities of managers that could be easier by internal communication. These responsibilities are motivation, conflict management, relationship building and delegation of tasks. Thus, strong internal communication is not only the competency to talk with people but also empowering them to speak to each other. The key benefit of internal communication is attaining organization goal by involving each employee in decision making.

RO3: To recommend the strategy to improve the internal communication for attaining the organizational objectives

According toGarcía-Carbonell et al. (2016), a company can define the goals and expectations for effectively communicate at the workplace. In this way, the supervisor needs to deliver attainable and clear goals to both individuals and teams. It should also summarize accurately what is required on any given project and making sure that all employees are aware regarding the objectives of department, organization,and projects.

Research questions

In contrast to this, Jacobs Yu and Chavez (2016) stated that the company should make sure that the message is accessible and clear for their targeted customers. In such way, Tesco should speak politely and plainly to get the message across clearly rather than causing offense and misunderstanding.

According toMinbaeva et al. (2014), once a company created a message then it needs to ensure that the message would be delivered in the best alternative format. Along with this, face to face communication is an effective technique for building trust with workforces. Furthermore, the company should take more time to decide whether data delivered in a printed copy would work effectively as compared to email and when a general memo will be adequate.

In the dissertation, the research methodology chapter contains various research techniques and approaches such as data collection technique, research design, research approaches,and philosophies. Research methodology section assists the research scholar to gain depth understanding related to the importance of internal communication in achieving organizational objectives. This section plays an imperative role in attaining valid and consistent data and resolving the problems of a research study (Mallén, et. al., 2016). Quality and reliability of research could be improved through visible tools of research.

Research philosophy is an essential part of research methodology as it supports the researcher to evaluate, practice and attain knowledge regarding research matter. Research scholar could utilize two types of research philosophy named positivism and interpretivism philosophies. Investigator would use interpretivism philosophy in this dissertation because this philosophy will increase the quality of the research study (Caligiuri, 2014). This philosophy is associated with idealism philosophical position hence; it is implementedin this research.  This philosophy is advantageous for highlighting on various research approaches that are related to research concern. Due to the subjective nature of this research study, this approach would be utilized by the investigator. Further, it is also helpful in generating non-numerical data. Beside this, positivism philosophy of research is not practiced by the researcher because current research concern is subjective in nature (Fay, et. al., 2015).

The research approach is a vital part of research methodology because it finds out main reason to choose the specified method of investigation. There are two types of research approach named deductive and inductive approach. Research scholar would practice inductive approach in this investigation, as this research study is subjective in nature. It is also analyzed that inductive research approach is directly related tointerpretivism research philosophy; therefore, it is suitable for this research (Al Shobaki, et. al., 2016).  As hypothesis making is not required in this research hence deductive approach could not be implemented. In order to this, the investigator would utilize inductive approach for getting enormous data regarding the importance of internal communication in achieving organizational objectives, in Tesco UK.  It is a relevant approach for this dissertation, as it deals with various views and opinion and also verifies the data to wind up the result. In contrast to this, the researcher would not utilize deductive approach because verification of data related to research matter, is not required (Clair, and Milliman, 2017).  

Literature Review

Research design enables the investigator by providing an overview of the research structure. There are certain types of research design like qualitative and quantitative research design that could be practiced by the research scholar. In this investigation, qualitative research design would be utilized by the research scholar because this research design focuses on the theoretical information regarding research issues (Piehler, et. al., 2016). This research design is imperative for capturing the secondary information about the importance of internal communication in achieving organizational objectives in Tesco, UK (Preenen, et. al., 2017). This designing of investigation would be effective for pooling the conceptual data with respect to research issues in an effective and efficient way.       

Research strategy supports the research scholar to evaluate the ways of data collection that helps to conduct the research in an appropriate manner. In this research, different types of research strategy such as literature review, case study, survey through questionnaire and focus group that are used by the investigator to achieve the factual and reliable result of research.  Case study would be selected from different secondary sources for gathering the information about the research dilemma. These sources would be company websites, annual report, newspaper, and online articles (Lindsey Hall, et. al., 2016). Research scholar can gather authentic data related to research issue within the allocated time and cost of organization. Investigator would use descriptive case study for this research study, as it aids to evaluate the reasons and effect relations between research matters. It also assists the researcher to obtain the solution of research problems (Preenen, et. al., 2017).  

In contrast to this, research scholar would execute a literature review to complete the aim and objectives of the research. Various secondary sources would be used by the investigator for the evaluation of the literature review. These sources could be an annual report, journal and articles, authentic websites, offline sources and reference books for attaining knowledge related to research matter(Al Shobaki, et. al., 2016).It is advantageous to obtain an accurate and reliable result of research because it delivers non-numerical understanding about at which point internal communication affect the achievement of organizational objectives.  Furthermore, these strategies facilitate the research scholar to encourage the validity and consistency of research outcome(Clair, and Milliman, 2017).  

Data collection method enables the research scholar to attain the aim and objectives of the research and to choose the appropriate sources of data gathering. Further, it is analysed that secondary data collection method would be applied in the investigation. Secondary methods are used to get relevant data related to research issues (Caligiuri, 2014). In order to this, secondary data would be gathered by using case studies and literature reviews as it would enable the research scholar to capture the secondary data. Investigator would use secondary data as it facilitates relevant information and also aids to attain the reliable information in minimum cost and time (Al Shobaki, et. al., 2016). These secondary data would be captured via different sources like journal articles, text books, academic publications, and online and offline websites. 

Research Methodology

The sampling procedure is executed by the research scholar to select the sample from a huge number of people to achieve the accurate data. Two types of sampling techniques are used in research, named probability and non-probability sampling technique(Clair, and Milliman, 2017).  

Non-probability sampling technique would be used by the research scholar for this dissertation as it would enable an investigator to choose sample in a systematic manner. Under the non-probability sampling technique, the researcher would use judgement sampling technique to choose the case studies. This sampling technique eliminates enable a research to choose the sample as per their judgements. Reliable information related to research matter would be considered in these case studies hence, this technique is imperative to get a suitable conclusion (Lindsey Hall, et. al., 2016). 3 case studies related toTesco Company would be chosen as a sample size from certain sources like online articles as well as newspaper and company websites.  

In the research methodology section, data analysis is an essential part because it delivers a valid and reliable outcome of research. There are many techniques such as content analysis and statistical data analysis methods that could be executed by the research scholar to evaluate the accumulated data. Various approaches to data analysis such as statistical and inferential are utilized by the investigator (Al Shobaki, et. al., 2016). In this research, content data analysis method would be practiced by research scholar to assess the gathered theoretical information. Moreover, online articles would be practiced for representing the gathered data through graphs, bar diagrams, and pie charts. This technique is also advantageous to obtain the research objectives in targeted time and cost (Fay, et. al., 2015).

Research scholar would use authentic secondary sources such as journal articles, online articles, newspapers, company websites and text books. These sources would be beneficial for providing in-text citation in each paragraph. It would increase the authenticity of research outcomes. Furthermore, researcher would use own word to avoid plagiarism issue and avoid the copy paste the information to ethically conduct the research (Caligiuri, 2014).  

Table 1: Research plan for completing the project

Research Milestones

Start Date

Last Day

Duration (Days)

Addressing research issue




Literature Review




Pooling data through secondary data sources




Assessment of data




Final submission of report




As per the above time schedule, it is identified that pooling data via secondary data sources will take maximum time as compared to other practices of investigation.

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