An Analysis Of Organizational Behavior Issue: Lack Of Motivation In Tesco
Organizational Issue
In this paper the focus will be given on analyzing the organizational behavior issue in Tesco. It has been seen that in Tesco, the organizational issues which is identified is related to motivation. Motivation is one of the aspects that should be there in the workplace so that it can be easy to boost the overall efficiency of the employees in the workplace. So, in this paper the discussion will be made on the organizational issue and also the discussion will be made on the challenges faced by the company when there is lack of motivation in the workplace. In the last phase of the report, various alternatives will be considered and also recommendations will be given that help to boost the overall motivation level of the employees in the workplace.
In Tesco, the organizational issue which is identified is related with motivation. It has been seen that Tesco faced with the issue related to motivating the young Staff and it is important to minimize the issue prevailing in the market so that positivity can be boosted in the workplace. Lorana Bryson is the person who focuses on the overall apprenticeship of the company and on the A scheme and he admitted that the employees who have the age of 17 to 24 are least motivated. It has been noticed in the workplace that the company has the issue related to motivation and they have to teach the managers to manage the generation Y as they require more care to feel motivated (Tesco, 2018). So, it is important to boost the motivation level of the employees so that they can give their best towards the overall operations of the company. If Motivation is not there in the workplace then it affects the overall productivity level of the company in the competitive market. Productivity is one of the aspects which are impacted due to lack of motivation in Tesco.
There are approximately 20,000 employees in the workplace who are of the age17 to 24. So, to achieve success in the market it is important for the company to focus on considering the theories and programs through which it can be easy to motivate the employees in the workplace. Also, through motivation it can be easy to offer a valuable career path to the young people which can guide them to maintain their efficiency in the competitive market. It can be seen that in Tesco, the employees are not motivated towards the work which is affecting the working pattern of the employees (Tesco, 2018).
Challenges due to lack of motivation of the employees
One of the major challenges related to lack of motivation which arise in the workplace is related with productivity. It can be stated that employees are not able to boost the overall productivity due to lack of motivation which directly affect the profit of the company. It can be stated that workplace conflict is the challenge which is faced by the top management in the workplace. Due to lack of motivation the employees do not cooperate with each other and this impact the overall working pattern of the employees (Buble, Juras and Mati?, 2014).
Due to lack of motivation the gossips and constant complaints to human resources enhances which can also impact the environment of the company. It is necessary to focus on managing the conflict by the employees in the workplace by motivating them so that they can give their best towards the work. The next challenge which can arise due to lack of motivation is lack of confidence of the employees. The employees will not be interested towards the work for long time and also they will be unwilling to enhance their professional skills (Reeve, 2014). The problem can be related with addressing the overall corporate objectives with the employees. In this it can be seen that if people are not confident towards work then it will be difficult to consider the positive outcome (Herzberg, 2017). These are the challenges faced by the company due to lack of motivation in the workplace.
It has been seen that to motivate the employees the company should consider the motivational theory in which it can be easy to boost the overall efficiency of the employees in the workplace. It is important for the company to focus on considering the needs of employees by considering the Maslow hierarchy of needs as it can help in satisfying the needs of the employees. If the needs of the employees are satisfied then it can be easy to boost the motivation level of the employees in the workplace (Poch & Martin, 2015).
It is necessary for the company to focus on Maslow hierarchy of needs theory, so in this there are five stages which are important to be considered. In Maslow hierarchy of needs the first stage is related with physiological need which emphasizes on considering the biological needs that should be present in the human survival. In this the focus is given on the basic needs that should be considered so that employees can feel happy and satisfied (Leary & Baumeister, 2017).
Maslow hierarchy of needs motivational theory
In the next stage of this theory which is love and belongingness need it is important to motivate the employees. This is also considered as the essential aspect that can boost the satisfaction level of the employees towards their work. This factor emphasizes on trust and friendship that should be there so that employees can be motivated in the workplace. In Tesco, the company should emphasize on creating positive workplace so that employees can coordinate with each other and also it will boost the positivity within the employees (Lepper & Greene, 2015).
Esteem need is one of the aspects that focus on maintaining the overall activities of the company. This stage emphasizes on the basic needs of employees related to dignity, rewards and mastery. It is important to for the workers to be respected in the workplace so that they feel good in working with the company. It has been seen that if respect is not given to the workers then it can negatively impact the overall activities in the workplace. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize on maintaining the overall respect and reputation of the workers as it helps to enhance the motivation and boost the confidence of the employees in the workplace. It is one of the effective techniques that can assist the company to achieve the set goals (Chen, 2014).
Self-actualization is the last step in the overall process of Maslow hierarchy of needs theory. In this it is important to motivate the employees in relation to the set target of the company. The focus is also given on the personal growth of the workers and it is necessary for the workers to help in company in achieving the goals. The overall focus of the employees is on enhancing their experience towards the activities and also to motivate the employees to give their best towards the goals. With the help of this it can be simple to maintain the problem in relation to job satisfaction (Costa, Ntoumanis and Bartholomew, 2015).
So, it can be stated that motivation should be there in the employees so that they can manage the overall activities with efficiency and dedication. It is necessary for the company to boost the level of satisfaction of the workers so that employees can give their best towards the operations as it can help in maintaining the image of the company. In Tesco, the employees are not motivated due to which the top management has to face the issue in relation to managing the overall activities. It is necessary for Tesco to emphasize on Maslow hierarchy of needs theory so that it can be easy for the employees to be efficient towards work and also it will boost the confidence level in relation to the assigned activities to the employees (Miner, 2015).
There are various alternatives that should be considered by the company so that motivation level of the employees can be boosted.
The first alternative is related to training which should be considered by the company so that people can feel motivated and happy. It can be stated that if training is given to the employees then their knowledge and skills will be boosted (Haff & Triplett, 2015).
When skills of the employees are enhanced then then their confidence level also enhances which can lead to the increase in the overall level of motivation. Training is necessary for the employees as it can help the employees to feel motivated and happy in the workplace (Bompa & Buzzichelli, 2018).
It is also one of the effective strategies that should be considered by the management. The management should give chance to the employees to participate in the decision making process of company. If employees engage themselves towards the activities of the company then they feel motivated as it helps to boost the positive mindset of the employees towards the overall activities of the company. It is necessary for the top management to consider the opinion and views of the employees at the time of making of any decision in the workplace as it helps the employees to feel good and motivated (Mone & London, 2018).
Also, there should be proper channel of communication so that the employees can share their thoughts and views with each other. Proper channel of communication simply states that the employees should have knowledge that to whom they should contact and to whom they should report as it will help in minimizing the confusion of the employees in the workplace (Pinder, 2014).
These are the alternatives that should be considered by Tesco so that it can be easy to boost the overall motivation level of the employees in the workplace.
By analyzing the issue related with lack of motivation in Tesco, it is recommended that there should be proper reward policy in the workplace. If the employees are performing well then management should reward them so that they feel good and appreciated. Appreciation is one of the aspects that should be offered by the management to the employees if they are performing well towards the activities of the company.
To motivate the employees, positivity is also one of the factors that should be there in the workplace so that employees have positive mindset within the employees can be created. It is necessary for the employees to create a positive mindset so that motivation can be boosted in the workplace. Positive culture in the workplace should be maintained as it impacts the employees of the company in a positive manner. It is also important for the management to give feedback to the employees in relation to the overall performance. Feedback is also the technique that can help the employees to consider the right path and also it will motivate the employees to enhance their efficiency in the workplace. So, employees can be motivated if the management focuses on giving positive feedback to the employees. Feedback policy in Tesco should be considered so that employees can feel motivated and can perform their activities with efficiency.
Therefore, by analyzing the various aspects it can be stated that motivation is essential for the employees as it helps to manage the overall work. Without motivation it has been evaluated that employees will work but they will not give their best or manage the work with efficiency. It is important for the management to enhance the level of motivation of the employees in the workplace as it can help in enhancing the overall profits which can lead to large customer base or market share in the competitive market. If the company has efficient employees then it can help them to attain competitive advantage. So, it can be concluded that motivation factor should be considered by the management by considering the theory of motivation related to Maslow as it will help to satisfy the needs and wants. If needs and wants of the employees is satisfied then they will manage their work with efficiency and with dedication.
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