Cultural Values Model And Intercultural Communication In Business

Hofstede’s Six Cultural Dimensions

Hofstede states that collection of program of mind can easily distinguish an individual can one group or category of people from others. The model comes up with national culture which is based on research done by professor and its research team (Lo, Waters and Christensen, 2017). The model comes up with six dimensions.  The cultural dimension focus on the preference of one state affair over the second can be easily distinguish countries form one another. The overall scores of dimension are considered to be relative (Hur, Kang and Kim, 2015). In other words, culture can be used for only comparison and the six models are PDI (Power Distance Index), individual vs collectivism, uncertainty avoidance index, long-term orientation vs short-term orientation and lastly indulgence vs restraint.

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Power Distance Index: This particular dimension highlights the level to which powerful member of society can easily accept and expect the given power to be distributed in unequal way. The main focus is all about the fact that how society can easily handle any kind of inequality among the people (Chien, Sycara, Liu and Kumru, 2016). People working in different section of society can easily come with different level of power. It mainly highlights the order in every person is placed and does not any kind of classification. In society, low power distance is mainly used for striving and equalizing distribution power along with demand for inequalities in power.  

Individualism vs Collectivism: The high side of this particular dimension is called individualism. It can be easily stated like a framework which is used by individual which is used to take care of both individual and families (Kim, 2017). While on contrary, Collectivism can easily represent on tight knot for a given framework for a society. It is mainly done so that individual can expect their family members of a particular group to easily look into them.

Uncertainty Avoidance Index: It mainly highlights the degree to which the member of any society can feel uncertainty and ambiguity (Yoo, 2014). The main problem which can arise is all society can easily deal with fact that future can be never be known.

Long-term orientation vs Short-term orientation: Every society needs to have some links with respect to own past at the time of dealing with present and future. Society can easily focus on two kinds of present goals (Upadhyaya and Rittenburg, 2015). Society which stresses on low dimension can easily prefer to easily maintain time-based honor and norms. It is mainly done so that the view of social change can be understood. There is a culture which comes up with scores that have high value. It comes up with a pragmatic approach which can easily result in thrift and effort in modern value which is needed for future preparation.

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Contrasting Two Cultures in Business

Indulgence vs Restraint: Indulgence focus certain number of standard for society which helps in generating basic and natural dives (Valaei et al. 2016). It is mainly used for enjoying life and having fun. While restraint for any society for gratification along with maintaining strict norms.

Culture Diversity in the workplace can easily result in creating positive impact on various aspects like creativity, productivity and lastly bottom line. Various perspective along with background can easily result in much better business (Gurung and Prater, 2017). It can easily result in conflict and challenges encountered in teamwork. Any small business owner can easily understand the cultural issues which focus on different source competitive advantage. Business irrespective of size that is small or big are often considered to have a global reach. If any business has foreign clients, purchase various kind of raw material abroad or even lead international tours, then cultural difference and communication can easily result in misunderstanding that can harm the organization (Bauer, Matzler and Wolf, 2016). Intercultural communication is huge topic for discussion. One should adjust himself with laws and customs of many countries. A proper awareness should be gathered with respect to issues that can help in communicating in much better way. It will ultimately help business to grow in international market.

Implicit Discrimination: Only few people around the globe are aware of the fact regarding the offensive slur which can occur in the workplace. But in many cases, discrimination can be lurking to be insidious which can be unnoticed by managers in many cases. An organization can have women which have visible minorities in the workplace, but only few of them have influential position (Ferris et al. 2018). Business can easily understand implicit discrimination in way that it can bud to provide support along opportunities to its employees. Promotion and Pay decision are considered to be an objective criterion like new sales and performance-based statistics.

Making the whole thing a more diversity: An organization can have policy for hiring an employee who tends to work from different cultural group. It is totally based on mentality does not allow an individual to get out for more of the diversity in workplace (Ribbink and Grimm, 2014). Manager of any organization should address the ideas which are contributed by various culture, group, and race. It is mainly contributed to having large value of pace.

Communication: Issue is only encountered when people make use of different language for communication. So, communication can be big issue in workplace as some of them speak English while the other speak second language. For reducing misunderstanding and confusion in workplace, English speaking employees should not make use of any jargon or slang in meetings and email (Bellows, 2016).  It might be easy for speaking with people who do not feel that workers are excluded. People need to be encouraged to make use of language of their choice at the time of breaks and lunch hour. One needs to be stick to the common issues and business language of workplace at the time of discussion.

Implicit Discrimination in the Workplace

General Differences: Not all the cultural issues require any kind of ethnicity. A proper management needs to be addressing the intercultural issues. It is mainly done as a result of influence of different growing events (Chien, Sycara, Liu and Kumru, 2016). It ultimately focuses on producing large number of employees which come up with proper attitude towards work and life.

Appreciating Cultural values: Communication issue can easily arise due to difference in values and cultures. Most of the Asian culture focus on communicating through different culture through facial expression and tone of voice by the help of words. While English speaking and German culture are mainly intending to address meaning (Upadhyaya and Rittenburg, 2015). The second difference of culture is all about having an understanding with respect to importance of emotion.

Dressing for international success: A large number of cultural come up with strict code which can be used for business. In some of the Muslim countries, women can easily avoid sleeveless tops and low necklines (Gurung and Prater, 2017). While in Japan, conservative business suit in dark color is mainly used for making best kind of expression. In new culture, a large number of things needs to be observed like dress that should be wear in business.

Face to Face: An individual can easily address the offense at the time of meeting with foreign clients. In countries like Japan, an individual need to take bow rather than shaking hand. In any cultures, it is very important for making an exchange of business cards. In most of the Arab countries, an individual need to accept card with the right hand. On the contrary, in China and Japan, an individual should make use of both the hands. In China, an individual can show respect by taking or speaking out a Chinese name (Bauer, Matzler and Wolf, 2016). In Brazil, the business acquaintance needs to stand close for building trust so backing off can be considered as the most suitable option.

Understanding language difference: Difference in language is one of the common things in the domain of international business communication. In this, a party can easily make use of second language or a translator the overall effect of misunderstanding increase by large extent. In some cases, jokes, and figures can easily cause problem (Ferris et al. 2018). In this particular situation, an individual need to speak in slow and clear way. A clear handout in simple language can be considered to be most suitable way for avoiding any kind of misunderstanding.

Embracing Diversity in the Workplace

Meeting expectation: A local custom build is considered to be important for building relationship in various business meeting (Valaei et al. 2016). Canadians are considered to be clock watcher and also expect that every people to arrive on time. In Japanese custom, only the senior representative talk while others remain silent. In China, the business diners are inclusive of toast, so a proper pace with drink should be done.

Giving Gifts: It is an etiquette to give complex subject which can be difficult for mastering. In whole china, gift is expected to be norms and expected in some countries. But in some cases wrong gifts can be insulting in nature (Ribbink and Grimm, 2014). In US, it is illegal for national for bribing foreign officials but only legal gifts are allowed.

Organization in recent times can be directly be stated to be working in a manner which is quite similar. In this context it can be stated that there is different task which has to be conducted by the organization in order to do their working. Each of the task in the context can be stated to be very much linked with each other (Feijo et al. 2018). In this context of the working the project manager has one of the most vital role to play which is linked to the sector of working of the organization. hence it can be stated here that organization have a same level of expertise and it can be stated here that most of the areas which is linked to the sector of working is crucial in the sector of working.

It can be stated here that one of the strategy which can be implemented in the working of the organization is gaining of competitive advantage of the organization. Most of the organization try to gain competitive advantage in the different sector of working so that they can directly gain trust of the customer and they can directly indulgence in the service and the product of the organization. In most of the cases it can be stated that the sector of the working of the organization and the structure of the organization depends on the service and the product which would be available for the customer (Di Nicola et al. 2018). In this context it can be stated that the sales increase sector is one of the factor which is taken into consideration by most of the organization which is a part of the working of the organization. the working of the organization can be one of the domain which should be aligned with the requirement of the organization and it should be focused by the organization what are the need of the customers. If the organization does not take into consideration the requirement of the customer there cannot be any form of strategy implemented within the working of the organization. strategy can be stated as one of the factor which should be given the most focus due to the factor that there are different needs of the customers and meeting their demand would be one of the first priority of the customers. In most of the cases it can be stated that the requirement of the customers is very much flexible and a dedicated team should be engaged in the working so that they can get direct feedback from the customers relating to their need in order to improve their working.

Addressing Communication Barriers

Sometimes in the working of the organization there is an implementation of a strategy which can be stated to be very much crucial in the successfully completing the project. In most of the cases it can be stated that the overall working of the project is broken down into several parts which can be very much beneficial in the sector of the completion of the each of the parts in a proper manner (Ishiguro and Saito 2018). In the working of the project sometimes it can be stated that the overall team is broken down into different team and each of the team is assigned a dedicated part and role. In the section of working it can be stated that there is different working sector which should be focused so that a complex project can be easily be broken down into different sections.

Relating to the factor of the risk detection, it can be stated that there is a common framework which is maintained by most of the organization which is the implementation of risk matrix. The main feature which can be seen in the sector of the implementation of the risk matrix is basically in the domain of the identification of the risk factor before they actually possess any form of risk in the sector of working (Martin and Kiener 2017). The risk identification can be stated to be very much crucial due to the factor that risk can be stated as one of the factor which can directly impact the success factor of the project. On the other hand, it can be stated that the factor of risk identification is as crucial as implementation of a plan which is related to the sector mitigation of the risk. The sector of risk mitigation can be stated to be done in a manner so that the risk factor would not be included into the sector of working in the near future. The project manager in the context of the working can be stated to be playing a crucial role in the sector of working with the factor of risk. There are different role playing scenario which has to be focused from the end of the project manager relating to the plan of the mitigation which would be included into the sector of working of the project (Stock 2016). the overall alignment of the working of the organization should be done in a manner which would be directly included into the sector of working of the organization.

General Cultural Differences in the Workplace

The employee who would be needed into the sector of working of the different factor of the organization should be given appropriate training. The training in the sector of working of the organization should be given one of the most priority due to the factor that training would be helping an employee to get engaged in the different factor of working of the organization. In most of the organization it can be stated that there is various method of the training which can be implemented by an organization which would be majorly done from the end of the project manager. It can be stated here that most of the organization who engage in the different section of working can be considered to be having more competitive advantage.

In the working of the organization it can be stated that the role of the project manager is mainly fixed. In the sector of execution of the different process of the organization it can be stated that the project manager has the overall control of the different aspects of working of the different projects which are assigned to the organization. In this context it can be stated that there is various sector of implementation which are focused from the end of the organization relating to the different activity (Vveinhardt and Andriukaitiene 2015). The project manager has one of the important factor role which is related to the concept of the indulgence which is related to the cost and time factor of any project. It can be stated here that if there are any form of problem relating to the cost and time it should be the duty of the project manager to take control of the problem. The project in the context takes action according to the requirement which would be needed in the sector of retaining the project and the working which is related to the context. The various sector of mapping of the need of the organization are always aligned to the sector of working of the organization.

The proper working of the project can be stated as one of the factor which can directly drive the success factor of the project. In this context it can be stated that gaining of competitive advantage within the working of the organization can be gained only if there is a proper working sector included into the sector of working of the organization. If there are any form of structural issue seen within the concept of the working it should be taken care so that there are no problem seen in the sector of working. More and more requirement of the organization is taken into consideration in most of the sector and it should be focused that the sector of working is aligned to the sector of working of the organization and the making of the difference which is linked to the sector of requirement of the organization

Appreciating Cultural Values

The above discussion can be concluded on a note that the sector of the working of most of the organization are aligned in a similar manner which is directly linked to the gaining of competitive advantage of the organization. In most of the sector it can be stated that gathering of the requirement of the customer can be another factor which can be taken into consideration which would be playing an important role in the sector of working of the organization. At the end it can be stated that every organization which is prevailing and working have a common standard of operation and one of the most important factor which can be stated to be playing an important role in the sector of operation. Hence it can be stated that the engagement sector of most of the organization are considerably same and the alignment is almost same and in the sector of working of the organization are done according to the policy which are stated from the higher authority of the organization.


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